Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, Ls, idx):
     self.recordLines = Ls
     self.index = idx
     midpoint, radius = map(l2d, self.recordLines[:2])
     self.window = stypes.SPICEDOUBLE_CELL(2)
     spice.scard(0, self.window)
     spice.wninsd(midpoint - radius, midpoint + radius, self.window)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, ephem_directory_in):
     #load SPICE
         import spiceypy as spice
         import spiceypy.utils.support_types as stypes
         print("spiceypy not available")
     self.mySPICEdriver = SpiceHandler(ephem_directory_in)
     self.TDBFMT = 'DD-MON-YYYY HR:MN:SC.###### TDB ::TDB'
     self.start = 0
     self.stop = 0
     self.search_step_size = 120.0
     self.SPICE_search_window = stypes.SPICEDOUBLE_CELL(1000000)
     self.results_window = stypes.SPICEDOUBLE_CELL(1000000)
     self.observer = 'EARTH'
     self.target = 'SUN'
     self.target_body_shape = 'ELLIPSOID'
     self.target_frame = 'IAU_SUN'
     self.occulting_bodies = []
     self.aberration_correction = 'NONE'
     self.cumulative_results = {}
Ejemplo n.º 3
if "__main__" == __name__:
    # FURNSH the docstring above as a text kernel,
    # plus any other files on the command line,
    # and put values into kernel pool
    for arg in sys.argv:
    # Get pairs of ET endpoints from kernel pool
    pts = list(spice.gdpool('PAIR_TIMES', 0, 100))
    nPETs = len(pts)
    # Set or clear debug flag
        doDebug = True if spice.gcpool("DEBUG", 0, 1, 999)[0] else False
        doDebug = False
    # Allocate cell of SpiceDoubles
    pws = stypes.SPICEDOUBLE_CELL(nPETs)
    # Add ET endpoints to cell
    while pts:
        spice.appndd(pts.pop(), pws)
    # Convert those pairs of ET endpoints into confinement window
    pws = spice.wnvald(nPETs, nPETs, pws)
    assert (spice.wncard(pws) << 1) == nPETs
    pts = list(spice.gdpool('PAIR_TIMES', 0, 100))
    # Get the filename of, and read, the input XFR file
    filename = spice.gcpool("XPC_KERNEL", 0, 1, 999)[0]
    assert filename
    # Read transfer file as XpcFile object
    xpcFileIn = XpcFile(fnIn=filename)
    if doDebug:
        import pprint
def core():
    class SpiceVariables:
        obs = '-74'  # NAIF code for MEX
        target = 'MARS ODYSSEY'  # NAIF code for TGO ['EARTH'/'SUN'/ a groundstation etc]
        obsfrm = 'IAU_MARS'
        abcorr = 'NONE'
        crdsys = 'LATITUDINAL'
        coord = 'LATITUDE'
        stepsz = 100.0  # Check every 300 seconds if there is an occultation
        MAXILV = 100000  #Max number of occultations that can be returned by gfoclt
        bshape = 'POINT'
        fshape = 'DSK/UNPRIORITIZED'
        front = 'MARS'
        fframe = 'IAU_MARS'
        TFMT = 'YYYY-MM-DD HR:MN:SC'  # Format that Cosmographia understands

    sv = SpiceVariables()

    #-----------------------------------------------------<VALUES TO EDIT REGULARLY>----------------------------------------
    # If you only wish to analysis mutual [cross-link] occultation between MEX and TGO, then this is the only section that
    # needs to be edited
    start = '2020 MAR 1'
    stop = '2020 MAR 3'
    OCCSELECTION = 17  # Which occultation do you wish to see in Cosmographia? [optional]
    here = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))
    PathtoMetaKernel1 = here + '/TGO/krns/mk/em16_plan.tm'
    PathtoMetaKernel2 = here + '/MEX/krns/mk/MEX_OPS.tm'


    sv = SpiceVariables()

    # Setting Variables
    ingresslist = np.array([1.0], dtype=float)
    etbeg = spice.str2et(start)
    etend = spice.str2et(stop)

    # Form a windows that gfoclt can populate
    window = stypes.SPICEDOUBLE_CELL(2)
    spice.wninsd(etbeg, etend, window)
    occwindow = stypes.SPICEDOUBLE_CELL(sv.MAXILV)

    #find occultation windows between the dates listed above [ most comp cost in this function]
    spice.gfoclt('ANY', sv.front, sv.fshape, sv.fframe, sv.target, sv.bshape,
                 'J2000', sv.abcorr, sv.obs, sv.stepsz, window, occwindow)

    winsiz = spice.wncard(occwindow)  # Find cardinality (number of windows)

    #initialize lists to form dataframe
    lon, lat, dist, sza, angle = (np.ones(winsiz - 1) for i in range(5))

    # Enter the ingress epochs into a dataframe
    occlist = np.ones((winsiz, 3))
    for i in range(winsiz):
        [ingress, egress
         ] = spice.wnfetd(occwindow,
                          i)  # extract the begining and ends of the windows
        if i == 1:
            ingresslist = ingress
            ingresslist = np.append(ingresslist, [ingress])

    occs = pd.DataFrame(ingresslist, columns=['Time'])
    occ = occs.Time[OCCSELECTION]

    return occ

# sv = main.SpiceVariables()
# occ = core()
#print("strange result:", occ)

# #print(result)

# #form the dataframe
# length = 120
# occs = pd.DataFrame(ingresslist, columns=['Time'])
# residualdoppler = np.zeros(length)
# velocitydoppler = np.zeros(length)
# RESIDUALSUM = np.zeros(length)
# #Calculate the residual doppler as the sum of the neutral and ionosphere
# tic  = timer.perf_counter()
# for time in tqdm(range(length)): #begin time at occultation epoch and go to 2 mins pior

#     ray, dist, totalperiods, remainingdistance = main.producegeometrylamda(occs.Time[OCCSELECTION], sv, time*8)# Produce geometry in wavelenghts to investigate electric distance

#     _,_,_,_, alt = main.Location(occs.Time[OCCSELECTION], sv, time*8)

#     ionoresidual = atmosphere.iono(ray[2,:],totalperiods)
#     neutralresidual = atmosphere.neutral(ray[2,:],totalperiods)
#     residual = 1 + (ionoresidual + neutralresidual)

#     # plt.plot(range(totalperiods),residual[0,:])
#     # plt.title("Refractive Index through Propergation of Ray")
#     # plt.xlabel("MEX->TGO distance (km)")
#     # plt.ylabel("Refractive Index")
#     # plt.show()

#     # account for the plus 1

#     [electricdistance, geometric, resdopplershift] = main.doppler(residual, totalperiods, dist, remainingdistance)
#     miss = electricdistance - dist + remainingdistance # a possitive number as electric distance is greater that geometric due to iono
#     howwrongurcodeis = geometric - dist # is this purly due to rounding of that 9945 (each 1 is ~685 m)
#     residualdoppler[time] = resdopplershift

#     #find the geometric doppler too UNTESTED MODULE
#     sc2scstates = spice.spkezr(sv.target, (occs.Time[OCCSELECTION] - time*8), sv.fframe, 'LT+S', sv.obs)
#     velocityvector = sc2scstates[0][3:6]
#     velocityvector = velocityvector[0:3]
#     positionalvector =  sc2scstates[0][0:3]
#     positionalvector = positionalvector[0:3]
#     velocityangle = spice.vsep( positionalvector, velocityvector) #rads
#     relativevelocity = np.linalg.norm(velocityvector) * np.cos(velocityangle)
#     geometricdopplershift = -(relativevelocity/constants.c) * 437.1e6
#     velocitydoppler[time] = geometricdopplershift *1000 # becuase spice is in km and c is in m

# toc = timer.perf_counter()
# passingtime = toc-tic
# print('elapsed time in seconds:', passingtime)
# noise = np.random.normal(0,50,velocitydoppler.shape)
# RESIDUALSUM = residualdoppler + velocitydoppler + noise

# fig, ax = plt.subplots(3)
# ax[0].plot(range(-960,0,8),velocitydoppler[: : -1] )
# ax[0].set_title('Geometric', loc='left')
# ax[0].set_xlabel('Time after Occ (s)')
# ax[0].set_ylabel('Doppler Shift (Hz)')
# ax[1].plot(range(-960,0,8),residualdoppler[: : -1] )
# ax[1].set_title('Residual', loc='left')
# ax[1].set_xlabel('Time after Occ (s)')
# ax[1].set_ylabel('Doppler Shift (Hz)')
# ax[2].plot(range(-960,0,8),RESIDUALSUM[: : -1])
# ax[2].set_title('Product + Noise', loc='left')
# ax[2].set_xlabel('Time to Horizon Epoch (s)')
# ax[2].set_ylabel('Doppler Shift (Hz)')
# plt.show()

# #then add noise
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_empty_spice_cell_slicing():
    test_cell = stypes.SPICEDOUBLE_CELL(1)
    assert test_cell[0:1] == []
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def spk_coverage(self, path, id=-5440):
     """Get start and end ephemeris times for a SPK file."""
     coverage = stypes.SPICEDOUBLE_CELL(2)
     spice.spkcov(path, id, coverage)
     return spice.wnfetd(coverage, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_EmptySpiceCellSlicing():
    testCell = stypes.SPICEDOUBLE_CELL(1)
    assert testCell[0:1] == []
#     positionalvector = positionalvector[0:3]
#     velocityangle = spice.vsep( positionalvector, velocityvector) #rads
#     relativevelocity = np.linalg.norm(velocityvector) * np.cos(velocityangle)

#     geometricdopplershift[time] = -(relativevelocity/constants.c) * 437.1e9 #conversion from km to m

# pd.DataFrame(geometricdopplershift).to_csv("geometricdopplershift.csv")

# Setting Variables
ingresslist = np.array([1.0], dtype=float)
egresslist = np.array([1.0], dtype=float)
etbeg = spice.str2et(start)
etend = spice.str2et(stop)

# Form a windows that gfoclt can populate
window = stypes.SPICEDOUBLE_CELL(2)
spice.wninsd(etbeg, etend, window)
occwindow = stypes.SPICEDOUBLE_CELL(sv.MAXILV)

# find occultation windows between the dates listed above [ most comp cost in this function]
spice.gfoclt('ANY', sv.front, sv.fshape, sv.fframe, sv.target, sv.bshape, '',
             sv.abcorr, sv.obs, sv.stepsz, window, occwindow)

winsiz = spice.wncard(occwindow)  # Find cardinality (number of windows)

# initialize lists to form dataframe
lon, lat, dist, sza, angle = (np.ones(winsiz - 1) for i in range(5))

# Enter the ingress epochs into a dataframe
occlist = np.ones((winsiz, 3))
for i in range(winsiz):