Ejemplo n.º 1
 def states(self, state_iter):
     if state_iter is not None:
         state = bundle(state_iter)
         self.c, self.h = state.c, state.h
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def run(self, inp_transitions, run_internal_parser=False, use_internal_parser=False, validate_transitions=True):
        transition_loss = None
        transition_acc = 0.0
        num_transitions = inp_transitions.shape[1]

        # Transition Loop
        # ===============

        for t_step in range(num_transitions):
            transitions = inp_transitions[:, t_step]
            transition_arr = list(transitions)
            sub_batch_size = len(transition_arr)

            # A mask to select all non-SKIP transitions.
            cant_skip = np.array([t != T_SKIP for t in transitions])

            # Remember important details from this time step.
            self.memory = {}

            # Run if:
            # A. We have a tracking component and,
            # B. There is at least one transition that will not be skipped.
            if hasattr(self, 'tracker') and (self.use_skips or sum(cant_skip) > 0):

                # Prepare tracker input.
                    top_buf = bundle(buf[-1] for buf in self.bufs)
                    top_stack_1 = bundle(stack[-1] for stack in self.stacks)
                    top_stack_2 = bundle(stack[-2] for stack in self.stacks)
                    # To elaborate on this exception, when cropping examples it is possible
                    # that your first 1 or 2 actions is a reduce action. It is unclear if this
                    # is a bug in cropping or a bug in how we think about cropping. In the meantime,
                    # turn on the truncate batch flag, and set the eval_seq_length very high.
                    raise NotImplementedError("Warning: You are probably trying to encode examples"
                          "with cropped transitions. Although, this is a reasonable"
                          "feature, when predicting/validating transitions, you"
                          "probably will not get the behavior that you expect. Disable"
                          "this exception if you dare.")
                    # Uncomment to handle weirdly placed actions like discussed in the above exception.
                    # =========
                    # zeros = to_gpu(Variable(torch.from_numpy(
                    #     np.zeros(self.bufs[0][0].size(), dtype=np.float32)),
                    #     volatile=self.bufs[0][0].volatile))
                    # top_buf = bundle(buf[-1] for buf in self.bufs)
                    # top_stack_1 = bundle(stack[-1] if len(stack) > 0 else zeros for stack in self.stacks)
                    # top_stack_2 = bundle(stack[-2] if len(stack) > 1 else zeros for stack in self.stacks)

                # Get hidden output from the tracker. Used to predict transitions.
                tracker_h, tracker_c = self.tracker(top_buf, top_stack_1, top_stack_2)

                if hasattr(self, 'transition_net'):
                    transition_output = self.transition_net(tracker_h)

                if hasattr(self, 'transition_net') and run_internal_parser:

                    # Predict Actions
                    # ===============

                    t_logits = F.log_softmax(transition_output)
                    t_given = transitions
                    # TODO: Mask before predicting. This should simplify things and reduce computation.
                    # The downside is that in the Action Phase, need to be smarter about which stacks/bufs
                    # are selected.
                    transition_preds = self.predict_actions(transition_output, cant_skip)

                    # Constrain to valid actions
                    # ==========================

                    if validate_transitions:
                        transition_preds = self.validate(transition_arr, transition_preds, self.stacks, self.bufs)

                    t_preds = transition_preds

                    # Indices of examples that have a transition.
                    t_mask = np.arange(sub_batch_size)

                    # Filter to non-SKIP values
                    # =========================

                    if not self.use_skips:
                        t_preds = t_preds[cant_skip]
                        t_given = t_given[cant_skip]
                        t_mask = t_mask[cant_skip]

                        # Be careful when filtering distributions. These values are used to
                        # calculate loss and need to be used in backprop.
                        index = (cant_skip * np.arange(cant_skip.shape[0]))[cant_skip]
                        index = to_gpu(Variable(torch.from_numpy(index).long(), volatile=t_logits.volatile))
                        t_logits = torch.index_select(t_logits, 0, index)

                    # Memories
                    # ========
                    # Keep track of key values to determine accuracy and loss.
                    # (optional) Filter to only non-skipped transitions. When filtering values
                    # that will be backpropagated over, be careful that gradient flow isn't broken.

                    # Actual transition predictions. Used to measure transition accuracy.
                    self.memory["t_preds"] = t_preds

                    # Distribution of transitions use to calculate transition loss.
                    self.memory["t_logits"] = t_logits

                    # Given transitions.
                    self.memory["t_given"] = t_given

                    # Record step index.
                    self.memory["t_mask"] = t_mask

                    # TODO: Write tests to make sure memories look right in the various settings.

                    # If this FLAG is set, then use the predicted actions rather than the given.
                    if use_internal_parser:
                        transition_arr = transition_preds.tolist()

            # Pre-Action Phase
            # ================

            # For SHIFT
            s_stacks, s_tops, s_trackings, s_idxs = [], [], [], []

            # For REDUCE
            r_stacks, r_lefts, r_rights, r_trackings, r_idxs = [], [], [], [], []

            batch = zip(transition_arr, self.bufs, self.stacks,
                        self.tracker.states if hasattr(self, 'tracker') and self.tracker.h is not None
                        else itertools.repeat(None))

            for batch_idx, (transition, buf, stack, tracking) in enumerate(batch):
                if transition == T_SHIFT: # shift
                    self.t_shift(buf, stack, tracking, s_tops, s_trackings)
                elif transition == T_REDUCE: # reduce
                    self.t_reduce(buf, stack, tracking, r_lefts, r_rights, r_trackings)
                elif transition == T_SKIP: # skip

            # Action Phase
            # ============

            self.shift_phase(s_tops, s_trackings, s_stacks, s_idxs)
            self.shift_phase_hook(s_tops, s_trackings, s_stacks, s_idxs)
            self.reduce_phase(r_lefts, r_rights, r_trackings, r_stacks)
            self.reduce_phase_hook(r_lefts, r_rights, r_trackings, r_stacks, r_idxs=r_idxs)

            # Memory Phase
            # ============


        # Loss Phase
        # ==========

        if hasattr(self, 'tracker') and hasattr(self, 'transition_net'):
            t_preds, t_logits, t_given, _ = self.get_statistics()

            # We compute accuracy and loss after all transitions have complete,
            # since examples can have different lengths when not using skips.
            transition_acc = (t_preds == t_given).sum() / float(t_preds.shape[0])
            transition_loss = nn.NLLLoss()(t_logits, to_gpu(Variable(
                torch.from_numpy(t_given), volatile=t_logits.volatile)))
            transition_loss *= self.transition_weight


        if self.debug:
            assert all(len(stack) == 3 for stack in self.stacks), \
                "Stacks should be fully reduced and have 3 elements: " \
                "two zeros and the sentence encoding."
            assert all(len(buf) == 1 for buf in self.bufs), \
                "Stacks should be fully shifted and have 1 zero."

        return [stack[-1] for stack in self.stacks], transition_acc, transition_loss
Ejemplo n.º 3
def init_model(
    # Choose model.
    logger.Log("Building model.")
    if FLAGS.model_type == "CBOW":
        build_model = spinn.cbow.build_model
    elif FLAGS.model_type == "RNN":
        build_model = spinn.plain_rnn.build_model
    elif FLAGS.model_type == "SPINN":
        build_model = spinn.spinn_core_model.build_model
    elif FLAGS.model_type == "RLSPINN":
        build_model = spinn.rl_spinn.build_model
    elif FLAGS.model_type == "ChoiPyramid":
        build_model = spinn.choi_pyramid.build_model
    elif FLAGS.model_type == "Maillard":
        build_model = spinn.maillard_pyramid.build_model
    elif FLAGS.model_type == "LMS":
        build_model = spinn.lms.build_model
        raise NotImplementedError

    # Input Encoder.
    context_args = Args()
    if FLAGS.model_type == "LMS":
        intermediate_dim = FLAGS.model_dim * FLAGS.model_dim
        intermediate_dim = FLAGS.model_dim

    if FLAGS.encode == "projection":
        context_args.reshape_input = lambda x, batch_size, seq_length: x
        context_args.reshape_context = lambda x, batch_size, seq_length: x
        encoder = Linear()(FLAGS.word_embedding_dim, intermediate_dim)
        context_args.input_dim = intermediate_dim
    elif FLAGS.encode == "gru":
        context_args.reshape_input = lambda x, batch_size, seq_length: x.view(
            batch_size, seq_length, -1)
        context_args.reshape_context = lambda x, batch_size, seq_length: x.view(
            batch_size * seq_length, -1)
        context_args.input_dim = intermediate_dim
        encoder = EncodeGRU(FLAGS.word_embedding_dim, intermediate_dim,
                            mix=(FLAGS.model_type != "CBOW"))
    elif FLAGS.encode == "attn":
        context_args.reshape_input = lambda x, batch_size, seq_length: x.view(
            batch_size, seq_length, -1)
        context_args.reshape_context = lambda x, batch_size, seq_length: x.view(
            batch_size * seq_length, -1)
        context_args.input_dim = intermediate_dim
        encoder = IntraAttention(FLAGS.word_embedding_dim, intermediate_dim)
    elif FLAGS.encode == "pass":
        context_args.reshape_input = lambda x, batch_size, seq_length: x
        context_args.reshape_context = lambda x, batch_size, seq_length: x
        context_args.input_dim = FLAGS.word_embedding_dim
        def encoder(x): return x
        raise NotImplementedError

    context_args.encoder = encoder

    # Composition Function.
    composition_args = Args()
    composition_args.lateral_tracking = FLAGS.lateral_tracking
    composition_args.tracking_ln = FLAGS.tracking_ln
    composition_args.use_tracking_in_composition = FLAGS.use_tracking_in_composition
    composition_args.size = FLAGS.model_dim
    composition_args.tracker_size = FLAGS.tracking_lstm_hidden_dim
    composition_args.use_internal_parser = FLAGS.use_internal_parser
    composition_args.transition_weight = FLAGS.transition_weight
    composition_args.wrap_items = lambda x: torch.cat(x, 0)
    composition_args.extract_h = lambda x: x

    if FLAGS.reduce == "treelstm":
        assert FLAGS.model_dim % 2 == 0, 'model_dim must be an even number.'
        assert FLAGS.model_type != 'LMS', 'Must use reduce=lms for LMS.'
        if FLAGS.model_dim != FLAGS.word_embedding_dim:
            print('If you are setting different hidden layer and word '
                  'embedding sizes, make sure you specify an encoder')
        composition_args.wrap_items = lambda x: bundle(x)
        composition_args.extract_h = lambda x: x.h
        composition_args.extract_c = lambda x: x.c
        composition_args.size = FLAGS.model_dim // 2
        composition = ReduceTreeLSTM(
            FLAGS.model_dim // 2,
    elif FLAGS.reduce == "tanh":
        class ReduceTanh(nn.Module):
            def forward(self, lefts, rights, tracking=None):
                batch_size = len(lefts)
                ret = torch.cat(lefts, 0) + F.tanh(torch.cat(rights, 0))
                return torch.chunk(ret, batch_size, 0)
        composition = ReduceTanh()
    elif FLAGS.reduce == "treegru":
        composition = ReduceTreeGRU(FLAGS.model_dim,
    elif FLAGS.reduce == "lms":
        composition_args.wrap_items = lambda x: bundle(x)
        composition_args.extract_h = lambda x: x.h
        composition_args.extract_c = lambda x: x.c
        composition_args.size = FLAGS.model_dim
        composition = ReduceTensor(FLAGS.model_dim)
        raise NotImplementedError

    composition_args.composition = composition

    model = build_model(data_manager, initial_embeddings, vocab_size,
                        num_classes, FLAGS, context_args, composition_args)

    # Debug
    def set_debug(self):
        self.debug = FLAGS.debug

    # Print model size.
    logger.Log("Architecture: {}".format(model))
    if logfile_header:
        logfile_header.model_architecture = str(model)
    total_params = sum([reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, w.size(), 1.0)
                        for w in model.parameters()])
    logger.Log("Total params: {}".format(total_params))
    if logfile_header:
        logfile_header.total_params = int(total_params)

    return model
Ejemplo n.º 4
def init_model(
    # Choose model.
    logger.Log("Building model.")
    if FLAGS.model_type == "CBOW":
        build_model = spinn.cbow.build_model
    elif FLAGS.model_type == "RNN":
        build_model = spinn.plain_rnn.build_model
    elif FLAGS.model_type == "SPINN":
        build_model = spinn.spinn_core_model.build_model
    elif FLAGS.model_type == "RLSPINN":
        build_model = spinn.rl_spinn.build_model
    elif FLAGS.model_type == "Pyramid":
        build_model = spinn.pyramid.build_model
        raise NotImplementedError

    # Input Encoder.
    context_args = Args()
    context_args.reshape_input = lambda x, batch_size, seq_length: x
    context_args.reshape_context = lambda x, batch_size, seq_length: x
    context_args.input_dim = FLAGS.word_embedding_dim

    if FLAGS.encode == "projection":
        encoder = Linear()(FLAGS.word_embedding_dim, FLAGS.model_dim)
    elif FLAGS.encode == "gru":
        context_args.reshape_input = lambda x, batch_size, seq_length: x.view(
            batch_size, seq_length, -1)
        context_args.reshape_context = lambda x, batch_size, seq_length: x.view(
            batch_size * seq_length, -1)
        context_args.input_dim = FLAGS.model_dim
        encoder = EncodeGRU(FLAGS.word_embedding_dim, FLAGS.model_dim,
    elif FLAGS.encode == "attn":
        context_args.reshape_input = lambda x, batch_size, seq_length: x.view(
            batch_size, seq_length, -1)
        context_args.reshape_context = lambda x, batch_size, seq_length: x.view(
            batch_size * seq_length, -1)
        context_args.input_dim = FLAGS.model_dim
        encoder = IntraAttention(FLAGS.word_embedding_dim, FLAGS.model_dim)
    elif FLAGS.encode == "pass":
        def encoder(x): return x
        raise NotImplementedError

    context_args.encoder = encoder

    # Composition Function.
    composition_args = Args()
    composition_args.lateral_tracking = FLAGS.lateral_tracking
    composition_args.tracking_ln = FLAGS.tracking_ln
    composition_args.use_tracking_in_composition = FLAGS.use_tracking_in_composition
    composition_args.size = FLAGS.model_dim
    composition_args.tracker_size = FLAGS.tracking_lstm_hidden_dim
    composition_args.use_internal_parser = FLAGS.use_internal_parser
    composition_args.transition_weight = FLAGS.transition_weight
    composition_args.wrap_items = lambda x: torch.cat(x, 0)
    composition_args.extract_h = lambda x: x
    composition_args.extract_c = None

    composition_args.detach = FLAGS.transition_detach
    composition_args.evolution = FLAGS.evolution

    if FLAGS.reduce == "treelstm":
        assert FLAGS.model_dim % 2 == 0, 'model_dim must be an even number.'
        if FLAGS.model_dim != FLAGS.word_embedding_dim:
            print('If you are setting different hidden layer and word '
                  'embedding sizes, make sure you specify an encoder')
        composition_args.wrap_items = lambda x: bundle(x)
        composition_args.extract_h = lambda x: x.h
        composition_args.extract_c = lambda x: x.c
        composition_args.size = FLAGS.model_dim / 2
        composition = ReduceTreeLSTM(FLAGS.model_dim / 2,
    elif FLAGS.reduce == "tanh":
        class ReduceTanh(nn.Module):
            def forward(self, lefts, rights, tracking=None):
                batch_size = len(lefts)
                ret = torch.cat(lefts, 0) + F.tanh(torch.cat(rights, 0))
                return torch.chunk(ret, batch_size, 0)
        composition = ReduceTanh()
    elif FLAGS.reduce == "treegru":
        composition = ReduceTreeGRU(FLAGS.model_dim,
        raise NotImplementedError

    composition_args.composition = composition

    model = build_model(data_manager, initial_embeddings, vocab_size,
                        num_classes, FLAGS, context_args, composition_args)

    # Build optimizer.
    if FLAGS.optimizer_type == "Adam":
        optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=FLAGS.learning_rate,
                               betas=(0.9, 0.999), eps=1e-08)
    elif FLAGS.optimizer_type == "RMSprop":
        optimizer = optim.RMSprop(model.parameters(), lr=FLAGS.learning_rate, eps=1e-08)
        raise NotImplementedError

    # Build trainer.
    if FLAGS.evolution:
        trainer = ModelTrainer_ES(model, optimizer)
        trainer = ModelTrainer(model, optimizer)

    # Print model size.
    logger.Log("Architecture: {}".format(model))
    if logfile_header:
        logfile_header.model_architecture = str(model)
    total_params = sum([reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, w.size(), 1.0) for w in model.parameters()])
    logger.Log("Total params: {}".format(total_params))
    if logfile_header:
        logfile_header.total_params = int(total_params)

    return model, optimizer, trainer