Ejemplo n.º 1
		def _gen_approx(f, n, constraints):		
			nf = float(n)
			waypoints = matrix([f(float(i) / nf) for i in range(n+1)]).transpose()
			if constraints == None:
				return bezier(waypoints)
				return bezier(waypoints, constraints)
def __check_trajectory(p0, p1, p2, p3, T, H, mass, g, time_step=0.1, dL=allZeros):
    if time_step < 0:
        time_step = 0.01
    resolution = int(T / time_step)
    wps = [p0, p1, p2, p3]
    wps = matrix([pi.tolist() for pi in wps]).transpose()
    c_t = bezier(wps)
    ddc_t = c_t.compute_derivate(2)

    def c_tT(t):
        return asarray(c_t(t / T)).flatten()

    def ddc_tT(t):
        return 1. / (T * T) * asarray(ddc_t(t / T)).flatten()

    def dL_tT(t):
        return 1. / (T) * asarray(dL(t / T)).flatten()

    for i in range(resolution):
        t = T * float(i) / float(resolution)
        if not (is_stable(H, c=c_tT(t), ddc=ddc_tT(t), dL=dL_tT(t), m=mass, g_vec=g, robustness=-0.00001)):
            if t > 0.1:
                raise ValueError("trajectory is not stale ! at ", t)
                              dL=asarray(dL(t / T)).flatten(),
                print("failed at 0")
Ejemplo n.º 3
def __Bezier(wps, init_acc = [0.,0.,0.], end_acc = [0.,0.,0.], init_vel = [0.,0.,0.], end_vel = [0.,0.,0.]):
    c = curve_constraints();
    c.init_vel = matrix(init_vel);
    c.end_vel  = matrix(end_vel);
    c.init_acc = matrix(init_acc);
    c.end_acc  = matrix(end_acc);
    matrix_bezier = matrix(wps).transpose()
    curve =  bezier(matrix_bezier, c)
    return __curveToWps(curve), curve
Ejemplo n.º 4
def bezier_traj(cs_ddcs, init_dc_ddc = (zero3,zero3), end_dc_ddc = (zero3,zero3)):
	assert len(cs_ddcs) >= 2, "cannot create com trajectory with less than 2 points"
	#creating waypoints for curve	
	waypoints = matrix([ c	for (c,_) in cs_ddcs]).transpose()
	c = curve_constraints();
	c.init_vel = matrix(init_dc_ddc[0]);
	c.end_vel  = matrix(end_dc_ddc[0]);
	c.init_acc = matrix(init_dc_ddc[1]);
	c.end_acc  = matrix(end_dc_ddc[1]);
	c_t = bezier(waypoints, c)
	return __compute_c_ddc_t(c_t), c_t
Ejemplo n.º 5
def bezier_traj(cs_ddcs, m=54., g_vec=array([0., 0., -9.81]), mu=0.6):
    assert len(
        cs_ddcs) >= 2, "cannot create com trajectory with less than 2 points"
    #creating waypoints for curve

    waypoints = matrix([
        compute_w(c, ddc, m=m, g_vec=g_vec) for (c, ddc) in cs_ddcs
    print "waypoints", waypoints
    w1_t = bezier(waypoints)
    #~ return w1_t
    #~ return __compute_c_t(w1_t, cs_ddcs[0][0], g_vec)
    return __compute_c_ddc_t(w1_t, cs_ddcs[0][0], cs_ddcs[-1][0], m, g_vec)
    return w1_t
Ejemplo n.º 6
def __compute_c_t(b_curve, c_0, c_end, g_vec):
    wc_t = b_curve.compute_primitive(2)
    delta_ = c_0 - wc_t(0.)[0:3, :]  #make sure c_0 is reached
    c_end_offset = c_end - g_vec / 2. - delta_
    wps = wc_t.waypoints()
    wps[0:3, -1] = c_end_offset
    wc_t = bezier(wps)

    def c_of_t(t):
        print "wc_t, ", wc_t(0.)[0:3, :]
        print "c_0, ", c_0
        print "delta, ", delta_
        print "wc_t(t), ", wc_t(t)[0:3, :]
        print "g_vec, ", g_vec
        return asarray(delta_ + wc_t(t)[0:3, :] +
                       0.5 * g_vec * t * t).flatten()

    return c_of_t, wc_t
Ejemplo n.º 7
    return v.reshape([-1, 1])

def m2v(m):
    return v.flatten()

def m2l(m):
    return m.flatten().tolist()

from spline import bezier
import time

waypoints = array([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]]).transpose()
a = bezier(waypoints, 3.)

def update():
    print project(hyq)
    q_ik = getConfig(hyq)
    #~ setConfig(hyq, q_ik)
    q = m2l(q_ik)
    return q

def followtraj(ikHelper, fram_traj_list, maintain_constraints):
    init_clock = time.clock()
    timer = 0
Ejemplo n.º 8
from spline import bezier, bezier6, polynom, exact_cubic, curve_constraints, spline_deriv_constraint

from numpy import matrix
from numpy.linalg import norm

waypoints = matrix([[1.,2.,3.],[4.,5.,6.]]).transpose()
waypoints6 = matrix([[1.,2.,3.,7.,5.,5.],[4.,5.,6.,4.,5.,6.]]).transpose()
time_waypoints = matrix([0.,1.])

#testing bezier curve
a = bezier6(waypoints6)
a = bezier(waypoints, -1., 3.)

assert(a.degree == a.nbWaypoints -1)
assert((a.derivate(0.4,0) == a(0.4)).all())
a = a.compute_derivate(100)

prim = a.compute_primitive(1)

for i in range(10):
	t = float(i) / 10.
	assert(a(t) == prim.derivate(t,1)).all()
assert(prim(0) == matrix([0.,0.,0.])).all()

prim = a.compute_primitive(2)
for i in range(10):
	t = float(i) / 10.
def test_continuous_cpp_vs_continuous_py(N_CONTACTS = 2, solver='qpoases', verb=0):
    DO_PLOTS = False;
    PLOT_3D = False;
    mu = 0.5;           # friction coefficient
    lx = 0.1;           # half foot size in x direction
    ly = 0.07;          # half foot size in y direction
    #First, generate a contact configuration
    CONTACT_POINT_UPPER_BOUNDS = [ 0.5,  0.5,  0.5];
    CONTACT_POINT_LOWER_BOUNDS = [-0.5, -0.5,  0.0];
    gamma = atan(mu);   # half friction cone angle
    RPY_LOWER_BOUNDS = [-2*gamma, -2*gamma, -pi];
    RPY_UPPER_BOUNDS = [+2*gamma, +2*gamma, +pi];
    global mass
    global g_vector
    X_MARG = 0.07;
    Y_MARG = 0.07;
    succeeded = False;
    while(not succeeded):
        (p, N) = generate_contacts(N_CONTACTS, lx, ly, mu, CONTACT_POINT_LOWER_BOUNDS, CONTACT_POINT_UPPER_BOUNDS, 
                                   RPY_LOWER_BOUNDS, RPY_UPPER_BOUNDS, MIN_CONTACT_DISTANCE, False);
        X_LB = np.min(p[:,0]-X_MARG);
        X_UB = np.max(p[:,0]+X_MARG);
        Y_LB = np.min(p[:,1]-Y_MARG);
        Y_UB = np.max(p[:,1]+Y_MARG);
        Z_LB = np.max(p[:,2]+0.3);
        Z_UB = np.max(p[:,2]+1.5);
        #~ (H,h) = compute_GIWC(p, N, mu, False);     
        H = -compute_CWC(p, N, mass, mu); h = zeros(H.shape[0])
        (succeeded, c0) = find_static_equilibrium_com(mass, [X_LB, Y_LB, Z_LB], [X_UB, Y_UB, Z_UB], H, h);
    dc0 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=3); 
    Z_MIN = np.max(p[:,2])-0.1;
    Ineq_kin = zeros([3,3]); Ineq_kin[2,2] = -1
    ineq_kin = zeros(3); ineq_kin[2] = -Z_MIN
    bezierSolver = BezierZeroStepCapturability("ss", c0, dc0, p, N, mu, g_vector, mass, verb=verb, solver=solver, kinematic_constraints = [Ineq_kin,ineq_kin ]);
    eqCpp = Equilibrium("dyn_eq2", mass, 4) 
    #~ bezierSolver = BezierZeroStepCapturability("ss", c0, dc0, p, N, mu, g_vector, mass, verb=verb, solver=solver, kinematic_constraints = None);
    #~ stabilitySolver = StabilityCriterion("ss", c0, dc0, p, N, mu, g_vector, mass, verb=verb, solver=solver);
    window_times = [1]+ [0.1*i for i in range(1,10)] + [0.1*i for i in range(11,21)] #try nominal time first
    #~ window_times =  [0.2*i for i in range(1,5)] + [0.2*i for i in range(6,11)] #try nominal time first
    #~ window_times = [1]+ [0.4*i for i in range(1,4)] #try nominal time first
    #~ window_times = [1]+ [0.4*i for i in range(3,6)] #try nominal time first
    #~ window_times = [0.7]
    found = False
    time_step_check = -0.2
    for i, el in enumerate(window_times):
        if (found):
        res = bezierSolver.can_I_stop(T=el, time_step = time_step_check);
        if (res.is_stable):
            found = True
            #~ print "continuous found at ", el
            __check_trajectory(bezierSolver._p0, bezierSolver._p1, res.c, res.c, el, bezierSolver._H, 
                               bezierSolver._mass, bezierSolver._g, time_step = time_step_check, dL = bezier(matrix([p_i.tolist() for p_i in res.wpsdL]).transpose()))
            if i != 0:
                print "continuous Failed to stop at 1, but managed to stop at ", el
    found = False
    time_step_check = 0.05
    for i, el in enumerate(window_times):
        if (found):
        res2 = bezierSolver.can_I_stop(T=el, time_step = time_step_check, l0 = zeros(3));
        if (res2.is_stable):
            found = True
            #~ print "ang_momentum found at ", el
            __check_trajectory(bezierSolver._p0, bezierSolver._p1, res2.c, res2.c, el, bezierSolver._H,
                               #~ bezierSolver._mass, bezierSolver._g, time_step = time_step_check, dL = res2.dL_of_t)
                               bezierSolver._mass, bezierSolver._g, time_step = time_step_check, dL =  bezier(matrix([p_i.tolist() for p_i in res2.wpsdL]).transpose()))
            if i != 0:
                print "ang_momentum Failed to stop at 1, but managed to stop at ", el
    #~ res2 = None
    #~ try:
        #~ res2 = stabilitySolver.can_I_stop();
    #~ except Exception as e:
        #~ pass
    if(res2.is_stable != res.is_stable ):
			print "continuous won"
			print "ang_momentum won"
    return res2.is_stable, res.is_stable, res2, res, c0, dc0, H, h, p, N
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def can_I_stop(self,
        ''' Determine whether the system can come to a stop without changing contacts.
            Keyword arguments:
              c0 -- initial CoM position 
              dc0 -- initial CoM velocity              
              T -- the EXACT given time to stop
              time_step -- if negative, a continuous resolution is used 
              to guarantee that the trajectory is feasible. If > 0, then
              used a discretized approach to validate trajectory. This allows
              to have control points outside the cone, which is supposed to increase the 
              solution space.
              l0 : if equals None, angular momentum is not considered and set to 0. Else
              it becomes a variable of the problem and l0 is the initial angular momentum
              asLp : If true, problem is solved as an LP. If false, solved as a qp that
              minimizes distance to original point (weight of 0.001) and angular momentum if applies (weight of 1.)
            Output: An object containing the following member variables:
              is_stable -- boolean value
              c -- final com position
              dc -- final com velocity. [WARNING] if is_stable is False, not used
              ddc_min -- [WARNING] Not relevant (used)
              t -- always T (Bezier curve)
              computation_time -- time taken to solve all the LPs
              c_of_t, dc_of_t, ddc_of_t: trajectories and derivatives in function of the time
              dL_of_t : trajectory of the angular momentum along time
              wps  : waypoints of the solution bezier curve c*(s)
              wpsL : waypoints of the solution angular momentum curve   L*(s) Zero if no angular mementum
              wpsdL : waypoints of the solution angular momentum curve dL*(s) Zero if no angular mementum
        if T <= 0.:
            raise ValueError('T cannot be lesser than 0')
            print "\n *** [WARNING] In bezier step capturability: you set a T_0 or MAX_ITER value, but they are not used by the algorithm"
        if MAX_ITER != None:
            print "\n *** [WARNING] In bezier step capturability: you set a T_0 or MAX_ITER value, but they are not used by the algorithm"
        if (c0 is not None):
            assert np.asarray(c0).squeeze().shape[0] == 3, "CoM has not size 3"
            self._c0 = np.asarray(c0).squeeze().copy()
        if (dc0 is not None):
            assert np.asarray(
                dc0).squeeze().shape[0] == 3, "CoM velocity has not size 3"
            self._dc0 = np.asarray(dc0).squeeze().copy()
        if ((c0 is not None) or (dc0 is not None)):
            init_bezier(self._c0, self._dc0, self._n)
        ''' Solve the linear program
         minimize    c' x
         subject to  Alb <= A_in x <= Aub
                     A_eq x = b
                     lb <= x <= ub
        Return a tuple containing:
            status flag
            primal solution
            dual solution
        use_angular_momentum = l0 != None
        # for the moment c is random stuff.
        dim_pb = 6 if use_angular_momentum else 3
        c = zeros(dim_pb)
        c[2] = -1
        wps = self.compute_6d_control_point_inequalities(T, time_step, l0)
        status, x, cost, comp_time = self._solve(dim_pb, l0, asLp)
        is_stable = status == LP_status.LP_STATUS_OPTIMAL
        wps = [self._p0, self._p1, x[:3], x[:3]]
        wpsL = [
            zeros(3) if not use_angular_momentum else l0[:],
            zeros(3) if not use_angular_momentum else x[-3:],
        wpsdL = [3 * (wpsL[1] - wpsL[0]), 3 * (-wpsL[1]),
        c_of_s = bezier(matrix([pi.tolist() for pi in wps]).transpose())
        dc_of_s = c_of_s.compute_derivate(1)
        ddc_of_s = c_of_s.compute_derivate(2)
        dL_of_s = bezier(matrix([pi.tolist() for pi in wpsdL]).transpose())
        L_of_s = bezier(matrix([pi.tolist() for pi in wpsL]).transpose())

        return Bunch(is_stable=is_stable,
                     c_of_t=c_of_t(c_of_s, T),
                     dc_of_t=dc_of_t(dc_of_s, T),
                     ddc_of_t=c_of_t(ddc_of_s, T),
                     dL_of_t=dc_of_t(dL_of_s, T),
                     L_of_t=c_of_t(L_of_s, T),
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_all(self):
        waypoints = matrix([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]]).transpose()
        waypoints6 = matrix([[1., 2., 3., 7., 5., 5.],
                             [4., 5., 6., 4., 5., 6.]]).transpose()
        time_waypoints = matrix([0., 1.])

        # testing bezier curve
        a = bezier6(waypoints6)
        a = bezier(waypoints, -1., 3.)

        self.assertEqual(a.degree, a.nbWaypoints - 1)
        self.assertTrue((a.derivate(0.4, 0) == a(0.4)).all())
        a.derivate(0.4, 2)
        a = a.compute_derivate(100)

        prim = a.compute_primitive(1)

        for i in range(10):
            t = float(i) / 10.
            self.assertTrue((a(t) == prim.derivate(t, 1)).all())
        self.assertTrue((prim(0) == matrix([0., 0., 0.])).all())

        prim = a.compute_primitive(2)
        for i in range(10):
            t = float(i) / 10.
            self.assertTrue((a(t) == prim.derivate(t, 2)).all())
        self.assertTrue((prim(0) == matrix([0., 0., 0.])).all())

        # testing bezier with constraints
        c = curve_constraints()
        c.init_vel = matrix([0., 1., 1.])
        c.end_vel = matrix([0., 1., 1.])
        c.init_acc = matrix([0., 1., -1.])
        c.end_acc = matrix([0., 100., 1.])

        a = bezier(waypoints, c)
        self.assertLess(norm(a.derivate(0, 1) - c.init_vel), 1e-10)
        self.assertLess(norm(a.derivate(1, 2) - c.end_acc), 1e-10)

        # testing polynom function
        a = polynom(waypoints)
        a = polynom(waypoints, -1., 3.)
        self.assertTrue(((a.derivate(0.4, 0) == a(0.4)).all()))
        a.derivate(0.4, 2)

        # testing exact_cubic function
        a = exact_cubic(waypoints, time_waypoints)
        self.assertTrue(((a.derivate(0.4, 0) == a(0.4)).all()))
        a.derivate(0.4, 2)

        # testing spline_deriv_constraints
        c = curve_constraints()

        c.init_vel = matrix([0., 1., 1.])
        c.end_vel = matrix([0., 1., 1.])
        c.init_acc = matrix([0., 1., 1.])
        c.end_acc = matrix([0., 1., 1.])

        a = spline_deriv_constraint(waypoints, time_waypoints)
        a = spline_deriv_constraint(waypoints, time_waypoints, c)
Ejemplo n.º 12
from spline import bezier, bezier6, polynom, exact_cubic, curve_constraints, spline_deriv_constraint, from_bezier

from numpy import matrix
from numpy.linalg import norm

__EPS = 1e-6

waypoints = matrix([[1.,2.,3.],[4.,5.,6.]]).transpose()
waypoints6 = matrix([[1.,2.,3.,7.,5.,5.],[4.,5.,6.,4.,5.,6.]]).transpose()
time_waypoints = matrix([0.,1.])

#testing bezier curve
a = bezier6(waypoints6)
a = bezier(waypoints, 3.)

assert(a.degree == a.nbWaypoints -1)
assert((a.derivate(0.4,0) == a(0.4)).all())
a = a.compute_derivate(100)

prim = a.compute_primitive(1)

for i in range(10):
	t = float(i) / 10.
	assert(a(t) == prim.derivate(t,1)).all()
assert(prim(0) == matrix([0.,0.,0.])).all()