def figure_5_3(): """ Reproduces figure 5.3 in ESLii displaying the pointwise variance curves for different spline bases """ def pv(D): cv = np.linalg.inv(, D)) return [[i, :].transpose(),, D[i, :])) for i in range(D.shape[0])] n = 50 X = np.sort([random.random() for i in range(n)]) l_X = np.ndarray((n, 2)) l_X[:, 0] = np.ones(n) l_X[:, 1] = X l_pv = pv(l_X) c_X = np.ndarray((n, 4)) c_X[:, 0:2] = l_X c_X[:, 2] = [x**2 for x in X] c_X[:, 3] = [x**3 for x in X] c_pv = pv(c_X) cs_X = np.ndarray((n, 6)) cs_X[:, 0:4] = c_X cs_X[:, 4] = [max(0, (x - .33)**3) for x in X] cs_X[:, 5] = [max(0, (x - .66)**3) for x in X] cs_pv = pv(cs_X) ncs_X = splines.ns_basis(X, knots=[0.1, 0.26, 0.42, 0.58, 0.74, 0.9], intercept=True) ncs_pv = pv(ncs_X) plt.plot(X, l_pv) plt.plot(X, c_pv) plt.plot(X, cs_pv) plt.plot(X, ncs_pv)
def figure_5_4(): """Reproduces figure 5.4 in ESLii displaying the fitted natural spline for each term """ data = eslii.read_sa_heart_data() data.drop(["adiposity", "typea", "alcohol"], axis=1, inplace=True) y = data["chd"] X = data.drop("chd", axis=1) X["famhist"] = pandas.get_dummies(X["famhist"])["Present"] N = np.ndarray((X.shape[0], 21)) q = [0, 25, 50, 75, 100] N[:, 0:4] = splines.ns_basis(X["sbp"], knots=np.percentile(X["sbp"], q), intercept=False) N[:, 4:8] = splines.ns_basis(X["tobacco"], knots=np.percentile(X["tobacco"], q), intercept=False) N[:, 8:12] = splines.ns_basis(X["ldl"], knots=np.percentile(X["ldl"], q), intercept=False) N[:, 12] = X["famhist"] N[:, 13:17] = splines.ns_basis(X["obesity"], knots=np.percentile(X["obesity"], q), intercept=False) N[:, 17:21] = splines.ns_basis(X["age"], knots=np.percentile(X["age"], q), intercept=False) lr = LogisticRegression(C=1e50).fit(N, y) N -= N.mean(axis=0) fig = plt.figure() fig.add_subplot(321).scatter(X["sbp"],[:, 0:4], lr.coef_[0][0:4])) fig.add_subplot(322).scatter(X["tobacco"],[:, 4:8], lr.coef_[0][4:8])) fig.add_subplot(323).scatter(X["ldl"],[:, 8:12], lr.coef_[0][8:12])) fig.add_subplot(324).scatter(X["famhist"],[:, 12:13], lr.coef_[0][12:13])) fig.add_subplot(325).scatter(X["obesity"],[:, 13:17], lr.coef_[0][13:17])) fig.add_subplot(326).scatter(X["age"],[:, 17:21], lr.coef_[0][17:21]))
def figure_5_5(): """Reproduces figure 5.5 in ESLii displaying the results of fitting a spline to the phoneme classification result """ phoneme = eslii.read_phoneme_data() aa = phoneme[phoneme['g'] == 'aa'] aa_train = aa[map(lambda s: s.find("train") == 0, aa['speaker'])] aa_train = aa_train.reset_index() aa_test = aa[map(lambda s: s.find("test") == 0, aa['speaker'])] aa_test = aa_test.reset_index() ao = phoneme[phoneme['g'] == 'ao'] ao_train = ao[map(lambda s: s.find("train") == 0, ao['speaker'])] ao_train = ao_train.reset_index() ao_test = ao[map(lambda s: s.find("test") == 0, ao['speaker'])] ao_test = ao_test.reset_index() # Print some examples of the data fit = plt.figure() for i in range(15): fit.add_subplot(211).plot(range(1, 257), aa_train.ix[i][1:257], c='green') fit.add_subplot(211).plot(range(1, 257), ao_train.ix[i][1:257], c='red') # Separate out train and test data/labels train_X = np.concatenate((aa_train[aa_train.columns[1:257]], ao_train[ao_train.columns[1:257]])) train_y = [0 if i < aa_train.shape[0] else 1 for i in range(train_X.shape[0])] test_X = np.concatenate((aa_test[aa_test.columns[1:257]], ao_test[ao_test.columns[1:257]])) test_y = [0 if i < aa_test.shape[0] else 1 for i in range(test_X.shape[0])] # Train raw classifier lr = LogisticRegression(C=1e50).fit(train_X, train_y) print "Raw errors: {:.2f} {:.2f}".format(1 - lr.score(train_X, train_y), 1 - lr.score(test_X, test_y)) # Train regularized classifier N = splines.ns_basis(range(1, 257), [1, 21, 42, 64, 85, 106, 128, 149, 170, 192, 213, 234, 256]) lr2 = LogisticRegression(C=1e50).fit(, N), train_y) print "Reg errors: {:.2f} {:.2f}".format(1 - lr2.score(, N), train_y), 1 - lr2.score(, N), test_y)) fit.add_subplot(212).plot(range(1, 257), lr.coef_[0], range(1, 257),, lr2.coef_[0]))