Ejemplo n.º 1
 def handleCustom(self, confInfo):
     if self.customAction == 'desc':
         confInfo['desc'] = self.description
     raise admin.NotFoundException(
         "This endpoint does not support action: " + self.customAction)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def handleEdit(self, confInfo):
        Handles edits to the configuration options
        ## Get requested action
        actionStr = str(self.requestedAction)
        if Governance.REQUESTED_ACTIONS.has_key(actionStr):
            actionStr = Governance.REQUESTED_ACTIONS[actionStr]

        logger.info('Entering %s' % (actionStr))

        ## Refresh

        name = self.callerArgs.id
        args = self.callerArgs

        if name is not None:
                conf = entity.getEntity('configs/conf-governance',

            except ResourceNotFound:
                raise admin.NotFoundException(
                    "A governance configuration with the given name '%s' could not be found"
                    % (name))
            # Stop if no name was provided
            raise admin.ArgValidationException("No name provided")

        ## Create the resulting configuration that would be persisted if the settings provided are applied
        ## This rest handler supports the addition of arguments based on convention; therefore we merge args a little differently
        for arg in args:
            governanceMatch = Governance.governanceRE.match(arg)
            controlMatch = Governance.controlRE.match(arg)
            tagMatch = Governance.tagRE.match(arg)
            if governanceMatch or controlMatch or tagMatch or arg in Governance.VALID_PARAMS:
                conf[arg] = args[arg][0]

        for key, val in conf.items():
            if key == admin.EAI_ENTRY_ACL:
                if val.has_key('app') and val['app'] is not None and len(
                        val['app']) > 0:
                    conf.namespace = val['app']

                if val.has_key('owner') and val['owner'] is not None and len(
                        val['owner']) > 0:
                    conf.owner = val['owner']

        if conf.namespace is None or len(conf.namespace) == 0:
            conf.namespace = Governance.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE

        if conf.owner is None or len(conf.owner) == 0:
            conf.owner = Governance.DEFAULT_OWNER

            ## Check config
            Governance.checkConf(conf, name)

        except InvalidConfigException as e:
            e = "The edit attempt for the governance entry '%s' produced an invalid configuration: %s" % (
                name, str(e))
            raise admin.ArgValidationException(e)
        ## Write out an update to the governance config file
        entity.setEntity(conf, sessionKey=self.getSessionKey())
        logger.info("Successfully updated the '%s' governance configuration" %

        ## Reload governance (makeKVS)

        logger.info('%s completed successfully' % (actionStr))
    def saveConf(self, confInfo, verify_exists=False):
        Handles edits to the configuration options
        confInfo -- The object containing the information about what is being requested.
        verify_exists -- Make sure the entry exists before saving

            name = self.callerArgs.id
            args = self.callerArgs

            # Load the existing configuration
            confDict = self.readConf(self.conf_file)

            # Get the settings for the given stanza
            is_found = False
            existing_settings = None

            if name is not None:
                for stanza, settings in confDict.items():
                    if stanza == name:
                        is_found = True

                        # In case, we need to view the old settings
                        existing_settings = copy.copy(settings)

                        break  # Got the settings object we were looking for

            # Stop if we could not find the name
            if not is_found and verify_exists:
                raise admin.NotFoundException(
                    "A stanza for the given name '%s' could not be found" %

            # Get the settings that are being set
            new_settings = {}

            for key in args.data:
                new_settings[key] = args[key][0]

            # Create the resulting configuration that would be persisted if the settings provided are applied
            if is_found:
                settings = existing_settings

            # Check the configuration settings
            cleaned_params = self.checkConf(

            # Get the validated parameters
            validated_params = self.convertParams(name, cleaned_params, True)

            # Clear out the given parameters if blank so that it can be removed if the user wishes (note that values of none are ignored by Splunk)
            clearable_params = []

            for p in clearable_params:
                if p in validated_params and validated_params[p] is None:
                    validated_params[p] = ""

            # Write out the updated conf
            self.writeConf(self.conf_file, name, validated_params)

        except admin.NotFoundException as e:
            raise e
        except Exception as e:
            self.logger.exception("Exception generated while performing edit")

            raise e
    def handleEdit(self, confInfo):
        Handles edits to the configuration options
        ## Get requested action
        actionStr = str(self.requestedAction)
        if actionStr in CorrelationSearches.REQUESTED_ACTIONS:
            actionStr = CorrelationSearches.REQUESTED_ACTIONS[actionStr]

        logger.info('Entering %s', actionStr)

        ## Refresh

        reviewstatusesDict = self.readConf('reviewstatuses')
        # Get list of valid Splunk users
        users = NotableOwner.getOwners(self.getSessionKey())

        name = self.callerArgs.id
        args = self.callerArgs

        if not name:
            raise admin.ArgValidationException('No name provided')
            conf = entity.getEntity('configs/conf-correlationsearches',
        except ResourceNotFound:
            raise admin.NotFoundException(
                "A correlationsearch configuration with the given name '%s' could not be found"
                % name)

        # Create the resulting configuration that would be persisted if the settings provided are applied
        for key, val in conf.items():
            if key in args.data:
                # Get the new value
                new_value = args[key][0]
                # Set the value to a single space if empty or none, otherwise, Splunk won't save it (SOLNPCI-532)
                if new_value in [None, '']:
                    new_value = ' '
                # Assign the value
                conf[key] = new_value

        ## namespace/owner
        if admin.EAI_ENTRY_ACL in conf:
            conf.namespace = conf[admin.EAI_ENTRY_ACL].get(
                'app', None) or CorrelationSearches.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE
            conf.owner = conf[admin.EAI_ENTRY_ACL].get(
                'owner', None) or CorrelationSearches.DEFAULT_OWNER
            conf.namespace = CorrelationSearches.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE
            conf.owner = CorrelationSearches.DEFAULT_OWNER

            # Check config
        except InvalidConfigException as e:
            e = "The edit attempt for the correlation search '%s' produced an invalid configuration: %s" % (
                name, str(e))
            raise admin.ArgValidationException(e)

        # Write out an update to the correlationsearches config file
        entity.setEntity(conf, sessionKey=self.getSessionKey())

        logger.info("Successfully updated the '%s' correlation search", name)

        # Reload correlationsearches (makeKVS)

        logger.info('%s completed successfully', actionStr)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def handleCustom(self, confInfo):
     if self.customAction == 'desc':
         confInfo['desc'] = "Base handler for all classes.  This should have been overwritten with a higher-level handler."
     raise admin.NotFoundException("This endpoint does not support action: " + self.customAction)