Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_poisson_sampler(self):

        M, N, B, S = 7, 10, 391, 233
        lamdas = np.random.rand(N) + 1
        Y = np.random.randn(M, B)

        # test getting different samples
        poisson_sampler = spore.PoissonSampler(lamdas, sample_same=False)
        X = poisson_sampler.sample(Y, S)
        self.assertEqual(X.shape, (N, S, B))
        # sample means should be pretty close to true means
            np.allclose(np.mean(X, axis=(1, 2)), lamdas, rtol=1e-2, atol=0))

        # test getting the same samples
        poisson_sampler = spore.PoissonSampler(lamdas, sample_same=True)
        X = poisson_sampler.sample(Y, S)
        self.assertEqual(X.shape, (N, S, 1))
        # sample means should be somewhat close to true means
            np.allclose(np.mean(X, axis=(1, 2)), lamdas, rtol=0.2, atol=0))
Ejemplo n.º 2

fmsTemp = []
for g in range(G):
    fmsTemp.append(measModel(phi[:, :, g], varChannel * np.ones(Mper)))
fm = groupModel(fmsTemp, D)

Y = fm.x2y(allX[:, :, 0])

# Recover with SPoRe
S = 1000
maxIterSPoRe = 100000

sporeObjs = []
Ys = []
sampler = spore.PoissonSampler(np.zeros(N), sample_same=True)

sporeObj = spore.SPoRe(N, fm, sampler, max_iter=maxIterSPoRe)

lamSPoRe, _, _, _ = sporeObj.recover(Y, S)

#Get l1-oracle solution from matlab
saveFile = 'mixfig_matlab.mat'
if os.path.exists(saveFile) is False:
    matDict = {}
    matDict['allX'] = allX
    matDict['allLam'] = allLam
    matDict['allY'] = Y
    matDict['allPhi'] = phi
    matDict['allGroupIndices'] = fm.group_indices + 1  # Matlab is 1-indexed
    savemat(saveFile, matDict)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    saveStem = 'results_Nov26fix_'
    #notes = ''
    notes = '20/11/23 11:23 AM: Integer baseline algorithms - Redoing with new grad clipping and doing 50 trials'
    mainSeed = 1
    randInitOffset = 0.1
    for f in range(len(simsDataFiles)):

        with open(simsDataFiles[f], 'rb') as file:
            allX, allLam, allY, allFwdModels = pickle.load(file)
        N, numTrials = allLam.shape
        M, D, _ = allY.shape
        k = np.sum(allLam[:, 0] != 0)
        lamTot = np.sum(allLam[:, 0])
        sampler = spore.PoissonSampler(np.zeros(N),
        sigInv = baselines_utils.get_sigma_inv_linfixgauss(
        )  # assume that all in the file have constant noise setting
        # would not work for scaling noise

        oracleAlgo = algos.oracle_int_MMV(k, np.max(allX))
        sumPoissAlgo = algos.SumPoissonSMV(sigInv,
        altAlgo = algos.PoissonAlt(sigInv,
                                   max_alt=10)  # 3 different initializers
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_spore_functions(self):
        N, D, k, lamTot, initSeed, numTrials = 20, 100, 3, 5, 1, 1
        Mper, G = 5, 3
        varChannel = np.ones(Mper) * 1e-3
        S = 100
        maxIter = 100
        minLam = 1e-3

        signalSource = mmv_utils.MMVP(N, D, k, lamTot, initialSeed=initSeed)
        phiSource = mmv_models.PhiUniform(Mper, N, G)
        measModel = mmv_models.LinearWithFixedGaussianNoise
        X, lamStar = signalSource.gen_trials(numTrials)
        allPhi = phiSource.gen_trials(numTrials, seed=initSeed)
        self.assertEqual(X.shape, (N, D, numTrials))
        self.assertEqual(allPhi.shape, (Mper, N, G, numTrials))

        # Instantiate SPoRe
        fm = mmv_models.AutoSPoReFwdModelGroup(
            [measModel(allPhi[:, :, 0, 0], varChannel)], D)
        X = X[:, :, 0]
        Y = fm.x2y(X)
        sampler = spore.PoissonSampler(np.zeros(N), sample_same=True)

        recAlg = spore.SPoRe(
            N, fm, sampler, conv_rel=-1, max_iter=maxIter
        )  #negative conv_rel -> will definitely hit maxIter

        # Check log likelihood calculations. if we 'sample' with the actual X's, ll should be much higher than random sample
        pqRatio = recAlg.sampler.pq_ratio(X[:, :, None])
        pyx = fm.py_x_batch(
            Y[:, None, :], X[:, :, None],
            np.arange(D))  # (S, B) array where here, S and B = D
        self.assertEqual(pyx.shape, (D, D))
        self.assertEqual(pqRatio.shape, (D, 1))
        pagg = pyx * pqRatio
        self.assertEqual(pagg.shape, (D, D))
        LL1 = recAlg.log_likelihood(pagg)

        sampler._lam = np.random.uniform(size=N) + 1e-1
        X_bad = sampler.sample(Y, D)  # D samples
        pqRatio = recAlg.sampler.pq_ratio(X_bad)
        pyx_bad = fm.py_x_batch(Y[:, None, :], X_bad, np.arange(D))
        pagg_bad = pyx_bad * pqRatio
        LL2 = recAlg.log_likelihood(pagg_bad)

        self.assertGreater(np.mean(pyx), np.mean(pyx_bad))
        self.assertGreater(LL1, LL2)

        # Test gradient
        #self.assertTrue(np.all(sampler._lam == np.zeros(N)))
        grad_good = recAlg.gradient(X[:, :, None], lamStar[:, 0] + minLam,
        # Nearly all incorrect lambdas should have negative gradient (say ~80% of them)
        self.assertTrue(np.sum(grad_good < 0) > (N - k) * 0.8,

        grad_bad = recAlg.gradient(X_bad, sampler._lam, pagg_bad)
        self.assertEqual(X_bad.shape, (N, D, 1))
        # Nearly all incorrect lambdas should have negative gradient (say ~80% of them)
        self.assertTrue(np.sum(grad_bad < 0) > (N - k) * 0.8,
                        msg='{0}; {1}'.format(grad_bad, np.sum(pagg_bad,

        # Test basic recovery
        lamRec, excl, lamHist, llHist = recAlg.recover(Y, S)

        # Check shapes
        self.assertEqual(lamRec.shape, (N, ))
        self.assertEqual(excl.shape, (D, ))
        self.assertEqual(lamHist.shape, (N, maxIter))
        self.assertEqual(llHist.shape, (maxIter, ))

        # last value in lamHist should be closer to lambdaStar (reasonably getting closer)
        self.assertGreater(np.linalg.norm(lamHist[:,0] - lamStar[:,0]), \
                           np.linalg.norm(lamHist[:,maxIter-1] - lamStar[:,0]))