Ejemplo n.º 1
def handle_page_resource(sn, method, page_id, verbose, argv):
    ''' some ways to play with page resource 
    note the possible styles handling each request.
     - LIST:   Page.list(sn)
     - GET:    Page(sn, id=page_id)).get()
     - POST:   Page(sn, title=title, source=source, tags="example_py").save()
     - PUT:    sn.save_page(id=page_id, title=title, source=source)
    ## GET page 123
    if method == 'GET' and page_id:
        page = Page(sn, id=page_id).get(verbose=verbose)
        print "page '%(title)s'(#%(identifier)d), last updated at %(date_modified)s" % page.resource
    ## GET pages
    elif method == 'GET' and not page_id:
        pages   = Page.list(sn, verbose=verbose)
        first_p = filter(lambda x: x.relation_is_part_of is None, pages)[0]
        last_p  = max(pages, key=lambda x: x.date_modified)
        print "has", len(pages), 'pages,',
        print "from '%s'(#%d) to '%s'(#%d)" % (first_p.title, first_p.identifier, last_p.title, last_p.identifier)
        print "i'm not gonna show ALL the pages for ya"
    ## POST page
    elif method == "POST":
        title, source = None, None
        if len(argv) >= 3:  title  = argv[2]
        if len(argv) >= 4:  source = argv[3]
        if title:
            page = Page(sn, title=title, source=source, tags="example_py")
            print "created page '%(title)s'(#%(identifier)d) at %(date_created)s" % page.resource
            print "content:", page.source
    ## PUT page 123
    elif method == "PUT":  
        title, source = None, None
        if len(argv) >= 4:  title  = argv[3]
        if len(argv) >= 5:  source = argv[4]
        if not page_id:
            sys.exit("I need to know which page you want to edit.")
        if title:
            page = sn.save_page(id=page_id, title=title, source=source, verbose=verbose)
            print "updated page '%(title)s'(#%(identifier)d) at %(date_created)s" % page.resource
            print "content:", page.source
    ## DELETE page
    elif method == "DELETE":
        print "c'mon now, this is just a tutorial program. :p"
    def _test_object_calls(self, auth):
        if test_page_object:
            # LIST page: get list of pages of default note            
            _starting("test Page.list()..")
            pages = Page.list(auth, verbose=global_verbose)
            _printout("%d pages" % len(pages))
            # LIST page with options
            last_modified = sorted(pages, \
                cmp=lambda x,y: cmp(x.date_modified, y.date_modified))[-1]
            most_recent = Page.list(auth, 
                            sort="date_modified", order="desc", count=1,
            for attr in ["identifier", "title", "source", "date_modified"]:
                last_modified_attr = getattr(last_modified, attr)
                most_recent_attr   = getattr(most_recent, attr)
                assert_that(last_modified_attr, is_(equal_to(most_recent_attr)))

            # GET page: get most recently modified page
            _starting("test page.get() READ ..")
            page = Page(auth, id=last_modified.id).get(verbose=global_verbose)
            assert_that(page.title, is_(equal_to(last_modified.title)))

        # you need this to test other resources
        if True:
            # POST page: create a page
            _starting("test page.save() CREATE ..")
            page = Page(auth, 
                title  = "POST test for %s" % test_id, 
                source = "hola!",
                tags   = global_tag 
            new_pages = Page.list(auth, verbose=global_verbose)
            if test_page_object:
                assert_that(len(pages) +1, is_(equal_to(len(new_pages))))

        if test_page_object:
            # PUT page: edit the page
            _starting("test page.save() UPDATE ..")
            page.source = "modified"
            refetch = Page(auth, id=page.id).get(verbose=global_verbose)
            assert_that(refetch.source, contains_string("modified"))

        # test other resources
        if test_attachment_object:     self._test_attachment_object(page)
        if test_comment_object:        self._test_comment_object(page)
        if test_collaboration_object:  self._test_collaboration_object(page)
        if test_lock_object:           self._test_lock_object(page)
        if test_revision_object:       self._test_revision_object(page)

        # you need this to test other resources
        if True:
            # DELETE page:   delete page                                  
            _starting("test page.delete() DELETE ..")
                lambda: Page(auth, id=page.id).get(verbose=global_verbose)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def handle_attachment_resource(sn, method, page_id, verbose, resource_id, argv):
    ''' shows a few ways handling attahcment resources, with page_id and resource_id.

    note the possible styles handling each request.
     - LIST:   Page(sn, id=page_id).list_attachments()
     - GET:    Attachment(Page(sn, id=page_id), id=resource_id).get().download()
     - POST:   Attachment(Page(sn, id=page_id), filename=filename, file=file_obj).upload()
     - PUT:    Attachment(Page(sn, id=page_id), id=resource_id, file=file_obj).upload()
     - DELETE: Page(sn, id=page_id).delete_attachment(resource_id)
    ## DOWNLOAD attchment
    if method == 'GET' and resource_id:
        page   = Page(sn, id=page_id)   # just initializing, no need to fetch
        attach = Attachment(page, id=resource_id)
        attach.get(verbose=verbose)         # this retrieves metadata, such as filename
        attach.download(verbose=verbose)    # this downloads actual file content
        print 'saving to', attach.title, '..'

        if os.path.exists(filename):
            print 'filename already exists! abort saving file'
            file = open(attach.title, 'rw')

    ## LIST attchments
    if method == 'GET' and not resource_id:
        page = Page(sn, id=page_id).get() # fetch page, just curious
        attachments = page.list_attachments(verbose=verbose)
        print 'found', len(attachments), "files under '%(title)s'(#%(identifier)d)" % page.resource
        for attach in attachments:
            print ' - %(title), %(description) bytes' % attach.resource
    ## POST atatchment
    elif method == "POST":
        filename = resource_id # resource_id slot has filename to upload
        file_obj = open(filename, 'rb')

        # DON'T HAVE TO give a page object, relation_is_part_of will do.
        page   = Page(sn, id=page_id)   # no fetch, just holding page_id
        attach = Attachment(page, filename=filename, file=file_obj)
        print "created '%(title)s' (#%(identifier)d), %(description)d bytes under %(relation_is_part_of)d" % attach.resource

    ## PUT attachment
    elif method == "PUT":
        filename = argv[5]  # you need the resource_id
        file_obj = open(filename, 'rb')

        page   = Page(sn, id=page_id)   # no fetch, just holding page_id
        attach = Attachment(page, id=resource_id, file=file_obj) # knows filename
        print "updated '%(title)s' (#%(identifier)d), %(description)d bytes under %(relation_is_part_of)d" % attach.resource

    ## DELETE attachment
    elif method == "DELETE":
        page = Page(sn, id=page_id)
        attach = page.delete_attachment(resource_id, verbose=verbose)
        print "deleted file '%(title)s'" % attach.resource