Ejemplo n.º 1
def AddVbiasAndCurrentConv(frame, wiring_map):
    hk_map = frame['DfMuxHousekeeping']
    v_bias = core.G3MapDouble()
    i_conv = core.G3MapDouble()
    for k in wiring_map.keys():
        vb = dfmux.unittransforms.bolo_bias_voltage_rms(wiring_map, hk_map, 
                                                        bolo = k, tf = tf, system = system) / core.G3Units.V
        ic = dfmux.unittransforms.counts_to_rms_amps(wiring_map, hk_map, 
                                                     bolo = k, tf = tf, system = system) / core.G3Units.amp
        v_bias[k] = vb
        i_conv[k] = ic
    frame['VoltageBias'] = v_bias
    frame['CurrentConv'] = i_conv
Ejemplo n.º 2
def CalibrateValue(data, caldict_entry):
    '''Apply gain / offset units from G3 cal file to register'''

    uvalue = UnitValue(caldict_entry)
    g3type = type(data)
    # make a copy
    if np.size(data) == 1:
        data = data.value
    data2 = np.array(data, dtype='float64')
    thisdtype = data2.dtype

    # calibrate units
    data2 += np.array(caldict_entry['Offset'], dtype=thisdtype)
    data2 *= np.array(uvalue / caldict_entry['ReciprocalFactor'],
    if not data2.shape:
        data2 = data2.tolist()

    # if a register has units, it can't be an int anymore.  well, actually,
    # it can't be an int if we're adding floats to it or multiplying it by
    # floats either, so convert everything that has an entry in the cal file
    # to float/double.
    if g3type == core.G3VectorInt:
        return core.G3VectorDouble(data2)
    elif g3type == core.G3MapInt:
        return core.G3MapDouble(data2)
    elif g3type == core.G3Int:
        return core.G3Double(data2)
        return g3type(data2)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def UnpackMuxData(f):
    Add the DFMux data to the frame.
    if f.type != core.G3FrameType.GcpSlow:

        mux = f['array']['muxHousekeeping']
        boards = mux['boardname']
    except KeyError:

    fpga_temp = core.G3MapDouble()
    board_name = core.G3MapString()

    for i, bn in enumerate(boards):
        bn = str(bn).replace('"', '')  # get rid of extra quotes in board name
        if bn != "":
            board_name[str(i)] = bn
            fpga_temp[str(i)] = mux['MB_TEMPERATURE_FPGA_DIE'][i]
    fpga_temp.time = mux['utc']
    board_name.time = mux['utc']
    f['MuxFPGATemp'] = fpga_temp
    f['MuxBoardName'] = board_name
Ejemplo n.º 4
def UnpackWeatherData(f):
    '''Extracts weather status information to Weather key 
    in frame'''

    if f.type != core.G3FrameType.GcpSlow:

    if 'weather' not in f['array']:

    board = f['array']['weather']

    t = core.G3MapDouble()
    t['telescope_temp'] = board['airTemperature'].value
    t['telescope_pressure'] = board['pressure'].value
    t['inside_dsl_temp'] = board['internalTemperature'].value
    t['wind_speed'] = board['windSpeed'].value
    t['wind_direction'] = board['windDirection'].value
    t['battery'] = board['battery'].value
    t['rel_humidity'] = board['relativeHumidity'].value
    t['power'] = board['power'].value
    t['tau'] = f['array']['tipper']['tau'].value
    t['tatm'] = f['array']['tipper']['tatm'].value

    f['Weather'] = t
    f['WeatherTime'] = board['utc']
Ejemplo n.º 5
def calc_avg_current(frame, ts_key='TimestreamAmps',
                     output_key='AvgCurrent', bolo_props=None, wiring_map=None,
                     average_per_wafer=True, average_per_band=True, average_per_squid=False):
    if frame.type == core.G3FrameType.Scan and \
       ts_key in frame.keys() and bolo_props is not None:
        pixel_tgroups = get_template_groups(bolo_props, wiring_map=wiring_map,
                                            per_band = average_per_band,
                                            per_wafer = average_per_wafer,
                                            per_squid = average_per_squid,
                                            include_keys = True)

        frame[output_key] = core.G3MapDouble()

        n_bolos = {}
        for group_key, bolonames in pixel_tgroups.items():            
            for bolo in bolonames:
                if bolo in frame[ts_key].keys():
                    current = np.median(frame[ts_key][bolo])
                    # cut psds that are not finite or are zero
                    if np.isfinite(current) & (current>0):
                        if group_key not in frame[output_key].keys():
                            n_bolos[group_key] = 0
                            frame[output_key][group_key] = current
                            frame[output_key][group_key] += current
                        n_bolos[group_key] += 1

        for group_key in n_bolos.keys():
            frame[output_key][group_key] /= float(n_bolos[group_key])
Ejemplo n.º 6
def calc_asd(frame, ts_key, asd_key='ASD', units='temperature'):
    if frame.type == core.G3FrameType.Scan and \
       ts_key in frame.keys():
        if units == 'temperature':
            # 1/rt(2) for uK rtHz to uK rtsec
            units_factor = (core.G3Units.microkelvin * np.sqrt(core.G3Units.sec) * np.sqrt(2.)) 
        elif units == 'current':
            # rt(2) because `dfmux.ConvertTimestreamUnits` converts to pA_RMS
            # when using current units (see spt3g_software/calibration/python/noise_analysis.py)
            # for more info on this annoying convention.
            units_factor = (core.G3Units.amp*1e-12 / np.sqrt(core.G3Units.Hz)) / np.sqrt(2.)

        asd_integral_key = asd_key + '_integral'
        frame[asd_integral_key] = core.G3MapDouble()

        frame[asd_key] = core.G3MapVectorDouble()
        ts = frame[ts_key]
        psds, freqs = dftutils.get_psd_of_ts_map(ts, pad=False, window_function=windows.boxcar)
        for bolo in psds.keys():
            frame[asd_key][bolo] = np.sqrt(psds[bolo]) / units_factor

        for bolo in psds.keys():
            frame[asd_integral_key][bolo] = np.sum(np.array(psds[bolo])[(freqs>0.01) & (freqs<0.5)])

        frame[asd_key]['frequency'] = freqs
Ejemplo n.º 7
def ExplodeBolometerProperties(frame, bpmname='NominalBolometerProperties'):
    Take a bolometer properties map (usually the nominal one) and convert it
    into its constituent keys as though they came from real calibration. This
    is the inverse of BuildBoloPropertiesMap and mostly is useful when combining
    hardware map information with real calibration.

    if bpmname not in frame:

    bpm = frame[bpmname]
    polangle = core.G3MapDouble()
    poleff = core.G3MapDouble()
    bands = core.G3MapDouble()
    names = core.G3MapString()
    pixels = core.G3MapString()
    wafers = core.G3MapString()
    xoff = core.G3MapDouble()
    yoff = core.G3MapDouble()

    for bolo, p in bpm.iteritems():
        polangle[bolo] = p.pol_angle
        poleff[bolo] = p.pol_efficiency
        bands[bolo] = p.band
        names[bolo] = p.physical_name
        xoff[bolo] = p.x_offset
        yoff[bolo] = p.y_offset
        pixels[bolo] = p.pixel_id
        wafers[bolo] = p.wafer_id

    frame['PolarizationAngle'] = polangle
    frame['PolarizationEfficiency'] = poleff
    frame['PhysicalBoloIDs'] = names
    frame['BoloBands'] = bands
    frame['PointingOffsetX'] = xoff
    frame['PointingOffsetY'] = yoff
    frame['PixelIDs'] = pixels
    frame['WaferIDs'] = wafers
Ejemplo n.º 8
def UnpackPTData(f):
    '''Extracts pulse tube status information to PTStatus key 
    in frame'''

    if f.type != core.G3FrameType.GcpSlow:

    if 'pt415' not in f['array']:

    board = f['array']['pt415']

    p = core.G3MapDouble()

    p['optics_lowp'] = board['pressure_low'][0]
    p['min_optics_lowp'] = board['min_pressure_low'][0]
    p['max_optics_lowp'] = board['max_pressure_low'][0]
    p['optics_highp'] = board['pressure_high'][0]
    p['min_optics_highp'] = board['min_pressure_high'][0]
    p['max_optics_highp'] = board['max_pressure_high'][0]
    p['optics_tempoil'] = board['temp_oil'][0]
    p['min_optics_tempoil'] = board['min_temp_oil'][0]
    p['max_optics_tempoil'] = board['max_temp_oil'][0]

    p['receiver_lowp'] = board['pressure_low'][1]
    p['min_receiver_lowp'] = board['min_pressure_low'][1]
    p['max_receiver_lowp'] = board['max_pressure_low'][1]
    p['receiver_highp'] = board['pressure_high'][1]
    p['min_receiver_highp'] = board['min_pressure_high'][1]
    p['max_receiver_highp'] = board['max_pressure_high'][1]
    p['receiver_tempoil'] = board['temp_oil'][1]
    p['min_receiver_tempoil'] = board['min_temp_oil'][1]
    p['max_receiver_tempoil'] = board['max_temp_oil'][1]

    p['optics_is_valid'] = board['deviceIsValid'][0]
    p['receiver_is_valid'] = board['deviceIsValid'][1]

    f['PTStatus'] = p
    f['PTStatusTime'] = board['utc']
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __call__(self, frame):
        # If 'CalibratorResponse' is in the frame, then we must be looking at
        # a calframe and not the RCW38-pixelraster output. Note that this is
        # potentially very confusing because the calframe also contains entries
        # keyed with 'RCW38FluxCalibration', but these are *not* filled with the
        # RCW38 output for the observation of interest. If I understand
        # correctly, they contain the RCW38 information used to calibrate the 
        # preceding very fast point.
        if frame.type == core.G3FrameType.Calibration:
            if 'CalibratorResponse' in frame.keys():
                self.CalibratorResponse = frame['CalibratorResponse']
                self.BolometerProperties = frame['BolometerProperties']
            elif 'RCW38FluxCalibration' in frame.keys():
                self.FluxCalibration = frame['RCW38FluxCalibration']
                self.IntegralFlux = frame['RCW38IntegralFlux']

            if len(self.CalibratorResponse) > 0 and \
               len(self.BolometerProperties) > 0 and \
               len(self.FluxCalibration) > 0 and \
               len(self.IntegralFlux) > 0:
                opteff = core.G3MapDouble()
                for bolo in self.CalibratorResponse.keys():
                    if bolo in self.BolometerProperties.keys() and \
                       bolo in self.FluxCalibration.keys():
                        boloprops = self.BolometerProperties[bolo]
                        cal_response = self.CalibratorResponse[bolo]
                        flux_cal = self.FluxCalibration[bolo]
                        int_flux = self.IntegralFlux[bolo]
                        band = boloprops.band

                        opteff[bolo] = -1*cal_response * flux_cal * int_flux / rcw38_abs_cal[band] / adama_utils.wattsPerKcmb(band)
                newframe = core.G3Frame()
                newframe['opteff'] = opteff
                newframe['BolometerProperties'] = self.BolometerProperties
                return newframe
                return []
Ejemplo n.º 10
#!/usr/bin/env python

from spt3g import core
import sys

b = core.G3MapDouble()
b['gh'] = 5

a = core.G3MapDouble(b)
if a['gh'] != b['gh']:

Ejemplo n.º 11
def UnpackCryoData(f):
    Extracts cryo information into CryoStatus key

    if f.type != core.G3FrameType.GcpSlow:

    if 'cryo' not in f['array']:

    t = core.G3MapDouble()
    t.time = f['array']['cryo']['utc']
    t.cryo_is_valid = f['array']['cryo']['cryoIsValid'][0]

    # Measured values
    # He10
    t.uc_head = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][0][0]
    t.ic_head = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][0][1]
    t.he4_head = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][0][2]
    t.he4_fb = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][0][3]
    t.he4_pump = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][0][4]
    t.ic_pump = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][0][5]
    t.uc_pump = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][0][6]
    t.he4_sw = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][0][7]
    t.ic_sw = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][0][8]
    t.uc_sw = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][0][9]
    t.uc_stage = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][0][10]
    t.lc_tower = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][0][11]
    t.ic_stage = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][0][12]
    t.t4k_head = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][0][13]
    t.t4k_squid_strap = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][0][14]
    t.t50k_head = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][0][15]

    # Optics
    t.b1_50k_wbp_near = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][1][0]
    t.b2_50k_wbp_far = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][1][1]
    t.b3_50k_diving_board = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][1][2]
    t.b4_50k_top_bot_ptc = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][1][3]
    t.y1_50k_head = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][1][4]
    t.y2_50k_window_strap_near = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][1][5]
    t.y3_50k_tube_strap_near = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][1][6]
    t.y4_50k_tube = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][1][7]
    t.g1_4k_head = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][1][8]
    t.g2_4k_strap = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][1][9]
    t.g3_4k_lens_tab = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][1][10]
    t.g4_4k_lens_tab_far = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][1][11]
    t.r1_4k_top_top_ptc = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][1][12]
    t.r2_50k_midop_bot_ptc = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][1][13]
    t.r3_4k_lyot_flange = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][1][14]
    t.r4_4k_lyot = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][1][15]

    # Receiver
    t.t4k_plate_far = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][2][0]
    t.t4k_strap_optics = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][2][1]
    t.t4k_plate_mid = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][2][2]
    t.t4k_plate_top = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][2][3]
    t.t4k_plate_ptc = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][2][4]
    t.t50k_harness_middle = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][2][6]
    t.t50k_strap = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][2][7]
    t.squid_wh1_sl1 = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][2][8]
    t.squid_wh5_sl1 = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][2][9]
    t.squid_wh3_sl7 = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][2][10]
    t.cal_filament = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][2][11]
    t.cal_ambient1 = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][2][12]
    t.cal_ambient2 = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][2][13]
    t.cal_ambient3 = f['array']['cryo']['temperature'][2][14]

    # Heaters
    t.heat_he4_pump = f['array']['cryo']['heater_dac'][0][3]
    t.heat_ic_pump = f['array']['cryo']['heater_dac'][0][4]
    t.heat_uc_pump = f['array']['cryo']['heater_dac'][0][5]
    t.heat_he4_sw = f['array']['cryo']['heater_dac'][0][0]
    t.heat_ic_sw = f['array']['cryo']['heater_dac'][0][1]
    t.heat_uc_sw = f['array']['cryo']['heater_dac'][0][2]

    f['CryoStatus'] = t
Ejemplo n.º 12
def CalibrateFrame(f, calibration_file=None):
    '''Apply gain / offset / units from G3 cal file'''

    if f.type != core.G3FrameType.GcpSlow:

        if f['Calibrated'] == True:
            print('Already calibrated!\n')
    except KeyError:
        f['Calibrated'] = True

    cf = CalFile.CalFileReader()
    cd = cf.readCalFile(calibration_file)

    for board in f.keys():
        if board == 'Calibrated':
        cboard = copy.deepcopy(f[board])
        for rmap in cboard.keys():
            for reg in cboard[rmap].keys():
                    rcd = cd[board][rmap][reg]
                except KeyError:
                rsize = numpy.size(cboard[rmap][reg])
                if rsize > 1:
                    rshape = numpy.shape(cboard[rmap][reg])
                    if len(rshape) > 1:
                        for i in range(rshape[0]):
                                rcdi = rcd[i]
                            except KeyError:
                                rcdi = rcd
                            uvalue = UnitValue(rcdi)
                            datatemp = numpy.asarray(cboard[rmap][reg][i])
                            datatemp2 = datatemp.copy()
                            # if a register has units, it can't be an
                            # int anymore.
                            # well, actually, it can't be an int if
                            # we're adding floats to it or multiplying
                            # it by floats either, so convert
                            # everything that has an entry in the cal
                            # file to float/double.
                            datatemp2 = numpy.asarray(datatemp2,
                            thisdtype = datatemp2.dtype
                            datatemp2 += \
                            datatemp2 *= numpy.array(uvalue /
                            if type(cboard[rmap][reg][i]) \
                                    is core.G3VectorInt:
                                regitemp = core.G3VectorDouble(datatemp2)
                            elif type(cboard[rmap][reg][i]) \
                                    is core.G3MapInt:
                                regitemp = core.G3MapDouble(datatemp2)
                            elif type(cboard[rmap][reg][i]) \
                                    is core.G3Int:
                                regitemp = core.G3Double(datatemp2)
                                regitemp = \
                            cboard[rmap][reg][i] = regitemp
                            rcdi = rcd[0]
                        except KeyError:
                            rcdi = rcd
                        uvalue = UnitValue(rcdi)
                        datatemp = numpy.asarray(cboard[rmap][reg])
                        datatemp2 = datatemp.copy()
                        # if a register has units, it can't be an
                        # int anymore. well, actually (see above)...
                        datatemp2 = numpy.asarray(datatemp2, dtype='float64')
                        thisdtype = datatemp2.dtype
                        datatemp2 += \
                        datatemp2 *= numpy.array(uvalue /
                        if type(cboard[rmap][reg]) \
                                is core.G3VectorInt:
                            regtemp = core.G3VectorDouble(datatemp2)
                        elif type(cboard[rmap][reg]) \
                                is core.G3MapInt:
                            regtemp = core.G3MapDouble(datatemp2)
                        elif type(cboard[rmap][reg]) \
                                is core.G3Int:
                            regtemp = core.G3Double(datatemp2)
                            regtemp = \
                        cboard[rmap][reg] = regtemp
                        rcdi = rcd[0]
                    except KeyError:
                        rcdi = rcd
                    uvalue = UnitValue(rcdi)
                    datatemp = cboard[rmap][reg].value
                    datatemp2 = datatemp
                    # if a register has units, it can't be an
                    # int anymore. well, actually (see above)...
                    datatemp2 = numpy.float(datatemp2)
                    datatemp2 = datatemp2 + rcdi['Offset']
                    datatemp2 *= uvalue / rcdi['ReciprocalFactor']
                    if type(cboard[rmap][reg]) \
                            is core.G3VectorInt:
                        regtemp = core.G3VectorDouble(datatemp2)
                    elif type(cboard[rmap][reg]) \
                            is core.G3MapInt:
                        regtemp = core.G3MapDouble(datatemp2)
                    elif type(cboard[rmap][reg]) \
                            is core.G3Int:
                        regtemp = core.G3Double(datatemp2)
                        regtemp = \
                    cboard[rmap][reg] = regtemp
        del f[board]
        f[board] = cboard
Ejemplo n.º 13
def tod_to_frames(
    """Gather all data from the distributed TOD cache for a set of frames.

        tod (toast.TOD): instance of a TOD class.
        start_frame (int): the first frame index.
        n_frames (int): the number of frames.
        frame_offsets (array_like): list of the first samples of all frames.
        frame_sizes (list): list of the number of samples in each frame.
        cache_signal (str): if None, read signal from TOD.  Otherwise use this
            cache prefix for the detector signal timestreams.
        cache_flags (str): if None read det flags from TOD.  Otherwise use
            this cache prefix for the detector flag timestreams.
        cache_common_flags (str): if None, read common flags from TOD.
            Otherwise use this cache prefix.
        copy_common (tuple): (cache name, G3 type, frame name) of each extra
            common field to copy from cache.
        copy_detector (tuple): (cache name prefix, G3 type, G3 map type,
            frame name) of each distributed detector field (excluding the
            "signal") to copy from cache.
        mask_flag_common (int):  Bitmask to apply to common flags.
        mask_flag (int):  Bitmask to apply to per-detector flags.
        units: G3 units of the detector data.
        dets (list):  List of detectors to include in the frame.  If None,
            use all of the detectors in the TOD object.
        compress (bool or dict):  If True or a dictionary of compression parameters,
            store the timestreams as FLAC-compressed, 24-bit integers instead of
            uncompressed doubles.

        (list): List of frames on rank zero.  Other processes have a list of
            None values.

    comm = tod.mpicomm
    rank = 0
    if comm is not None:
        rank = comm.rank
    comm_row = tod.grid_comm_row

    # Detector names
    if dets is None:
        detnames = tod.detectors
        detnames = []
        use_dets = set(dets)
        for det in tod.detectors:
            if det in use_dets:

    # Local sample range
    local_first = tod.local_samples[0]
    nlocal = tod.local_samples[1]

    # The process grid
    detranks, sampranks = tod.grid_size
    rankdet, ranksamp = tod.grid_ranks

    def get_local_cache(prow, field, cacheoff, ncache):
        """Read a local slice of a cache field.
        mtype = None
        pdata = None
        nnz = 0
        if rankdet == prow:
            ref = tod.cache.reference(field)
            nnz = 1
            if (len(ref.shape) > 1) and (ref.shape[1] > 0):
                nnz = ref.shape[1]
            if comm is not None:
                if ref.dtype == np.dtype(np.float64):
                    mtype = MPI.DOUBLE
                elif ref.dtype == np.dtype(np.int64):
                    mtype = MPI.INT64_T
                elif ref.dtype == np.dtype(np.int32):
                    mtype = MPI.INT32_T
                elif ref.dtype == np.dtype(np.uint8):
                    mtype = MPI.UINT8_T
                    msg = "Cannot use cache field {} of type {}"\
                        .format(field, ref.dtype)
                    raise RuntimeError(msg)
            if cacheoff is not None:
                pdata = ref.flatten()[nnz * cacheoff:nnz * (cacheoff + ncache)]
                pdata = np.zeros(0, dtype=ref.dtype)
        return (pdata, nnz, mtype)

    def gather_field(prow, pdata, nnz, mpitype, cacheoff, ncache, tag):
        """Gather a single timestream buffer to the root process.
        is_none = pdata is None
        all_none = comm.allreduce(is_none, MPI.LAND)
        if all_none:
            # This situation arises at least when gathering HWP angle from LAT
            return None
        gdata = None
        # We are going to allreduce this later, so that every process
        # knows the dimensions of the field.
        gproc = 0
        allnnz = 0

        # Size of the local buffer
        pz = 0
        if pdata is not None:
            pz = len(pdata)

        if rankdet == prow:
            psizes = None
            if comm_row is None:
                psizes = [pz]
                psizes = comm_row.gather(pz, root=0)
            disp = None
            totsize = None
            if ranksamp == 0:
                # We are the process collecting the gathered data.
                allnnz = nnz
                gproc = rank
                # Compute the displacements into the receive buffer.
                disp = [0]
                for ps in psizes[:-1]:
                    last = disp[-1]
                    disp.append(last + ps)
                totsize = np.sum(psizes)
                # allocate receive buffer
                gdata = np.zeros(totsize, dtype=pdata.dtype)

            if comm_row is None:
                pdata[:] = gdata
                comm_row.Gatherv(pdata, [gdata, psizes, disp, mpitype], root=0)
            del disp
            del psizes

        # Now send this data to the root process of the whole communicator.
        # Only one process (the first one in process row "prow") has data
        # to send.

        if comm is not None:
            # All processes find out which one did the gather
            gproc = comm.allreduce(gproc, MPI.SUM)
            # All processes find out the field dimensions
            allnnz = comm.allreduce(allnnz, MPI.SUM)

        mtag = 10 * tag

        rdata = None
        if gproc == 0:
            if gdata is not None:
                if allnnz == 1:
                    rdata = gdata
                    rdata = gdata.reshape((-1, allnnz))
            # Data not yet on rank 0
            if rank == 0:
                # Receive data from the first process in this row
                rtype = comm.recv(source=gproc, tag=(mtag + 1))
                rsize = comm.recv(source=gproc, tag=(mtag + 2))
                rdata = np.zeros(rsize, dtype=np.dtype(rtype))
                comm.Recv(rdata, source=gproc, tag=mtag)
                # Reshape if needed
                if allnnz > 1:
                    rdata = rdata.reshape((-1, allnnz))
            elif (rank == gproc):
                # Send our data
                comm.send(gdata.dtype.char, dest=0, tag=(mtag + 1))
                comm.send(len(gdata), dest=0, tag=(mtag + 2))
                comm.Send(gdata, 0, tag=mtag)
        return rdata

    # For efficiency, we are going to gather the data for all frames at once.
    # Then we will split those up when doing the write.

    # Frame offsets relative to the memory buffers we are gathering
    fdataoff = [0]
    for f in frame_sizes[:-1]:
        last = fdataoff[-1]
        fdataoff.append(last + f)

    # The list of frames- only on the root process.
    fdata = None
    if rank == 0:
        fdata = [
            core3g.G3Frame(core3g.G3FrameType.Scan) for f in range(n_frames)
        fdata = [None for f in range(n_frames)]

    def split_field(data,
        """Split a gathered data buffer into frames- only on root process.
        if data is None:
        if g3t == core3g.G3VectorTime:
            # Special case for time values stored as int64_t, but
            # wrapped in a class.
            for f in range(n_frames):
                dataoff = fdataoff[f]
                ndata = frame_sizes[f]
                g3times = list()
                for t in range(ndata):
                    g3times.append(core3g.G3Time(data[dataoff + t]))
                if mapfield is None:
                    fdata[f][framefield] = core3g.G3VectorTime(g3times)
                    fdata[f][framefield][mapfield] = \
                del g3times
        elif g3t == so3g.IntervalsInt:
            # Flag vector is written as a simple boolean.
            for f in range(n_frames):
                dataoff = fdataoff[f]
                ndata = frame_sizes[f]
                # Extract flag vector (0 or 1) for this frame
                frame_flags = (data[dataoff:dataoff + ndata] != 0).astype(int)
                # Convert bit 0 to an IntervalsInt.
                ival = so3g.IntervalsInt.from_mask(frame_flags, 1)[0]
                if mapfield is None:
                    fdata[f][framefield] = ival
                    fdata[f][framefield][mapfield] = ival
        elif g3t == core3g.G3Timestream:
            if times is None:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "You must provide the time stamp vector with a "
                    "Timestream object")
            for f in range(n_frames):
                dataoff = fdataoff[f]
                ndata = frame_sizes[f]
                timeslice = times[cacheoff + dataoff:cacheoff + dataoff +
                tstart = timeslice[0] * 1e8
                tstop = timeslice[-1] * 1e8
                if mapfield is None:
                    if g3units is None:
                        fdata[f][framefield] = \
                            g3t(data[dataoff : dataoff + ndata])
                        fdata[f][framefield] = \
                            g3t(data[dataoff : dataoff + ndata], g3units)
                    fdata[f][framefield].start = core3g.G3Time(tstart)
                    fdata[f][framefield].stop = core3g.G3Time(tstop)
                    # Individual detector data.  The only fields that
                    # we (optionally) compress.
                    if g3units is None:
                        tstream = g3t(data[dataoff:dataoff + ndata])
                        tstream = g3t(data[dataoff:dataoff + ndata], g3units)
                    if compress and "compressor_gain_" + framefield in fdata[f]:
                        (tstream, gain,
                         offset) = recode_timestream(tstream, compress)
                        fdata[f]["compressor_gain_" +
                                 framefield][mapfield] = gain
                        fdata[f]["compressor_offset_" +
                                 framefield][mapfield] = offset
                    fdata[f][framefield][mapfield] = tstream
                    fdata[f][framefield][mapfield].start = core3g.G3Time(
                    fdata[f][framefield][mapfield].stop = core3g.G3Time(tstop)
            # The bindings of G3Vector seem to only work with
            # lists.  This is probably horribly inefficient.
            for f in range(n_frames):
                dataoff = fdataoff[f]
                ndata = frame_sizes[f]
                if len(data.shape) == 1:
                    fdata[f][framefield] = \
                        g3t(data[dataoff : dataoff + ndata].tolist())
                    # We have a 2D quantity
                    fdata[f][framefield] = \
                        g3t(data[dataoff : dataoff + ndata, :].flatten()

    # Compute the overlap of all frames with the local process.  We want to
    # to find the full sample range that this process overlaps the total set
    # of frames.

    cacheoff = None
    ncache = 0

    for f in range(n_frames):
        # Compute overlap of the frame with the local samples.
        fcacheoff, froff, nfr = s3utils.local_frame_indices(
            local_first, nlocal, frame_offsets[f], frame_sizes[f])
        if fcacheoff is not None:
            if cacheoff is None:
                cacheoff = fcacheoff
                ncache = nfr
                ncache += nfr

    # Now gather the full sample data one field at a time.  The root process
    # splits up the results into frames.

    # First collect boresight data.  In addition to quaternions for the Az/El
    # pointing, we convert this back into angles that follow the specs
    # for telescope pointing.

    times = None
    if rankdet == 0:
        times = tod.local_times()
    if comm is not None:
        times = gather_field(0, times, 1, MPI.DOUBLE, cacheoff, ncache, 0)

    bore = None
    if rankdet == 0:
        bore = tod.read_boresight(local_start=cacheoff, n=ncache).flatten()
    if comm is not None:
        bore = gather_field(0, bore, 4, MPI.DOUBLE, cacheoff, ncache, 0)
    if rank == 0:
        split_field(bore.reshape(-1, 4), core3g.G3VectorDouble,

    bore = None
    if rankdet == 0:
        bore = tod.read_boresight_azel(local_start=cacheoff,
    if comm is not None:
        bore = gather_field(0, bore, 4, MPI.DOUBLE, cacheoff, ncache, 1)
    if rank == 0:
        split_field(bore.reshape(-1, 4), core3g.G3VectorDouble,

    corotator_angle = None
    if rankdet == 0:
        cache_name = "corotator_angle_deg"
        if tod.cache.exists(cache_name):
            corotator_angle = np.radians(tod.cache.reference(cache_name))
    if comm is not None:
        corotator_angle = gather_field(0, corotator_angle, 1, MPI.DOUBLE,
                                       cacheoff, ncache, 0)
    if rank == 0:

    if rank == 0:
        for f in range(n_frames):
            fdata[f]["boresight"] = core3g.G3TimestreamMap()
        ang_theta, ang_phi, ang_psi = qa.to_angles(bore)
        # Astronomical convention for azimuth is opposite to spherical
        # coordinate phi.
        ang_az = -ang_phi
        ang_el = (np.pi / 2.0) - ang_theta
        ang_roll = ang_psi

    hwp_angle = None
    if rankdet == 0:
        hwp_angle = tod.local_hwp_angle()
    if comm is not None:
        hwp_angle = gather_field(0, hwp_angle, 1, MPI.DOUBLE, cacheoff, ncache,
    if rank == 0:
        split_field(hwp_angle, core3g.G3VectorDouble, "hwp_angle", times=times)

    # Now the position and velocity information

    pos = None
    if rankdet == 0:
        pos = tod.read_position(local_start=cacheoff, n=ncache).flatten()
    if comm is not None:
        pos = gather_field(0, pos, 3, MPI.DOUBLE, cacheoff, ncache, 2)
    if rank == 0:
        split_field(pos.reshape(-1, 3), core3g.G3VectorDouble, "site_position")

    vel = None
    if rankdet == 0:
        vel = tod.read_velocity(local_start=cacheoff, n=ncache).flatten()
    if comm is not None:
        vel = gather_field(0, vel, 3, MPI.DOUBLE, cacheoff, ncache, 3)
    if rank == 0:
        split_field(vel.reshape(-1, 3), core3g.G3VectorDouble, "site_velocity")

    # Now handle the common flags- either from a cache object or from the
    # TOD methods

    cflags = None
    nnz = 1
    if cache_common_flags is None:
        if rankdet == 0:
            cflags = np.array(
                tod.read_common_flags(local_start=cacheoff, n=ncache))
            cflags &= mask_flag_common
        cflags, nnz, mtype = get_local_cache(0, cache_common_flags, cacheoff,
        if cflags is not None:
            cflags &= mask_flag_common
    if comm is not None:
        mtype = MPI.UINT8_T
        cflags = gather_field(0, cflags, nnz, mtype, cacheoff, ncache, 4)
    if rank == 0:
        split_field(cflags, so3g.IntervalsInt, "flags_common")

    # Any extra common fields

    if comm is not None:

    if copy_common is not None:
        for cindx, (cname, g3typ, fname) in enumerate(copy_common):
            cdata, nnz, mtype = get_local_cache(0, cname, cacheoff, ncache)
            cdata = gather_field(0, cdata, nnz, mtype, cacheoff, ncache, cindx)
            if rank == 0:
                split_field(cdata, g3typ, fname)

    # Now read all per-detector quantities.

    # For each detector field, processes which have the detector
    # in their local_dets should be in the same process row.

    if rank == 0:
        for f in range(n_frames):
            fdata[f]["signal"] = core3g.G3TimestreamMap()
            if compress:
                fdata[f]["compressor_gain_signal"] = core3g.G3MapDouble()
                fdata[f]["compressor_offset_signal"] = core3g.G3MapDouble()
            fdata[f]["flags"] = so3g.MapIntervalsInt()
            if copy_detector is not None:
                for cname, g3typ, g3maptyp, fnm in copy_detector:
                    fdata[f][fnm] = g3maptyp()
                    if compress:
                        fdata[f]["compressor_gain_" +
                                 fnm] = core3g.G3MapDouble()
                        fdata[f]["compressor_offset_" +
                                 fnm] = core3g.G3MapDouble()

    for dindx, dname in enumerate(detnames):
        drow = -1
        # Demodulation may have synthesized new detector names
        dnames = []
        for x in tod.local_dets:
            if x.endswith(dname):
        if dnames:
            drow = rankdet

        # As a sanity check, verify that every process which
        # has this detector is in the same process row.
        rowcheck = None
        if comm is None:
            rowcheck = [drow]
            rowcheck = comm.gather(drow, root=0)
        prow = 0
        if rank == 0:
            rc = np.array([x for x in rowcheck if (x >= 0)], dtype=np.int32)
            prow = np.max(rc)
            if np.min(rc) != prow:
                msg = "Processes with detector {} are not in the "\
                    "same row of the process grid\n".format(dname)
                if comm is not None:

        # Every process finds out which process row is participating.
        if comm is not None:
            prow = comm.bcast(prow, root=0)
            all_dnames = comm.allgather(dnames)
            dnames = list(set(np.concatenate(all_dnames).flat))

        # "signal"

        for dname in dnames:
            detdata = None
            nnz = 1
            if cache_signal is None:
                if rankdet == prow:
                    detdata = tod.local_signal(dname)[cacheoff:cacheoff +
                cache_det = "{}_{}".format(cache_signal, dname)
                detdata, nnz, mtype = get_local_cache(prow, cache_det,
                                                      cacheoff, ncache)

            if comm is not None:
                mtype = MPI.DOUBLE
                detdata = gather_field(prow, detdata, nnz, mtype, cacheoff,
                                       ncache, dindx)
            if rank == 0:

        # "flags"

        for dname in dnames:
            detdata = None
            nnz = 1
            if cache_flags is None:
                if rankdet == prow:
                    detdata = tod.local_flags(dname)[cacheoff:cacheoff +
                    detdata &= mask_flag
                cache_det = "{}_{}".format(cache_flags, dname)
                detdata, nnz, mtype = get_local_cache(prow, cache_det,
                                                      cacheoff, ncache)
                if detdata is not None:
                    detdata &= mask_flag
            if comm is not None:
                mtype = MPI.UINT8_T
                detdata = gather_field(prow, detdata, nnz, mtype, cacheoff,
                                       ncache, dindx)
            if rank == 0:

        # Now copy any additional fields.

        for dname in dnames:
            if copy_detector is not None:
                for cname, g3typ, g3maptyp, fnm in copy_detector:
                    cache_det = "{}_{}".format(cname, dname)
                    detdata, nnz, mtype = get_local_cache(
                        prow, cache_det, cacheoff, ncache)
                    if comm is not None:
                        detdata = gather_field(prow, detdata, nnz, mtype,
                                               cacheoff, ncache, dindx)
                    if rank == 0:

    return fdata
Ejemplo n.º 14
# Test that we can read files written on a variety of platforms. Pass a path
# to generate test data for whatever this platform is.

testpath = os.path.join(os.environ['SPT3G_SOFTWARE_PATH'],

# Test data. Exercise some complicated things (STL bits) that we don't
# necessarily have control over, mapping a few primitive types.
f = core.G3Frame()
f['Five'] = 5
v = core.G3VectorDouble([2.6, 7.2])
f['Vec'] = v
v = core.G3VectorInt([17, 42, 87])
f['VecInt'] = v
m = core.G3MapDouble()
m['Six'] = 6
m['GoingOnSixteen'] = 15.9
f['Map'] = m

if len(sys.argv) > 1:

# For now, we test files from big-endian (PPC64) and little-endian (amd64)
# 64-bit systems. Should include some 32-bit ones.

for test in ['test-be.g3', 'test-le.g3']:
    testdata = core.G3Reader(os.path.join(testpath, test))(None)[0]
Ejemplo n.º 15
def UnpackCryoData(f):
    Extracts cryo information into CryoStatus key

    if f.type != core.G3FrameType.GcpSlow:

    if 'cryo' not in f['array']:

    board = f['array']['cryo']
    temps = board['temperature']
    heaters = board['heater_dac']

    t = core.G3MapDouble()
    t['cryo_is_valid'] = board['cryoIsValid'][0]

    # Measured values
    # He10
    t['uc_head'] = temps[0][0]
    t['ic_head'] = temps[0][1]
    t['he4_head'] = temps[0][2]
    t['he4_fb'] = temps[0][3]
    t['he4_pump'] = temps[0][4]
    t['ic_pump'] = temps[0][5]
    t['uc_pump'] = temps[0][6]
    t['he4_sw'] = temps[0][7]
    t['ic_sw'] = temps[0][8]
    t['uc_sw'] = temps[0][9]
    t['uc_stage'] = temps[0][10]
    t['lc_tower'] = temps[0][11]
    t['ic_stage'] = temps[0][12]
    t['t4k_head'] = temps[0][13]
    t['t4k_squid_strap'] = temps[0][14]
    t['t50k_head'] = temps[0][15]

    # Optics
    t['b1_50k_wbp_near'] = temps[1][0]
    t['b2_50k_wbp_far'] = temps[1][1]
    t['b3_50k_diving_board'] = temps[1][2]
    t['b4_50k_top_bot_ptc'] = temps[1][3]
    t['y1_50k_head'] = temps[1][4]
    t['y2_50k_window_strap_near'] = temps[1][5]
    t['y3_50k_tube_strap_near'] = temps[1][6]
    t['y4_50k_tube'] = temps[1][7]
    t['g1_4k_head'] = temps[1][8]
    t['g2_4k_strap'] = temps[1][9]
    t['g3_4k_lens_tab'] = temps[1][10]
    t['g4_4k_lens_tab_far'] = temps[1][11]
    t['r1_4k_top_top_ptc'] = temps[1][12]
    t['r2_50k_midop_bot_ptc'] = temps[1][13]
    t['r3_4k_lyot_flange'] = temps[1][14]
    t['r4_4k_lyot'] = temps[1][15]

    # Receiver
    t['t4k_plate_far'] = temps[2][0]
    t['t4k_strap_optics'] = temps[2][1]
    t['t4k_plate_mid'] = temps[2][2]
    t['t4k_plate_top'] = temps[2][3]
    t['t4k_plate_ptc'] = temps[2][4]
    t['t50k_harness_middle'] = temps[2][6]
    t['t50k_strap'] = temps[2][7]
    t['squid_wh1_sl1'] = temps[2][8]
    t['squid_wh5_sl1'] = temps[2][9]
    t['squid_wh3_sl7'] = temps[2][10]
    t['cal_filament'] = temps[2][11]
    t['cal_ambient1'] = temps[2][12]
    t['cal_ambient2'] = temps[2][13]
    t['cal_ambient3'] = temps[2][14]

    # Heaters
    t['heat_he4_pump'] = heaters[0][3]
    t['heat_ic_pump'] = heaters[0][4]
    t['heat_uc_pump'] = heaters[0][5]
    t['heat_he4_sw'] = heaters[0][0]
    t['heat_ic_sw'] = heaters[0][1]
    t['heat_uc_sw'] = heaters[0][2]

    f['CryoStatus'] = t
    f['CryoStatusTime'] = board['utc']
Ejemplo n.º 16
def calc_tod_median(frame, Input='TimestreamsWatts', Output='AvgPower'):
    if frame.type == core.G3FrameType.Scan:
        frame[Output] = core.G3MapDouble()
        for bolo in frame[Input].keys():
            frame[Output][bolo] = np.median(frame[Input][bolo][np.isfinite(frame[Input][bolo])])