Ejemplo n.º 1
def verify_mroute_debugcommand(dut, **kwargs):
    Author :Priyanka Gupta
    :type: bool
    command = "show debug ipmcorch all"
    output = st.show(dut, command)
    for each in kwargs.keys():
        match = {each: kwargs[each]}
        entries = filter_and_select(output, None, match)
        if not entries:
            st.log("{} and {} is not match ".format(each, kwargs[each]))
            return False
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
def verify_vrf_verbose(dut, vrfname, interface):
    st.log("verify show vrf --verbose output")
    cmd = "show vrf --verbose"
    output = st.show(dut, cmd)
    if not isinstance(vrfname, list):
        vrfname = [vrfname]
    for vname, intf in zip(vrfname, interface):
        match = {"vrfname": vname, "interfaces": intf}
        entries = filter_and_select(output, ["vrfname"], match)
        if not bool(entries):
            return bool(entries)
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 3
def set_copp_config(dut, *argv):
    To set the config into copp
    Author : Chaitanya Lohith Bollapragada ([email protected])
    Expected input from user should be [[table_name,attribute,value],[table_name,attribute,value],...]

    :param dut:
    :param table_name:
    :param attribute:
    :param value:
    :return bool:

    Example : set_copp_config(dut, ["COPP_TABLE:trap.group.bgp.lacp","queue","4"])
              set_copp_config(dut, ["COPP_TABLE:trap.group.bgp.lacp","queue","4"],["COPP_TABLE:trap.group.lldp.dhcp.udld","trap_priority","6"])
    command = "docker exec swss cat /etc/swss/config.d/00-copp.config.json"
    output = st.show(dut, command, skip_tmpl=True)
    reg_output = utils_obj.remove_last_line_from_string(output)
        data = do_eval(reg_output)
    except Exception as e:
        reg_output = "{} ]".format(reg_output)
        data = do_eval(reg_output)
    st.log("ARGV {}".format(argv))
    for eachli in argv:
        if len(eachli) != 3:
            st.error("Invalid input is provided  {}".format(eachli))
            return False
        table = eachli[0]
        attribute = eachli[1]
        value = eachli[2]
        for each in data:
            if table in each:
                each[table][attribute] = value
                st.error("Table not found {}".format(table))
                return False
    file_path = utils_obj.write_to_json_file(data, "/tmp/00-copp.config.json")
    st.log("FILE PATH -- {}".format(file_path))
    st.upload_file_to_dut(dut, file_path, "/tmp/00-copp.config.json")
    command = "docker cp /tmp/00-copp.config.json swss:/etc/swss/config.d/00-copp.config.json"
    st.config(dut, command)
    command = "rm /tmp/00-copp.config.json"
    st.config(dut, command)
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 4
def set_copp_pir_config(dut, config, *args):
    To set the config into copp_config.json
    Author : [email protected]

    :param dut:
    :param config:
    :param args:

    command = "sudo cat /etc/sonic/copp_config.json"
    output = st.show(dut, command, skip_tmpl=True)
    reg_output = utils_obj.remove_last_line_from_string(output)
        data = eval(reg_output)
    except Exception as e:
        reg_output = str(reg_output) + "\n" + "}"
        data = eval(reg_output)
    st.log("ARGS {}".format(args))
    if config == "get":
        return data

    for eachli in args:
        if len(eachli) != 3:
            st.error("Invalid input is provided  {}".format(eachli))
            return False
        table = eachli[0]
        attribute = eachli[1]
        value = eachli[2]
        found_table = False
        if table in data['SCHEDULER'].keys():
            data['SCHEDULER'][table][attribute] = value
            found_table = True
        if not found_table:
            st.error("Table not found {}".format(table))
            return False

    file_path = utils_obj.write_to_json_file(data, "/tmp/00-copp.config.json")
    st.log("FILE PATH -- {}".format(file_path))
    st.upload_file_to_dut(dut, file_path, "/tmp/00-copp.config.json")
    command = "sudo cp /tmp/00-copp.config.json /etc/sonic/copp_config.json"
    st.config(dut, command)
    command = "rm /tmp/00-copp.config.json"
    st.config(dut, command)
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 5
def grep_total_count(dut,**kwargs):
    :param dut:
    :param kwargs:
    ret_val = True
    grep_val = kwargs['grep']
    cmd = kwargs['cmd']
    output = st.show(dut,"sudo vtysh -c '{}' | grep {} | wc -l".format(cmd,grep_val),skip_tmpl=True)
    actual_count = int(output.split('\n')[0])
    exp_count = int(kwargs['exp_count'])

    if actual_count != exp_count:
        st.error("Count Mismatch:  Expected-{} Actual-{}".format(exp_count,actual_count))
        ret_val = False
    return ret_val
Ejemplo n.º 6
def mtrace(dut,**kwargs):
    Author : Sooriya G
    :param dut:
    :param source:
    :param group

    if 'source' not in kwargs or 'group' not in kwargs:
        st.error("Mandatory argument -source or -group is missing")
        return False
    source = kwargs['source']
    group = kwargs['group']
    cmd = 'mtrace {} {}'.format(source,group)
    output = st.show(dut,cmd,skip_tmpl=True,skip_error_check=True, type='vtysh')
    return output
Ejemplo n.º 7
def show_config(dut, search_string="", cli_type="klish"):
    API to show the configured radius parameters
    Author: Chaitanya Vella ([email protected])
    :param dut:
    {'globals': [{global_auth_type': 'pap (default)','global_source_ip': '','global_passkey': 'abcd (default)',
     'global_timeout': '5 (default)'}],
     'servers': [{'auth_type': '', 'passkey': '', 'auth_port': '1815', 'priority': '1', 'timeout': '', 'address': ''},
      {'auth_type': '', 'passkey': '', 'auth_port': '1812', 'priority': '1', 'timeout': '', 'address': ''}]}
    st.log("Showing radius configuration ...")
    result = {"globals": [], "servers": []}
    if cli_type == "klish":
        command = "show radius-server"
        output = st.cli_show(dut, command, "mgmt-user")
        global_out = dict()
        for k, v in output[0].items():
            if "global" in k:
                global_out[k] = v
        if global_out and utils.check_empty_values_in_dict(global_out):
        for d in output[1:]:
            server_out = dict()
            for k, v in d.items():
                if not "global" in k:
                    server_out[k] = v
            if server_out and utils.check_empty_values_in_dict(server_out):
    elif cli_type == "click":
        command = "show radius | grep -w {}".format(
            search_string) if search_string else "show radius"
        output = st.show(dut, command)
        for d in output:
            global_out = dict()
            server_out = dict()
            for k, v in d.items():
                if "global" in k:
                    global_out[k] = v
                    server_out[k] = v
            if global_out and not utils.check_empty_values_in_dict(global_out):
            if server_out and not utils.check_empty_values_in_dict(server_out):
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 8
def show_ip_route_validation_cli(type='click'):
    st.log("{} validation".format(type))
    test_case = 'FtOpSoRtPerfFn053' if type == 'click' else 'FtOpSoRtPerfFn052'
    start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
    if "via" not in st.show(dut,
                            "show ip route",
        st.report_tc_fail(test_case, 'test_case_failed')
    end_time = datetime.datetime.now()
    st.log("start_time for route display using {}: {} ".format(
        type, start_time))
    st.log("end_time for route display using {}: {} ".format(type, end_time))
    time_diff_in_secs = end_time - start_time
    st.log("time_diff_in_secs: {}".format(time_diff_in_secs))
    st.report_tc_pass(test_case, 'test_case_passed')
Ejemplo n.º 9
def verify_pim_nexthop_lookup(dut,**kwargs):

    :param dut:
    :param source
    :type string
    :param group
    :type string
    :param interface
    :type string
    :param vrf
    :type string
    ret_val = True
    if 'vrf' in kwargs:
        vrf_name = kwargs['vrf']
        del kwargs['vrf']
        vrf_name = 'default'

    if 'source' not in kwargs or 'group' not in kwargs:
        st.error("Mandatory arguments -source or -group Missing")
        return False

    if vrf_name != 'default':
        cmd = 'show ip pim vrf {} nexthop-lookup {} {}'.format(vrf_name,kwargs['source'],kwargs['group'])
        cmd = "show ip pim nexthop-lookup {} {}".format(kwargs['source'],kwargs['group'])

    output = st.show(dut,cmd, type='vtysh')
    if len(output) == 0:
        st.error("Output is Empty")
        return False

    if 'return_output' in kwargs:
        return output

    for key in kwargs:
        if str(kwargs[key]) != str(output[0][key]):
            st.error("Match not found for {} : Expected- {} Actual - {}".format(key,kwargs[key],output[0][key]))
            ret_val = False
            st.log("Match found for {} : Expected- {} Actual - {}".format(key, kwargs[key], output[0][key]))
    return ret_val
Ejemplo n.º 10
def verify_show_error_db_multi(dut, table, *argv, **kwargs):
    Verify multiple Error Database entries.
    Author : Prudvi Mangadu ([email protected])
    :param : dut:
    :param : table:
    :param : result: Expected result(Default True)
    :param : iteration: default(30)
    :param : argv: list  of dict arguments to verify
    exp_result = kwargs.get("result", True)
    iteration = kwargs.get("iteration", 30)
    cli_type = st.get_ui_type(dut, **kwargs)
    if kwargs.get("interface"):
        intf_entry_val = kwargs.get("interface")
        if cli_type == "klish":
            if vars.config.ifname_type == "alias":
                intf_entry_val = st.get_other_names(
                    vars.D1, [kwargs.get("interface")])[0]
        kwargs.update({"interface": intf_entry_val})
    command = "show error_database"
    if table:
        command = "show error_database {}".format(table)
    i = 1
    while True:
        output = st.show(dut, command)
        output = _get_entries_with_native_port(dut, output, **kwargs)
        result = True
        for each_row in argv:
            row_match = filter_and_select(output, None, each_row)
            if not row_match:
                st.log("Entry not found - {}".format(', '.join(
                    ["{}='{}'".format(k, each_row[k]) for k in each_row])))
                result = False
                st.log("Entry found - {}".format(', '.join(
                    ["{}='{}'".format(k, each_row[k]) for k in each_row])))
        if result == exp_result:
            return True
        if i >= iteration:
            return False
        i += 1
Ejemplo n.º 11
def verify_cpu_queue_counters(dut,queue_name,param_list,val_list,tol_list):
    Author: Gangadhara Sahu ([email protected])
    verifies CPU queue counters in the CLI show CPU queue counters
    :param dut: Device name where the command to be executed
    :type dut: string
    :param queue_name: queue name to be checked
    :type queue_name: string
    :param param_list: list of params to be verified; example ['pkts_count', 'pkts_drop']
    :param val_list: list of expected values for the params specified; example ['10000','5000']
    :param tol_list: tolerence value for each param while comparing; for example ['1000', '500']
    :return: True/False  True - success case; False - Failure case

    usage:  verify_cpu_queue_counters(dut1,'0',['pkts_count', 'pkts_drop'],
                                                       ['10000','5000'],['1000', '500'])


    success = True
    cli_out = st.show(dut,'show queue counters interface CPU queue {}'.format(queue_name),type="klish")
    fil_out = filter_and_select(cli_out, param_list, {"txq" : "MC"+queue_name})
    if not fil_out:
        st.error('port: CPU and queue name: {} not found in output: {}'.format(queue_name,cli_out))
        return False
        fil_out = fil_out[0]

    for param,val,tol in zip(param_list,val_list,tol_list):
            fil_out[param] = re.sub(",","",fil_out[param])
        except ValueError:
            st.error('cannot get integer value from obtained string: {}'.format(fil_out[param]))
            return False
        if int(fil_out[param])<=int(val)+int(tol) and int(fil_out[param])>=int(val)-int(tol):
            st.log('obtained value: {} is in the range b/w {} and {} as expected for param: {}'
                    'in queue: {}'.format(int(fil_out[param]),int(val)-int(tol),
            st.error('obtained value: {} is NOT in the range b/w {} and {} for param: {}'
                   'in queue: {}'.format(int(fil_out[param]), int(val) - int(tol),
                                         int(val) + int(tol), param, queue_name))
            success = False
    return True if success else False