Ejemplo n.º 1
def generate_instance_commands():
    ''' The Instance client holds the Singularity Instance command group
        The levels of verbosity (debug and quiet) are passed from the main
        client via the environment variable MESSAGELEVEL.

    from spython.instance import Instance

    from spython.main.base.logger import println
    from spython.main.instances import list_instances
    from spython.utils import run_command as run_cmd

    # run_command uses run_cmd, but wraps to catch error
    from spython.main.base.command import (init_command, run_command)
    from spython.main.base.generate import RobotNamer
    from .start import start
    from .stop import stop

    Instance.RobotNamer = RobotNamer()
    Instance._init_command = init_command
    Instance.run_command = run_cmd
    Instance._run_command = run_command
    Instance._list = list_instances  # list command is used to get metadata
    Instance._println = println
    Instance.start = start     # intended to be called on init, not by user
    Instance.stop = stop

    # Give an instance the ability to breed :)
    Instance.instance = Instance
    return Instance
Ejemplo n.º 2
def generate_oci_commands():
    """The oci command group will allow interaction with an image using
    OCI commands.
    from spython.oci import OciImage

    from spython.main.base.logger import println

    # run_command uses run_cmd, but wraps to catch error
    from spython.main.base.command import run_command, send_command
    from spython.main.base.generate import RobotNamer

    # Oci Command Groups
    from .mounts import mount, umount
    from .states import kill, state, start, pause, resume, _state_command
    from .actions import attach, create, delete, execute, run, _run, update

    # Oci Commands
    OciImage.start = start
    OciImage.mount = mount
    OciImage.umount = umount
    OciImage.state = state
    OciImage.resume = resume
    OciImage.pause = pause
    OciImage.attach = attach
    OciImage.create = create
    OciImage.delete = delete
    OciImage.execute = execute
    OciImage.update = update
    OciImage.kill = kill
    OciImage.run = run
    OciImage._run = _run
    OciImage._state_command = _state_command

    OciImage.RobotNamer = RobotNamer()
    OciImage._send_command = send_command  # send and disregard stderr, stdout
    OciImage._run_command = run_command
    OciImage._println = println
    OciImage.OciImage = OciImage

    return OciImage
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_oci(sandbox):  # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
    image = sandbox
    container_id = RobotNamer().generate()

    # A non existing process should not have a state
    print('...Case 1. Check status of non-existing bundle.')
    state = Client.oci.state('mycontainer')
    assert state is None

    # This will use sudo
    print("...Case 2: Create OCI image from bundle")
    result = Client.oci.create(bundle=image, container_id=container_id)

    assert result['status'] == 'created'

    print('...Case 3. Execute command to non running bundle.')
    result = Client.oci.execute(container_id=container_id,
                                command=['ls', '/'])


    if Client.version_info() >= VersionInfo(3, 2, 0, '1'):
        assert result['return_code'] == 255
        assert 'bin' in result

    print('...Case 4. Start container return value 0.')
    state = Client.oci.start(container_id, sudo=True)
    assert state == 0

    print('...Case 5. Execute command to running bundle.')
    result = Client.oci.execute(container_id=container_id,
                                command=['ls', '/'])

    assert 'bin' in result

    print('...Case 6. Check status of existing bundle.')
    state = Client.oci.state(container_id, sudo=True)
    assert state['status'] == 'running'

    print('...Case 7. Pause running container return value 0.')
    state = Client.oci.pause(container_id, sudo=True)
    assert state == 0

    # State was still reported as running
    if Client.version_info() >= VersionInfo(3, 2, 0, '1'):
        print('...check status of paused bundle.')
        state = Client.oci.state(container_id, sudo=True)
        assert state['status'] == 'paused'

    print('...Case 8. Resume paused container return value 0.')
    state = Client.oci.resume(container_id, sudo=True)
    assert state == 0

    print('...check status of resumed bundle.')
    state = Client.oci.state(container_id, sudo=True)
    assert state['status'] == 'running'

    print('...Case 9. Kill container.')
    state = Client.oci.kill(container_id, sudo=True)
    assert state == 0

    # Clean up the image (should still use sudo)
    # Bug in singularity that kill doesn't kill completely - this returns
    # 255. When testsupdated to 3.1.* add signal=K to run
    result = Client.oci.delete(container_id, sudo=True)
    assert result in [0, 255]