Ejemplo n.º 1
# to execute:
# From spytran dir:
#   python -m examples.1d_keigen

import spytran.spyTran as spytran
import os
pwdpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

# Load xs database
import spytran.materials.materialMixxer as mx

# Solver settings
sN, nG = 2, 10

# Geometry
geoFile = pwdpath + '/geometry/1d_keigen.geo'

# Materials
import spytran.utils.pinCellMatCalc as pcm
pinMaterial = pcm.createPinCellMat()
materialDict = {'mat_1': pinMaterial,
                'mat_2': pinMaterial}

# Boundary conditions
bcDict = {'bc1': 'ref',
          'bc2': 'ref'}

# Volumetric sources
srcDict = {'mat_1': 'fission',
Ejemplo n.º 2
# to execute:
# From spytran dir:
#   python -m examples.1d_keigen

import spytran.spyTran as spytran
import os
pwdpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

# Load xs database
import spytran.materials.materialMixxer as mx

# Solver settings
sN, nG = 6, 10

# Geometry
geoFile = pwdpath + '/geometry/2d_simple.geo'

# Materials
import spytran.utils.pinCellMatCalc as pcm
pinMaterial = pcm.createPinCellMat()
modMat = mx.mixedMat({'h1': 3.35e22 / 1e24, 'o16': 1.67e22 / 1e24})
materialDict = {'mat_1': pinMaterial,
                'mat_2': modMat}

# Boundary conditions
bcDict = {'bc1': 'ref',
          'bc2': 'ref',
          'bc3': 'ref',