Ejemplo n.º 1
def where_condition_for_page(ordering_columns, place, dialect):
    """Construct the SQL condition required to restrict a query to the desired

    :param ordering_columns: The query's ordering columns
    :type ordering_columns: list(:class:`.columns.OC`)
    :param place: The starting position for the page
    :type place: tuple
    :param dialect: The SQL dialect in use
    :returns: An SQLAlchemy expression suitable for use in ``.where()`` or
    if len(ordering_columns) != len(place):
        raise InvalidPage(
            "Page marker has different column count to query's order clause")

    zipped = zip(ordering_columns, place)
    swapped = [c.pair_for_comparison(value, dialect) for c, value in zipped]
    row, place_row = zip(*swapped)

    if len(row) == 1:
        condition = row[0] > place_row[0]
        condition = func.row(*row) > func.row(*place_row)
    return condition
Ejemplo n.º 2
def where_condition_for_page(ordering_columns, place):
    row, place_row = paging_condition(ordering_columns, place)
    if len(row) == 1:
        condition = row[0] > place_row[0]
        condition = func.row(*row) > func.row(*place_row)
    return condition
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _apply_before_or_after(self) -> PaginatedQuery:
        """Apply the "before" or "after" restrictions if necessary."""
        # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return
        if not (self.after_id or self.before_id):
            return self

        query = self

        # determine the ID of the "anchor item" that we're using as an upper or lower
        # bound, and which type of bound it is
        if self.after_id:
            anchor_id = self.after_id

            # since we're looking for other items "after" the anchor item, it will act
            # as an upper bound when the sort order is descending, otherwise it's a
            # lower bound
            is_anchor_upper_bound = self.sort_desc
        elif self.before_id:
            anchor_id = self.before_id

            # opposite of "after" behavior - when looking "before" the anchor item, it's
            # an upper bound if the sort order is *ascending*
            is_anchor_upper_bound = not self.sort_desc

        subquery = self._anchor_subquery(anchor_id)

        # restrict the results to items on the right "side" of the anchor item
        if is_anchor_upper_bound:
            query = query.filter(func.row(*self.sorting_columns) < subquery)
            query = query.filter(func.row(*self.sorting_columns) > subquery)

        return query
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _apply_before_or_after(self) -> 'PaginatedQuery':
        """Apply the "before" or "after" restrictions if necessary."""
        if not (self.after_id or self.before_id):
            return self

        query = self

        # determine the ID of the "anchor item" that we're using as an upper or
        # lower bound, and which type of bound it is
        if self.after_id:
            anchor_id = self.after_id

            # since we're looking for other items "after" the anchor item, it
            # will act as an upper bound when the sort order is descending,
            # otherwise it's a lower bound
            is_anchor_upper_bound = self.sort_desc
        elif self.before_id:
            anchor_id = self.before_id

            # opposite of "after" behavior - when looking "before" the anchor
            # item, it's an upper bound if the sort order is *ascending*
            is_anchor_upper_bound = not self.sort_desc

        # create a subquery to get comparison values for the anchor item
        id_column = list(self.model_cls.__table__.primary_key)[0]
        subquery = (self.request.db_session.query(
            *self.sorting_columns).filter(id_column == anchor_id).subquery())

        # restrict the results to items on the right "side" of the anchor item
        if is_anchor_upper_bound:
            query = query.filter(func.row(*self.sorting_columns) < subquery)
            query = query.filter(func.row(*self.sorting_columns) > subquery)

        return query
Ejemplo n.º 5
def where_condition_for_page(ordering_columns, place):
    """Construct the SQL condition required to restrict a query to the desired

    :param ordering_columns: The query's ordering columns
    :type ordering_columns: list(:class:`.columns.OC`)
    :param place: The starting position for the page
    :type place: tuple
    :returns: An SQLAlchemy expression suitable for use in ``.where()`` or
    row, place_row = paging_condition(ordering_columns, place)
    if len(row) == 1:
        condition = row[0] > place_row[0]
        condition = func.row(*row) > func.row(*place_row)
    return condition
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_resume_query(session):

    user_data = func.array_agg(func.row(User.id, User.name)).label('user')
    query = session.query(
        user_data). \
        join(User, Delivery.user_id == User.id). \
        join(Address, Delivery.user_id == Address.user_id)

    deliveries = query.group_by(Delivery.status, Address.city)
    return deliveries
Ejemplo n.º 7
def form_query(specs):
    jsonified = func.array_to_json(
            func.row(accel_data.seq_id, accel_data.node, accel_data.axis,
    starting_seq = int(specs['min_sequence']) + 2000 * int(specs['userstart'])
    ending_seq = int(specs['min_sequence']) + 2000 * int(specs['userfinish'])
    skip_every = int(2000 / int(specs['freq']))
    print(starting_seq, ending_seq)
    vectors = (db.session.query(accel_data.seq_id, jsonified).group_by(
            accel_data.seq_id.between(starting_seq, ending_seq)).filter(
                accel_data.seq_id % skip_every == 0)).yield_per(1000)
    return vectors
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_function_against_row_constructor(self, connection):

        stmt = select(func.row_to_json(func.row(1, "foo")))

        eq_(connection.scalar(stmt), {"f1": 1, "f2": "foo"})
Ejemplo n.º 9
def where_condition_for_page(ordering_columns, place):
    row, place_row = paging_condition(ordering_columns, place)
    condition = func.row(*row) > func.row(*place_row)
    return condition