Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_file_table(__base__, __metadata__):
    @param base: The base name.
    @param metadata: A container object from sqlalchemy that keeps together 
    many different features of a database (or multiple databases) being 
    @return: Table object.

    Create a dynamic file Table object to be mapped with LBFile.

    table = Table(
        #'lb_file_%s' %(__base__), __metadata__,
        'lb_file_%s' %(__base__), MetaData(),

        # @column id_file: The primary key for this table and uniquely identify
        # each file in the table.
        Column('id_file', GUID, primary_key=True),

        # @column id_doc: The primary key for document's table. Each file 
        # belongs to a document. 
        Column('id_doc', Integer),

        # @column name: Name used to identify a computer file stored in a file 
        # system. Different file systems impose different restrictions on 
        # filename lengths and the allowed characters within filenames. 
        Column('filename', String, nullable=False),

        # @column file: Sequence of bytes, which means the binary digits (bits) 
        # are grouped in eights. Bytes that are intended to be interpreted as 
        # something other than text characters.
        Column('file', Binary, nullable=False),

        # @column mimetype: Internet media type. Standard identifier used on the
        # Internet to indicate the type of data that a file contains. A media 
        # type is composed of a type, a subtype, and zero or more optional 
        # parameters. 
        Column('mimetype', String, nullable=False),

        # @column size: Measures the size of @column file in bytes. 
        Column('filesize', Integer, nullable=False),

        # @column text: Plain text (eletronix text) extracted from @ column
        # file.
        Column('filetext', String),

        # @column dt_ext_text: Date (date and time) of text extraction by
        # asynchronous text extractor.
        Column('dt_ext_text', DateTime),

        # Indicates that this Table is already present in the given MetaData.

    # Table factory are the default columns used when query object by API.
    table.__factory__ = [table.c.id_file,
    return table
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_doc_table(__base__, __metadata__, **rel_fields):
    @param base: The base name.
    @param metadata: A container object from sqlalchemy that keeps together 
    many different features of a database (or multiple databases) being 
    @param rel_fields: Dictionary at the format {field_name: field_obj} used
    to create adicional columns on the table.
    @return :Table object.

    Create a dynamic document Table object to be mapped with LBDocument.

    COLUMNS = (
        #'lb_doc_%s' %(__base__), __metadata__,
        'lb_doc_%s' %(__base__), MetaData(),

        # @column id_doc: The primary key for this table and uniquely identify
        # each document in the table.
        Column('id_doc', Integer, Sequence('lb_doc_%s_id_doc_seq' %(__base__)),

        # @column document: JSON encoded data wich represent a base record or 
        # registry. All insertions on this columns must obey the base structure.
        #Column('document', DocumentJSON, nullable=False),
        Column('document', JSON, nullable=False),

        # @column dt_doc: The document's creation date (date and time).
        Column('dt_doc', DateTime, nullable=False),

        # @column dt_last_up: The document's last updating date (date and time).
        Column('dt_last_up', DateTime, nullable=False),

        # @column dt_del: The document's date (date and time) of deletion. This 
        # date is filled when he normal deletion process failed when deleting
        # the document index. When it happens, the document is cleared up, 
        # leaving only it's metadata.
        Column('dt_del', DateTime),

        # @column dt_idx: The document's date (date and time) if indexing. All
        # routines that index the document must fill this field.
        Column('dt_idx', DateTime)

    for rel_field in rel_fields:
        # Get liblightbase.lbbase.fields object.
        field = rel_fields[rel_field]
        custom_col = get_custom_column(field)
        COLUMNS += (custom_col,)

    # Create the Table object. extend_existing Indicates that this Table is 
    # already present in the given MetaData.
    table = Table(*COLUMNS, extend_existing=True)
    # Table factory are the default columns used when query object by API.
    table.__factory__ = [

    return table