Ejemplo n.º 1
def test__rules__std_L062_raised() -> None:
    """L062 is raised for use of blocked words with correct error message."""
    sql = "SELECT MYOLDFUNCTION(col1) FROM deprecated_table;\n"
    cfg = FluffConfig(overrides={"dialect": "ansi"})
        config_path=["rules", "L062", "blocked_words"],
    linter = Linter(config=cfg)
    result_records = linter.lint_string_wrapped(sql).as_records()
    result = result_records[0]["violations"]

    assert len(result) == 2
    assert result[0]["description"] == "Use of blocked word 'MYOLDFUNCTION'."
    assert result[1]["description"] == "Use of blocked word 'deprecated_table'."
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test__rules__std_L009_and_L052_interaction() -> None:
    """Test interaction between L009 and L052 doesn't stop L052 from being applied."""
    # Test sql with no final newline and no final semicolon.
    sql = "SELECT foo FROM bar"

    # Ensure final semicolon requirement is active.
    cfg = FluffConfig()
    cfg.set_value(config_path=["rules", "L052", "require_final_semicolon"],
    linter = Linter(config=cfg)

    # Return linted/fixed file.
    linted_file = linter.lint_string(sql, fix=True)

    # Check expected lint errors are raised.
    assert set([v.rule.code
                for v in linted_file.violations]) == {"L009", "L052"}

    # Check file is fixed.
    assert linted_file.fix_string()[0] == "SELECT foo FROM bar;\n"