Ejemplo n.º 1
def add(
    cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, solution: str, usages: str,
    keywords: _KeywordsType):
  cmd = 'INSERT INTO clues VALUES (?, ?, ?)'
    cursor.execute(cmd, (solution, usages, _format_keyword_counts(keywords)))
  except (sqlite3.OperationalError, sqlite3.IntegrityError):
    print(cmd, solution, usages, _format_keywords(keywords))
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def load(self, cursor: sqlite3.Cursor) -> None:
     """Load the properties from the provided database cursor."""
     cursor.execute('select mu, sigma, games_count, wins_count from players '
                    'where name=? and ladder=?', [self.name, self.ranking.ladder])
     loaded = cursor.fetchone()
     logging.info('Fetched player %s skill %s', self.name, loaded['mu'])
     self.rating = self.ranking.tsh.create_rating(loaded['mu'], loaded['sigma'])
     self.games_count = loaded['games_count']
     self.wins_count = loaded['wins_count']
Ejemplo n.º 3
async def import_characters(conn: asyncpg.Connection, c: sqlite3.Cursor, new_ids: Dict[int, int]):
    log.info("Importing characters...")
    # Dictionary that maps character names to their SQL ID
    old_ids = {}
    chars = []
    log.debug("Gathering character records from sqlite...")
    c.execute("""SELECT id, user_id, name, level, vocation, world, guild FROM chars ORDER By id ASC""")
    rows = c.fetchall()
    for char_id, user_id, name, level, vocation, world, guild in rows:
        chars.append((user_id, name, level, vocation, world, guild))
        old_ids[name] = char_id
    log.debug(f"Collected {len(chars):,} records from old database.")
    log.info("Copying records to character table")
    res = await conn.copy_records_to_table("character", records=chars,
                                           columns=["user_id", "name", "level", "vocation", "world", "guild"])
    log.info(f"Copied {get_affected_count(res):,} records successfully.")
    new_chars = await conn.fetch('SELECT id, name FROM "character"')
    log.debug("Generating old id to new id mapping...")
    for new_id, name in new_chars:
        new_ids[old_ids[name]] = new_id
    log.debug("Old id to new id mapping generated.")

    ids = 1
    deaths = []
    killers = []
    log.debug("Gathering death records from sqlite...")
    c.execute("""SELECT char_id, level, killer, date, byplayer FROM char_deaths ORDER BY date ASC""")
    rows = c.fetchall()
    # This doesn't seem very safe to do, maybe it would be better to import deaths the old way
    for char_id, level, killer, date, byplayer in rows:
        byplayer = byplayer == 1
        date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(date, datetime.timezone.utc)
        deaths.append((new_ids[char_id], level, date))
        killers.append((ids, killer, byplayer))
        ids += 1
    log.debug(f"Collected {len(deaths):,} records from old database.")
    log.info("Copying records to deaths table.")
    res = await conn.copy_records_to_table("character_death", records=deaths, columns=["character_id", "level", "date"])
    log.info(f"Copied {get_affected_count(res):,} records successfully.")

    log.info("Copying records to death killers table.")
    res = await conn.copy_records_to_table("character_death_killer", records=killers,
                                           columns=["death_id", "name", "player"])
    log.info(f"Copied {get_affected_count(res):,} records successfully.")

    log.debug("Gathering level up records from sqlite...")
    c.execute("""SELECT char_id, level, date FROM char_levelups ORDER BY date ASC""")
    rows = c.fetchall()
    levelups = []
    for char_id, level, date in rows:
        date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(date, datetime.timezone.utc)
        levelups.append((new_ids[char_id], level, date))
    log.debug(f"Collected {len(levelups):,} records from old database.")
    log.info("Copying records to level ups table.")
    res = await conn.copy_records_to_table("character_levelup", records=levelups,
                                           columns=["character_id", "level", "date"])
    log.info(f"Copied {get_affected_count(res):,} records successfully.")
    log.info("Finished importing characters.")
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def str2int(s: str, cursor: sqlite3.Cursor) -> int:
         On interroge une base données, on vérifie si la chaine de caractère est soit
         dans la case phonologie, soit dans la case graphie et on renvoie tous les entiers correspondants.
     :param s: chaine de caractères
     :param cursor: pointeur de base de données
     :return: l'entier associé à la chaine de caractères d'entrée, False sinon
     recherche = "SELECT integer FROM Lexique WHERE ortho = ? OR phon = ?"
     cursor.execute(recherche, (s,)*2)
     return cursor.fetchone()
Ejemplo n.º 5
async def import_ignored_channels(conn: asyncpg.Connection, c: sqlite3.Cursor):
    log.info("Importing ignored channels...")
    channels = []
    log.debug("Gathering ignored channels from sqlite...")
    c.execute("SELECT server_id, channel_id FROM ignored_channels")
    rows = c.fetchall()
    for server_id, channel_id in rows:
        channels.append((server_id, channel_id))
    log.debug(f"Collected {len(channels):,} records from old database.")
    log.info("Copying records to ignored channels table")
    res = await conn.copy_records_to_table("ignored_entry", records=channels, columns=["server_id", "entry_id"])
    log.info(f"Copied {get_affected_count(res):,} records successfully.")
    log.info("Finished importing channels.")
Ejemplo n.º 6
def update_grammar_with_table_values(grammar_dictionary: Dict[str, List[str]],
                                     schema: Dict[str, List[TableColumn]],
                                     cursor: Cursor) -> None:

    for table_name, columns in schema.items():
        for column in columns:
            cursor.execute(f'SELECT DISTINCT {table_name}.{column.name} FROM {table_name}')
            results = [x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall()]
            if column_has_string_type(column):
                productions = sorted([f'"{str(result)}"' for result in results], reverse=True)
            elif column_has_numeric_type(column):
                productions = sorted([f'"{str(result)}"' for result in results], reverse=True)
Ejemplo n.º 7
async def import_events(conn: asyncpg.Connection, c: sqlite3.Cursor, new_char_ids: Dict[int, int]):
    log.info("Importing events...")
    events = []
    subscribers = []
    participants = []
    new_event_ids = {}
    i = 1
    log.debug("Gathering event records from sqlite...")
    c.execute("SELECT id, creator, name, start, active, status, description, server, joinable, slots FROM events")
    rows = c.fetchall()
    for event_id, creator, name, start, active, status, description, server, joinable, slots in rows:
        new_event_ids[event_id] = i
        start = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(start, datetime.timezone.utc)
        active = bool(active)
        joinable = bool(joinable)
        status = 4 - status
        events.append((creator, name, start, active, description, server, joinable, slots, status))
        i += 1
    log.debug(f"Collected {len(events):,} records from old database.")
    log.info("Copying records to events table")
    res = await conn.copy_records_to_table("event", records=events,
                                           columns=["user_id", "name", "start", "active", "description", "server_id",
                                                    "joinable", "slots", "reminder"])
    log.debug(f"Copied {get_affected_count(res):,} records successfully.")

    log.debug("Gathering event subscribers from sqlite...")
    c.execute("SELECT event_id, user_id FROM event_subscribers")
    rows = c.fetchall()
    for event_id, user_id in rows:
        subscribers.append((new_event_ids[event_id], user_id))
    log.debug(f"Collected {len(subscribers):,} records from old database.")

    log.info("Copying records to event subscribers table")
    res = await conn.copy_records_to_table("event_subscriber", records=subscribers, columns=["event_id", "user_id"])
    log.info(f"Copied {get_affected_count(res):,} records successfully.")

    log.debug("Gathering event participants from sqlite...")
    c.execute("SELECT event_id, char_id FROM event_participants")
    rows = c.fetchall()
    for event_id, char_id in rows:
        participants.append((new_event_ids[event_id], new_char_ids[char_id]))
    log.debug(f"Collected {len(participants):,} records from old database.")

    log.info("Copying records to event participants table")
    res = await conn.copy_records_to_table("event_participant", records=participants,
                                           columns=["event_id", "character_id"])
    log.info(f"Copied {get_affected_count(res):,} records successfully.")
    log.info("Finished importing events.")
Ejemplo n.º 8
def query(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, clue: str) -> List[Tuple[str, int, _KeywordsType]]:
  results = []
  cmd = """
    SELECT solution, usages, keywords
    FROM clues
    WHERE keywords LIKE ?
  like = '%' + _format_keywords_query(clue_keywords(clue)) + '%'
  for solution, usages, keywords in cursor.execute(cmd, (like,)):
    keywords = _query_keywords(keywords)
    results.append((solution, usages, keywords))
  return results
Ejemplo n.º 9
async def import_server_properties(conn: asyncpg.Connection, c: sqlite3.Cursor):
    properties = []
    prefixes = []
    times = []
    log.debug("Gathering server property records from sqlite...")
    log.info("Importing server properties...")
    c.execute("SELECT server_id, name, value FROM server_properties")
    rows = c.fetchall()
    for server_id, key, value in rows:
        server_id = int(server_id)
        if key == "prefixes":
            prefixes.append((server_id, json.loads(value)))
        if key == "times":
            value = json.loads(value)
            for entry in value:
                times.append((server_id, entry["timezone"], entry["name"]))
        elif key in ["events_channel", "levels_channel", "news_channel", "welcome_channel", "ask_channel",
                     "announce_channel", "announce_level"]:
            value = int(value)
        elif key in ["watched_message", "watched_channel"]:
        elif key == "commandsonly":
            value = bool(value)
        properties.append((server_id, key, value))
    log.debug(f"Collected {len(properties):,} properties, {len(times):,} timezones and {len(prefixes):,} prefixes"
              f" from old database.")
    log.info("Copying records to server property table")
    res = await conn.copy_records_to_table("server_property", records=properties, columns=["server_id", "key", "value"])
    log.info(f"Copied {get_affected_count(res):,} records successfully.")

    log.info("Copying records to server prefixes table")
    res = await conn.copy_records_to_table("server_prefixes", records=prefixes, columns=["server_id", "prefixes"])
    log.info(f"Copied {get_affected_count(res):,} records successfully.")

    log.info("Copying records to server timezone table")
    res = await conn.copy_records_to_table("server_timezone", records=times, columns=["server_id", "zone", "name"])
    log.info(f"Copied {get_affected_count(res):,} records successfully.")
    log.info("Finished importing server properties.")
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def _Check_Table_Fields(self, cursor: Cursor, table_name: str,
                            table_info: tuple) -> bool:
        _Check_Table_Fields(cursor: Cursor, table_name: str,
                            table_info: tuple) -> bool

        :param cursor: 光标
        :param table_name: 表名
        :param table_info: 表结构(从左至右顺序)
        :return: bool
        sql = f'''PRAGMA TABLE_INFO({table_name})'''
        result = cursor.execute(sql)
        temp_name, temp_type = [], []
        for temp in result:
        return (tuple(temp_name), tuple(temp_type)) == table_info
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def _Exist_Table(self, cursor: Cursor, table_name: str) -> bool:
        _Exist_Table(cursor: Cursor, table_name: str) -> None

        :param cursor: 光标
        :param table_name: 表名
        :return: bool
        sql = '''SELECT name FROM sqlite_master 
                WHERE type='table' 
                AND name=? COLLATE NOCASE;'''
        data = (table_name,)
        result = cursor.execute(sql, data)
            return True
        except StopIteration:
            return False
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def get_table_info(self,
                       cursor_name: str,
                       table_name: str,
                       cursor: sqlite3.Cursor = None):

        if not cursor or not isinstance(cursor, sqlite3.Cursor):
            if not cursor_name in self.env:
                raise ValueError
            cursor = self.env[cursor_name]

            if not isinstance(cursor, sqlite3.Cursor):
                raise TypeError

        index_list = [
            data[1] for data in cursor.execute('PRAGMA index_list({});'.format(
        indexed_list = {
            cursor.execute('pragma index_info({});'.format(col)).fetchone()[2]
            for col in index_list
        table = DatabaseTableInfo()
        table.tableName = table_name

        cursor.execute("PRAGMA table_info('{}')".format(table_name))
        for col_info in cursor.fetchall():
            column = DatabaseColumnInfo()
            column.columnName = col_info[1]
            column.columnType = col_info[2]
            column.notNull = bool(col_info[3])
            column.default = col_info[4] or '<span class="null">null</span>'
            column.defaultRaw = col_info[4]
            column.primaryKey = bool(col_info[5])
            column.indexed = column.columnName in indexed_list


        cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {}'.format(table_name))
        table.rowCount = cursor.fetchone()[0]
        return table
Ejemplo n.º 13
def rename_assets_in_db(cursor: Cursor, rename_pairs: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> None:
    Renames assets in all the relevant tables in the Database.

    Takes a list of tuples in the form:
    [(from_name_1, to_name_1), (from_name_2, to_name_2), ...]

    Good from DB version 1 until now.
    # [(to_name_1, from_name_1), (to_name_2, from_name_2), ...]
    changed_symbols = [(e[1], e[0]) for e in rename_pairs]

        'UPDATE multisettings SET value=? WHERE value=? and name="ignored_asset";',
    rename_assets_in_timed_balances(cursor, rename_pairs)

    replaced_symbols = [e[0] for e in rename_pairs]
    replaced_symbols_q = ['pair LIKE "%' + s + '%"' for s in replaced_symbols]
    query_str = (
        f'SELECT id, pair, fee_currency FROM trades WHERE fee_currency IN '
        f'({",".join("?"*len(replaced_symbols))}) OR ('
        f'{" OR ".join(replaced_symbols_q)})'
    cursor.execute(query_str, replaced_symbols)
    updated_trades = []
    for q in cursor:
        new_pair = q[1]
        for rename_pair in rename_pairs:
            from_asset = rename_pair[0]
            to_asset = rename_pair[1]

            if from_asset not in q[1] and from_asset != q[2]:
                # It's not this rename pair

            if from_asset in q[1]:
                new_pair = q[1].replace(from_asset, to_asset)

            new_fee_currency = q[2]
            if from_asset == q[2]:
                new_fee_currency = to_asset

            updated_trades.append((new_pair, new_fee_currency, q[0]))

        'UPDATE trades SET pair=?, fee_currency=? WHERE id=?',
Ejemplo n.º 14
def procedure_corpus2(corpus, cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, debug: bool=False):
    for (j, (classes, sequence)) in corpus:
        if debug:
            print("procedure: ", len(corpus) - j, sequence, file=stderr)
        add_feature_cmd = "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Features(feature) VALUES (?);"
        add_classes_cmd = "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Classes(classe) VALUES (?);"
        cursor.execute('BEGIN TRANSACTION;')
        cursor.execute(add_feature_cmd, (sequence,))
        cursor.executemany(add_classes_cmd, zip(classes))
            OptimString(sequence, Point('.'), pointee=None, control=None),
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def _update_tags(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor,
                     bookmarks: List[Bookmark]) -> None:
        for bookmark in bookmarks:
                "SELECT name FROM tag WHERE bookmarkId IS ?",
                (str(bookmark.id), ),
            old_tags = cursor.fetchall()
            if old_tags and {tag[0] for tag in old_tags} != set(bookmark.tags):
                    "DELETE FROM tag WHERE bookmarkId IS ?",
                    (str(bookmark.id), ),

                    "INSERT INTO tag (name, bookmarkId) VALUES (?, ?)",
                    [(tag, str(bookmark.id)) for tag in bookmark.tags],
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def get_db_info(self,
                    cursor_name: str,
                    cursor: sqlite3.Cursor = None) -> DatabaseInfo:
        if not cursor or not isinstance(cursor, sqlite3.Cursor):
            if cursor_name not in self.env:
                raise ValueError
            cursor = self.env[cursor_name]

            if not isinstance(cursor, sqlite3.Cursor):
                raise TypeError

        result = DatabaseInfo()

        table_names = cursor.execute(
            "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';").fetchall()
        table_names = [table[0] for table in table_names]

        for table_name in table_names:
            result.tables.append(self.get_table_info('', table_name, cursor))
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 17
def all_guest_appearances_by_id(cur: sqlite3.Cursor,
                                guest_id: int) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
    '''Finds all apperances of a given guest id

        cur (Cursor): DB cursor
        guest_id (int): Guest id in the DB

        List[Tuple[int, int]]: List of appearances (tuples) in the format: (show_id, episode_num)
    return cur.execute(
    select show, episode from appearances
    where appearances.guest_id in (
	    select guest_id from guests
	    where guests.guest_id = ?
    order by episode desc
    ''', (guest_id, ))
Ejemplo n.º 18
def get_cache_game(cur: sqlite3.Cursor, get_total: bool = False) -> list:
    cur.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "cache"')
    total = cur.fetchone()[0]
    print(f'缓存中共有 {total} 个免费游戏')

    if get_total:
        return total

    appids = []
    for i in range(0, total+1, 1000):
        cur.execute('SELECT "appid" FROM "cache" LIMIT ?,1000', (i,))
        t = [x[0] for x in cur.fetchall()]
    return appids
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_v1_to_v2(test_name: str, input, expected, db: sqlite3.Connection,
                  cursor: sqlite3.Cursor):

    cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE mod (" + "id TEXT UNIQUE, " + "site TEXT, " +
                   "site_id TEXT, " + "site_slug TEXT, " +
                   "upload_time INTEGER, " + "active INTEGER)")
        "INSERT INTO mod (id, site, site_id, site_slug, upload_time, active) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",

    upgrader = SqliteUpgrader(db, cursor)

    cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM mod")
    result = cursor.fetchall()

    assert [expected] == result
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def _create_schema(self, c: sqlite3.Cursor) -> None:

            """create table if not exists Deployments(
                 uuid text primary key

            """create table if not exists DeploymentAttrs(
                 deployment text not null,
                 name text not null,
                 value text not null,
                 primary key(deployment, name),
                 foreign key(deployment) references Deployments(uuid) on delete cascade

            """create table if not exists Resources(
                 id integer primary key autoincrement,
                 deployment text not null,
                 name text not null,
                 type text not null,
                 foreign key(deployment) references Deployments(uuid) on delete cascade

            """create table if not exists ResourceAttrs(
                 machine integer not null,
                 name text not null,
                 value text not null,
                 primary key(machine, name),
                 foreign key(machine) references Resources(id) on delete cascade
Ejemplo n.º 21
def get_account_address(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, account: str) -> str:
    cursor.execute('insert or ignore into account_wallet(account) values(?)',
                   (account, ))

        'select address from account_address where account == ? and time > ?',
        (account, int(time.time()) - 60 * 60 * 24 * 7))
    address = cursor.fetchone()

    if address is None:
        address = coinrpc.call('getnewaddress')
            'insert into account_address(account, address, time) values(?, ?, ?)',
            (account, address, int(time.time())))

        address = address[0]

    return address
Ejemplo n.º 22
def get_owned_game(cur: sqlite3.Cursor, bot: str, get_total: bool = False) -> list:
    cur.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "owned" WHERE bot=?', (bot,))
    total = cur.fetchone()[0]
    print(f'{bot} 已拥有 {total} 个免费游戏')

    if get_total:
        return total

    appids = []
    for i in range(0, total+1, 1000):
        cur.execute('SELECT "appid" FROM "owned" WHERE bot=? LIMIT ?,1000',
                    (bot, i))
        t = [x[0] for x in cur.fetchall()]
    return appids
Ejemplo n.º 23
def inner_insert_node(query: sqlite3.Cursor, node: Node) -> None:
    # add this node
        (id, name, trashed, created, modified)
        (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ;''', (node.id_, node.name, node.trashed, node.created.timestamp,

    # add file information
    if not node.is_folder:
            INSERT OR REPLACE INTO files
            (id, md5, size)
            (?, ?, ?)
        ;''', (node.id_, node.md5, node.size))

    # add parentage
    if node.parents:
            DELETE FROM parentage
            WHERE child=?
        ;''', (node.id_, ))

        for parent in node.parents:
                INSERT OR REPLACE INTO parentage
                (parent, child)
                (?, ?)
            ;''', (parent, node.id_))
Ejemplo n.º 24
def all_episode_guests(cur: sqlite3.Cursor, show: str,
                       ep_num: int) -> List[Tuple[int, str]]:
    '''Gets all guests that were on a given episode

        cur (Cursor): DB cursor.
        show (str): Show name.
        ep_num (int): Episode number.

        List[Tuple[int, str]]: List of appearances (tuples) in the format: (show_id, episode_num)
    show_id = utils.get_show_id(show)

    return cur.execute(
    select guest_id, name from guests
    where guest_id in (
        select guest_id from appearances
        where appearances.show = ? and appearances.episode = ?
    ''', (show_id, ep_num)).fetchall()
Ejemplo n.º 25
def guest_name_search(cur: sqlite3.Cursor, search_str: str) -> List[Dict]:
    '''Querys the database for guests who have a name contianing the given string

        cur (Cursor): DB cursor
        search_str (str): Search query

        List of dicts with the format:
            id: guest_id
            name: guest_name
    wildcard_name = f'%{search_str}%'
    all_results = cur.execute(
    select guest_id, name from guests
    where name like ?
    ''', (wildcard_name, )).fetchall()

    return [{'id': res[0], 'name': res[1]} for res in all_results]
Ejemplo n.º 26
def store_transformation_into_DB(transID: int, baseNode: Node,
                                 addedNodes: List[Node],
                                 replacedNodes: List[Node],
                                 cursor: sqlite3.Cursor,
                                 fullScopeName: str) -> None:
    """A helper function to store nodes transformations into database.

        transID: int. The ID for this stored transformation.
        baseNode: Node. The base node that changes its operands.
        addedNodes: List[Node]. A list of added nodes in this transformation.
        replacedNodes: List[Node]. A list of replaced nodes in this transformation.
        cursor: sqlite3.Cursor. Cursor of the sqlite3 database.
        fullScopeName: str. The full scope name of this transformation.

        """INSERT INTO Log_Transformation VALUES (
                        )""", (transID, baseNode.get_name(),
                               baseNode.get_kind_name(), fullScopeName))
    for an in addedNodes:
            """INSERT INTO Log_Transformation VALUES (
            (transID, an.get_name(), an.get_kind_name(), fullScopeName))

    for rn in replacedNodes:
            """INSERT INTO Log_Transformation VALUES (
            (transID, rn.get_name(), rn.get_kind_name(), fullScopeName))
Ejemplo n.º 27
def hmp_write_techmax(cur: sqlite3.Cursor, newmax:int):
        #povol zapis
        cur.execute("insert into serial_prikaz(cas, prikaz, typ_dotazu, iswrite) values(?, ?, ?, 1)", (datetime.now(), "FF A5 00 3F 03 19 E1 00 00 F4 2B", APP_TYP_DOTAZU.HMP_ZAPIS.value))

        #zapis techmax
        hx = telegram_create(Jednotka.HMP.value, Telegram.BEZNY, b'\xA2\x22\x00' + int_to_bytes_data(newmax))
        cur.execute("insert into serial_prikaz(cas, prikaz, typ_dotazu, iswrite) values(?, ?, ?, 1)", (datetime.now(), conv_hex_to_str(hx), APP_TYP_DOTAZU.HMP_ZAPIS.value))

        #zrus povoleni zapisu
        cur.execute("insert into serial_prikaz(cas, prikaz, typ_dotazu, iswrite) values(?, ?, ?, 1)", (datetime.now(), "FF A5 00 3F 03 19 E1 00 00 F0 2F", APP_TYP_DOTAZU.HMP_ZAPIS.value))
    except Exception as e:        
        print("hmp_write_regmax(): Ex: {}".format(str(e)), flush=True)

def geo_locate(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor):
    """Generate location data for each city then feed to location_cache table"""
    cursor.execute('''DELETE FROM location_cache'''
                   )  # Scrub previous results to start over

    geo_code = Nominatim(user_agent="capstone_project")
    cursor.execute("""SELECT location FROM combined_jobs""")
    jobs = cursor.fetchall()  # Set to .fetchall once development is complete

    for location in jobs:
            full_loc = geo_code.geocode(location[0])
                f"""INSERT INTO location_cache(location, latitude, longitude)
            VALUES (?,?,?)""",
                (location[0], full_loc.latitude, full_loc.longitude))
        except AttributeError:
        except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
Ejemplo n.º 29
def encode_flower_data(flower_id, since_time, cursor: sqlite3.Cursor):
    print(f'Device: {flower_id}, since_time: {since_time}')
    query = f'SELECT * FROM readings ' \
            f'WHERE flower_id = {flower_id} AND timestamp > {since_time}'
    rows = cursor.execute(query)
    rows = [row for row in rows]

    timestamps = [timestamp for (_, _, _, timestamp) in rows]
    lights = [light for (_, light, _, _) in rows]
    moistures = [moisture for (_, _, moisture, _) in rows]
    print(f'Timestamps: {timestamps}')
    print(f'Lights: {lights}')
    print(f'Moistures: {moistures}')

    response = plantcare_pb2.Response()
    response.flower_data.flower_id = flower_id

    return response
Ejemplo n.º 30
def fetch_all_jobs(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor):
    jobs_list = []
    actual_jobs = cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM api_jobs")

    for job in actual_jobs:
        new_job_object = {
            "job_id": job[0],
            "company": job[1],
            "company_logo": job[2],
            "company_url": job[3],
            "created_at": job[4],
            "description": job[5],
            "how_to_apply": job[6],
            "location": job[7] if job[7] in job else None,
            "title": job[8],
            "type": job[9],
            "url": job[10],
            "lat": None,
            "long": None

    return jobs_list
Ejemplo n.º 31
def get_event_by_id(cur: sqlite3.Cursor, event_id: int) -> Dict:
    '''Get an event based on its id

        cur (Cursor): Database cursor
        event_id: Id of event

        dict: Dict representing an event
    event = cur.execute(
    select event_id, show, episode, timestamp, description from events
    where event_id = ?
    ''', (event_id, )).fetchone()

    return {
        'id': event[0],
        'show': 'PKA' if event[1] == 1 else 'PKN',
        'episode': event[2],
        'timestamp': event[3],
        'description': event[4],
Ejemplo n.º 32
def analyse_exam(cursor: Cursor, exam_id: int) -> dict:
    ''' Gives all stats about the exam

        cursor (Cursor): sqlite3 Cursor object
        exam_id (int): the unique id of the exam

        dict: all the stats

    logger.info('Analyzing exam with id ')
    cursor.execute(___(f'SELECT AVG(marks) FROM marks WHERE exam={exam_id}'))
    average = cursor.fetchone()[0]
    cursor.execute(___(f'SELECT MAX(marks) FROM marks WHERE exam={exam_id}'))
    highest = cursor.fetchone()[0]

    return {'average': average, 'highest': highest}
Ejemplo n.º 33
def fetch_all_jobs_with_lat_long(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, actual_jobs):
    jobs_list_with_updated_location = []

    for job in actual_jobs:
        if job['location'] is not None:
            converted_city = convert_city(job['location'])
            if converted_city.split()[0] != 'remote':
                cache_city = cursor.execute(
                    "SELECT * FROM api_jobs_location_cache WHERE location = ?",
                    (converted_city, ))
                lat_and_long = cache_city.fetchone()
                if lat_and_long is not None:
                    lat_from_cache = lat_and_long[1]
                    long_from_cache = lat_and_long[2]
                    lat_from_cache = None
                    long_from_cache = None

        job['lat'] = lat_from_cache
        job['long'] = long_from_cache


    return jobs_list_with_updated_location
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def get_balance(self, client_id: int, db_cur: sqlite3.Cursor) -> float:
        The function select user's balance with his id from the database. The pending request is a tuple, which contains
        the client's balance in the first position.

        :param db_cur: Object - Cursor to the database.
        :param client_id: Integer - Id to find user in the database.
        :return: Float - User's balance from the database
            result = db_cur.execute(
        except sqlite3.Error as e:
            raise Exception(
                f'An error occurred while accessing the service "Getting client\'s balance from the '
                f'database": {e}')
        assert result
            return result[0]
        except IndexError:
            raise Exception(
                f'An error occurred while accessing the service "Getting client\'s balance from the '
                f'database", got empty response: {e}')
Ejemplo n.º 35
def execute(cursor : sqlite3.Cursor, sql : str, tableInfo : blockSQL.sql.tool.table_info_module.TableInfo, hashFunc = hashlib.sha256, timeFunc = time.time) -> sqlite3.Cursor:
    sql = blockSQL.sql.sql_module.string_module.removeHeadNoise(sql)
    sql = blockSQL.sql.sql_module.string_module.removeHeadNoise(sql, '\n')
    sql = blockSQL.sql.sql_module.string_module.removeHeadNoise(sql)
    funcName = blockSQL.sql.sql_module.findFunc(sql)
    if(funcName == "CREATE TABLE"):
        tableName = blockSQL.sql.sql_module.getInfo_create(sql)
        blockSQL.sql.currentTable_module.create(cursor, sql, tableName)
        blockSQL.sql.historyTable_module.create(cursor, tableName)
    elif(funcName == "INSERT INTO"):
        tableName, columns = blockSQL.sql.sql_module.getInfo_insert(sql, tableInfo)
        blockSQL.sql.currentTable_module.insert(cursor, sql, tableName)
        blockSQL.sql.historyTable_module.insert(cursor, tableName, columns, timeFunc)
        blockSQL.sql.block_module.insert(cursor, tableName, hashFunc, timeFunc)
        blockSQL.sql.currentTable_module.done(cursor, tableName)
    elif(funcName == "UPDATE"):
        tableName, columns, where = blockSQL.sql.sql_module.getInfo_update(sql, tableInfo)
        blockSQL.sql.currentTable_module.update(cursor, tableName, where, sql)
        blockSQL.sql.historyTable_module.insert(cursor, tableName, columns, timeFunc)
        blockSQL.sql.block_module.insert(cursor, tableName, hashFunc, timeFunc)
        blockSQL.sql.currentTable_module.done(cursor, tableName)
        return cursor.execute(sql)
    return cursor
Ejemplo n.º 36
def inner_delete_node_by_id(query: sqlite3.Cursor, node_id: Text) -> None:
    # disconnect parents
        DELETE FROM parentage
        WHERE child=? OR parent=?
    ;''', (node_id, node_id))

    # remove from files
        DELETE FROM files
        WHERE id=?
    ;''', (node_id, ))

    # remove from nodes
        DELETE FROM nodes
        WHERE id=?
    ;''', (node_id, ))
Ejemplo n.º 37
def sql_update_setting(guild: int, setting: str, value: str,
                       cursor: sqlite3.Cursor,
                       connection: sqlite3.Connection) -> bool:
    sql = """SELECT value from settings WHERE guildID == ? and setting = ?;"""
    cursor.execute(sql, (guild, setting))
    results = cursor.fetchall()
    update = False
    for result in results:
        if value in result:
            raise SettingAlreadySet()
            update = True
        if update:
            sql = """UPDATE settings SET value = ? WHERE setting = ? AND guildID = ?;"""
            cursor.execute(sql, (value, setting, guild))
            sql = """INSERT INTO settings (guildID, setting, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?);"""
            cursor.execute(sql, (guild, setting, value))

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 38
def write_intron_feature_annotation(c: sqlite3.Cursor, intron_feature: str,
                                    genes: str,
                                    intron_feature_name: str) -> None:

    query = str(
        "select sample_type, all_map_sample_count, all_map_sample_pct " +
        " from intron_sample_type_counts " +
        " where intron = ? and db_class = ? and sample_type != 'total' " +
        " order by all_map_sample_pct desc")

    TCGA_vals = list()
    c.execute(query, (intron_feature, "TCGA"))
    rows = c.fetchall()
    for row in rows:
        (sample_type, sample_count, sample_fraction) = row
        sample_info = ":".join([
            str(sample_count), "{:.2f}".format(sample_fraction * 100)
    if not TCGA_vals:
        TCGA_vals = ["NA"]

    GTEx_vals = list()
    c.execute(query, (intron_feature, "GTEx"))
    rows = c.fetchall()
    for row in rows:
        (sample_type, sample_count, sample_fraction) = row
        sample_info = ":".join([
            str(sample_count), "{:.2f}".format(sample_fraction * 100)
    if not GTEx_vals:
        GTEx_vals = ["NA"]

        intron_feature, genes, ",".join(TCGA_vals), ",".join(GTEx_vals),

Ejemplo n.º 39
def req_list(cur: Cursor = None) -> dict:
    page: int = int(request.args["page"])
    page_size: int = int(
        request.args["pageSize"] if request.args["pageSize"] else "10")
      FROM apply_player
    count: int = cur.fetchone()[0]

    page = max(1, min(page, math.ceil(count / page_size)))

      FROM apply_player
      ORDER BY req_time DESC
      LIMIT %d OFFSET %d
    """, (page_size, (page - 1) * page_size))
    res = cur.fetchall()
    data = [
            "playerName": r[0],
            "password": r[1],  # TODO 自动创建账号后不再响应给前端
            "reqTime": r[2],
            "applyTime": r[3],
            "applyOP": r[4],
            "status": r[5],
            "type": r[6],
            "ip": r[7],
            "qq": r[8],
            "oldPlayerName": r[9],
            "opName": r[10]
        } for r in res

    return success(pager_data(page, count, data, page_size))
Ejemplo n.º 40
async def import_roles(conn: asyncpg.Connection, c: sqlite3.Cursor):
    log.info("Importing roles...")
    auto_roles = []
    joinable_roles = []
    log.debug("Gathering auto roles from sqlite...")
    c.execute("SELECT server_id, role_id, guild FROM auto_roles")
    rows = c.fetchall()
    for server_id, role_id, guild in rows:
        auto_roles.append((server_id, role_id, guild))
    log.debug(f"Collected {len(auto_roles):,} records from old database.")
    log.info("Copying records to auto roles table")
    res = await conn.copy_records_to_table("role_auto", records=auto_roles, columns=["server_id", "role_id", "rule"])
    log.info(f"Copied {get_affected_count(res):,} records successfully.")

    log.debug("Gathering joinable roles from sqlite...")
    c.execute("SELECT server_id, role_id FROM joinable_roles")
    rows = c.fetchall()
    for server_id, role_id in rows:
        joinable_roles.append((server_id, role_id))
    log.debug(f"Collected {len(joinable_roles):,} records from old database.")
    log.info("Copying records to joinable roles table")
    res = await conn.copy_records_to_table("role_joinable", records=joinable_roles, columns=["server_id", "role_id"])
    log.info(f"Copied {get_affected_count(res):,} records successfully.")
    log.info("Finished importing roles.")
Ejemplo n.º 41
 def __init__(self, db_):
     self.db_gate = connect(db_)
     Cursor.__init__(self, self.db_gate)
Ejemplo n.º 42
def clean_up_old_db(c: sqlite3.Cursor):
    log.info("Cleaning up old database")
    # Clean up characters
    c.execute("SELECT min(id), name as id FROM chars GROUP BY name HAVING COUNT(*) > 1")
    rows = c.fetchall()
    log.debug("Removing duplicate characters...")
    for char_id, name in rows:
        c.execute("""UPDATE char_levelups SET char_id = ?
                     WHERE char_id IN 
                        (SELECT id FROM chars WHERE name = ? ORDER BY id LIMIT 1)""", (char_id, name))
        c.execute("""UPDATE char_deaths SET char_id = ?
                     WHERE char_id IN 
                        (SELECT id FROM chars WHERE name = ? ORDER BY id LIMIT 1)""", (char_id, name))
        c.execute("""UPDATE event_participants SET char_id = ?
                     WHERE char_id IN 
                        (SELECT id FROM chars WHERE name = ? ORDER BY id LIMIT 1)""", (char_id, name))
        c.execute("DELETE FROM chars WHERE name = ? AND id != ?", (name, char_id))
    log.info(f"Removed {len(rows):,} duplicate characters")

    # Clean up deaths
    log.debug("Removing duplicate deaths...")
    c.execute("""DELETE FROM char_deaths
                 WHERE rowid NOT IN 
                    (SELECT min(rowid) FROM char_deaths GROUP BY char_id, date)""")
    log.info(f"Removed {c.rowcount:,} duplicate deaths")

    log.debug("Removing orphaned  deaths...")
    c.execute("""DELETE FROM char_deaths
                     WHERE char_id NOT IN 
                        (SELECT id FROM chars)""")
    log.info(f"Removed {c.rowcount:,} orphaned deaths")

    # Clean up level ups
    log.debug("Removing duplicate level ups...")
    c.execute("""SELECT min(rowid), min(date), max(date)-min(date) as diff, count() as c, char_id, level
                 FROM char_levelups
                 GROUP BY char_id, level HAVING c > 1 AND diff < 30""")
    rows = c.fetchall()
    count = 0
    for rowid, date, diff, _count, char_id, level in rows:
        c.execute("""DELETE FROM char_levelups
                     WHERE rowid != ? AND char_id = ? AND level = ? AND date-30 < ? AND date+30 > ?""",
                  (rowid, char_id, level, date, date))
        count += c.rowcount
    log.info(f"Removed {count:,} duplicate level ups")

    log.debug("Removing orphaned level ups...")
    c.execute("""DELETE FROM char_levelups
                     WHERE char_id NOT IN 
                        (SELECT id FROM chars)""")
    log.info(f"Removed {c.rowcount:,} orphaned levelups")

    # Clean up event participants
    log.debug("Removing duplicate event participants...")
    c.execute("""DELETE FROM event_participants
                     WHERE rowid NOT IN 
                        (SELECT min(rowid) FROM event_participants GROUP BY event_id, char_id)""")
    log.info(f"Removed {c.rowcount:,} duplicate event participants")

    log.debug("Removing orphaned event participants...")
    c.execute("""DELETE FROM event_participants
                         WHERE char_id NOT IN 
                            (SELECT id FROM chars)""")
    log.info(f"Removed {c.rowcount:,} orphaned event participants")

    # Clean up event subscribers
    log.debug("Removing duplicate event subscribers...")
    c.execute("""DELETE FROM event_subscribers
                     WHERE rowid NOT IN 
                        (SELECT min(rowid) FROM event_subscribers GROUP BY event_id, user_id)""")
    log.info(f"Removed {c.rowcount:,} duplicate event subscribers")

    # Remove server properties
    log.debug("Removing duplicate server properties...")
    c.execute("""DELETE FROM server_properties
                         WHERE rowid NOT IN 
                            (SELECT min(rowid) FROM server_properties GROUP BY server_id, name)""")
    log.info(f"Removed {c.rowcount:,} duplicate server properties")
Ejemplo n.º 43
 def save(self, cursor: sqlite3.Cursor) -> None:
     """Save the properties to the provided database cursor."""
     cursor.execute('update players set mu=?, sigma=?, games_count=?, '
                    'wins_count=? where name=? and ladder=?',
                    [self.rating.mu, self.rating.sigma, self.games_count,
                    self.wins_count, self.name, self.ranking.ladder])
Ejemplo n.º 44
def setup(c: sqlite3.Cursor) -> None:
    for q in QUERIES: