Ejemplo n.º 1
 def check_email(self, email):
     db = SQLSoup(engine)
         result = db.accounts.filter(db.accounts.email == email).one()
         return "found"
         return "not found"
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def loadConfig(self, config):
        Load the config from conf.

        :param config: The configuration from the Config Table
        :type config: dict
        self.server = config.get('Server', "")
        self.driver = config.get('Driver', "")
        self.database = config.get('Database', "")
        self.resolverId = self.database
        self.port = config.get('Port', "")
        self.limit = config.get('Limit', 100)
        self.user = config.get('User', "")
        self.password = config.get('Password', "")
        self.table = config.get('Table', "")
        self._editable = config.get("Editable", False)
        usermap = config.get('Map', {})
        self.map = yaml.load(usermap)
        self.reverse_map = dict([[v, k] for k, v in self.map.items()])
        self.where = config.get('Where', "")
        self.encoding = str(config.get('Encoding') or "latin1")
        self.conParams = config.get('conParams', "")
        self.pool_size = int(config.get('poolSize') or 5)
        self.pool_timeout = int(config.get('poolTimeout') or 10)

        # create the connectstring like
        params = {'Port': self.port,
                  'Password': self.password,
                  'conParams': self.conParams,
                  'Driver': self.driver,
                  'User': self.user,
                  'Server': self.server,
                  'Database': self.database}
        self.connect_string = self._create_connect_string(params)
        log.info("using the connect string {0!s}".format(self.connect_string))
            log.debug("using pool_size={0!s} and pool_timeout={1!s}".format(
                      self.pool_size, self.pool_timeout))
            self.engine = create_engine(self.connect_string,
        except TypeError:
            # The DB Engine/Poolclass might not support the pool_size.
            log.debug("connecting without pool_size.")
            self.engine = create_engine(self.connect_string,
        # create a configured "Session" class
        Session = sessionmaker(bind=self.engine)

        # create a Session
        self.session = Session()
        self.session._model_changes = {}
        self.db = SQLSoup(self.engine)
        self.TABLE = self.db.entity(self.table)

        return self
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def check_username(self, username):
     db = SQLSoup(engine)
         result = db.accounts.filter(db.accounts.username == username).one()
         return "found"
         return "not found"
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def get_account(self, username):
     db = SQLSoup(engine)
         result = db.accounts.filter(db.accounts.username == username).one()
         return result
         return -1
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def loadConfig(self, config):
        Load the config from conf.

        :param config: The configuration from the Config Table
        :type config: dict
        self.server = config.get('Server', "")
        self.driver = config.get('Driver', "")
        self.database = config.get('Database', "")
        self.resolverId = self.database
        self.port = config.get('Port', "")
        self.limit = config.get('Limit', 100)
        self.user = config.get('User', "")
        self.password = config.get('Password', "")
        self.table = config.get('Table', "")
        self._editable = config.get("Editable", False)
        self.password_hash_type = config.get("Password_Hash_Type", "SSHA256")
        usermap = config.get('Map', {})
        self.map = yaml.safe_load(usermap)
        self.reverse_map = dict([[v, k] for k, v in self.map.items()])
        self.where = config.get('Where', "")
        self.encoding = str(config.get('Encoding') or "latin1")
        self.conParams = config.get('conParams', "")
        self.pool_size = int(config.get('poolSize') or 5)
        self.pool_timeout = int(config.get('poolTimeout') or 10)
        # recycle SQL connections after 2 hours by default
        # (necessary for MySQL servers, which terminate idle connections after some hours)
        self.pool_recycle = int(config.get('poolRecycle') or 7200)

        # create the connectstring like
        params = {
            'Port': self.port,
            'Password': self.password,
            'conParams': self.conParams,
            'Driver': self.driver,
            'User': self.user,
            'Server': self.server,
            'Database': self.database
        self.connect_string = self._create_connect_string(params)

        # get an engine from the engine registry, using self.getResolverId() as the key,
        # which involves the connect string and the pool settings.
        self.engine = get_engine(self.getResolverId(), self._create_engine)
        # We use ``scoped_session`` to be sure that the SQLSoup object
        # also uses ``self.session``.
        Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=self.engine))
        # Session should be closed on teardown
        self.session = Session()
        self.session._model_changes = {}
        self.db = SQLSoup(self.engine, session=Session)
        self.db.session._model_changes = {}
        self.TABLE = self.db.entity(self.table)

        return self
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self):
     if not self.singleton:
         self.__class__.singleton = True
         raise SystemError, 'SQLite3Vocab is singleton.'
     path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
     self.engine = SQLSoup('sqlite:////%s/sqlite3.db' % path)
     self.comune_id = self.engine.comuni.codice_istat
     self.provincia_id = self.engine.province.sigla
     self.regione_id = self.engine.regioni.codice_istat
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def get_table(self, tablename):
        db = SQLSoup(
                '', 3306))
        table = db.entity(tablename)
        records = table.all()
        res = [{
            key: val
            for key, val in record.__dict__.items() if not key.startswith('_')
        } for record in records]

        return res
Ejemplo n.º 8
def main(config_path):
    cfg = ConfigParser()

    # Start Twisted logging to console.

    # Read database configuration options.
    db_url = cfg.get('database', 'url')

    # Read website configuration options.
    http_debug = cfg.getboolean('http', 'debug', fallback=False)
    http_host = cfg.get('http', 'host', fallback='localhost')
    http_port = cfg.getint('http', 'port', fallback=5000)
    http_pool = cfg.getint('http', 'pool_size', fallback=4)

    # Default to much saner database query defaults and always
    # commit and/or flush statements explicitly.
    # factory = sessionmaker(autocommit=False, autoflush=False)

    # Prepare database connection with table reflection.
    engine = create_engine(db_url)
    session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autocommit=False, autoflush=False))
    db = SQLSoup(engine, session=session)

    # Extract manager options, sans the pool_size we handle here.
    # pool_size = int(manager_opts.pop('pool_size', 2))
    pool_size = 2

    # Set the correct thread pool size for the manager.

    # Prepare the website that will get exposed to the users.
    site = make_site(db, debug=http_debug)

    # Prepare WSGI site with a separate thread pool.
    pool = ThreadPool(http_pool, http_pool, 'http')
    site = Site(WSGIResource(reactor, pool, site))

    # Bind the website to it's address.
    reactor.listenTCP(http_port, site, interface=http_host)

    # Run the Twisted reactor until the user terminates us.

    # Kill the HTTP ThreadPool.
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def testconnection(cls, param):
        This function lets you test the to be saved SQL connection.

        :param param: A dictionary with all necessary parameter
                        to test the connection.
        :type param: dict

        :return: Tuple of success and a description
        :rtype: (bool, string)

        Parameters are: Server, Driver, Database, User, Password, Port,
                        Limit, Table, Map
                        Where, Encoding, conParams

        num = -1
        desc = None

        connect_string = cls._create_connect_string(param)
        log.info(u"using the connect string {0!s}".format(
        engine = create_engine(connect_string)
        # create a configured "Session" class
        Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine))
        session = Session()
        db = SQLSoup(engine, session=Session)
            TABLE = db.entity(param.get("Table"))
            conditions = cls._append_where_filter([], TABLE,
            filter_condition = and_(*conditions)
            result = session.query(TABLE).filter(filter_condition).count()

            num = result
            desc = "Found {0:d} users.".format(num)
        except Exception as exx:
            desc = "failed to retrieve users: {0!s}".format(exx)
            # We do not want any leftover DB connection, so we first need to close
            # the session such that the DB connection gets returned to the pool (it
            # is still open at that point!) and then dispose the engine such that the
            # checked-in connection gets closed.

        return num, desc
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def create_account(self, params):
        db = SQLSoup(engine)

        # Generate a random 32 character number and get it's md5 hash
        random_num = randrange(100000000000000000000000000000000,
                               999999999999999999999999999999999, 2)
        salt = hashlib.md5(str(random_num).encode())

        # Concatenate the users password and salt, then hash it with sha256
        concat = str(params['password']) + str(salt.hexdigest())
        pass_hash = hashlib.sha256(concat.encode())

def connect_db(config):
    :param ConfigParser config

    factory = sessionmaker(autocommit=False, autoflush=False)

    db_engine = config.get('database', 'engine')
    username = config.get('database', 'username')
    password = config.get('database', 'password')
    host = config.get('database', 'hostname')
    port = config.get('database', 'port')
    db_name = config.get('database', 'db_name')
    db_url = str(db_engine) + '://' + str(username) + ':' + str(
        password) + '@' + str(host) + ':' + str(port) + '/' + str(db_name)

    engine = create_engine(db_url)
    session = scoped_session(factory)
    db_meta = reflect(engine)
    db = SQLSoup(db_meta, session=session)

    return db
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def testconnection(cls, param):
        This function lets you test the to be saved SQL connection.

        :param param: A dictionary with all necessary parameter
                        to test the connection.
        :type param: dict

        :return: Tuple of success and a description
        :rtype: (bool, string)

        Parameters are: Server, Driver, Database, User, Password, Port,
                        Limit, Table, Map
                        Where, Encoding, conParams

        num = -1
        desc = None

        connect_string = cls._create_connect_string(param)
        log.info("using the connect string {0!s}".format(connect_string))
        engine = create_engine(connect_string)
        # create a configured "Session" class
        session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)()
        db = SQLSoup(engine)
            TABLE = db.entity(param.get("Table"))
            conditions = cls._append_where_filter([], TABLE,
            filter_condition = and_(*conditions)
            result = session.query(TABLE).filter(filter_condition).count()

            num = result
            desc = "Found {0:d} users.".format(num)
        except Exception as exx:
            desc = "failed to retrieve users: {0!s}".format(exx)

        return num, desc
Ejemplo n.º 13
def main(url, crawl_id):
    G = nx.DiGraph()
    soup = SQLSoup(url)

    peers_with_ip = 0
    reachable_peers = 0

    peers = dict(
        (p.id, p) for p in soup.peers.filter_by(crawl_id=crawl_id).all())
    edges = soup.edges.filter_by(crawl_id=crawl_id).all()

    for p in peers.values():
        if p.reachable: reachable_peers += 1
        if p.ip: peers_with_ip += 1
            color=('blue' if p.ip else 'red' if not p.reachable else 'orange'))
    for e in edges:
        G.add_edge(getattr(e, 'from'),
                   color=('black' if e.directed else 'red'))

    degrees = find_degrees(G)
    export_to_dot(G, peers, degrees, 'crawl-%d.dot' % crawl_id)
    UG = nx.Graph(G)

    print('vertices with ip: ', peers_with_ip)
    print('vertices with reachable ip: ', reachable_peers)
    print('vertices: ', len(G))
    print('edges: ', G.size())
    print('average degree: ', degree_avg(G.degree()))
    print('average in degree: ', degrees['in_degree_avg'])
    print('average out degree: ', degrees['out_degree_avg'])
    print('average unknown degree: ', degrees['unknown_degree_avg'])
    print('graph edges (as undirected graph): ', UG.size())
    print('graph diameter (as undirected graph): ', nx.diameter(UG))
Ejemplo n.º 14

def insert_lang_cookie(response):
    Make user locale selection persistent using a cookie.

    if 'lang' in request.args:
        response.set_cookie('lang', request.args['lang'])

    return response

# Use SQLSoup for database access.
db = SQLSoup(site.config['SQLSOUP_DATABASE_URI'])

# Specify primary keys for SQLSoup to allow us to work with views.
map_view(db, 'my_subscriptions', ['id'])
map_view(db, 'my_channels', ['id'])
map_view(db, 'my_campaigns', ['id'])
map_view(db, 'recipients', ['user', 'channel'])

# Specify automatic row relations.
db.campaign.relate('Channel', db.channel)

db.my_campaigns.relate('Channel', db.channel,
                       primaryjoin=(db.channel.c.id == db.my_campaigns.c.channel),

db.channel.relate('Template', db.template)
Ejemplo n.º 15
vars = _select.lower().split('select ')[1].split(',')
if len(vars) == 1:
    _select = _select.replace('select', 'select shot,')

# default order is by shot
if _order is '':
    if len(vars) is 1:
        _order = 'order by shot'
        _order = 'order by ' + vars[0]

url_cpts = db_url.split('sqlite:///')
if not os.path.exists(url_cpts[-1]):
    input('{fn} could not be found!!\n'.format(fn=url_cpts[-1]))

h1db = SQLSoup(db_url)
# Note - this info. is here now, but disappears if there is an error - save
tables = list(h1db._cache)
print(tables if len(tables) > 0 else ' possibly no tables in ' + db_url +
      " although this doesn't mean anything sometimes")
if len(tables) == 0 and block == 1:

    h1db.SUMM = eval('h1db.' + table)
except Exception as reason:
    print(reason.__repr__(), ' table names are ', tables)

cols = h1db.SUMM.c.keys()
if plabel is not '':
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def __init__(self, dsn):
     self.soup = SQLSoup(dsn)
from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException
from sqlsoup import SQLSoup

from api_test import db, model

app = FastAPI()

engine = db.get_db_engine()
db = SQLSoup(engine)

def read_root():
    return {"hello": "world"}

def read_count_ids(only_latest: bool = False):
    """ Get all counts 
    Field `only_latest` is optional.
    If True, will only return the lastest count per device_id"""
    counts = db.counts.all()

    if only_latest:
        return_dict = {}
        for count in counts:
            if count.device_id not in return_dict or count.timestamp > return_dict[
                return_dict[count.device_id] = count
        return return_dict
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def connect(self):
     """Connect to remote join backend (DB)"""
     self.db = SQLSoup(self.connect_string)
Ejemplo n.º 19
from sqlsoup import SQLSoup

# server details
SERVER = os.environ.get("SERVER", "localhost")
USERNAME = os.environ.get("DB_USERNAME", "sa")
PASSWORD = os.environ.get("DB_PASSWORD", "reallyStrongPwd123")
DATABASE = os.environ.get("DB_NAME", "DW_AccessBI")
PORT = os.environ.get("DB_PORT", 1433)

# load data from SQL Server
# db_connection = pymssql.connect(
#     server=SERVER, user=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD, database=DATABASE, port=PORT)

conn_str = "mssql+pymssql://{user}:{password}@{server}/{database}?charset=utf8".format(
    user=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD, server=SERVER, database=DATABASE)
sqlsoup_obj = SQLSoup(conn_str)
engine = sqlsoup_obj.engine

def get_data_from_sqlserver(sql_string, connection_obj=engine):
    df = pd.read_sql(sql_string, connection_obj)
    return df

def get_categorical_values(column, table_name=None):

    if table_name is None:
        table_name = "D_" + column.upper()
    table = sqlsoup_obj.entity(table_name)
    rows = table.all()
    values = set()