Ejemplo n.º 1
def charpolys(v, B, filename=None):
    Compute characteristic polynomials of T_P for primes P with norm
    <= B coprime to the level, for all spaces of Hilbert modular forms
    for all the levels in v.


    - `v` -- list of positive integers
    - `B` -- positive integer
    - ``filename`` -- optional string; if given, output is also written
      to that file (in addition to stdout).


    - outputs a table with rows corresponding to the ideals
      of Q(sqrt(5)) with norm in v, and optionally creates a file


        sage: from sage.modular.hilbert.sqrt5_tables import charpolys
        sage: out = charpolys([1..20], 10)
        4 2 ... [(5,x-6),(3,x-10)]
        5 -2*a+1 ... [(2,x-5),(3,x-10)]
        9 3 ... [(2,x-5),(5,x-6)]
        11 -3*a+1 ... [(2,x-5),(5,x-6),(3,x-10)]
        11 -3*a+2 ... [(2,x-5),(5,x-6),(3,x-10)]
        16 4 ... [(5,x-6),(3,x-10)]
        19 -4*a+1 ... [(2,x-5),(5,x-6),(3,x-10)]
        19 -4*a+3 ... [(2,x-5),(5,x-6),(3,x-10)]
        20 -4*a+2 ... [(3,x-10)]

        sage: out = charpolys([20, 11], 10)
        20 -4*a+2 ... [(3,x-10)]
        11 -3*a+1 ... [(2,x-5),(5,x-6),(3,x-10)]
        11 -3*a+2 ... [(2,x-5),(5,x-6),(3,x-10)]

    Test writing to a file::

        sage: if os.path.exists('tmp_table.txt'): os.unlink('tmp_table.txt')
        sage: out = charpolys([20, 11], 10, 'tmp_table.txt')
        20 -4*a+2 ... [(3,x-10)]
        11 -3*a+1 ... [(2,x-5),(5,x-6),(3,x-10)]
        11 -3*a+2 ... [(2,x-5),(5,x-6),(3,x-10)]
        sage: r = open('tmp_table.txt').read()
        sage: 'x-10' in r
        sage: r.count('\n')
        sage: os.unlink('tmp_table.txt')    
    if len(v) == 0:
        return ""
    out = ""
    F = open(filename, "a") if filename else None
    P = [p for p in ideals_of_bounded_norm(B) if p.is_prime()]
    for N in ideals_of_norm(v):
        t = cputime()
        H = IcosiansModP1ModN(N)
        T = [
            (p.smallest_integer(), H.hecke_matrix(p).fcp()) for p in P if gcd(Integer(p.norm()), Integer(N.norm())) == 1
        tm = "%.2f" % cputime(t)
        s = "%s %s %s %s" % (N.norm(), no_space(reduced_gen(N)), tm, no_space(T))
        print s
        out += s + "\n"
        if F:
            F.write(s + "\n")
    return out
Ejemplo n.º 2
def rational_newforms(v, B=100, filename=None, ncpu=1):
    Return system of Hecke eigenvalues corresponding to rational
    newforms of level whose norm is in v.  Compute the Hecke
    eigenvalues a_P for all good primes P with norm < B.

    - `v` -- list of integers
    - `B` -- positive integer
    - ``filename`` -- optional filename
    - ``ncpu`` -- positive integer (default: 1); if > 1 then use ncpu
      simultaneous processes.  Note that that displayed output during
      the computation and to the file may be out of order.  


    - outputs a table with rows corresponding to the ideals
      of Q(sqrt(5)) with norm in v, and optionally creates a file

    Table columns:

        norm_of_level generator_of_level number time_for_level a_P a_P ... 


        sage: from sage.modular.hilbert.sqrt5_tables import rational_newforms
        sage: out = rational_newforms([1..76], B=20)
        31 5*a-3 0 ... -3 -2 2 4 -4 -4 4
        31 5*a-2 0 ... -3 -2 2 -4 4 4 -4
        36 6 0 ... ? -4 ? 2 2 0 0
        41 a-7 0 ... -2 -1 -4 -2 5 -1 6
        41 a+6 0 ... -2 -1 -4 5 -2 6 -1
        45 -6*a+3 0 ... -3 ? ? -4 -4 4 4
        49 7 0 ... 0 -4 5 -3 -3 0 0
        55 a+7 0 ... -1 ? -2 ? 0 8 -4
        55 -a+8 0 ... -1 ? -2 0 ? -4 8
        64 8 0 ... 0 -2 2 -4 -4 4 4
        71 a-9 0 ... -1 0 -2 0 0 -4 2
        71 a+8 0 ... -1 0 -2 0 0 2 -4
        76 -8*a+2 0 ... ? -3 1 3 -6 ? -7
        76 -8*a+2 1 ... ? 1 -5 -3 2 ? 5
        76 -8*a+6 0 ... ? -3 1 -6 3 -7 ?
        76 -8*a+6 1 ... ? 1 -5 2 -3 5 ?
    Test writing to a file::

        sage: if os.path.exists('tmp_table.txt'): os.unlink('tmp_table.txt')
        sage: out = rational_newforms([1..36], 20,'tmp_table.txt')
        31 5*a-3 0 ... -3 -2 2 4 -4 -4 4
        31 5*a-2 0 ... -3 -2 2 -4 4 4 -4
        36 6 0 ... ? -4 ? 2 2 0 0
        sage: r = open('tmp_table.txt').read()
        sage: r.count('\n')
        sage: os.unlink('tmp_table.txt')    
    if len(v) == 0:
        return ""

    if ncpu < 1:
        raise ValueError, "ncpu must be >= 1"

    F = open(filename, "a") if filename else None
    if ncpu > 1:
        from sage.all import parallel

        def f(N):
            return rational_newforms([N], B, filename=None, ncpu=1)

        d = {}
        for X in f(v):
            N = X[0][0]
            ans = X[1].strip()
            if ans:
                d[N] = ans
                if F:
                    F.write(ans + "\n")
        return "\n".join(d[N] for N in sorted(d.keys()))

    out = ""
    from sqrt5_hmf import QuaternionicModule

    for N in ideals_of_norm(v):
        t = cputime()
        H = QuaternionicModule(N)
        EC = H.rational_newforms()
        tm = "%.2f" % cputime(t)
        for i, E in enumerate(EC):
            v = E.aplist(B)
            data = [N.norm(), no_space(reduced_gen(N)), i, tm, " ".join([no_space(x) for x in v])]
            s = " ".join([str(x) for x in data])
            print s
            out += s + "\n"
            if F:
                F.write(s + "\n")
    return out
Ejemplo n.º 3
def dimensions(v, filename=None):
    Compute dimensions of spaces of Hilbert modular forms for all the levels in v.
    The format is:

        Norm   dimension  generator  time


    - `v` -- list of positive integers
    - ``filename`` -- optional string; if given, output is also written
      to that file (in addition to stdout).


    - appends to table with above format and rows corresponding to the
      ideals of Q(sqrt(5)) with norm in v, and optionally creates a


        sage: from sage.modular.hilbert.sqrt5_tables import dimensions
        sage: out = dimensions([1..40])
        4 1 2 ...
        5 1 -2*a+1 ...
        9 1 3 ...
        11 1 -3*a+1 ...
        11 1 -3*a+2 ...
        16 1 4 ...
        19 1 -4*a+1 ...
        19 1 -4*a+3 ...
        20 1 -4*a+2 ...
        25 1 5 ...
        29 1 a-6 ...
        29 1 -a-5 ...
        31 2 5*a-3 ...
        31 2 5*a-2 ...
        36 2 6 ...
        sage: out = dimensions([36, 4])
        36 2 6 ...
        4 1 2 ...

    Test writing to a file::

        sage: if os.path.exists('tmp_table.txt'): os.unlink('tmp_table.txt')
        sage: out = dimensions([36, 4], 'tmp_table.txt')
        36 2 6 ...
        4 1 2 ...
        sage: '36 2 6' in open('tmp_table.txt').read()
        sage: open('tmp_table.txt').read().count('\n')
        sage: os.unlink('tmp_table.txt')    
    if len(v) == 0:
        return ""
    F = open(filename, "a") if filename else None
    out = ""
    for N in ideals_of_norm(v):
        t = cputime()
        H = IcosiansModP1ModN(N)
        tm = "%.2f" % cputime(t)
        s = "%s %s %s %s" % (N.norm(), H.cardinality(), no_space(reduced_gen(N)), tm)
        print s
        out += s + "\n"
        if F:
            F.write(s + "\n")
    return out