def test_99_cartesian_product_mutable(self):
     t1 = Table()
     t1.set_dict({'a': ['b', 'c'], 'x': ['y', 'z']})
     t1copy = {'a': ['b', 'c'], 'x': ['y', 'z']}
     t2 = Table()
     t2.set_dict({'d': ['e', 'f'], 'u': ['v', 'w']})
     t2copy = {'d': ['e', 'f'], 'u': ['v', 'w']}
     a3.cartesian_product(t2, t1)
     self.assertEqual(t1.get_dict(), t1copy, "t1 should not be modified")
     self.assertEqual(t2.get_dict(), t2copy, "t1 should not be modified")
 def test_09_cartesian_product_zero_one_rows(self):
     t1 = Table()
     t1.set_dict({'a': []})
     t2 = Table()
     t2.set_dict({'e': ['f']})
     expected = {'a': [], 'e': []}
     res = a3.cartesian_product(t1, t2)
     self.assertTrue(equiv.equiv_tables(res.get_dict(), expected),
                     "no rows and one row")
    def test_03_cartesian_product_two_col2_one_row(self):
        t1 = Table()
        t1.set_dict({'a': ['b'], 'x': ['y']})
        t2 = Table()
        t2.set_dict({'c': ['d']})

        expected = {'a': ['b'], 'c': ['d'], 'x': ['y']}
        res = a3.cartesian_product(t2, t1)
        self.assertTrue(equiv.equiv_tables(res.get_dict(), expected),
                        "two columns in second table, one row")
    def test_01_cartesian_product_one_col_one_row(self):
        t1 = Table()
        t1.set_dict({'a': ['b']})
        t2 = Table()
        t2.set_dict({'c': ['d']})

        expected = {'a': ['b'], 'c': ['d']}
        res = a3.cartesian_product(t1, t2)
        self.assertTrue(equiv.equiv_tables(res.get_dict(), expected),
                        "one column one row")
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_one_empty(self):
     d2={'a.a': ['b', 'c'], 'b.b': ['d', 'e']}
     t1 = Table()
     t2 = Table()
     result_table = squeal.cartesian_product(t1, t2)
     result_dict = result_table.get_dict()
     expected_dict = {}
     self.assertEqual(result_dict, expected_dict)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_01_blank_tables(self):
     # start with two tables that will be empty
     t1 = Table()
     t2 = Table()
     # the result of the cartesian product of two empty tables
     # should iteslf be an empty table
     result = squeal.cartesian_product(t1, t2)
     # we'll know it's an empty table if its dictionary is empty
     result_dict = result.get_dict()
     expected = {}
     self.assertEqual(result_dict, expected,
                      "product of two empty tables should be empty")
 def test_06_cartesian_product_two_col_three_three_row(self):
     t1 = Table()
     t1.set_dict({'a': ['b', 'c', 'q'], 'x': ['y', 'z', 'r']})
     t2 = Table()
     t2.set_dict({'d': ['e', 'f', 'l'], 'u': ['v', 'w', 'm']})
     expected = {
         'a': ['b', 'c', 'q', 'b', 'c', 'q', 'b', 'c', 'q'],
         'x': ['y', 'z', 'r', 'y', 'z', 'r', 'y', 'z', 'r'],
         'd': ['e', 'e', 'e', 'f', 'f', 'f', 'l', 'l', 'l'],
         'u': ['v', 'v', 'v', 'w', 'w', 'w', 'm', 'm', 'm']
     res = a3.cartesian_product(t1, t2)
     self.assertTrue(equiv.equiv_tables(res.get_dict(), expected),
                     "two columns three rows")
 def test_04_cartesian_product_two_col_two_row(self):
     t1 = Table()
     t1.set_dict({'a': ['b', 'c'], 'x': ['y', 'z']})
     t2 = Table()
     t2.set_dict({'d': ['e', 'f'], 'u': ['v', 'w']})
     expected = {
         'a': ['b', 'c', 'b', 'c'],
         'x': ['y', 'z', 'y', 'z'],
         'd': ['e', 'e', 'f', 'f'],
         'u': ['v', 'v', 'w', 'w']
     res = a3.cartesian_product(t2, t1)
     self.assertTrue(equiv.equiv_tables(res.get_dict(), expected),
                     "two columns two rows")
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test_03_blank_table_second(self):
     # initialize two tables
     table_1 = Table()
     table_2 = Table()
     # set table 2
     table_2.set_dict({'t2.title': ['CSCA', '08']})
     # the result should return 0 row, and titles of t2
     result = squeal.cartesian_product(table_1, table_2)
     # we'll know it's an empty table if its dictionary is empty
     # but t2 has title, so we should return its title
     result_dict = result.get_dict()
     expected = {'t2.title': []}
     self.assertEqual(result_dict, expected,
                      '''if one table is empty, result should be empty,
                      and return another tables' title''')
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_06_two_blank_rows(self):
     # initialize two tables
     table_1 = Table()
     table_2 = Table()
     # two tables both have no row
     table_1.set_dict({'t1.title': []})
     table_2.set_dict({'t2.title': []})
     # the result of the cartesian product of a table without any row
     # it should return no row
     result = squeal.cartesian_product(table_1, table_2)
     # if there is no row for one table, then result should be no row
     result_dict = result.get_dict()
     expected = {'t2.title': [], 't1.title': []}
     self.assertEqual(result_dict, expected,
                      '''if two tables has no row, then there is no row
                      to return but title names''')
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def test_04_blank_row_second(self):
     # initialize two tables
     table_1 = Table()
     table_2 = Table()
     # table 1 has no row only titles, but table 2 has
     table_1.set_dict({'t1.title': []})
     table_2.set_dict({'t2.title': ['CSCA', '08']})
     # the result of the cartesian product of a table without any row
     # it should return no row
     result = squeal.cartesian_product(table_1, table_2)
     # if there is no row for one table, then result should be no row
     result_dict = result.get_dict()
     expected = {'t2.title': [], 't1.title': []}
     self.assertEqual(result_dict, expected,
                      '''if one table has no row, product should be empty,
                      but it has all the title names''')
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def test_07_normal_cases(self):
     # initialize two tables
     table_1 = Table()
     table_2 = Table()
     # set two tables
     table_1.set_dict({'CSC': ['A08', 'A67'], 'MAT': ['A31', 'A23']})
     table_2.set_dict({'c.A08': ['term work', 'term tests', 'final']})
     result = squeal.cartesian_product(table_1, table_2)
     # get the result dict of cartesian product
     result_dict = result.get_dict()
     expected = {'MAT': ['A31', 'A31', 'A31', 'A23', 'A23', 'A23'],
                 'c.A08': ['term work', 'term tests', 'final', 'term work',
                           'term tests', 'final'],
                 'CSC': ['A08', 'A08', 'A08', 'A67', 'A67', 'A67']}
     self.assertEqual(result_dict, expected,
                      '''your cartesian product must get something
 def test_07_cartesian_product_one_col_three_six_row(self):
     t1 = Table()
     t1.set_dict({'a': ['b', 'c', 'd']})
     t2 = Table()
     t2.set_dict({'e': ['f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k']})
     expected = {
         'a': [
             'b', 'c', 'd', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'b', 'c', 'd',
             'b', 'c', 'd', 'b', 'c', 'd'
         'e': [
             'f', 'f', 'f', 'g', 'g', 'g', 'h', 'h', 'h', 'i', 'i', 'i',
             'j', 'j', 'j', 'k', 'k', 'k'
     res = a3.cartesian_product(t1, t2)
     self.assertTrue(equiv.equiv_tables(res.get_dict(), expected),
                     "two columns three and six rows")
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_08_normal_test(self):
     # initialize two tables
     table_1 = Table()
     table_2 = Table()
     # set two tables
     table_1.set_dict({'m.A31': ['homework', 'midterm', 'final']})
     table_2.set_dict({'c.A08': ['term work', 'term tests', 'final']})
     result = squeal.cartesian_product(table_1, table_2)
     # get the result dict of cartesian product
     result_dict = result.get_dict()
     expected = {'m.A31': ['homework', 'homework', 'homework', 'midterm',
                           'midterm', 'midterm', 'final', 'final', 'final'],
                 'c.A08': ['term work', 'term tests', 'final', 'term work',
                           'term tests', 'final', 'term work',
                           'term tests', 'final']}
     self.assertEqual(result_dict, expected,
                      '''your cartesian product must get something
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_11_normal_test(self):
     # initialize two tables
     table_1 = Table()
     table_2 = Table()
     # set two tables
     table_1.set_dict({'a': ['1', '2', '3', '4']})
     table_2.set_dict({'b': ['10', '11', '12'], 'c': ['99', '98', '97']})
     result = squeal.cartesian_product(table_2, table_1)
     # get the result dict of cartesian product
     result_dict = result.get_dict()
     expected = {'a': ['1', '2', '3', '4', '1', '2', '3', '4', '1', '2',
                       '3', '4'],
                 'b': ['10', '10', '10', '10', '11', '11', '11', '11',
                       '12', '12', '12', '12'],
                 'c': ['99', '99', '99', '99', '98', '98', '98', '98',
                       '97', '97', '97', '97']}
     self.assertEqual(result_dict, expected,
                      '''your cartesian product must get something
Ejemplo n.º 16
       'Creating an empty table is working incorrectly.'
d = Database()
assert is_database(d), \
       'Creating an empty database is working incorrectly.'

# typecheck the functions
result = reading.read_table('csv_files/books.csv')
assert is_table(result), \
    'read_table should return a table; please check the handout \
    for the definition of a table.'

# typecheck reading.read_database
result = reading.read_database()
assert is_database(result), \
    'read_database should return a database; please check the handout \
    for the definition of a database.'

# typecheck the required function
import squeal
d1 = {'a': ['b', 'c']}
d2 = {'d': ['e', 'f']}
t1 = Table()
t2 = Table()

result = squeal.cartesian_product(t1, t2)
assert is_table(result), \
    'cartesian_product should return a table; please check the handout \
    for the definition of a table.'
Ejemplo n.º 17
# typecheck the functions

# typecheck db_io.read_table

result = db_io.read_table(open('movies.csv'))
assert is_table(result), \
    'read_table should return a table; please check the handout \
    for the definition of a table.'
    # typecheck db_io.read_database

result = db_io.read_database()
assert is_database(result), \
    'read_database should return a database; please check the handout \
    for the definition of a database.'
    # typecheck the required function

import squeal

t1 = {'a':['b', 'c']}
t2 = {'d':['e', 'f']}

result = squeal.cartesian_product(t1, t2)
assert is_table(result), \
    'cartesian_product should return a table; please check the handout \
    for the definition of a table.'
Ejemplo n.º 18
def main():
    """ () -> NoneType
    Ask for queries from the keyboard; stop when empty line is received. For
    each query, process it and use db_io.print_csv to print the results.
    # Write your main function body here.
    # An infinite while loop continues until a blank line is entered
    while True:
        #ask user for input
        choose_query = input('')
        #if an empty line is entered, break the loop
        if choose_query == '':
        index_of_from = choose_query.index('from')
        #Saperate the titles given by the user from the user input
        list_of_titles = choose_query[7:index_of_from-1].split(',')
        list_of_where_names = []
        #If the optional query where is used, saperates the title which is used in the where query
        if 'where' in choose_query :
            index_of_where = choose_query.index('where')
            #Saperate the table names given by the user from the user input
            list_of_tables_names = choose_query[index_of_from+5:index_of_where-1\
            #Saperate the title names from where query
            #given by the user from the user input
            if '=' in choose_query:
                list_of_where_names = choose_query[index_of_where+6:].split('=')
            elif '>' in choose_query:
                list_of_where_names = choose_query[index_of_where+6:].split('>')
            #Saperate the table names given by the user from the user input
            list_of_tables_names = choose_query[index_of_from+5:].split(',')
        #Creating a list for storing the tables which the user is required to use
        list_of_tables = []
        #Put the correct tables with the names user given into the list_of_tables list.
        for items in list_of_tables_names:
        #if the title names given is a '*', then use all the titles in the tables
        if list_of_titles[0] == '*' :
            list_of_titles = []
            for items in list_of_tables :
                for key in items.keys():
        #product_table represents the table or cartesian product 
        #of two tables from the user's input
        product_table = {}
        if len (list_of_tables) == 1:
            product_table = list_of_tables[0]
            product_table = squeal.cartesian_product(list_of_tables[0],\
        #Check if the second value in the where query is a value or a column name
        value_or_column_name = 'value'
        for key in  product_table.keys():
            if 'where' in choose_query and key == list_of_where_names[1]:
                value_or_column_name = 'column'
        #procesed_table represents the processed table after operation
        #from the user's where query, which is optional
        processed_table = {}
        #If where query is entered, added the missing title, (which is the 
        #title after the = operation in the user input) into the product
        if 'where' in choose_query and value_or_column_name == 'column':
            processed_table[list_of_where_names[1]] = \
        #Eliminate all the titles which the user did not request in the query
        for key in product_table.keys() :
            if key in list_of_titles:
                processed_table[key] = product_table[key]
        #Get keys from the processed_table for further use
        processed_table_keys = []
        #A variable use to save the length of a row
        row_length = 0
        #If where query is used by the user, then operate the where query
        if 'where' in choose_query :
            #Loop each row in the table and check for duplicate in the given titles
            for row_count in range(len(processed_table[list_of_where_names[0]])) :
                row_length = len(processed_table[list_of_where_names[0]])
                #If the information in the given titles from the where query
                #are the same, then mark the row as "DELETEDROW"
                if '=' in choose_query and value_or_column_name == 'column':
                    if processed_table[list_of_where_names[0]][row_count] != \
                       processed_table[list_of_where_names[1]][row_count] :
                        for key in list(processed_table.keys()) :
                            processed_table[key][row_count] = "DELETEDROW"
                #are greater than the other, then mark the row as "DELETEDROW"
                elif '>' in choose_query and value_or_column_name == 'column':
                    if processed_table[list_of_where_names[0]][row_count] <= \
                       processed_table[list_of_where_names[1]][row_count] :
                        for key in list(processed_table.keys()) :
                            processed_table[key][row_count] = "DELETEDROW"
                if '=' in choose_query and value_or_column_name == 'value':
                    if processed_table[list_of_where_names[0]][row_count] != \
                       list_of_where_names[1] :
                        for key in list(processed_table.keys()) :
                            processed_table[key][row_count] = "DELETEDROW"
                elif '>' in choose_query and value_or_column_name == 'value':
                    if processed_table[list_of_where_names[0]][row_count] <= \
                        for key in list(processed_table.keys()) :
                            processed_table[key][row_count] = "DELETEDROW"   
            #Delete the title after = operator given in the where query
            if value_or_column_name == 'column' and list_of_where_names[0] \
               != list_of_where_names[1] :
                del processed_table[list_of_where_names[1]]
                position_changes = 0
            #Check all the keys in the processed_table
            for key in list(processed_table.keys()) :
                position_changes = 0
                for row_count in range(row_length) :
                    #Delete all the rows with the letter 'DELETEDROW'
                    if processed_table[key][row_count-position_changes] \
                       == "DELETEDROW" :
                        del processed_table[key][row_count-position_changes]
                        position_changes = position_changes + 1
        #Print the table