Ejemplo n.º 1
 def _cleanup(self):
     Ensure all data types are correctly assigned.
     if self.element is not None:
         self.element = str(self.element)
     if self.x is not None:
         assert cast.is_numeric(self.x),\
             "Error - x should be numeric."
         self.x = float(self.x)
     if self.y is not None:
         self.y = float(self.y)
         assert cast.is_numeric(self.x),\
             "Error - y should be numeric."
     if self.z is not None:
         self.z = float(self.z)
         assert cast.is_numeric(self.x),\
             "Error - z should be numeric."
     if self.index is not None:
         self.index = int(self.index)
     if self.molecule_index is not None:
         self.molecule_index = int(self.molecule_index)
     if self.label is not None:
         self.label = str(self.label)
     if self.charge is not None:
         self.charge = float(self.charge)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def parse_line(line):
        Parse line inputs and assign to this object.


            line: *str*
                A string that holds a smooth parameter set.



        line = line.strip().split()
        assert len(line) == 7,\
            "Error - Invalid line to parse!"
        assert is_numeric(line[0]),\
            "Error - Invalid line to parse!"

        smooth_index = int(line[0])
        atom_i, atom_j = line[1:3]
        r_in, d_in, gcut = [float(v) for v in line[3:6]]

        pkg = [smooth_index, atom_i, atom_j]
        pkg += [r_in, d_in, gcut, str(line[6])]

        return pkg
Ejemplo n.º 3
def rotation_matrix(axis, theta, units="deg"):
    Obtain a left multiplication rotation matrix, given the axis and angle you
    wish to rotate by. By default it assumes units of degrees.  If theta is in
    radians, set units to rad.


        axis: *list, float*
            The axis in which to rotate around.
        theta: *float*
            The angle of rotation.
        units: *str, optional*
            The units of theta (deg or rad).


        rotatation_matrix: *list, list, float*
            The left multiplication rotation matrix.


        * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6802577/python-rotation-of-3d-vector/25709323#25709323
    cast.assert_vec(axis, length=3, numeric=True)
    axis = np.array(axis)
    assert cast.is_numeric(theta),\
        "Error - Theta should be a numerical value (it is %s)." % str(theta)
    theta = float(theta)
    if "deg" in units.lower():
        theta = np.radians(theta)
    return scipy.linalg.expm(
        np.cross(np.eye(3), axis / scipy.linalg.norm(axis) * theta))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def load_smrff(cls, parsed_file, pfile_name=None, restrict=None):
        Given a parameter file, inport the smooth parameters if possible.


            parsed_file: *str*
                A parsed smrff parameter file input string (no comments or
                trailing white spaces)
            pfile_name: *str*
                The name of a parameter file to be parsed.  If specified,
                then parsed_file is ignored (you may simply pass None as
            restrict: *list, str, optional*
                A list of atom labels to include when loading.  If not
                specified, everything is loaded.


            smooth_objs: *list,* :class:`squid.forcefields.sinSmooth.lr.SmoothSinInOut`, or *None*
                Returns a list of smooth objects if possible, else None.
        import squid.forcefields.smrff as smrff_utils

        # Ensure correct parsed_file format, and that we even need to parse it.
        if pfile_name is not None:
            parsed_file = smrff_utils.parse_pfile(pfile_name)
        if SMOOTH_PFILE_ID not in parsed_file:
            return []

        parsed_file = parsed_file[parsed_file.index(SMOOTH_PFILE_ID):]
        parsed_file = parsed_file[:parsed_file.index(END_ID)].split("\n")[1:-1]

        parsed_file = [
            cls.parse_line(line) for line in parsed_file
            if is_numeric(line.split()[0]) and len(line.split()) == 9

        return [
            cls(smooth_index, atom_i, atom_j, r_in, d_in, gcut_in, r_out,
                d_out, gcut_out) for smooth_index, atom_i, atom_j, r_in, d_in,
            gcut_in, r_out, d_out, gcut_out in parsed_file
            if check_restriction(atom_i, restrict)
            and check_restriction(atom_j, restrict)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def parse_line(line):
        Parse line inputs and assign to this object.


            line: *str*
                A string that holds a smooth parameter set.



        line = line.strip().split()
        assert len(line) in [8, 11, 14],\
            "Error - Invalid line to parse!"
        assert not is_numeric(line[0]),\
            "Error - Invalid line to parse!"

        inout_index = None
        if len(line[0]) == 2:
            inout_index = int(line[0][1])

        # To simplify getting things, pad line with Nones
        line = line + [None for i in range(14 - len(line))]

        smooth_index_1, smooth_index_2, atom_i, atom_j,\
            r_1, d_1, gcut_1,\
            r_2, d_2, gcut_2,\
            r_3, d_3, gcut_3 = line[1:]

        f = lambda x: float(x) if x is not None else None
        i = lambda x: int(x) if x is not None else None
        return [
            int(smooth_index_1), int(smooth_index_2),
            str(atom_i), str(atom_j),
            float(r_1), float(d_1), float(gcut_1),
            f(r_2), f(d_2), f(gcut_2),
            f(r_3), f(d_3), f(gcut_3),
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_job(s_flag, detail=0):
    Get a list of all jobs currently on your queue.  From this, only return
    the values that have s_flag in them.  The *detail* variable can be used
    to specify how much information you want returned.


        s_flag: *str*
            A string to parse out job information with.
        detail: *int, optional*
            The amount of information you want returned.


        all_jobs: *list*
            Depending on *detail*, you get the following:

                - *details* =0: *list, str*
                    List of all jobs on the queue.

                - *details* =1: *list, tuple, str*
                    List of all jobs on the queue as:
                        (job name, time run, job status)

                - *details* =2: *list, tuple, str*
                    List of all jobs on the queue as:
                        (job name,
                         time run,
                         job status,
                         number of processors)
    detail = int(detail)

    main_detail = detail
    if detail <= 0:
        detail = 1

    # Get input from jlist as a string
    jlist_path = which("jlist")
    qlist_path = which("qlist")
    jshow_path = which("jshow")

    assert jlist_path is not None,\
        "Error - Cannot find jlist."
    assert qlist_path is not None,\
        "Error - Cannot find qlist."
    assert jshow_path is not None,\
        "Error - Cannot find jshow."

    p = subprocess.Popen([jlist_path],
    output = p.stdout.read().decode("utf-8")

    # Get data from string
    pattern = getpass.getuser() +\
    info = re.findall(pattern, output)

    # Get a list of names
    names = []
    for a in info:

    if len(names) > 0:
        out_ids = output.split("\n")
        out_ids = [
            x.split()[0] for x in out_ids
            if len(x.split()) > 0 and is_numeric(x.split()[0])
        info = [tuple(list(i) + [j]) for i, j in zip(info, out_ids)]

    # If user wants more information
    all_jobs = None
    if detail == 3:
        all_jobs = [i[-1] for i in info]
    elif detail == 2:
        for i, a in enumerate(info):
            p = subprocess.Popen([jshow_path, a[0]], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
            s = p.stdout.read().decode("utf-8")
            serv = s[s.find('Queue name:'):].split()[2].strip()
            threads = 1
            if "Slot Reservations" in s:
                threads = s[s.find('Slot Reservations'):].split()[4]
                threads = threads.strip()
            info[i] = info[i] + (
        all_jobs = info

    if all_jobs is None:
        # Return appropriate information
        if detail == 1:
            all_jobs = info
            all_jobs = names

    job_indices = [i for i, j in enumerate(all_jobs) if s_flag in " ".join(j)]
    chosen_jobs = [all_jobs[i] for i in job_indices]
    if main_detail == 0:
        return [j[0] for j in chosen_jobs]
        return chosen_jobs
Ejemplo n.º 7
def printProgressBar(iteration,
    NOTE! THIS IS COPIED FROM STACK OVERFLOW (with minor changes),
    USER Greenstick
    Link: https://stackoverflow.com/a/34325723

    Call in a loop to create terminal progress bar.


        iteration: *int*
            Current iteration.
        total: *int*
            Total number of iterations.
        prefix: *str, optional*
            Prefix for the loading bar.
        suffix: *str, optional*
            Suffix for the loading bar.
        decimals: *int, optional*
            Positive number of decimals in percent complete
        length: *int, optional*
            Character length of the loading bar.
        fill: *str, optional*
            Bar fill character.
        pad: *bool, optional*
            Whether to pad the right side with spaces until terminal width.
    if buf is not None:
        if not hasattr(printProgressBar, "buf"):
            setattr(printProgressBar, "buf", buf)
        elif printProgressBar.buf < 0:
            printProgressBar.buf = buf
            printProgressBar.buf -= 1

    assert "stty" not in prefix and "stty" not in suffix,\
        "Don't have 'stty' in prefix or suffix."

    assert is_numeric(total),\
        "Error - total is not a numerical value."
    assert float(total) > 0,\
        "Error - total is not greater than 0."
    assert is_numeric(iteration),\
        "Error - iteration is not a numerical value."
    assert float(iteration) >= 0,\
        "Error - iteration is less than 0."
    assert float(iteration) <= total,\
        "Error - iteration is larger than total."

    percent = ("{0:." + str(decimals) + "f}").format(
        100 * (iteration / float(total)))
    filledLength = int(length * iteration // total)
    bar = fill * filledLength + '-' * (length - filledLength)
    bar = '\r%s |%s| %s%% %s' % (prefix, bar, percent, suffix)
    if pad:
            p = Popen("stty size".split(), stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
            cols, stderr = p.communicate()
            if stderr.strip() is not "":
                cols = 300
                cols = int(cols.strip().split()[-1])
        except IndexError:
            # This is a backup in the case that this code is
            # run on the queue or something.
            cols = 300
        cols = max([cols, len(bar) + 1])  # Ensure we are always long enough
        bar = bar + "".join([" " for i in range(cols - len(bar))])
    # Print New Line on Complete
    if iteration == total:
