Ejemplo n.º 1
if (not DESKTOP_ENV or DESKTOP_ENV == "other") and not App.icon_size():
    exit(_("You need to run the script using 'sudo -E'.\nPlease try again"))

print(_("Welcome to Hardcode-Tray!"))
print(_("Desktop Environment: {}").format(DESKTOP_ENV.title()))
print(_("Scaling Factor: {}").format(App.scaling_factor()))
print(_("Icon Size: {}").format(App.icon_size()))
if not isinstance(App.theme(), dict):
    print(_("Icon Theme: {}").format(App.theme()))
    print(_("Dark Icon Theme: {}").format(App.theme("dark")))
    print(_("Light Icon Theme: {}").format(App.theme("light")))
print(_("Conversion Tool: {}").format(App.svg()))
print(_("To Do: "), end="")
print(", ".join(map(lambda x: x.title(), App.get("only")))
      if App.get("only") else _("All"))

action = App.get("action")
if action == Action.APPLY:
    print(_("Applying now.."))
elif action == Action.REVERT:
    print(_("Reverting now.."))
elif action == Action.CLEAR_CACHE:
    print(_("Clearing cache..."))

print(_("\nDone, Thank you for using the Hardcode-Tray fixer!"))