Ejemplo n.º 1
import sys
import os
src_directory = '../../'

from src.helper import download_file

home = os.getcwd()

# Fox Maule et al. (2005) basal heat flux :
q_geo = 'http://websrv.cs.umt.edu/isis/images/c/c8/Antarctica_heat_flux_5km.nc'
fldr  = 'fox_maule'
download_file(q_geo, home, fldr)

# bedmap 1 :
bm1  = "http://www.pangaea.de/Publications/LeBrocq_et_al_2010/ALBMAPv1.nc.zip"
fldr = "bedmap1"
download_file(bm1, home, fldr, extract=True)

# bedmap 2 :
bm2  = "https://secure.antarctica.ac.uk/data/bedmap2/bedmap2_tiff.zip"
fldr = "bedmap2"
download_file(bm2, home, fldr, extract=True)

# measures velocity :
mea  = 'ftp://sidads.colorado.edu/pub/DATASETS/' + \
fldr = "measures"
download_file(mea, home, fldr)
Ejemplo n.º 2
  cmd = 'gdalwarp ' + infile + ' ' + outfile + ' -t_srs ' + proj + ' -te ' + te
  print "\nExecuting :\n\n\t", cmd, "\n\n"

home = os.getcwd()

# measures velocity dataset :
fldr = 'measures'
meas = 'ftp://sidads.colorado.edu/pub/DATASETS/' + \
       'nsidc0478_MEASURES_greenland_V01/2008/' + \
download_file(meas + '_sp.tif', home, fldr)
download_file(meas + '_vx.tif', home, fldr)
download_file(meas + '_vy.tif', home, fldr)

# get errors in .tif format
errors  = 'http://ubuntuone.com/0QHkkj9R5iwOHjUXCEM8Mc'
download_file(errors, home, fldr, extract=True)

# convert to searise projection via raster warp :
convert_measures_projection(home + '/' + fldr, 'vx')
convert_measures_projection(home + '/' + fldr, 'vy')
convert_measures_projection(home + '/' + fldr, 'ex')
convert_measures_projection(home + '/' + fldr, 'ey')
convert_measures_projection(home + '/' + fldr, 'sp')

# Fox Maule et al. (2005) basal heat flux :
Ejemplo n.º 3
import sys
import os
src_directory = '../'

from src.helper import download_file

home = os.getcwd()

# coarse greenland mesh :
fldr = 'greenland'
url  = 'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/evtzuxhupnwlght/' + \
       'greenland_coarse_mesh.tar.gz?dl=1&token_hash=AAEFc43' + \
download_file(url, home, fldr, extract=True)

# medium greenland mesh :
fldr = 'greenland'
url  = 'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/zckpt9uqn0qqyl1/' + \
       'greenland_medium_mesh.tar.gz?dl=1&token_hash=AAHvYKB' + \
download_file(url, home, fldr, extract=True)

# detailed greenland mesh :
fldr = 'greenland'
url  = 'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/hz2ih2qpfpm5htb/' + \
       'greenland_detailed_mesh.tar.gz?dl=1&token_hash=AAGtX' + \
download_file(url, home, fldr, extract=True)

# 3D 5H greenland mesh :
Ejemplo n.º 4
import os
src_directory = '../'

from src.helper import download_file

home = os.getcwd()

# coarse greenland mesh :
fldr = 'greenland'
url  = 'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/evtzuxhupnwlght/' + \
       'greenland_coarse_mesh.tar.gz?dl=1&token_hash=AAEFc43' + \
download_file(url, home, fldr, extract=True)

# medium greenland mesh :
fldr = 'greenland'
url  = 'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/zckpt9uqn0qqyl1/' + \
       'greenland_medium_mesh.tar.gz?dl=1&token_hash=AAHvYKB' + \
download_file(url, home, fldr, extract=True)

# detailed greenland mesh :
fldr = 'greenland'
url  = 'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/hz2ih2qpfpm5htb/' + \
       'greenland_detailed_mesh.tar.gz?dl=1&token_hash=AAFGb' + \
download_file(url, home, fldr, extract=True)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    cmd = 'gdalwarp ' + infile + ' ' + outfile + ' -t_srs ' + proj + ' -te ' + te

    print "\nExecuting :\n\n\t", cmd, "\n\n"

home = os.getcwd()

# measures velocity dataset :
fldr = 'measures'
meas = 'ftp://sidads.colorado.edu/pub/DATASETS/' + \
       'nsidc0478_MEASURES_greenland_V01/2008/' + \
download_file(meas + '_sp.tif', home, fldr)
download_file(meas + '_vx.tif', home, fldr)
download_file(meas + '_vy.tif', home, fldr)

# get errors in .tif format
errors  = 'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/65q1wtc8mofotnz/' +\
          'greenland_measures_error.tar.gz?dl=1&token_hash=AAEp' +\
download_file(errors, home, fldr, extract=True)

# convert to searise projection via raster warp :
convert_measures_projection(home + '/' + fldr, 'vx')
convert_measures_projection(home + '/' + fldr, 'vy')
convert_measures_projection(home + '/' + fldr, 'ex')
convert_measures_projection(home + '/' + fldr, 'ey')
convert_measures_projection(home + '/' + fldr, 'sp')