Ejemplo n.º 1
    def household__get_account_num_transactions(self, args):
        import os
        from src.bank import Bank
        from src.household import Household
        from src.firm import Firm
        from src.environment import Environment  # needed for the bankDirectory

        text = "This test checks household.get_account_num_transactions \n"
        text = text + "  The purpose of this method is to count the numbers of transaction for   \n"
        text = text + "  accounts households hold. Our standard frm has 3 transactions by default. \n"
        environment_directory = str(args[0])
        identifier = str(args[1])
        log_directory = str(args[2])

        # Configure logging parameters so we get output while the program runs
        logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S',
                            filename=log_directory + identifier + ".log", level=logging.INFO)
        logging.info('START logging for test household__get_account_num_transactions in run: %s',
                     environment_directory + identifier + ".xml")

        # Construct household filename
        environment = Environment(environment_directory,  identifier)

        # get the firm_directory from the environment
        household_directory = environment.household_directory
        # and loop over all firms in the directory
        listing = os.listdir(household_directory)
        householdFilename = household_directory + listing[0]

        # generate a bank
        bank = Bank()
        bank.identifier = "test_bank"

        # generate a firm
        firm = Firm()
        firm.identifier = "test_firm"

        # generate a household
        household = Household()
        helper = Helper()
        helper.initialize_standard_household(household, environment)

        # TESTING

        num_transactions = 0.0          # counting all types in account together
        # and checking if the number of transaction
        # is increasing by one
        for type in ["deposits",  "cash",  "manhours"]:
                        if type == "deposits":
                                num_transactions = num_transactions + household.get_account_num_transactions(type)
                                print("D = " + str(num_transactions))
                        if type == "cash":
                                num_transactions = num_transactions + household.get_account_num_transactions(type)
                                print("D+M = " + str(num_transactions))
                        if type == "manhours":
                                num_transactions = num_transactions + household.get_account_num_transactions(type)
                                print("D+M+H = " + str(num_transactions))