Ejemplo n.º 1
def parse_args(args):
    op = ArgumentParser(description='Find groups of orthologous genes.')

    op.add_argument('-o', '--out', '--dir', dest='out', required=True)

    op.add_argument('-g', '--gbs', '--annotations', dest='annotations')
    op.add_argument('-p', '--proteins', '--proteomes', dest='proteomes')
    op.add_argument('--no-download', dest='download_anno', action='store_false', default=True)
    op.add_argument('-s', '--species', '--species-list', dest='species_list')
    op.add_argument('-i', '--ids', '--ids-list', dest='ids_list')

    op.add_argument('--prot-id-field', dest='prot_id_field', default=1)

    op.usage = '''Finding orthogroups for a list of annotations / proteomes / ref ids / species.

Test runs:
    python scenario_1.py --ids test_input/ids.txt -o test_ids
    python scenario_1.py --proteomes test_input/proteins -o test_proteomes

Usage: %s [-p <proteomes dir>] [-a <.gb files dir>] [-i <gb ids file>] [-s <strain names file>]
                     [-o <dir>] [--jobs 30] [--start-from <step num>]
    -o  Output directory.
    -g  Directory with .gb files for references with annotations.
    -p  Directory with fasta (or faa, fa) files of protein sequences. If they
        are named by their reference ids (i.e. NC_005816.1.fasta), annotations
        will be downloaded from NCBI.
    -i  File with reference ids (will be fetched from NCBI).
    -s  File with a list of organism names as in Genbank.

        When specifying proteomes, use this fasta id field number
        to retrieve protein ids (default if 1, like >NC_005816.1|NP_995567.1 ...).
    ''' % basename(__file__)

    #-a  --annotations-dir  Directory with .gb files.
    #-p  --proteomes-dir    Directory with fasta files of proteomes.
    #-i  --ids-list         File with reference ids (will be fetched from Genbank).
    #-s  --species-list     File with a list of organism names as in Genbank.
    #                       For example, "Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhi str. P-stx-12".

    #indent = ' ' * len('usage: ' + basename(__file__) + ' ')
    #op.usage = basename(__file__) + ' [--annotations-dir DIR]\n' + \
    #    indent + '[--proteomes-dir DIR]\n' + \
    #    indent + '[--ids-file FILE]\n' + \
    #    indent + '[--species-file FILE]\n'


    p = op.parse_args(args)


    if not p.out:
        arg_parse_error('Specify output directory with -o.')
    if isfile(expanduser(p.out)):
        arg_parse_error('%s is a file' % p.out)
    p.out = abspath(expanduser(p.out))
    if not isdir(p.out):

    if p.species_list:
        p.species_list = abspath(expanduser(p.species_list))

    if p.ids_list:
        p.ids_list = abspath(expanduser(p.ids_list))

    if p.proteomes:
        p.proteomes = abspath(expanduser(p.proteomes))

    if p.annotations:
        p.annotations = abspath(expanduser(p.annotations))

    #if p.species_list or p.ids_list:
    #    if not isdir(p.out):
    #        mkdir(p.out)
    #    if not p.directory:
    #        arg_parse_error('Directory or file must be specified.')
    #        check_dir(p.directory)
    return p
Ejemplo n.º 2
def parse_args(args):
    import argparse
    op = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Find groups of orthologous genes.')

    #op.add_argument(dest='directory', required=False)
    op.add_argument('-s1o', dest='directory', required=True)
    op.add_argument('-s2o', '-o', dest='out_dir', required=False)

    op.add_argument('-a', '--assemblies', dest='assemblies')
    op.add_argument('-g', '--annotations', '--gbs', dest='annotations')
    op.add_argument('-p', '--proteomes', '--proteins', dest='proteomes')
    op.add_argument('-i', '--ids', '--ids-list', dest='ids_list')

    op.add_argument('--prot-id-field', dest='prot_id_field', default=1)
    op.add_argument('--skip-blast-singletones', dest='blast_singletones',
                    action='store_false', default=True)
    op.add_argument('--blastdb', '--blast-db', dest='blastdb')

    #-o:                  Output directory (if not specified, the input directory will be used).

    op.usage = '''Extends an orthogroup database and orthogroups files.
First argument is a path to existed Scenario 1 output.

Test runs:
    python scenario_2.py -s1o test_ids -s2o test_ids_new_ids --ids test_input/new_ids.txt
    python scenario_2.py -s1o test_proteomes -s2o test_prots_new_prots --proteomes test_input/new_proteins

Usage: %s -s1o <scenario_1 result dir> -s2o <new output dir> [-a <assembies dir>] [-p <proteomes dir]
                                 [-a <.gb files dir>] [-i <gb ids file>] [-s <strain names file>]
                                 [--jobs 30] [--start-from <step num>]
                                 [--blast-singletones] [--blast-db <path>]
    -s1o                 Path to existed Scenario 1 output.
    -s2o                 Output directory (optional, if ommited, the input directory will be used).

    -a --assemblies:     Directory with assemblies in fasta format.
    -g  Directory with .gb files for references with annotations.
    -p  Directory with fasta (or faa, fa) files of protein sequences. If they
        are named by their reference ids (i.e. NC_005816.1.fasta), annotations
        will be downloaded from NCBI.
    -i  File with reference ids (will be fetched from NCBI).
    -s  File with a list of organism names as in Genbank.

        When specifying proteomes, use this fasta id field number
        to retrieve protein ids (default if 1, like >NC_005816.1|NP_995567.1 ...).

        Search newly added proteins agains NCBI database, if they did not fit
        any group with known proteins.

        Local BLAST database path. If not set, "blastdb" value in config.txt will be used.
        If it was not set either, remote NCBI will be used.
    ''' % basename(__file__)

    #indent = ' ' * len('usage: ' + basename(__file__) + ' ')
    #op.usage = basename(__file__) + ' [--existing-blast-results TSV]\n' + \
    #    indent + '[--existing_proteomes DIR]\n' + \
    #    indent + '[--assembly FASTA]\n' + \
    #    indent + '[--genes GFF]\n' + \
    #    indent + '[--proteome FASTA]\n'


    p = op.parse_args(args)


    if p.assemblies:
        p.assemblies = abspath(expanduser(p.assemblies))

    if p.proteomes:
        p.proteomes = abspath(expanduser(p.proteomes))

    if p.ids_list:
        p.ids_list = abspath(expanduser(p.ids_list))

    if p.annotations:
        p.annotations = abspath(expanduser(p.annotations))

    if p.blastdb:
        p.blastdb = abspath(expanduser(p.blastdb))

    if not isdir(expanduser(p.directory)):
        arg_parse_error('Directory %s does not exist.' % p.directory)
    p.directory = abspath(expanduser(p.directory))

    if not p.out_dir:
        p.out_dir = p.directory
        #arg_parse_error('Specify output directory with -o.')
    if isfile(expanduser(p.out_dir)):
        arg_parse_error('%s is a file' % p.out_dir)
    p.out_dir = abspath(expanduser(p.out_dir))

    return p
Ejemplo n.º 3
def parse_args(args):
    op = ArgumentParser(description='Find groups of orthologous genes.')

    op.add_argument('-o', '--out', '--dir', dest='out', required=True)

    op.add_argument('-g', '--gbs', '--annotations', dest='annotations')
    op.add_argument('-p', '--proteins', '--proteomes', dest='proteomes')
    op.add_argument('-s', '--species', '--species-list', dest='species_list')
    op.add_argument('-i', '--ids', '--ids-list', dest='ids_list')

    op.add_argument('--prot-id-field', dest='prot_id_field', default=1)

    op.usage = '''Finding orthogroups for a list of annotations / proteomes / ref ids / species.

Test runs:
    python scenario_1.py --ids test_input/ids.txt -o test_ids
    python scenario_1.py --proteomes test_input/proteins -o test_proteomes

Usage: %s [-p <proteomes dir>] [-a <.gb files dir>] [-i <gb ids file>] [-s <strain names file>]
                     [-o <dir>] [--jobs 30] [--start-from <step num>]
    -o  Output directory.
    -g  Directory with .gb files for references with annotations.
    -p  Directory with fasta (or faa, fa) files of protein sequences. If they
        are named by their reference ids (i.e. NC_005816.1.fasta), annotations
        will be downloaded from NCBI.
    -i  File with reference ids (will be fetched from NCBI).
    -s  File with a list of organism names as in Genbank.

        When specifying proteomes, use this fasta id field number
        to retrieve protein ids (default if 1, like >NC_005816.1|NP_995567.1 ...).
    ''' % basename(__file__)

    #-a  --annotations-dir  Directory with .gb files.
    #-p  --proteomes-dir    Directory with fasta files of proteomes.
    #-i  --ids-list         File with reference ids (will be fetched from Genbank).
    #-s  --species-list     File with a list of organism names as in Genbank.
    #                       For example, "Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhi str. P-stx-12".

    #indent = ' ' * len('usage: ' + basename(__file__) + ' ')
    #op.usage = basename(__file__) + ' [--annotations-dir DIR]\n' + \
    #    indent + '[--proteomes-dir DIR]\n' + \
    #    indent + '[--ids-file FILE]\n' + \
    #    indent + '[--species-file FILE]\n'


    p = op.parse_args(args)


    if not p.out:
        arg_parse_error('Specify output directory with -o.')
    if isfile(expanduser(p.out)):
        arg_parse_error('%s is a file' % p.out)
    p.out = abspath(expanduser(p.out))
    if not isdir(p.out):

    if p.species_list:
        p.species_list = abspath(expanduser(p.species_list))

    if p.ids_list:
        p.ids_list = abspath(expanduser(p.ids_list))

    if p.proteomes:
        p.proteomes = abspath(expanduser(p.proteomes))

    if p.annotations:
        p.annotations = abspath(expanduser(p.annotations))

    #if p.species_list or p.ids_list:
    #    if not isdir(p.out):
    #        mkdir(p.out)
    #    if not p.directory:
    #        arg_parse_error('Directory or file must be specified.')
    #        check_dir(p.directory)
    return p
Ejemplo n.º 4
def parse_args(args):
    import argparse
    op = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Find groups of orthologous genes.')

    #op.add_argument(dest='directory', required=False)
    op.add_argument('-s1o', dest='directory', required=True)
    op.add_argument('-s2o', '-o', dest='out_dir', required=False)

    op.add_argument('-a', '--assemblies', dest='assemblies')
    op.add_argument('-g', '--annotations', '--gbs', dest='annotations')
    op.add_argument('-p', '--proteomes', '--proteins', dest='proteomes')
    op.add_argument('-i', '--ids', '--ids-list', dest='ids_list')

    op.add_argument('--prot-id-field', dest='prot_id_field', default=1)
    op.add_argument('--blastdb', '--blast-db', dest='blastdb')

    #-o:                  Output directory (if not specified, the input directory will be used).

    op.usage = '''Extends an orthogroup database and orthogroups files.
First argument is a path to existed Scenario 1 output.

Test runs:
    python scenario_2.py -s1o test_ids -s2o test_ids_new_ids --ids test_input/new_ids.txt
    python scenario_2.py -s1o test_proteomes -s2o test_prots_new_prots --proteomes test_input/new_proteins

Usage: %s -s1o <scenario_1 result dir> -s2o <new output dir> [-a <assembies dir>] [-p <proteomes dir]
                                 [-a <.gb files dir>] [-i <gb ids file>] [-s <strain names file>]
                                 [--jobs 30] [--start-from <step num>]
                                 [--blast-singletones] [--blast-db <path>]
    -s1o                 Path to existed Scenario 1 output.
    -s2o                 Output directory (optional, if ommited, the input directory will be used).

    -a --assemblies:     Directory with assemblies in fasta format.
    -g  Directory with .gb files for references with annotations.
    -p  Directory with fasta (or faa, fa) files of protein sequences. If they
        are named by their reference ids (i.e. NC_005816.1.fasta), annotations
        will be downloaded from NCBI.
    -i  File with reference ids (will be fetched from NCBI).
    -s  File with a list of organism names as in Genbank.

        When specifying proteomes, use this fasta id field number
        to retrieve protein ids (default if 1, like >NC_005816.1|NP_995567.1 ...).

        Search newly added proteins agains NCBI database, if they did not fit
        any group with known proteins.

        Local BLAST database path. If not set, "blastdb" value in config.txt will be used.
        If it was not set either, remote NCBI will be used.
    ''' % basename(__file__)

    #indent = ' ' * len('usage: ' + basename(__file__) + ' ')
    #op.usage = basename(__file__) + ' [--existing-blast-results TSV]\n' + \
    #    indent + '[--existing_proteomes DIR]\n' + \
    #    indent + '[--assembly FASTA]\n' + \
    #    indent + '[--genes GFF]\n' + \
    #    indent + '[--proteome FASTA]\n'


    p = op.parse_args(args)


    if p.assemblies:
        p.assemblies = abspath(expanduser(p.assemblies))

    if p.proteomes:
        p.proteomes = abspath(expanduser(p.proteomes))

    if p.ids_list:
        p.ids_list = abspath(expanduser(p.ids_list))

    if p.annotations:
        p.annotations = abspath(expanduser(p.annotations))

    if p.blastdb:
        p.blastdb = abspath(expanduser(p.blastdb))

    if not isdir(expanduser(p.directory)):
        arg_parse_error('Directory %s does not exist.' % p.directory)
    p.directory = abspath(expanduser(p.directory))

    if not p.out_dir:
        p.out_dir = p.directory
        #arg_parse_error('Specify output directory with -o.')
    if isfile(expanduser(p.out_dir)):
        arg_parse_error('%s is a file' % p.out_dir)
    p.out_dir = abspath(expanduser(p.out_dir))

    return p