Ejemplo n.º 1
def lesson11():
    brain_h = io.read_from_xcr('brain-H_x512.bin', width=512, height=512)
    brain_v = io.read_from_xcr('brain-V_x256.bin', width=256, height=256)
    spine_h = io.read_from_xcr('spine-H_x256.bin', width=256, height=256)
    spine_v = io.read_from_xcr('spine-V_x512.bin', width=512, height=512)
    # return np.array([
    #     (brain_h, brain_v, histogram(brain_h), histogram(brain_v)),
    #     (spine_h, spine_v, histogram(spine_h), histogram(spine_v)),
    # ])

    gamma_bh = gamma(brain_h, C=1.3, gamma=1.05)
    gamma_bv = gamma(brain_v, C=1.3, gamma=1.05)
    gamma_sh = gamma(spine_h, C=1.3, gamma=1.2)
    gamma_sv = gamma(spine_v, C=1.3, gamma=1.3)

    thresh_bh = thresholding(gamma_bh, thresh=18)
    thresh_bv = thresholding(gamma_bv, thresh=18)
    thresh_sh = thresholding(gamma_sh, thresh=18)
    thresh_sv = thresholding(gamma_sv, thresh=18)

    and_bh = and_pic(gamma_bh, thresh_bh)
    and_bv = and_pic(gamma_bv, thresh_bv)
    and_sh = and_pic(gamma_sh, thresh_sh)
    and_sv = and_pic(gamma_sv, thresh_sv)

    median_bh = mean_filter(and_bh, size=3)
    median_bv = mean_filter(and_bv, size=3)
    median_sh = mean_filter(and_sh, size=3)
    median_sv = mean_filter(and_sv, size=3)

    equal_bh = Picture("", cv2.equalizeHist(median_bh.matrix))
    equal_bv = Picture("", cv2.equalizeHist(median_bv.matrix))
    equal_sh = Picture("", cv2.equalizeHist(median_sh.matrix))
    equal_sv = Picture("", cv2.equalizeHist(median_sv.matrix))

    # return np.array([
    #     (histogram(median_bh), cdf(median_bh), Picture("", cv2.equalizeHist(median_bh.matrix))),
    #     (histogram(median_bv), cdf(median_bv), Picture("", cv2.equalizeHist(median_bv.matrix))),
    #     (histogram(median_sh), cdf(median_sh), Picture("", cv2.equalizeHist(median_sh.matrix))),
    #     (histogram(median_sv), cdf(median_sv), Picture("", cv2.equalizeHist(median_sv.matrix))),
    # ])

    return np.array([
        (brain_h, scale(equal_bh, w_target=400, h_target=400)),
        (brain_v, scale(equal_bv, w_target=400, h_target=400)),
        (spine_h, scale(equal_sh, w_target=400, h_target=400)),
        (spine_v, scale(equal_sv, w_target=400, h_target=400)),
Ejemplo n.º 2
def lesson10():
    img = io.read_from_jpg("MODEL.jpg")
    thresh_img = thresholding(img, thresh=200)
    erode_img = erode(thresh_img)
    dilate_img = dilate(thresh_img)
    # return np.array([
    #     (img, thresh_img),
    #     (erode_img, minus_pic(thresh_img, erode_img)),
    #     (dilate_img, minus_pic(dilate_img, thresh_img)),
    # ])
    noised = gaussian_noise(img, percent=0.15)
    thresh_noised = thresholding(noised, thresh=200)
    a1 = closing(thresh_noised, size=3)
    a2 = opening(a1, size=5)
    a3 = closing(a2, size=7)
    a4 = erode(a3)
    import cv2
    return np.array([
        (noised, thresh_noised, noised),
        (a1, a2, a3),
        (a4, minus_pic(a3, a4),
             scale_array(cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_CROSS, (7, 7)),
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def read_img_from_dat(self, filepath, width=259, height=185):
     with open(INPUT_FOLDER + filepath, 'rb') as f:
         whole_data = f.read()
     format = '{:d}f'.format(len(whole_data) // 4)
     whole_array = np.array(struct.unpack(format, whole_data))
     matrix = whole_array.reshape((height, width))
     return Picture(filepath, matrix)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def read_from_xcr(self, filepath, width=400, height=300, normalize=True):
     matrix = []
     with open(INPUT_FOLDER + filepath, 'rb') as f:
         for i in range(height):
             row = width * [0] # np.zeros(width)
             for j in range(width):
                 row[j] = int.from_bytes(f.read(2), 'little', signed=False)
     nparray = np.asarray(matrix).astype('float64')
     if normalize:
         nparray = scale_array(nparray, right=255)
     return Picture(filepath, nparray.astype('uint8'))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def scale(picture, ratio=None, w_ratio=None, h_ratio=None, w_target=None, h_target=None, strategy="bilinear"):
    h, w = picture.matrix.shape
    if ratio is not None:
        w_ratio = ratio
        h_ratio = ratio
        w_target = round(w * w_ratio)
        h_target = round(h * h_ratio)
    elif w_ratio is not None:
        w_target = round(w * w_ratio)
        h_target = round(h * h_ratio)
    elif w_target is not None:
        w_ratio = w_target / w
        h_ratio = h_target / h
    scaled = np.empty((h_target, w_target))

    if strategy == "nearest-neighbor":
        _nearest_neighbor(picture, h_target, w_target, h_ratio, w_ratio, scaled)
    if strategy == "bilinear":
        _bilinear(picture, h_target, w_target, h_ratio, w_ratio, scaled)

    ratio = (w_ratio + h_ratio) / 2 if ratio is None else ratio
    return Picture(picture.title + "(x"+str(ratio)+")", scaled)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def mean_filter(picture: Picture, size=5):
    matrix = __base_filter(picture.matrix, size,
                           lambda window: np.average(window))
    return Picture(picture.title, matrix)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def median_filter(picture: Picture, size=5):
    matrix = signal.medfilt2d(picture.matrix, kernel_size=size)  # a lot faster
    # matrix = __base_filter(picture.matrix, window_size, lambda window: np.median(window))
    return Picture(picture.title, matrix)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def and_pic(pic1: Picture, pic2: Picture):
    return Picture(pic1.title + " & " + pic2.title, pic1.matrix & pic2.matrix)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def or_pic(pic1: Picture, pic2: Picture):
    return Picture(pic1.title + " | " + pic2.title, pic1.matrix | pic2.matrix)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def minus_pic(pic1: Picture, pic2: Picture):
    return Picture(pic1.title + " - " + pic2.title, pic1.matrix - pic2.matrix)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def plus_pic(pic1: Picture, pic2: Picture):
    return Picture(pic1.title + " + " + pic2.title, pic1.matrix + pic2.matrix)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def xor_pic(pic1: Picture, pic2: Picture):
    return Picture(pic1.title + " ^ " + pic2.title, pic1.matrix ^ pic2.matrix)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def read_from_jpg(self, filepath):
     return Picture(filepath, cv2.imread(INPUT_FOLDER + filepath, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE))