Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_search(args):
    print("\n\n==========", args)
    found = search_es_full(args)
    search_type = args.get("kind", "all")

    def print_entity(title, entities):
        if not entities:
        print(f"\n[ {title} ]")
        for entity in entities:
                "   ",
                    entity.get("title") or entity.get("playlist_name"),
                    f"{entity['repost_count']} reposts",
                    f"{entity['user']['follower_count']} followers",
                    f"{entity.get('_score')} score",

    def print_users(title, users):
        if not users:
        print(f"\n[ {title} ]")
        for user in users:
                "   ",
                    f"{user.get('follower_count')} followers",
                    f"{user.get('is_verified')} verified",
                    f"{user.get('_score')} score",

    if search_type == "tracks" or search_type == "all":
        print_entity("tracks", found["tracks"])
        print_entity("saved tracks", found["saved_tracks"])
    if search_type == "users" or search_type == "all":
        print_users("users", found["users"])
        print_users("followed_users", found["followed_users"])
    if search_type == "playlists" or search_type == "all":
        print_entity("playlists", found["playlists"])
        print_entity("saved_playlists", found["saved_playlists"])
    if search_type == "albums" or search_type == "all":
        print_entity("albums", found["albums"])
        print_entity("saved_albums", found["saved_albums"])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_get_internal_albums(app_module):
    """Tests we get albums when a user is logged in"""
    with app_module.app_context():
        db = get_db()

    with db.scoped_session() as session:
        res = playlist_search_query(session, "album", 10, 0, True, False, 1)
        assert len(res["all"]) == 1
        assert len(res["saved"]) == 1

    search_args = {
        "is_auto_complete": True,
        "kind": "albums",
        "query": "album",
        "current_user_id": 1,
        "with_users": True,
        "limit": 10,
        "offset": 0,
        "only_downloadable": False,
    es_res = search_es_full(search_args)
    assert len(es_res["albums"]) == 1
    assert len(es_res["saved_albums"]) == 1
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_get_autocomplete_playlists(app_module):
    """Tests we get all tracks with autocomplete"""
    with app_module.app_context():
        db = get_db()

    with db.scoped_session() as session:
        res = playlist_search_query(session, "playlist", 10, 0, False, True, None)
        assert len(res["all"]) == 1
        assert len(res["saved"]) == 0

    search_args = {
        "is_auto_complete": True,
        "kind": "playlists",
        "query": "playlist",
        "current_user_id": None,
        "with_users": True,
        "limit": 10,
        "offset": 0,
        "only_downloadable": False,
    es_res = search_es_full(search_args)
    assert len(es_res["playlists"]) == 1
    assert len(es_res["saved_playlists"]) == 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_get_internal_users_no_following(app_module):
    """Tests we get all users for a user that doesn't follow anyone"""
    with app_module.app_context():
        db = get_db()

    with db.scoped_session() as session:
        res = user_search_query(session, "user", 10, 0, False, 1)
        assert len(res["all"]) == 2
        assert len(res["followed"]) == 0

    search_args = {
        "is_auto_complete": False,
        "kind": "users",
        "query": "user",
        "current_user_id": 1,
        "with_users": True,
        "limit": 10,
        "offset": 0,
        "only_downloadable": False,
    es_res = search_es_full(search_args)
    assert len(es_res["users"]) == 2
    assert len(es_res["followed_users"]) == 0
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_get_tracks_external(app_module):
    """Tests we get all tracks, including downloaded"""
    with app_module.app_context():
        db = get_db()

    with db.scoped_session() as session:
        res = track_search_query(session, "the track", 10, 0, False, None, False)
        assert len(res["all"]) == 2
        assert len(res["saved"]) == 0

    search_args = {
        "is_auto_complete": False,
        "kind": "tracks",
        "query": "the track",
        "current_user_id": None,
        "with_users": True,
        "limit": 10,
        "offset": 0,
        "only_downloadable": False,
    es_res = search_es_full(search_args)

    assert len(es_res["tracks"]) == 2
def search(args):
    """Perform a search. `args` should contain `is_auto_complete`,
    `query`, `kind`, `current_user_id`, and `only_downloadable`

    if os.getenv("audius_elasticsearch_search_enabled"):
            resp = search_es_full(args)
            return resp
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error(f"Elasticsearch error: {e}")

    search_str = args.get("query")

    # when creating query table, we substitute this too
    search_str = search_str.replace("&", "and")

    kind = args.get("kind", "all")
    is_auto_complete = args.get("is_auto_complete")
    current_user_id = args.get("current_user_id")
    only_downloadable = args.get("only_downloadable")
    limit = args.get("limit")
    offset = args.get("offset")

    searchKind = SearchKind[kind]

    results = {}

    # Accumulate user_ids for later
    user_ids = set()

    # Create args for perform_search_query
    search_args = {
        "search_str": search_str,
        "limit": limit,
        "offset": offset,
        "is_auto_complete": is_auto_complete,
        "current_user_id": current_user_id,
        "only_downloadable": only_downloadable,

    if search_str:
        db = get_db_read_replica()
        # Concurrency approach:
        # Spin up a ThreadPoolExecutor for each request to perform_search_query
        # to perform the different search types in parallel.
        # After each future resolves, we then add users for each entity in a single
        # db round trip.
        with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) as executor:
            # Keep a mapping of future -> search_type
            futures_map = {}
            futures = []

            # Helper fn to submit a future and add it to bookkeeping data structures
            def submit_and_add(search_type):
                future = executor.submit(
                    perform_search_query, db, search_type, search_args
                futures_map[future] = search_type

            if searchKind in [SearchKind.all, SearchKind.tracks]:

            if searchKind in [SearchKind.all, SearchKind.users]:
            if searchKind in [SearchKind.all, SearchKind.playlists]:

            if searchKind in [SearchKind.all, SearchKind.albums]:

            for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
                search_result = future.result()
                future_type = futures_map[future]

                # Add to the final results
                # Add to user_ids
                if future_type == "tracks":
                    results["tracks"] = search_result["all"]
                    results["saved_tracks"] = search_result["saved"]
                elif future_type == "users":
                    results["users"] = search_result["all"]
                    results["followed_users"] = search_result["followed"]
                elif future_type == "playlists":
                    results["playlists"] = search_result["all"]
                    results["saved_playlists"] = search_result["saved"]
                elif future_type == "albums":
                    results["albums"] = search_result["all"]
                    results["saved_albums"] = search_result["saved"]

            with db.scoped_session() as session:
                # Add users back
                users = get_users_by_id(session, list(user_ids), current_user_id)

                for (_, result_list) in results.items():
                    for result in result_list:
                        user_id = None
                        if "playlist_owner_id" in result:
                            user_id = result["playlist_owner_id"]
                        elif "owner_id" in result:
                            user_id = result["owner_id"]

                        if user_id is not None:
                            user = users[user_id]
                            result["user"] = user
    return extend_search(results)