class zzzTestRuleDisableCamera(RuleTest):

    def setUp(self):
        @change: Breen Malmberg - 06102015 - updated self.cmd and paths to work
        with updated unit test functionality

        self.rule = DisableCamera(self.config,
        self.rulename = self.rule.rulename
        self.rulenumber = self.rule.rulenumber = CommandHelper(self.logdispatch)
        self.cmd = 'chmod a+r '
        self.paths = ['/System/Library/QuickTime/QuickTimeUSBVDCDigitizer.component/Contents/MacOS/QuickTimeUSBVDCDigitizer',

    def tearDown(self):

    def runTest(self):

    def setConditionsForRule(self):
        Configure system for the unit test
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: ekkehard j. koch
        @change: Breen Malmberg - 06102015 - changed this method to reflect
        the new functionality of
        success = True

        for path in self.paths:
            if os.path.exists(path):
       + path)
                error =
                if error:
                    success = False
        return success

    def checkReportForRule(self, pCompliance, pRuleSuccess):
        check on whether report was correct
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @param pCompliance: the self.iscompliant value of rule
        @param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: ekkehard j. koch
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pCompliance = " + \
                             str(pCompliance) + ".")
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + \
                             str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success

    def checkFixForRule(self, pRuleSuccess):
        check on whether fix was correct
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: ekkehard j. koch
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + \
                             str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success

    def checkUndoForRule(self, pRuleSuccess):
        check on whether undo was correct
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: ekkehard j. koch
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + \
                             str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success
class zzzTestRuleSetSSCorners(RuleTest):

    def setUp(self):
        self.rule = SetSSCorners(self.config,
        self.rulename = self.rule.rulename
        self.rulenumber = self.rule.rulenumber = CommandHelper(self.logdispatch)

    def tearDown(self):

    def runTest(self):

    def setConditionsForRule(self):
        Configure system for the unit test
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: Breen Malmberg
        success = True
        self.cmdhelper = CommandHelper(self.logdispatch)
        optdict = {"wvous-tr-corner": 6}
        cmd = 'defaults write ' + '\"' + self.environ.geteuidhome() + '/Library/Preferences/\" '
        for item in optdict:
            self.cmdhelper.executeCommand(cmd + item + ' -int ' + str(optdict[item]))
            errout = self.cmdhelper.getErrorString()
            if errout:
                success = False
        return success

    def checkReportForRule(self, pCompliance, pRuleSuccess):
        check on whether report was correct
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @param pCompliance: the self.iscompliant value of rule
        @param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: Breen Malmberg
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pCompliance = " + \
                             str(pCompliance) + ".")
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + \
                             str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success

    def checkFixForRule(self, pRuleSuccess):
        check on whether fix was correct
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: Breen Malmberg
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + \
                             str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success

    def checkUndoForRule(self, pRuleSuccess):
        check on whether undo was correct
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: Breen Malmberg
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + \
                             str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success
class zzzTestDisableAFPFileSharing(RuleTest):

    def setUp(self):

        self.rule = DisableAFPFileSharing(self.config,
        self.cmdhelper = CommandHelper(self.logdispatch)
        self.rulename = self.rule.rulename
        self.rulenumber = self.rule.rulenumber

    def tearDown(self):

    def runTest(self):

    def setConditionsForRule(self):
        Configure system for the unit test
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: Breen Malmberg

        success = True


            cmd = '/bin/launchctl enable system/'

            retcode = self.cmdhelper.getReturnCode()
            if retcode != 0:
                errstr = self.cmdhelper.getErrorString()
                self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, errstr)
                success = False

        except Exception:
        return success

    def checkReportForRule(self, pCompliance, pRuleSuccess):
        check on whether report was correct
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @param pCompliance: the self.iscompliant value of rule
        @param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: ekkehard j. koch
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pCompliance = " + \
                             str(pCompliance) + ".")
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + \
                             str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success

    def checkFixForRule(self, pRuleSuccess):
        check on whether fix was correct
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: ekkehard j. koch
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + \
                             str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success

    def checkUndoForRule(self, pRuleSuccess):
        check on whether undo was correct
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: ekkehard j. koch
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + \
                             str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success
Ejemplo n.º 4
class MacOSUser(ManageUser):
    Class to manage users on Mac OS.

    @method findUniqueUid
    @method setUserShell
    @method setUserComment
    @method setUserUid
    @method setUserPriGid
    @method setUserHomeDir
    @method addUserToGroup
    @method rmUserFromGroup
    @method setUserPassword
    @method setUserLoginKeychainPassword
    @method createHomeDirectory
    @method rmUser
    @method rmUserHome

    @author: Roy Nielsen
    def __init__(self, userName="", userShell="/bin/bash",
                 userComment="", userUid=1000, userPriGid=20,
                 userHomeDir="/tmp", logger=False):
        super(MacOSUser, self).__init__(userName, userShell,
                                         userComment, userUid, userPriGid,
                                         userHomeDir, logger)
        self.module_version = '20160225.125554.540679'
        self.dscl = "/usr/bin/dscl"
        self.cmdh = CommandHelper(self.logger)


    def createStandardUser(self, userName, password):
        Creates a user that has the "next" uid in line to be used, then puts
        in in a group of the same id.  Uses /bin/bash as the standard shell.
        The userComment is left empty.  Primary use is managing a user
        during test automation, when requiring a "user" context.

        It does not set a login keychain password as that is created on first
        login to the GUI.

        @author: Roy Nielsen
        newUserID = self.findUniqueUid()
        newUserGID = newUserID
        self.setUserUid(userName, newUserID)
        self.setUserPriGid(userName, newUserID)
        self.setUserShell(userName, "/bin/bash")
        self.setUserPassword(userName, password)
        # Don't need to set the user login keychain password as it should be
        # created on first login.


    def setDscl(self, directory=".", action="", object="", property="", value=""):
        Using dscl to set a value in a directory...

        @author: Roy Nielsen
        success = False
        reterr = ""
        if directory and action and object and property and value:
            cmd = [self.dscl, directory, action, object, property, value]

            output = self.cmdh.getOutput()
            reterr = self.cmdh.getErrorString()

            if not reterr:
                success = True
                raise DsclError("Error trying to set a value with dscl (" + \
                                str(reterr).strip() + ")")
        return success

    def getDscl(self, directory="", action="", dirobj="", property=""):
        Using dscl to retrieve a value from the directory

        @author: Roy Nielsen
        success = False
        reterr = ""
        retval = ""

        if isinstance(directory, basestring) and re.match("^[/\.][A-Za-z0-9/]*", directory):
            success = True
            success = False
        if isinstance(action, basestring) and re.match("^[-]*[a-z]+", action) and success:
            success = True
            success = False
        if isinstance(dirobj, basestring) and re.match("^[A-Za-z0=9/]+", dirobj) and success:
            success = True
            success = False
        if isinstance(property, basestring) and re.match("^[A-Za-z0-9]+", property) and success:
            success = True
            success = False
        # Now do the directory lookup.
        if success:
            cmd = [self.dscl, directory, action, object, property]

            retval = self.cmdh.getOutput()
            reterr = self.cmdh.getErrorString()

            if reterr:
                raise DsclError("Error trying to get a value with dscl (" + \
                                str(reterr).strip() + ")")
        return ("\n").join(retval)

    def findUniqueUid(self):
        We need to make sure to find an unused uid (unique ID) for the user,
           $ dscl . -list /Users UniqueID
        will list all the existing users, an unused number above 500 is good.

        @author: Roy Nielsen
        success = False
        maxUserID = 0
        newUserID = 0
        userList = self.getDscl(".", "-list", "/Users", "UniqueID")

        # Sort the list, add one to the highest value and return that
        # value
        for user in str(userList).split("\n"):
            if int(user.split()[1]) > maxUserID:
                maxUserID = int(user.split()[1])

        newUserID = str(int(maxUserID + 1))

        return newUserID


    def uidTaken(self, uid):
        See if the UID requested has been taken.  Only approve uid's over 1k
           $ dscl . -list /Users UniqueID

        @author: Roy Nielsen
        uidList = []
        success = False
        userList = self.getDscl(".", "-list", "/Users", "UniqueID")

        # Sort the list, add one to the highest value and return that
        # value
        for user in str(userList).split("\n"):

        if str(uid) in uidList:
            success = True

        return success


    def createBasicUser(self, userName=""):
        Create a username with just a moniker.  Allow the system to take care of
        the rest.

        Only allow usernames with letters and numbers.

        On the MacOS platform, all other steps must also be done.

        @author: Roy Nielsen
        success = False
        reterr = ""
        if isinstance(userName, basestring)\
           and re.match("^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*$", userName):
            cmd = [self.dscl, ".", "-create", "/Users/" + str(userName)]

            output = self.cmdh.getOutput()
            reterr = self.cmdh.getErrorString()

            if not reterr:
                success = True
                raise DsclError("Error trying to set a value with dscl (" + \
                                str(reterr).strip() + ")")
        return success

    def setUserShell(self, user="", shell=""):
        dscl . -create /Users/luser UserShell /bin/bash

        @author: Roy Nielsen
        success = False
        if self.isSaneUserName(user) and self.isSaneUserShell(shell):
            isSetDSL = self.setDscl(".", "-create", "/Users/" + str(user),
                                    "UserShell", str(shell))
            if isSetDSL:
                success = True

        return success


    def setUserComment(self, user="", comment=""):
        dscl . -create /Users/luser RealName "Real A. Name"

        @author: Roy Nielsen
        success = False

        if self.isSaneUserName(user) and comment:
            isSetDSL = self.setDscl(".", "-create", "/Users/" + str(user),
                                    "RealName", str(comment))
            if isSetDSL:
                success = True

        return success


    def setUserUid(self, user="", uid=""):
        dscl . -create /Users/luser UniqueID "503"

        @author: Roy Nielsen
        success = False

        if self.isSaneUserName(user) and uid:
            isSetDSL = self.setDscl(".", "-create", "/Users/" + str(user),
                                    "UniqueID", str(uid))

            if isSetDSL:
                success = True

        return success


    def setUserPriGid(self, user="", priGid=""):
        dscl . -create /Users/luser PrimaryGroupID 20

        @author: Roy Nielsen
        success = False

        if self.isSaneUserName(user) and priGid:
            isSetDSL = self.setDscl(".", "-create", "/Users/" + str(user),
                                    "PrimaryGroupID", str(priGid))

            if isSetDSL:
                success = True

        return success


    def setUserHomeDir(self, user="", userHome=""):
        Create a "local" home directory

        dscl . -create /Users/luser NFSHomeDirectory /Users/luser

        better yet:

        createhomedir -l -u <username>

        @author: Roy Nielsen
        success = False
        # Creating a non-standard userHome is not currently permitted
        #if self.saneUserName(user) and self.saneUserHomeDir(userHome):
        if self.isSaneUserName(user):
            isSetDSCL = self.setDscl(".", "-create", "/Users/" + str(user),
                                     "NFSHomeDirectory", str("/Users/" + str(user)))
            if isSetDSCL:
                success = True

        return success


    def createHomeDirectory(self, user=""):
        createhomedir -c -u luser

        This should use the system "User Template" for standard system user

        @author: Roy Nielsen
        success = False
        reterr = ""
        if user:
            cmd = ["/usr/sbin/createhomedir", "-c", " -u", + str(user)]

            reterr = self.cmdh.getErrorString()

            if not reterr:
                success = True
                raise CreateHomeDirError("Error trying to create user home (" + \
                                         str(reterr).strip() + ")")
        return success


    def addUserToGroup(self, user="", group=""):
        dscl . -append /Groups/admin GroupMembership luser

        @author: Roy Nielsen
        success = False

        if self.isSaneUserName(user) and self.isSaneGroupName(group):
            isSetDSCL = self.setDscl(".", "-append", "/Groups/" + str(group),
                                     "GroupMembership", str(user))
        if isSetDSCL:
            success = True

        return success


    def rmUserFromGroup(self, user="", group=""):
        success = False

        if self.isSaneUserName(user) and self.isSaneGroupName(group):
            isSetDSCL = self.setDscl(".", "-delete", "/Groups/" + str(group),
                                     "GroupMembership", str(user))
        if isSetDSCL:
            success = True

        return success


    def setUserPassword(self, user="", password=""):
        dscl . -passwd /Users/luser password

        @author: Roy Nielsen
        success = False

        if self.isSaneUserName(user) and isinstance(password, basestring):
            isSetDSCL = self.setDscl("."", -passwd", "/Users/" + str(user),

        if not isSetDSCL:
            success = False
            success = True

        return success


    def setUserLoginKeychainPassword(self, user="", password=""):
        Use the "security" command to set the login keychain.  If it has not
        been created, create the login keychain.

        Needs research.. Not sure if a sudo'd admin can use the security
        command to change another user's keychain password...

        security set-keychain-password -o oldpassword -p newpassword file.keychain

        where file.keychain is the default login.keychain of another user?

        @author: Roy Nielsen
        self.sec = "/usr/bin/security"
        success = False
        keychainpath = ""

        if self.isSaneUserName(user) and isinstance(password, basestring):

        # Input validation

        # Check if login keychain exists

        # if it does not exist, create it
        if not os.path.exists(keychainpath):
            cmd = ["Create Keychain Command Here"]
            output = self.cmdh.getOutput()
            reterr = self.cmdh.getErrorString()

            if not reterr:
                success = True
                self.logger.log(lp.INFO, "Unsuccessful attempt to create the " + \
                                         "keychain...(" + str(reterr) + ")")

        # else set the login keychain password



    def rmUser(self, user=""):
        dscl . delete /Users/<user>

        @author: Roy Nielsen
        success = False

        if self.isSaneUserName(user):
            cmd = [self.dscl, ".", "-delete", "/Users/" + str(user)]
            output = self.cmdh.getOutput()
            reterr = self.cmdh.getErrorString()

            if not reterr:
                success = True
                raise Exception("Error trying to remove a user (" + \
                                str(reterr).strip() + ")")

            return success


    def rmUserHome(self, user=""):
        Remove the user home... right now only default location, but should
        look up the user home in the directory service and remove that

        @author: Roy Nielsen
        success = False
        if self.isSaneUserName(user):

            # ***** WARNING WILL ROBINSON *****
            # Please refactor to do a lookup of the user in the directory
            # service, and use the home directory specified there..
                shutil.rmtree("/Users/" + str(user))
            except IOError or OSError, err:
                self.logger.log(lp.INFO, "Exception trying to remove user home...")
                self.logger.log(lp.INFO, "Exception: " + str(err))
                raise err
                success = True

        return success
class zzzTestRuleDisableCamera(RuleTest):
    def setUp(self):
        @change: Breen Malmberg - 06102015 - updated self.cmd and paths to work
        with updated unit test functionality

        self.rule = DisableCamera(self.config, self.environ, self.logdispatch,
        self.rulename = self.rule.rulename
        self.rulenumber = self.rule.rulenumber = CommandHelper(self.logdispatch)
        self.cmd = 'chmod a+r '
        self.paths = [

    def tearDown(self):

    def runTest(self):

    def setConditionsForRule(self):
        Configure system for the unit test
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: ekkehard j. koch
        @change: Breen Malmberg - 06102015 - changed this method to reflect
        the new functionality of
        success = True

        for path in self.paths:
            if os.path.exists(path):
       + path)
                error =
                if error:
                    success = False
        return success

    def checkReportForRule(self, pCompliance, pRuleSuccess):
        check on whether report was correct
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @param pCompliance: the self.iscompliant value of rule
        @param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: ekkehard j. koch
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pCompliance = " + \
                             str(pCompliance) + ".")
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + \
                             str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success

    def checkFixForRule(self, pRuleSuccess):
        check on whether fix was correct
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: ekkehard j. koch
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + \
                             str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success

    def checkUndoForRule(self, pRuleSuccess):
        check on whether undo was correct
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: ekkehard j. koch
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + \
                             str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success
class zzzTestDisableAFPFileSharing(RuleTest):
    def setUp(self):

        self.rule = DisableAFPFileSharing(self.config, self.environ,
        self.cmdhelper = CommandHelper(self.logdispatch)
        self.rulename = self.rule.rulename
        self.rulenumber = self.rule.rulenumber

    def tearDown(self):

    def runTest(self):

    def setConditionsForRule(self):
        '''Configure system for the unit test

        :param self: essential if you override this definition
        :returns: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: Breen Malmberg


        success = True


            cmd = '/bin/launchctl enable system/'

            retcode = self.cmdhelper.getReturnCode()
            if retcode != 0:
                errstr = self.cmdhelper.getErrorString()
                self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, errstr)
                success = False

        except Exception:
        return success

    def checkReportForRule(self, pCompliance, pRuleSuccess):
        '''check on whether report was correct

        :param self: essential if you override this definition
        :param pCompliance: the self.iscompliant value of rule
        :param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        :returns: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: ekkehard j. koch

        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pCompliance = " + \
                             str(pCompliance) + ".")
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + \
                             str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success

    def checkFixForRule(self, pRuleSuccess):
        '''check on whether fix was correct

        :param self: essential if you override this definition
        :param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        :returns: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: ekkehard j. koch

        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + \
                             str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success

    def checkUndoForRule(self, pRuleSuccess):
        '''check on whether undo was correct

        :param self: essential if you override this definition
        :param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        :returns: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: ekkehard j. koch

        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + \
                             str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success
class zzzTestDisableAFPFileSharing(RuleTest):
    def setUp(self):

        self.rule = DisableAFPFileSharing(self.config, self.environ,
        self.cmdhelper = CommandHelper(self.logdispatch)
        self.rulename = self.rule.rulename
        self.rulenumber = self.rule.rulenumber

    def tearDown(self):

    def runTest(self):

    def setConditionsForRule(self):
        Configure system for the unit test
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: Breen Malmberg

        success = True

            afpfile = '/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/'
            cmd = 'defaults write ' + afpfile + ' Disabled -bool False'

            errout = self.cmdhelper.getErrorString()

            if errout:
                success = False
        except Exception:
        return success

    def checkReportForRule(self, pCompliance, pRuleSuccess):
        check on whether report was correct
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @param pCompliance: the self.iscompliant value of rule
        @param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: ekkehard j. koch
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pCompliance = " + \
                             str(pCompliance) + ".")
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + \
                             str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success

    def checkFixForRule(self, pRuleSuccess):
        check on whether fix was correct
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: ekkehard j. koch
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + \
                             str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success

    def checkUndoForRule(self, pRuleSuccess):
        check on whether undo was correct
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: ekkehard j. koch
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + \
                             str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success
Ejemplo n.º 8
class zzzTestRuleNoCoreDumps(RuleTest):

    def setUp(self):
        self.rule = NoCoreDumps(self.config,
        self.logger = self.logdispatch
        self.rulename = self.rule.rulename
        self.rulenumber = self.rule.rulenumber
        self.checkUndo = True = CommandHelper(self.logger)
    def tearDown(self):

    def runTest(self):

    def setConditionsForRule(self):
        Configure system for the unit test
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: Ekkehard J. Koch
        success = True
        if self.environ.getosfamily() == "linux":
            if not self.setLinuxConditions():
                success = False
        elif self.environ.getostype() == "mac":
            if not self.setMacConditions():
                success = False
        return success

    def setMacConditions(self):
        success = True"/usr/bin/launchctl limit core")
        retcode =
        if retcode != 0:
            self.detailedresults += "\nFailed to run launchctl command to get current value of core dumps configuration"
            errmsg =
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, errmsg)
            output =
            if output:
                if not"1", output):
          "/usr/bin/launchctl limit core 1 1")

    def setLinuxConditions(self):
        success = True
        path1 = "/etc/security/limits.conf"
        if os.path.exists(path1):
            lookfor1 = "(^\*)\s+hard\s+core\s+0?"
            contents = readFile(path1, self.logger)
            if contents:
                tempstring = ""
                for line in contents:
                    if not, line.strip()):
                        tempstring += line
                if not writeFile(path1, tempstring, self.logger):
                    debug = "unable to write incorrect contents to " + path1 + "\n"
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                    success = False
            if checkPerms(path1, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                if not setPerms(path1, [0, 0, 0o777], self.logger):
                    debug = "Unable to set incorrect permissions on " + path1 + "\n"
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                    success = False
                    debug = "successfully set incorrect permissions on " + path1 + "\n"
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)"/sbin/sysctl fs.suid_dumpable")
        retcode =

        if retcode != 0:
            self.detailedresults += "Failed to get value of core dumps configuration with sysctl command\n"
            errmsg =
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, errmsg)
            success = False
            output =
            if output.strip() != "fs.suid_dumpable = 1":
                if not"/sbin/sysctl -w fs.suid_dumpable=1"):
                    debug = "Unable to set incorrect value for fs.suid_dumpable"
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                    success = False
                elif not"/sbin/sysctl -p"):
                    debug = "Unable to set incorrect value for fs.suid_dumpable"
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                    success = False
        return success

    def checkReportForRule(self, pCompliance, pRuleSuccess):
        check on whether report was correct
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @param pCompliance: the self.iscompliant value of rule
        @param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: Ekkehard J. Koch
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pCompliance = " + \
                             str(pCompliance) + ".")
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + \
                             str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success

    def checkFixForRule(self, pRuleSuccess):
        check on whether fix was correct
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: Ekkehard J. Koch
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + \
                             str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success

    def checkUndoForRule(self, pRuleSuccess):
        check on whether undo was correct
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: Ekkehard J. Koch
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + \
                             str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success
Ejemplo n.º 9
class zzzTestReqPassSysPref(RuleTest):

    def setUp(self):

        self.rule = ReqPassSysPref(self.config,
        self.cmdhelper = CommandHelper(self.logdispatch)
        self.rulename = self.rule.rulename
        self.rulenumber = self.rule.rulenumber

    def tearDown(self):

    def runTest(self):

    def setConditionsForRule(self):
        Configure system for the unit test
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: ekkehard j. koch
        success = True
        setuplist = ["system.preferences", "system.preferences.accessibility",
                     "system.preferences.accounts", "system.preferences.datetime",
                     "system.preferences.energysaver", "system.preferences.location",
                     "", "system.preferences.nvram",
                     "system.preferences.parental-controls", "system.preferences.printing",
                     "", "",
                     "system.preferences.sharing", "system.preferences.softwareupdate",
                     "system.preferences.startupdisk", "system.preferences.timemachine",
        plistfile = "/System/Library/Security/authorization.plist"
        plistbuddy = "/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy"

        for option in setuplist:
            self.cmdhelper.executeCommand(plistbuddy + " -c 'Set rights:" + option + ":shared 1 " + plistfile)
            errorout = self.cmdhelper.getErrorString()
            if errorout:
                if"Does Not Exist", errorout):
                    self.cmdhelper.executeCommand(plistbuddy + " -c 'Add rights:" + option + ":shared bool true " + plistfile)
                    erradd = self.cmdhelper.getErrorString()
                    if erradd:
                        success = False
        return success

    def checkReportForRule(self, pCompliance, pRuleSuccess):
        check on whether report was correct
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @param pCompliance: the self.iscompliant value of rule
        @param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: ekkehard j. koch
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pCompliance = " + \
                             str(pCompliance) + ".")
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + \
                             str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success

    def checkFixForRule(self, pRuleSuccess):
        check on whether fix was correct
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: ekkehard j. koch
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + \
                             str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success

    def checkUndoForRule(self, pRuleSuccess):
        check on whether undo was correct
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: ekkehard j. koch
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + \
                             str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success
class zzzTestRuleSetSSCorners(RuleTest):
    def setUp(self):
        self.rule = SetSSCorners(self.config, self.environ, self.logdispatch, self.statechglogger)
        self.rulename = self.rule.rulename
        self.rulenumber = self.rule.rulenumber = CommandHelper(self.logdispatch)

    def tearDown(self):

    def runTest(self):

    def setConditionsForRule(self):
        Configure system for the unit test
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: Breen Malmberg
        success = True
        self.cmdhelper = CommandHelper(self.logdispatch)
        optdict = {"wvous-tr-corner": 6}
        cmd = "defaults write " + '"' + self.environ.geteuidhome() + '/Library/Preferences/" '
        for item in optdict:
            self.cmdhelper.executeCommand(cmd + item + " -int " + str(optdict[item]))
            errout = self.cmdhelper.getErrorString()
            if errout:
                success = False
        return success

    def checkReportForRule(self, pCompliance, pRuleSuccess):
        check on whether report was correct
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @param pCompliance: the self.iscompliant value of rule
        @param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: Breen Malmberg
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pCompliance = " + str(pCompliance) + ".")
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success

    def checkFixForRule(self, pRuleSuccess):
        check on whether fix was correct
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: Breen Malmberg
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success

    def checkUndoForRule(self, pRuleSuccess):
        check on whether undo was correct
        @param self: essential if you override this definition
        @param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        @return: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: Breen Malmberg
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success
Ejemplo n.º 11
class MacOSUser(ManageUser):
    '''Class to manage users on Mac OS.
    @method findUniqueUid
    @method setUserShell
    @method setUserComment
    @method setUserUid
    @method setUserPriGid
    @method setUserHomeDir
    @method addUserToGroup
    @method rmUserFromGroup
    @method setUserPassword
    @method setUserLoginKeychainPassword
    @method createHomeDirectory
    @method rmUser
    @method rmUserHome
    @author: Roy Nielsen

    def __init__(self,
              self).__init__(userName, userShell, userComment, userUid,
                             userPriGid, userHomeDir, logger)
        self.module_version = '20160225.125554.540679'
        self.dscl = "/usr/bin/dscl"
        self.cmdh = CommandHelper(self.logger)


    def createStandardUser(self, userName, password):
        '''Creates a user that has the "next" uid in line to be used, then puts
        in in a group of the same id.  Uses /bin/bash as the standard shell.
        The userComment is left empty.  Primary use is managing a user
        during test automation, when requiring a "user" context.
        It does not set a login keychain password as that is created on first
        login to the GUI.
        @author: Roy Nielsen

        :param userName: 
        :param password: 

        newUserID = self.findUniqueUid()
        newUserGID = newUserID
        self.setUserUid(userName, newUserID)
        self.setUserPriGid(userName, newUserID)
        self.setUserShell(userName, "/bin/bash")
        self.setUserPassword(userName, password)
        # Don't need to set the user login keychain password as it should be
        # created on first login.


    def setDscl(self,
        '''Using dscl to set a value in a directory...
        @author: Roy Nielsen

        :param directory:  (Default value = ".")
        :param action:  (Default value = "")
        :param object:  (Default value = "")
        :param property:  (Default value = "")
        :param value:  (Default value = "")

        success = False
        reterr = ""
        if directory and action and object and property and value:
            cmd = [self.dscl, directory, action, object, property, value]

            output = self.cmdh.getOutput()
            reterr = self.cmdh.getErrorString()

            if not reterr:
                success = True
                raise DsclError("Error trying to set a value with dscl (" + \
                                str(reterr).strip() + ")")
        return success

    def getDscl(self, directory="", action="", dirobj="", property=""):
        '''Using dscl to retrieve a value from the directory
        @author: Roy Nielsen

        :param directory:  (Default value = "")
        :param action:  (Default value = "")
        :param dirobj:  (Default value = "")
        :param property:  (Default value = "")

        success = False
        reterr = ""
        retval = ""

        if isinstance(directory, str) and re.match("^[/\.][A-Za-z0-9/]*",
            success = True
            success = False
        if isinstance(action, str) and re.match("^[-]*[a-z]+",
                                                action) and success:
            success = True
            success = False
        if isinstance(dirobj, str) and re.match("^[A-Za-z0=9/]+",
                                                dirobj) and success:
            success = True
            success = False
        if isinstance(property, str) and re.match("^[A-Za-z0-9]+",
                                                  property) and success:
            success = True
            success = False
        # Now do the directory lookup.
        if success:
            cmd = [self.dscl, directory, action, object, property]

            retval = self.cmdh.getOutput()
            reterr = self.cmdh.getErrorString()

            if reterr:
                raise DsclError("Error trying to get a value with dscl (" + \
                                str(reterr).strip() + ")")
        return ("\n").join(retval)

    def findUniqueUid(self):
        '''We need to make sure to find an unused uid (unique ID) for the user,
           $ dscl . -list /Users UniqueID
        will list all the existing users, an unused number above 500 is good.
        @author: Roy Nielsen

        success = False
        maxUserID = 0
        newUserID = 0
        userList = self.getDscl(".", "-list", "/Users", "UniqueID")

        # Sort the list, add one to the highest value and return that
        # value
        for user in str(userList).split("\n"):
            if int(user.split()[1]) > maxUserID:
                maxUserID = int(user.split()[1])

        newUserID = str(int(maxUserID + 1))

        return newUserID


    def uidTaken(self, uid):
        '''See if the UID requested has been taken.  Only approve uid's over 1k
           $ dscl . -list /Users UniqueID
        @author: Roy Nielsen

        :param uid: 

        uidList = []
        success = False
        userList = self.getDscl(".", "-list", "/Users", "UniqueID")

        # Sort the list, add one to the highest value and return that
        # value
        for user in str(userList).split("\n"):

        if str(uid) in uidList:
            success = True

        return success


    def createBasicUser(self, userName=""):
        '''Create a username with just a moniker.  Allow the system to take care of
        the rest.
        Only allow usernames with letters and numbers.
        On the MacOS platform, all other steps must also be done.
        @author: Roy Nielsen

        :param userName:  (Default value = "")

        success = False
        reterr = ""
        if isinstance(userName, str)\
           and re.match("^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*$", userName):
            cmd = [self.dscl, ".", "-create", "/Users/" + str(userName)]

            output = self.cmdh.getOutput()
            reterr = self.cmdh.getErrorString()

            if not reterr:
                success = True
                raise DsclError("Error trying to set a value with dscl (" + \
                                str(reterr).strip() + ")")
        return success


    def setUserShell(self, user="", shell=""):
        '''dscl . -create /Users/luser UserShell /bin/bash
        @author: Roy Nielsen

        :param user:  (Default value = "")
        :param shell:  (Default value = "")

        success = False
        if self.isSaneUserName(user) and self.isSaneUserShell(shell):
            isSetDSL = self.setDscl(".", "-create", "/Users/" + str(user),
                                    "UserShell", str(shell))
            if isSetDSL:
                success = True

        return success


    def setUserComment(self, user="", comment=""):
        '''dscl . -create /Users/luser RealName "Real A. Name"
        @author: Roy Nielsen

        :param user:  (Default value = "")
        :param comment:  (Default value = "")

        success = False

        if self.isSaneUserName(user) and comment:
            isSetDSL = self.setDscl(".", "-create", "/Users/" + str(user),
                                    "RealName", str(comment))
            if isSetDSL:
                success = True

        return success


    def setUserUid(self, user="", uid=""):
        '''dscl . -create /Users/luser UniqueID "503"
        @author: Roy Nielsen

        :param user:  (Default value = "")
        :param uid:  (Default value = "")

        success = False

        if self.isSaneUserName(user) and uid:
            isSetDSL = self.setDscl(".", "-create", "/Users/" + str(user),
                                    "UniqueID", str(uid))

            if isSetDSL:
                success = True

        return success


    def setUserPriGid(self, user="", priGid=""):
        '''dscl . -create /Users/luser PrimaryGroupID 20
        @author: Roy Nielsen

        :param user:  (Default value = "")
        :param priGid:  (Default value = "")

        success = False

        if self.isSaneUserName(user) and priGid:
            isSetDSL = self.setDscl(".", "-create", "/Users/" + str(user),
                                    "PrimaryGroupID", str(priGid))

            if isSetDSL:
                success = True

        return success


    def setUserHomeDir(self, user="", userHome=""):
        '''Create a "local" home directory
        dscl . -create /Users/luser NFSHomeDirectory /Users/luser
        better yet:
        createhomedir -l -u <username>
        @author: Roy Nielsen

        :param user:  (Default value = "")
        :param userHome:  (Default value = "")

        success = False
        # Creating a non-standard userHome is not currently permitted
        #if self.saneUserName(user) and self.saneUserHomeDir(userHome):
        if self.isSaneUserName(user):
            isSetDSCL = self.setDscl(".", "-create", "/Users/" + str(user),
                                     str("/Users/" + str(user)))
            if isSetDSCL:
                success = True

        return success


    def createHomeDirectory(self, user=""):
        '''createhomedir -c -u luser
        This should use the system "User Template" for standard system user
        @author: Roy Nielsen

        :param user:  (Default value = "")

        success = False
        reterr = ""
        if user:
            cmd = ["/usr/sbin/createhomedir", "-c", " -u", +str(user)]

            reterr = self.cmdh.getErrorString()

            if not reterr:
                success = True
                raise CreateHomeDirError("Error trying to create user home (" + \
                                         str(reterr).strip() + ")")
        return success


    def addUserToGroup(self, user="", group=""):
        '''dscl . -append /Groups/admin GroupMembership luser
        @author: Roy Nielsen

        :param user:  (Default value = "")
        :param group:  (Default value = "")

        success = False

        if self.isSaneUserName(user) and self.isSaneGroupName(group):
            isSetDSCL = self.setDscl(".", "-append", "/Groups/" + str(group),
                                     "GroupMembership", str(user))
        if isSetDSCL:
            success = True

        return success


    def rmUserFromGroup(self, user="", group=""):

        :param user:  (Default value = "")
        :param group:  (Default value = "")

        success = False

        if self.isSaneUserName(user) and self.isSaneGroupName(group):
            isSetDSCL = self.setDscl(".", "-delete", "/Groups/" + str(group),
                                     "GroupMembership", str(user))
        if isSetDSCL:
            success = True

        return success


    def setUserPassword(self, user="", password=""):
        '''dscl . -passwd /Users/luser password
        @author: Roy Nielsen

        :param user:  (Default value = "")
        :param password:  (Default value = "")

        success = False

        if self.isSaneUserName(user) and isinstance(password, str):
            isSetDSCL = self.setDscl("."
                                     ", -passwd", "/Users/" + str(user),

        if not isSetDSCL:
            success = False
            success = True

        return success


    def setUserLoginKeychainPassword(self, user="", password=""):
        '''Use the "security" command to set the login keychain.  If it has not
        been created, create the login keychain.
        Needs research.. Not sure if a sudo'd admin can use the security
        command to change another user's keychain password...
        security set-keychain-password -o oldpassword -p newpassword file.keychain
        where file.keychain is the default login.keychain of another user?
        @author: Roy Nielsen

        :param user:  (Default value = "")
        :param password:  (Default value = "")

        self.sec = "/usr/bin/security"
        success = False
        keychainpath = ""

        if self.isSaneUserName(user) and isinstance(password, str):

        # Input validation

        # Check if login keychain exists

        # if it does not exist, create it
        if not os.path.exists(keychainpath):
            cmd = ["Create Keychain Command Here"]
            output = self.cmdh.getOutput()
            reterr = self.cmdh.getErrorString()

            if not reterr:
                success = True
                self.logger.log(lp.INFO, "Unsuccessful attempt to create the " + \
                                         "keychain...(" + str(reterr) + ")")

        # else set the login keychain password



    def rmUser(self, user=""):
        '''dscl . delete /Users/<user>
        @author: Roy Nielsen

        :param user:  (Default value = "")

        success = False

        if self.isSaneUserName(user):
            cmd = [self.dscl, ".", "-delete", "/Users/" + str(user)]
            output = self.cmdh.getOutput()
            reterr = self.cmdh.getErrorString()

            if not reterr:
                success = True
                raise Exception("Error trying to remove a user (" + \
                                str(reterr).strip() + ")")

            return success


    def rmUserHome(self, user=""):
        '''Remove the user home... right now only default location, but should
        look up the user home in the directory service and remove that
        @author: Roy Nielsen

        :param user:  (Default value = "")

        success = False
        if self.isSaneUserName(user):

            # ***** WARNING WILL ROBINSON *****
            # Please refactor to do a lookup of the user in the directory
            # service, and use the home directory specified there..
                shutil.rmtree("/Users/" + str(user))
            except IOError or OSError as err:
                                "Exception trying to remove user home...")
                self.logger.log(lp.INFO, "Exception: " + str(err))
                raise err
                success = True

        return success


    def validateUser(self,
        '''Future functionality... validate that the passed in parameters to the
        class instanciation match.

        :param userName:  (Default value = False)
        :param userShell:  (Default value = False)
        :param userComment:  (Default value = False)
        :param userUid:  (Default value = False)
        :param userPriGid:  (Default value = False)
        :param userHomeDir:  (Default value = False)

        sane = False
        # Look up all user attributes and check that they are accurate.
        # Only check the "SANE" parameters passed in.
        if self.isSaneUserName(userName):
            self.userName = userName
            sane = True
            raise BadUserInfoError("Need a valid user name...")

        if self.isSaneUserShell(userShell) and sane:
            self.userShell = userShell
        elif not userShell:
            sane = False

        if self.isSaneUserComment(userComment) and sane:
            self.userComment = userComment
        elif not userComment:
            sane = False

        if self.isSaneUserUid(str(userUid)) and sane:
            self.userUid = self.userUid
        elif not userUid:
            sane = False

        if self.isSaneUserPriGid(str(userPriGid)) and sane:
            self.userUid = userUid
        elif not userPriGid:
            sane = False

        if self.isSaneUserHomeDir(userHomeDir) and sane:
            self.userHomeDir = userHomeDir
        elif not userHomeDir:
            sane = False

        return sane


    def getUser(self, userName=""):

        :param userName:  (Default value = "")

        userInfo = False
        if self.isSaneUserName(userName):
            output = self.getDscl(".", "read", "/Users/" + str(userName),
                userInfo = output.split()[1]
            except (KeyError, IndexError) as err:
                self.logger.log(lp.INFO, "Error attempting to find user" + \
                                         str(userName) + " in the " + \
                                         "directory service.")
            raise BadUserInfoError("Need a valid user name...")

        return userInfo


    def getUserShell(self, userName=""):

        :param userName:  (Default value = "")

        userShell = False
        if self.isSaneUserName(userName):
            output = self.getDscl(".", "read", "/Users/" + str(userName),
                userShell = output.split()[1]
            except (KeyError, IndexError) as err:
                self.logger.log(lp.INFO, "Error attempting to find user" + \
                                         str(userName) + " in the " + \
                                         "directory service.")
            raise BadUserInfoError("Need a valid user name...")

        return userShell


    def getUserComment(self, userName=""):

        :param userName:  (Default value = "")

        userComment = False
        if self.isSaneUserName(userName):
            # Need to process the output to get the right information due to a
            # spurrious "\n" in the output
            output = self.getDscl(".", "read", "/Users/" + str(userName),
                userComment = output[1]
            except (KeyError, IndexError) as err:
                self.logger.log(lp.INFO, "Error attempting to find user" + \
                                         str(userName) + " in the " + \
                                         "directory service.")
            raise BadUserInfoError("Need a valid user name...")

        return userComment


    def getUserUid(self, userName=""):

        :param userName:  (Default value = "")

        userUid = False
        if self.isSaneUserName(userName):
            output = self.getDscl(".", "read", "/Users/" + str(userName),
            # Process to get out the right information....
                userUid = output.split()[1]
            except (KeyError, IndexError) as err:
                self.logger.log(lp.INFO, "Error attempting to find user" + \
                                         str(userName) + " in the " + \
                                         "directory service.")
            raise BadUserInfoError("Need a valid user name...")

        return userUid


    def getUserPriGid(self, userName=""):

        :param userName:  (Default value = "")

        userPriGid = False
        if self.isSaneUserName(userName):
            output = self.getDscl(".", "read", "/Users/" + str(userName),
            # Process to get out the right information....
                userPriGid = output.split()[1]
            except (KeyError, IndexError) as err:
                self.logger.log(lp.INFO, "Error attempting to find user" + \
                                         str(userName) + " in the " + \
                                         "directory service.")
            raise BadUserInfoError("Need a valid user name...")

        return userPriGid


    def getUserHomeDir(self, userName=""):

        :param userName:  (Default value = "")

        userHomeDir = False
        if self.isSaneUserName(userName):
            output = self.getDscl(".", "read", "/Users/" + str(userName),
            # Process to get out the right information....
                userHomeDir = output.split()[1]
            except (KeyError, IndexError) as err:
                self.logger.log(lp.INFO, "Error attempting to find user" + \
                                         str(userName) + " in the " + \
                                         "directory service.")
            raise BadUserInfoError("Need a valid user name...")

        return userHomeDir


    def isUserInstalled(self, user=""):
        '''Check if the user "user" is installed
        @author Roy Nielsen

        :param user:  (Default value = "")

        success = False
        if self.isSaneUserName(user):
            cmd = [self.dscl, ".", "-read", "/Users/" + str(user)]
            retval, reterr, retcode = self.runWith.getNlogReturns()

            if not reterr:
                success = True

        return success


    def isUserInGroup(self, userName="", groupName=""):
        '''Check if this user is in this group
        @author: Roy Nielsen

        :param userName:  (Default value = "")
        :param groupName:  (Default value = "")

        success = False
        if self.isSaneUserName(userName) and self.isSaneGroupName(groupName):
            output = self.getDscl(".", "read", "/Groups/" + groupName, "users")
            users = output.split()[:-1]
            if userName in users:
                success = True
        return success


    def fixUserHome(self, userName=""):
        '''Get the user information from the local directory and fix the user
        ownership and group of the user's home directory to reflect
        what is in the local directory service.
        @author: Roy Nielsen

        :param userName:  (Default value = "")

        success = False
        if self.isSaneUserName(userName):
            # Acquire the user data based on the username first.
                userUid = self.getUserUid(userName)
                userPriGid = self.getUserPriGid(userName)
                userHomeDir = self.getUserHomeDir(userName)
            except BadUserInfoError as err:
                self.logger.log(lp.INFO, "Exception trying to find: \"" + \
                                         str(userName) + "\" user information")
                self.logger.log(lp.INFO, "err: " + str(err))
                success = True

        if success:
                for root, dirs, files in os.walk(userHomeDir):
                    for d in dirs:
                        os.chown(os.path.join(root, d), userUid, userPriGid)
                    for f in files:
                        os.chown(os.path.join(root, d, f), userUid, userPriGid)
                success = False
                self.logger.log(lp.INFO, "Exception attempting to chown...")
                raise err
                success = True
        return success
Ejemplo n.º 12
class zzzTestReqPassSysPref(RuleTest):
    def setUp(self):

        self.rule = ReqPassSysPref(self.config, self.environ, self.logdispatch,
        self.cmdhelper = CommandHelper(self.logdispatch)
        self.rulename = self.rule.rulename
        self.rulenumber = self.rule.rulenumber

    def tearDown(self):

    def runTest(self):

    def setConditionsForRule(self):
        '''Configure system for the unit test

        :param self: essential if you override this definition
        :returns: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: ekkehard j. koch

        success = True
        setuplist = [
            "system.preferences", "system.preferences.accessibility",
            "system.preferences.accounts", "system.preferences.datetime",
            "system.preferences.energysaver", "system.preferences.location",
            "", "system.preferences.nvram",
            "system.preferences.printing", "",
            "system.preferences.sharing", "system.preferences.softwareupdate",
            "system.preferences.startupdisk", "system.preferences.timemachine",
        plistfile = "/System/Library/Security/authorization.plist"
        plistbuddy = "/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy"

        for option in setuplist:
            self.cmdhelper.executeCommand(plistbuddy + " -c 'Set rights:" +
                                          option + ":shared 1 " + plistfile)
            errorout = self.cmdhelper.getErrorString()
            if errorout:
                if"Does Not Exist", errorout):
                    self.cmdhelper.executeCommand(plistbuddy +
                                                  " -c 'Add rights:" + option +
                                                  ":shared bool true " +
                    erradd = self.cmdhelper.getErrorString()
                    if erradd:
                        success = False
        return success

    def checkReportForRule(self, pCompliance, pRuleSuccess):
        '''check on whether report was correct

        :param self: essential if you override this definition
        :param pCompliance: the self.iscompliant value of rule
        :param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        :returns: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: ekkehard j. koch

        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pCompliance = " + \
                             str(pCompliance) + ".")
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + \
                             str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success

    def checkFixForRule(self, pRuleSuccess):
        '''check on whether fix was correct

        :param self: essential if you override this definition
        :param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        :returns: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: ekkehard j. koch

        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + \
                             str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success

    def checkUndoForRule(self, pRuleSuccess):
        '''check on whether undo was correct

        :param self: essential if you override this definition
        :param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        :returns: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: ekkehard j. koch

        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + \
                             str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success
Ejemplo n.º 13
class zzzTestRuleNoCoreDumps(RuleTest):
    def setUp(self):
        self.rule = NoCoreDumps(self.config, self.environ, self.logdispatch,
        self.logger = self.logdispatch
        self.rulename = self.rule.rulename
        self.rulenumber = self.rule.rulenumber
        self.checkUndo = True = CommandHelper(self.logger)

    def tearDown(self):

    def runTest(self):

    def setConditionsForRule(self):
        '''Configure system for the unit test

        :param self: essential if you override this definition
        :returns: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: Ekkehard J. Koch

        success = True
        if self.environ.getosfamily() == "linux":
            if not self.setLinuxConditions():
                success = False
        elif self.environ.getostype() == "mac":
            if not self.setMacConditions():
                success = False
        return success

    def setMacConditions(self):
        success = True"/usr/bin/launchctl limit core")
        retcode =
        if retcode != 0:
            debug = "Failed to run launchctl command to get current value of core dumps configuration\n"
            debug +=
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
            output =
            if output:
                if not"1", output):
          "/usr/bin/launchctl limit core 1 1")

    def setLinuxConditions(self):
        success = True
        debug = ""
        path1 = "/etc/security/limits.conf"
        if os.path.exists(path1):
            lookfor1 = "(^\*)\s+hard\s+core\s+0?"
            contents = readFile(path1, self.logger)
            if contents:
                tempstring = ""
                for line in contents:
                    if not, line.strip()):
                        tempstring += line
                if not writeFile(path1, tempstring, self.logger):
                    debug = "unable to write incorrect contents to " + path1
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                    success = False
            if not checkPerms(path1, [0, 0, 0o777], self.logger):
                if not setPerms(path1, [0, 0, 0o777], self.logger):
                    debug = "Unable to set incorrect permissions on " + path1
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                    success = False
                    debug = "successfully set incorrect permissions on " + path1
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)

        sysctl = "/etc/sysctl.conf"
        tmpfile = sysctl + ".tmp"
        editor = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger, self.logger, "conf",
                                sysctl, tmpfile, {"fs.suid_dumpable": "1"},
                                "present", "openeq")
        if not checkPerms(sysctl, [0, 0, 0o777], self.logger):
            if not setPerms(sysctl, [0, 0, 0o777], self.logger):
                debug = "Unable to set incorrect permissions on " + path1
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                success = False
                debug = "successfully set incorrect permissions on " + path1
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
        if not
            if not editor.fix():
                success = False
                debug = "Unable to set conditions for /etc/sysctl.conf file"
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
            elif not editor.commit():
                success = False
                debug = "Unable to set conditions for /etc/sysctl.conf file"
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)"/sbin/sysctl fs.suid_dumpable")
        retcode =
        if retcode != 0:
            debug = "Failed to get value of core dumps configuration with sysctl command"
            debug +=
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
            success = False
            output =
            if output.strip() != "fs.suid_dumpable = 1":
                if not
                        "/sbin/sysctl -w fs.suid_dumpable=1"):
                    debug = "Unable to set incorrect value for fs.suid_dumpable"
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                    success = False
                elif not"/sbin/sysctl -q -e -p"):
                    debug = "Unable to set incorrect value for fs.suid_dumpable"
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                    success = False

        return success

    def checkReportForRule(self, pCompliance, pRuleSuccess):
        '''check on whether report was correct

        :param self: essential if you override this definition
        :param pCompliance: the self.iscompliant value of rule
        :param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        :returns: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: Ekkehard J. Koch

        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pCompliance = " + \
                             str(pCompliance) + ".")
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + \
                             str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success

    def checkFixForRule(self, pRuleSuccess):
        '''check on whether fix was correct

        :param self: essential if you override this definition
        :param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        :returns: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: Ekkehard J. Koch

        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + \
                             str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success

    def checkUndoForRule(self, pRuleSuccess):
        '''check on whether undo was correct

        :param self: essential if you override this definition
        :param pRuleSuccess: did report run successfully
        :returns: boolean - If successful True; If failure False
        @author: Ekkehard J. Koch

        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "pRuleSuccess = " + \
                             str(pRuleSuccess) + ".")
        success = True
        return success