def preload_data(self): print('Pre-loading the data. This may take a while...') t = Timer() t.tic() self.is_preload = False npy_path = os.path.join( self.image_path, self.image_files[self.num_samples - 1]).replace( 'images', 'gt_npy').replace('.jpg', '.npz') if os.path.isfile(npy_path): pass else: os.makedirs(self.image_path.replace('images', 'images_resized')) os.makedirs(self.image_path.replace('images', 'gt_npy')) self.blob_list = [_ for _ in range(self.num_samples)] for i in range(self.num_samples): img, den, count = self.load_index(i) den = den.astype(np.float32) image_path = os.path.join(self.image_path, self.image_files[i])'images', 'images_resized'), quality=100) save_npy( image_path.replace('images', 'gt_npy').replace('.jpg', '.npz'), den) if i % 50 == 0: print("loaded {}/{} samples".format(i, self.num_samples)) duration = t.toc(average=False) print('Completed loading ', len(self.blob_list), ' files, time: ', duration) self.is_preload = True
def __init__(self, config=None): self.field_width = 10 self.field_height = 10 self.field_objects = [] for j in range(self.field_height): self.field_objects.append( [Objects.empty_field for i in range(self.field_width)]) self.checker = Checker(self) self.player1 = Player(config.white, 1) self.player2 = Player(, 2) self.timer1 = Timer(config.timer, config.duration) self.timer2 = Timer(config.timer, config.duration) self.cur_timer = None self.new_game = False self.is_first_move = True self.is_over = False self.cur_figure = None self.cur_player = self.player1 self.cur_move = None self.init_field() self.was_taken = False self.logger = Logger() self.dump_logger = Logger() self.moves_quantity = 0 self.game_file = config.game_file self.pause = 0.2 self.load = config.load_game self.loaded_moves = queue.Queue() self.loaded_moves_amount = 0 if self.load: self.load_moves() self.interface = Interface(self)
def preload(self): self.ncls = { k: np.random.choice([0, 1], p=pro) for k, pro in self.pro_dict.items() } self.choices = { k: random.randint(0, len(self.sample_dict[k][ncl]) - 1) for k, ncl in self.ncls.items() } self.loaded = {} indexs = [self.sample_dict[self.patch_list[i][0] + 1]\ [self.ncls[self.patch_list[i][0] + 1]]\ [self.choices[self.patch_list[i][0] + 1]]\ [0] for i in range(self.get_num_samples())] indexs = set(indexs) load_timer = Timer() load_timer.tic() with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=8) as executor: for blob in i: (i, self.dataloader[i]), indexs): self.loaded[blob[0]] = blob[1] print("re-prior crop: %f s" % load_timer.toc(average=False))
def main(): (_, select_range, cc_type, antisense) = \ tuple(sys.argv) antisense = antisense.lower() == 'true' strand = 'sense' if not antisense else 'antisense' select_range = select_range.split('_') select_range = int(select_range[0]), int(select_range[1]) cross_corr_path = cross_corr_sense_path orfs = paper_orfs if antisense: cross_corr_path = cross_corr_antisense_path orfs = antisense_orfs child_name = get_name(select_range, cc_type) print_fl("Running entropy for %d-%d, %s, %s" % (select_range[0], select_range[1], cc_type, strand)) name = 'entropy_%s' % strand timer = Timer() print_fl("Reading Cross correlation...", end='') cross_correlation = pd.read_hdf(cross_corr_path, 'cross_correlation') print_fl("Done.") timer.print_time() print_fl() print_fl("Computing entropy") calculate_cc_summary_measure_range_type(orfs, cross_correlation, cc_type, select_range, strand, timer) child_done(name, WATCH_TMP_DIR, child_name)
def get_p1_mnase_by_TSS(mnase_data, p1_shift, orfs, time): timer = Timer() p1_shift = p1_shift.loc[p1_shift.index.isin(orfs.index.values)] # sort by chromosome and start, for MNase-seq caching speedup p1_shift_sorted_idx = p1_shift[[]].join( orfs[['chr', 'start']]).sort_values(['chr', 'start']).index.values all_pos = np.arange(-500, 501) orf_nuc_mid_counts = p1_shift[[]].copy() orf_nuc_start_counts = p1_shift[[]].copy() orf_nuc_stop_counts = p1_shift[[]].copy() for pos in all_pos: orf_nuc_mid_counts[pos] = 0 orf_nuc_start_counts[pos] = 0 orf_nuc_stop_counts[pos] = 0 mnase_data = mnase_data[mnase_data.time == time] i = 0 # for each +1 nucleosome, sort by shiftedness # get mnase_fragments f for orf_name, row in p1_shift.loc[p1_shift_sorted_idx].iterrows(): orf = orfs.loc[orf_name] span = orf.TSS - 500, orf.TSS + 500 chrom = orf.chr orf_nuc_mnase = filter_mnase(mnase_data, start=span[0], end=span[1], chrom=chrom, translate_origin=orf.TSS, flip=(orf.strand == '-'), length_select=(144, 174), sample=time) mid_counts = get_binned_counts(orf_nuc_mnase, 'mid') start_counts = get_binned_counts(orf_nuc_mnase, 'start') stop_counts = get_binned_counts(orf_nuc_mnase, 'stop') n = len(mid_counts) orf_nuc_mid_counts.loc[orf_name, :] = mid_counts.values.reshape(n) orf_nuc_start_counts.loc[orf_name, :] = start_counts.values.reshape(n) orf_nuc_stop_counts.loc[orf_name] = stop_counts.values.reshape(n) # get mnase-seq at this orf's TSS # get the counts of the start, stop, and mids of nucleosome sized fragments if i % 400 == 0: print("%d/%d - %s" % (i, len(p1_shift), timer.get_time())) i += 1 return (orf_nuc_mid_counts, orf_nuc_start_counts, orf_nuc_stop_counts)
def test_enrich_raw_ares(): with Timer('Enriching test article'): enrich_raw_ares(file_paths=[ '/Users/harlaa04/workspace/Hack-work/HACK-2020-Q1/data/toy_dataset/14295731' ]) with Timer('Enriching test article 2nd time'): enrich_raw_ares(file_paths=[ '/Users/harlaa04/workspace/Hack-work/HACK-2020-Q1/data/toy_dataset/14295731' ])
def __init__(self): self.accepted_moves = { "UP": self._up, "DOWN": self._down, "LEFT": self._left, "RIGHT": self._right, } self._state = {'field_size': FIELD_SIZE, 'player_size': PLAYER_SIZE, 'players': {}, 'fruits': {}} self.fruit_timer = Timer(3, self.add_fruit)
def fold_cross_validation(X, Y, k=3, times=[0, 7.5, 15, 30, 60, 120], l_scale=1., l_bounds=(1, 10), time=False, log=False): np.random.seed(1) original_orfs = X.index.values shuffled_orfs_idx = X.index.values.copy() np.random.shuffle(shuffled_orfs_idx) Y_predict = pd.DataFrame(index=shuffled_orfs_idx) for t in times: Y_predict[t] = 0. N = len(X) fold_size = N / k timer = Timer() last_fold_models = {} for time in times: for fold in range(k): if log and fold % 1 == 0: print_fl("%d/%d" % ((fold + 1), k)) X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test = get_fold_slice( X, Y, k, fold, time) test_orfs = X_test.index model = fit_gp(X_train.values, Y_train.values, l_scale, l_bounds) Y_pred = model.predict(X_test.values) r2 = r2_score(Y_test.values, Y_pred) Y_predict.loc[test_orfs, time] = Y_pred if log: print_fl(("\t%s - %s - r2 = %.3f" % (str(time), timer.get_time(), r2))) last_fold_models[time] = model if log: print_fl('') mse = MSE(Y.loc[shuffled_orfs_idx], Y_predict.loc[shuffled_orfs_idx]) r2 = mse[[]].copy() for time in times: r2.loc[time] = r2_score(Y.loc[shuffled_orfs_idx][time], Y_predict.loc[shuffled_orfs_idx][time]) return last_fold_models, mse, r2, Y_predict.loc[original_orfs]
def test_model_origin(net, data_loader, save_output=False, save_path=None, test_fixed_size=-1, test_batch_size=1, gpus=None): timer = Timer() timer.tic() net.eval() mae = 0.0 mse = 0.0 detail = '' if save_output: print save_path for i, blob in enumerate(data_loader.get_loader(test_batch_size)): if (i * len(gpus) + 1) % 100 == 0: print "testing %d" % (i + 1) if save_output: index, fname, data, mask, gt_dens, gt_count = blob else: index, fname, data, mask, gt_count = blob with torch.no_grad(): dens = net(data) if save_output: image = data.squeeze_().mul_(torch.Tensor([0.229,0.224,0.225]).view(3,1,1))\ .add_(torch.Tensor([0.485,0.456,0.406]).view(3,1,1)).data.cpu().numpy() dgen.save_image( image.transpose((1, 2, 0)) * 255.0, save_path, fname[0].split('.')[0] + "_0_img.png") gt_dens = density_map = dgen.save_density_map(gt_dens.squeeze(), save_path, fname[0].split('.')[0] + "_1_gt.png") dgen.save_density_map(density_map.squeeze(), save_path, fname[0].split('.')[0] + "_2_et.png") _gt_count = gt_dens.sum().item() del gt_dens gt_count = gt_count.item() et_count = dens.sum().item() del data, dens detail += "index: {}; fname: {}; gt: {}; et: {};\n".format( i, fname[0].split('.')[0], gt_count, et_count) mae += abs(gt_count - et_count) mse += ((gt_count - et_count) * (gt_count - et_count)) mae = mae / len(data_loader) mse = np.sqrt(mse / len(data_loader)) duration = timer.toc(average=False) print "testing time: %d" % duration return mae, mse, detail
def __init__(self, screen_width: int, screen_height: int, player1_command: str, player2_command: str, graph_mode=True): self.graph_mode = graph_mode # Inicializando pygame pygame.init() if self.graph_mode: self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (screen_width, screen_height)) pygame.display.set_caption("Ajedrez") self.screen_height = screen_height self.screen_width = screen_width s_size = (screen_width, screen_height) # Limite de jugadas self.play_count = 0 # Obtienendo directorio para la carga de recursos dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) # Creando tablero path = os.path.join(dirname, "assets/Tablero.jpg") skin = pygame.image.load(path) self.chessboard = Chessboard(skin, screen_width, screen_height) # Cargando imagenes de victoria path = os.path.join(dirname, "assets/Player 1 win.png") self.player1_win = pygame.image.load(path) self.player1_win = pygame.transform.scale(self.player1_win, s_size) path = os.path.join(dirname, "assets/Player 2 win.png") self.player2_win = pygame.image.load(path) self.player2_win = pygame.transform.scale(self.player2_win, s_size) path = os.path.join(dirname, "assets/Empate.png") self.empate = pygame.image.load(path) self.empate = pygame.transform.scale(self.empate, s_size) # Creando jugadores self.player1 = Player(Player.PLAYER_ONE, Controller(player1_command)) self.player2 = Player(Player.PLAYER_TWO, Controller(player2_command)) self._add_knights() self.player1_turn = True self.done = False self.winner = False self.play_number = 0 self.timer = Timer()
def collect_mnase(mnase_seq, window, pos_chr_df, pos_key='position', chrom_key='chromosome', strand=None, set_index=False, log=False): collected_mnase_eq = pd.DataFrame() win_2 = window/2 timer = Timer() if log: print_fl("Collecting MNase-seq fragments for %d entries" % len(pos_chr_df)) print_fl("around a %d window" % window) i = 0 for chrom in range(1, 17): # get chromosome specific nucleosoems and MNase-seq chrom_entries = pos_chr_df[pos_chr_df[chrom_key] == chrom] if len(chrom_entries) == 0: continue chrom_mnase = filter_mnase(mnase_seq, chrom=chrom) # for each element in the dataset for idx, entry in chrom_entries.iterrows(): # get MNase-seq fragments at pos_chr_df # and 0 center center = entry[pos_key] nuc_mnase = filter_mnase(chrom_mnase, start=center-win_2, end=center+win_2) # orient properly left to right (upstream to downstream) if strand is None or entry[strand] == '+': nuc_mnase.loc[:, 'mid'] = nuc_mnase.mid - center # crick strand, flip else: nuc_mnase.loc[:, 'mid'] = center - nuc_mnase.mid select_columns = ['chr', 'length', 'mid', 'time'] if set_index: nuc_mnase['parent'] = idx select_columns.append('parent') # append to MNase-seq collected_mnase_eq = collected_mnase_eq.append(nuc_mnase[select_columns]) # print_fl progress if log and i % 200 == 0: print_fl("%d/%d - %s" % (i, len(pos_chr_df), timer.get_time())) i += 1 if log: timer.print_time() return collected_mnase_eq
def demo(symbol_name, params_path, img_dir): timer = Timer() model = get_symbol(symbol_name)() restore_weights(model, params_path) for img_path in Path(img_dir).glob('*.png'): img = inputs = setup_data(img) timer.tic() num = eval(model, inputs) costs = timer.toc() print("the number in image %s is %d || forward costs %.4fs" % (img_path, num, costs)) print("average costs: %.4fs" % (timer.average_time))
def preload_data(self): print ('Pre-loading the data. This may take a while...') t = Timer() t.tic() self.blob_list = [_ for _ in range(self.num_samples)] self.is_preload = False for i in range(self.num_samples): self.blob_list[i] = (self.load_index(i)) if i % 50 == 0: print ("loaded {}/{} samples".format(i, self.num_samples)) duration = t.toc(average=False) print ('Completed loading ' ,len(self.blob_list), ' files, time: ', duration) self.is_preload = True
def web_login(): if current_user.is_authenticated: return render_template("index.html") if request.method == "GET": return render_template("login.html", form=request.form) username = request.form.get("login", None) password = request.form.get("password", None) if check_permissions(username, 3): return render_template("login.html", form=request.form) if check_password(username, password): user_to_login = None for user in users: if == username: user_to_login = user break if user_to_login is not None: login_user(user_to_login) timers.append(Timer( # monitors.append(ResourceChecker( return render_template("index.html") else: return render_template("login.html", form=request.form) else: return render_template("login.html", form=request.form)
def roman_login(): if current_user.is_authenticated: return render_template("rhome.html") if request.method == "GET": return render_template("rauthenticate.html", form=request.form) username = request.form.get("login", None) password = request.form.get("password", None) if check_permissions(username, 3): flash( "You don't have permission to use this application. If you think you should have it, please contact your administrator to change it." ) return render_template("rauthenticate.html", form=request.form) if check_password(username, password): user_to_login = None for user in users: if == username: user_to_login = user break if user_to_login is not None: login_user(user_to_login) timer = get_timer_monitor(timers, if not timer: timers.append(Timer( return render_template("rhome.html") else: flash("Something went wrong. Please try again.") return render_template("rauthenticate.html", form=request.form) else: flash("Your credentials were incorrect. Please try again.") return render_template("rauthenticate.html", form=request.form)
def __init__(self, width, height):"Preparing fishtank (size %d, %d)..." % (width, height)) # Prepare window and tank dimensions self.win_w = width - 1 self.win_h = height - 1 self.tank_w = self.win_w - 1 self.tank_h = self.win_h - 2 # Create a timer for the simulation self.timer = Timer() # Prepare empty lists for tank objects self.fishes = [] self.predators = [] = [] self.grass = [] # Generate some grass in the tank"Generating grass...") self.generateGrass(10) # Generate an initial population of fish"Generating fish population...") self.generateFish(10) # Prepare a help text = "[q]uit, [c]yan fish, [f]ood, [p]redator"
def main(): (_, chrom, antisense) = \ tuple(sys.argv) antisense = antisense.lower() == 'true' chrom = int(chrom) print_fl("Running nucleosome calling on chromosome %d, antisense: %s" % (chrom, str(antisense))) name = task_name(antisense) timer = Timer() p123_orfs = paper_orfs save_chrom_dir = sense_nuc_chrom_dir cc_dir = cc_sense_chrom_dir if antisense: p123_orfs = antisense_orfs save_chrom_dir = anti_nuc_chrom_dir cc_dir = cc_antisense_chrom_dir call_nucleosomes_p123_chrom(p123_orfs, chrom, antisense, cc_dir, save_chrom_dir, timer) child_done(name, WATCH_TMP_DIR, chrom)
def login(): log_data = request.get_json(force=True) username = log_data['login'] password = log_data['password'] if check_permissions(username, 3): return json.dumps({'success': False}), 401, { 'ContentType': 'application/json' } if check_password(username, password): user_to_login = None for user in users: if == username: user_to_login = user break if user_to_login is not None: login_user(user_to_login) timer = get_timer_monitor(timers, if not timer: timers.append(Timer( return json.dumps({'success': True}), 200, { 'ContentType': 'application/json' } else: return json.dumps({'success': False}), 403, { 'ContentType': 'application/json' } else: return json.dumps({'success': False}), 401, { 'ContentType': 'application/json' }
def collect_motifs(self): fimo = self.fimo timer = Timer() all_motifs = pd.DataFrame() # filter peaks outside of ORFs promoter promoters = load_calculated_promoters() search_peaks = self.collected_peaks.reset_index(drop=True).copy() # filter out peaks outside of promoters print("Filtering peaks outside of promoters") print(len(search_peaks)) for orf_name, row in promoters.iterrows(): cur_peaks = search_peaks[search_peaks.orf == orf_name] if len(cur_peaks) > 0: # remove if outside of promoter remove_peaks = cur_peaks[(cur_peaks.original_mid > row.promoter_stop) | (cur_peaks.original_mid < row.promoter_start)] search_peaks = search_peaks.drop(remove_peaks.index) self.prom_peaks = search_peaks print(len(search_peaks)) for idx, peak in search_peaks.reset_index().iterrows(): search_window = (peak.original_mid-50, peak.original_mid+50) try: motifs = find_motif(fimo, None, peak.chr, search_window) except KeyError: continue motifs['orf'] = peak.orf motifs['peak'] = peak['name'] motifs = motifs[['orf', 'tf', 'score', 'p-value', 'q-value', 'motif_mid', 'strand', 'peak']] all_motifs = all_motifs.append(motifs) if idx % 100 == 0: print("%d/%d - %s" % (idx, len(search_peaks), timer.get_time())) all_motifs = all_motifs.reset_index(drop=True) self.all_motifs = all_motifs
def main(): from src.kernel_fitter import compute_triple_kernel (_, chrom, antisense) = \ tuple(sys.argv) antisense = antisense.lower() == 'true' chrom = int(chrom) print_fl("Running cross correlation on chromosome %d, antisense: %s" % (chrom, str(antisense))) name = task_name(antisense) timer = Timer() nuc_kernel = MNaseSeqDensityKernel(filepath=nuc_kernel_path) sm_kernel = MNaseSeqDensityKernel(filepath=sm_kernel_path) triple_kernel = compute_triple_kernel(nuc_kernel) print_fl("Reading MNase-seq...", end='') all_mnase_data = pd.read_hdf(mnase_seq_path, 'mnase_data') print_fl("Done.") timer.print_time() print_fl() if not antisense: cc_dir = cc_sense_chrom_dir cc_orfs = read_orfs_data("%s/orfs_cd_paper_dataset.csv" % OUTPUT_DIR) else: cc_dir = cc_antisense_chrom_dir cc_orfs = antisense_orfs calculate_cross_correlation_chr(all_mnase_data, cc_orfs, chrom, antisense, nuc_kernel, sm_kernel, triple_kernel, cc_dir, log=True, timer=timer) child_done(name, WATCH_TMP_DIR, chrom)
def main(config_file_name): """ :param config_file_name: str, name of the configuration json file :return: """ global push_notifier, settings # read config file settings = Settings(config_file_name) # tell scraper about the settings scraper.settings_ref = settings # create notifier push_notifier = PushBulletNotifier(settings.token) # start timer timer = Timer(settings.hours, unit_callback) timer.start_counter()
def run_backtest(self): print("Execution Mode: Rabbit MQ") t = Timer() t.start() try: self._run_backtest() except KeyboardInterrupt as e: quit(0) t.end() print("Total Process Execution Taken:", str(t.get()) + "s")
def __init__(self): self.window = tkinter.Tk() self.canvas = tkinter.Canvas(self.window, width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT) self.canvas.pack(expand=True, fill="both") self.display_list = [] self.scroll = 0 self.window.bind("<Up>", self.scrollup) self.window.bind("<Down>", self.scrolldown) self.window.bind("<Configure>", self.windowresize) self.window.bind("<Button-1>", self.handle_click) self.window.bind("<Key>", self.keypress) self.window.bind("<Return>", self.pressenter) self.width = WIDTH self.height = HEIGHT self.hstep = HSTEP self.vstep = VSTEP self.scroll_step = SCROLL_STEP self.history = [] self.focus = None self.address_bar = "" self.timer = Timer() self.cookies = {}
def collect_small_peaks(): from src.small_peak_calling import call_orf_small_peaks from src.timer import Timer orfs = all_orfs_TSS_PAS() timer = Timer() all_peaks = pd.DataFrame() for chrom in range(1, 17): print("Chromosome %d" % chrom) chr_orfs = orfs[orfs.chr == chrom] # load relevant cross correlations chrom_cross_correlation = pd.read_hdf( '%s/cross_correlation_chr%d.h5.z' % (cc_sense_chrom_dir, chrom)) small_cc = -1 * chrom_cross_correlation.loc['diff'] for idx, orf in chr_orfs.iterrows(): try: peaks = call_orf_small_peaks(small_cc, orf) except KeyError: continue all_peaks = all_peaks.append(peaks) timer.print_time() all_peaks = all_peaks.reset_index(drop=True) all_peaks['name'] = all_peaks['orf'] + '_' + all_peaks['time'].astype(str) + '_' + \ all_peaks['chr'].astype(str) + '_' + all_peaks['original_mid'].astype(str) all_peaks = all_peaks.set_index('name') return all_peaks
def load_moves(self): try: with open(self.game_file, 'r') as f: self.pause = 0 white = eval(f.readline().split()[1]) black = eval(f.readline().split()[1]) self.player1.person = white self.player2.person = black lines = [] for line in f: lines.append(line) for line in lines[:-2]: move = line.split(':') move = eval(move[1]) self.loaded_moves.put(move) self.loaded_moves_amount += 1 enable_timer = eval(lines[-2]) duration = list(map(int, lines[-1].split())) self.timer1 = Timer(enable_timer, duration[0]) self.timer2 = Timer(enable_timer, duration[1]) except: raise Exception('Something wrong with file')
def run_model(name, save_dir, predict_TPM=True): timer = Timer() print_fl("Loading %s model" % name) print_fl("Predicting TPM: %s" % predict_TPM) sample_N = None model_fun = get_model_funs()[name] model = model_fun(sample_N=sample_N) folds = 10 print_fl("Fitting %d folds.." % folds) model.fit_cv(log=True, k=folds) # save models to disk res = model.Y.join(model.Y_predict, lsuffix='_true', rsuffix='_predicted') res.to_csv('%s/%s_results.csv' % (save_dir, name)) res = pd.DataFrame({'r2': model.r2, 'mse': model.mse}) res.to_csv('%s/res_%s.csv' % (save_dir, name)) timer.print_time()
def plot_frag_len_dist(mnase_data, title="Subsampled, merged fragment lengths", normalize=True, plt_legend=False): from config import times from src.plot_utils import plot_density, apply_global_settings lengths = mnase_data.groupby( ['time', 'length']).count()[['chr']].rename(columns={'chr': 'count'}) from src.timer import Timer timer = Timer() apply_global_settings() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4)) fig.tight_layout(rect=[0.1, 0.1, 0.825, 0.85]) colors = plt.get_cmap('magma_r') i = 0 for time in times: color = colors(float(i) * 0.8 / 5. + 1. / 5) data = lengths.loc[time] max_len = data.idxmax().values[0] print("Most frequent length for %s: %d" % (str(time), max_len)) if normalize: data = data / data.sum() ax.plot(data, color=color, label="%s min" % str(time)) i += 1 ax.set_title(title, fontsize=20) ax.set_xlabel('Fragment length (bp)') ax.set_ylabel('Density') ax.set_ylim(0, 0.02) ax.set_xlim(0, 250) if plt_legend: ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.35, 1.), frameon=False)
def train(net, train_loader,optimizer, num_epochs): log_file = open(args.SAVE_ROOT+"/"+args.Dataset+"_training.log","w",1) log_print("Training ....", color='green', attrs=['bold']) # training train_loss = 0 step_cnt = 0 re_cnt = False t = Timer() t.tic() for epoch in range(1,num_epochs+1): step = -1 train_loss = 0 for blob in train_loader: step = step + 1 im_data = blob['data'] gt_data = blob['gt_density'] density_map = net(im_data, gt_data) loss = net.loss train_loss += step_cnt += 1 optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() if step % disp_interval == 0: duration = t.toc(average=False) fps = step_cnt / duration gt_count = np.sum(gt_data) density_map = et_count = np.sum(density_map) utils.save_results(im_data,gt_data,density_map, args.SAVE_ROOT) log_text = 'epoch: %4d, step %4d, Time: %.4fs, gt_cnt: %4.1f, et_cnt: %4.1f' % (epoch, step, 1./fps, gt_count,et_count) log_print(log_text, color='green', attrs=['bold']) re_cnt = True if re_cnt: t.tic() re_cnt = False return net
def main(): """ Usage: python transcript_boundaries <chrom> <save_dir> <antisense> <pileup_path> e.g. python src/ 1 True """ (_, chrom, antisense) = \ tuple(sys.argv) orfs = load_park_boundaries() # path loaded from config pileup = pd.read_hdf(pileup_path, 'pileup') chrom = int(chrom) antisense = antisense.lower() == 'true' print_fl("Running transcript boundaries on chromosome %d, antisense: %s" % (chrom, str(antisense))) save_dir = anti_chrom_dir if antisense else \ sense_chrom_dir name = task_name(antisense) timer = Timer() compute_boundaries_chrom(orfs, pileup, chrom, save_dir, antisense, log=True, timer=timer) child_done(name, WATCH_TMP_DIR, chrom)
def get_datascapes_features(parsed_article, mango_enrichment=False): with Timer('Generated enriched article'): enriched_article = NewsAresItem(ares_dict=parsed_article, mango_enrichment=mango_enrichment) datascapes_features = {} if mango_enrichment: with Timer('Generating score features'): datascapes_features = decorate_article_with_score_features( enriched_article, datascapes_features) with Timer('Generating boolean features'): datascapes_features = decorate_article_with_boolean_features( parsed_article, datascapes_features) with Timer('Generating sport featuress'): datascapes_features = decorate_article_with_sport_features( parsed_article, datascapes_features) if enriched_article.combined_body_summary_headline: # below code fails if no combined_body_summary_headline with Timer('Generating entailment boolean features'): datascapes_features = decorate_article_with_entailment_boolean_features( enriched_article, datascapes_features) with Timer('Generating tonality features'): datascapes_features = decorate_article_with_tonality_features( enriched_article, datascapes_features) with Timer('Generating sarcasm features'): datascapes_features = decorate_article_with_sarcasm_features( enriched_article, datascapes_features) else: print('No combined_body_summary_headline for article: ', enriched_article.asset_uri) return datascapes_features
# scheduler = MultiStepLR(net.optimizer, milestones=[1], gamma=0.1) net.train() #training configuration start_step = 0 end_step = opt.epochs disp_interval = opt.disp_interval save_interval = opt.save_interval # training train_loss = 0 step_cnt = 1 re_cnt = False t = Timer() t.tic() print("Start training") for epoch in range(start_step, end_step + 1): step = -1 train_loss = 0 outer_timer = Timer() outer_timer.tic() '''regenerate crop patches''' data_loader_train.shuffle_list() load_timer = Timer() load_time = 0.0 iter_timer = Timer() iter_time = 0.0
class Tank: def __init__(self, width, height):"Preparing fishtank (size %d, %d)..." % (width, height)) # Prepare window and tank dimensions self.win_w = width - 1 self.win_h = height - 1 self.tank_w = self.win_w - 1 self.tank_h = self.win_h - 2 # Create a timer for the simulation self.timer = Timer() # Prepare empty lists for tank objects self.fishes = [] self.predators = [] = [] self.grass = [] # Generate some grass in the tank"Generating grass...") self.generateGrass(10) # Generate an initial population of fish"Generating fish population...") self.generateFish(10) # Prepare a help text = "[q]uit, [c]yan fish, [f]ood, [p]redator" def generateGrass(self, density): # Compute how much grass to create grassNum = int(self.tank_w / density) # Create each grass for i in range(0, grassNum): x = random.randint(1, self.tank_w) y = self.tank_h grass = Grass("green") grass.setPos((x, y)) grass.setHeight(random.randint(1, self.tank_h)) self.grass.append(grass) def generateFish(self, density): # Create each fish for i in range (0, density): smallFish = SmallFish("cyan") self.initFish(smallFish) self.fishes.append(smallFish) def randPos(self): x = random.randint(1, self.tank_w) y = random.randint(1, self.tank_h) return (x, y) def initFish(self, fish): fish.setBoundaries(1, 1, self.tank_w, self.tank_h) fish.setPos(self.randPos()) def update(self, cio, key): self.timer.update() # 'c' key - creates new cyan small fish if key == cio.key_c: smallFish = SmallFish("cyan") self.initFish(smallFish) self.fishes.append(smallFish) # 'p' key - creates new predator fish if key == cio.key_p: predatorFish = PredatorFish("red") self.initFish(predatorFish) self.predators.append(predatorFish) # 'f' key - adds some food for the fishes if key == cio.key_f: food = Food("yellow") food.setPos(self.randPos()) # Update all the objects in the tank for predator in self.predators: predator.update(self.timer.getDelta(), self.fishes) for fish in self.fishes: newFish = fish.update(self.timer.getDelta(), self.fishes,, self.predators) if newFish: smallFish = SmallFish("cyan") smallFish.setBoundaries(1, 1, self.tank_w, self.tank_h) smallFish.setPos(fish.getPos()) self.fishes.append(smallFish) # Move the objects (movements were stored in update) for predator in self.predators: predator.postUpdate() for fish in self.fishes: fish.postUpdate() def drawHelp(self, cio): cio.drawAscii(0, self.win_h, def draw(self, cio): # Draw the tank outline and water for y in range(0, self.win_h): cio.drawAscii(0, y, '|') cio.drawAscii(self.win_w, y, '|') for x in range(1, self.win_w): cio.drawAscii(x, 0, '~', "blue") cio.drawAscii(x, self.win_h-1, '-') # Draw objects in the tank for grass in self.grass: grass.draw(cio) for food in food.draw(cio) for fish in self.fishes: fish.draw(cio) for predator in self.predators: predator.draw(cio) # Draw a help text self.drawHelp(cio)