Ejemplo n.º 1
        num_frame += 1
        ret, frame = cap.read()
        if frame is None:
        input_framesize = frame.shape[:2]
        # 調整影像大小
        frame = cv2.resize(frame, (width, height))

        posed_frame, joints_info = process_frame(frame,
        rec_list = util.get_bbox(joints_info, width, height)
        id_list, new_id = track(pre_rec_list, pre_id_list, rec_list, new_id,
        if action_estimate:
            action_list = action_estimation(joints_info)

            angle_value = util.joint_angle(joints_info)
            for p in range(len(action_list)):
                id = id_list[p]
                left_top = rec_list[p][0]  # 矩形左上座標
                right_buttom = rec_list[p][1]  # 矩形右下座標
                cv2.rectangle(posed_frame, left_top, right_buttom, (0, 255, 0),
                text = 'id={} {}'.format(id, action_list[p])
                cv2.putText(posed_frame, text, left_top,
                            cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 0, 255), 1,
                            cv2.LINE_AA)  # 輸出類別
Ejemplo n.º 2
cap.set(4, height)

new_id = 1
pre_rec_list = []
pre_id_list = []
num_frame = 0
while True:
    num_frame += 1
    ret, oriImg = cap.read()

    candidate, subset = body_estimation(oriImg)
    joints_norm = util.skeleton_info(candidate, subset, width, height,
    # detect action
    action_list, rec_list = action_estimation(joints_norm, width, height)
    id_list, new_id = track(pre_rec_list, pre_id_list, rec_list, new_id)
    for p in range(len(action_list)):
        id = id_list[p]
        left_top = rec_list[p][0]
        right_buttom = rec_list[p][1]
        cv2.rectangle(oriImg, left_top, right_buttom, (0, 255, 0), 2)
        text = 'ID={} {}'.format(id, action_list[p])
        cv2.putText(oriImg, text, left_top, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1,
                    (0, 0, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA)  # 輸出類別

    canvas = copy.deepcopy(oriImg)
    canvas = util.draw_bodypose(canvas, candidate, subset)
    if hand_estimation:
        # detect hand
        hands_list = util.handDetect(candidate, subset, oriImg)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def run(self):
        # logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
        logger.info("Starting track process track {}".format(self.track_name))
        self.track = track(self.track_name)
        self.car_dict = dict(
        )  # maps from client_addr to car_model (or None if a spectator)
        self.car_states_list = list(
        )  # list of all car states, to send to clients and put in each car's state
        self.spectator_list = list(
        )  # maps from client_addr to car_model (or None if a spectator)
        self.track_socket = socket.socket(
            socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)  # make a new datagram socket
        )  # put track socket in nonblocking mode to just poll for client messages
        # find range of ports we can try to open for client to connect to
            self.track_socket.bind(('', self.local_port_number))
        except Exception as e:
                'track process aborting: could not bind to the local port {} that server told us to use: got {}'
                .format(self.local_port_number, e))
            raise e
        self.track_socket_address = self.track_socket.getsockname(
        )  # get the port info for our local port
        logger.info('for track {} bound free local UDP port address {}'.format(
            self.track_name, self.local_port_number))
        last_time = timer()

        # Track process makes a single socket bound to a single port for all the clients (cars and spectators).
        # To handle multiple clients, when it gets a message from a client, it responds to the client using the client address.

        looper = loop_timer(MODEL_UPDATE_RATE_HZ)
        looper.LOG_INTERVAL_SEC = 60
        while not self.exit:
            now = timer()
            dt = now - last_time
            last_time = now
            if now - self.last_message_time > KILL_ZOMBIE_TRACK_TIMEOUT_S:
                    'track process {} got no input for {}s, terminating'.
                    format(self.track_name, KILL_ZOMBIE_TRACK_TIMEOUT_S))
                self.exit = True
            self.process_server_queue()  # 'add_car' 'add_spectator'

            # Here we make the constrained real time from real time
            # If requested timestep bigger than maximal timestep, make the update for maximal allowed timestep
            # We limit timestep to avoid instability
            if dt > MAX_TIMESTEP:
                s = 'bounded real dt_sec={:.1f}ms to {:.2f}ms'.format(
                    dt * 1000, MAX_TIMESTEP * 1000)
                dt = MAX_TIMESTEP

            # now we do main simulation/response
            # update all the car models
            for client, model in self.car_dict.items():
                if isinstance(model, car_model):
                    model.update(dt)  # car_state time updates already here
                    model.time += dt  # car_model time updates here
                    # poll for UDP messages
            # update the global list of car states that cars share
            for model in self.car_dict.values():
                # put copy of each state in list but strip off the contained list of other car states
                model_copy: car_state = copy.copy(model.car_state)

            # process incoming UDP messages from clients, e.g. to update command
            while True:
                    msg, payload, client = self.receive_msg()
                    self.handle_client_msg(msg, payload, client)
                except socket.timeout:
                except BlockingIOError:
                except Exception as e:
                        'caught Exception {} while processing UDP messages from client'
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                logger.info('KeyboardInterrupt, stopping server')
                self.exit = True

        logger.info('ended track {}'.format(self.track_name))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self,
                 track_name: str = 'track',
                 spectate: bool = False,
                 car_name: str = CAR_NAME,
                 controller: Optional[object] = None,
                 server_host: str = SERVER_HOST,
                 server_port: int = SERVER_PORT,
                 joystick_number: int = JOYSTICK_NUMBER,
                 fps: float = FPS,
                 widthPixels: int = SCREEN_WIDTH_PIXELS,
                 heightPixels: int = SCREEN_HEIGHT_PIXELS,
                 timeout_s: float = SERVER_TIMEOUT_SEC,
                 record: Optional[str] = None,
                 replay_file_list: Optional[List[str]] = None,
                 lidar: float = None
        Makes a new instance of client that users use to run a car on a track.

        :param track_name: string name of track, without .png suffix
        :param spectate: set True to just spectate
        :param car_name: Your name for your car
        :param controller: Optional autodrive controller that implements the read method to return (car_command, user_input)
        :param server_host: hostname of server, e.g. 'localhost' or 'telluridevm.iniforum.ch'
        :param server_port: port on server to initiate communication
        :param joystick_number: joystick number if more than one
        :param fps: desired frames per second of game loop
        :param widthPixels:  screen width in pixels (must match server settings)
        :param heightPixels: height, must match server settings
        :param timeout_s: socket read timeout for blocking reads (main loop uses nonblocking reads)
        :param record: set it None to not record. Set it to a string to add note for this recording to file name to record data for all cars to CSV files
        :param replay_file_list: None for normal live mode, or List[str] of filenames to play back a set of car recordings together

        logger.info('using pygame version {}'.format(pygame.version.ver))
        self.spectate = spectate
        self.widthPixels = widthPixels
        self.heightPixels = heightPixels
        self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size=(self.widthPixels, self.heightPixels), flags=0)
            self.game_font = pygame.freetype.SysFont(GAME_FONT_NAME, GAME_FONT_SIZE)
            logger.warning('cannot get specified globals.py font {}, using pygame default font'.format(GAME_FONT_NAME))
            self.game_font = pygame.font.Font(pygame.font.get_default_font(), GAME_FONT_SIZE)
        self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
        self.exit = False
        self.input = None
        self.fps = fps
        self.sock: Optional[socket] = None  # our socket used for communicating with server
        self.server_host: str = server_host
        self.server_port: int = server_port
        self.serverStartAddr: Tuple[str, int] = (
        self.server_host, self.server_port)  # manager address, different port on server used during game
        self.gameSockAddr: Optional[Tuple[str, int]] = None  # address used during game
        self.server_timeout_s: float = timeout_s
        self.gotServer: bool = False
        self.recording_enabled: bool = not record is None
        self.record_note: Optional[str] = record if not record is None else None
        self.data_recorders: Optional[List[data_recorder]] = None
        self.replay_file_list: Optional[List[str]] = replay_file_list
        self.track_name: str = track_name
        self.car_name: str = car_name
        self.car: Optional[car] = None  # will make it later after we get info from server about car
        self.input: keyboard_and_joystick_input = keyboard_and_joystick_input()

        self.server_message = None  # holds messsages sent from server to be displayed
        self.last_server_message_time = time.time()

        # if controller is None:
        #     self.controller = pid_next_waypoint_car_controller()
        # else:
        #     self.controller = controller

        # spectator data structures
        self.track_instance: track = track(track_name=self.track_name)
        self.spectate_cars: Dict[
            str, car] = dict()  # dict of other cars (NOT including ourselves) on the track, by name of the car. Each entry is a car() that we make here. For spectators, the list contains all cars. The cars contain the car_state. The complete list of all cars is this dict plus self.car
        self.autodrive_controller = controller  # automatic self driving controller specified in constructor

        self.lidar = lidar # variable controlling if to show lidar mini and with what precission
        self.t_max = 0.0
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def replay(self) -> bool:
        Replays the self.replay_file_list recordings. It will immediately return False if it cannot find the file to play. Otherwise
        it will start a loop that runs over the entire file to play it, and finally return True.

        :returns: False if it cannot find the file to play, True at the end of playing the entire recording.
        # Load data
        file_path = None
        filename = None
        # Find the right file
        if (self.replay_file_list is not None) and (self.replay_file_list is not 'last'):

            if isinstance(self.replay_file_list, List) and len(self.replay_file_list) > 1:
                filename = self.replay_file_list[0]
                raise NotImplemented('Replaying more than one recording is not yet implemented')

            if isinstance(self.replay_file_list, str):
                filename = self.replay_file_list

            if not filename.endswith('.csv'):
                filename = filename + '.csv'

            # if filename is a path, then use the path, otherwise, look for file at starting folder and in DATA_FOLDER_NAME folder
            if os.sep in filename:
                # treat as local or DATA_FOLDER filename
                file_path = filename
                if not os.path.isfile(filename):
                    logger.error('Cannot replay: There is no race recording file with name {}'.format(filename))
                    return False
                # check if file found in DATA_FOLDER_NAME or at local starting point
                if not os.path.isfile(filename):
                    file_path = os.path.join(DATA_FOLDER_NAME, filename)
                    if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
                            'Cannot replay: There is no race recording file with name {} at local folder or in {}'.format(
                                file_path, DATA_FOLDER_NAME))
                        return False
                    file_path = filename

        elif self.replay_file_list == 'last':
                import glob
                list_of_files = glob.glob(DATA_FOLDER_NAME + '/*.csv')
                file_path = max(list_of_files, key=os.path.getctime)
            except FileNotFoundError:
                logger.error('Cannot replay: No race recording found in data folder ' + DATA_FOLDER_NAME)
                return False
            logger.error('Cannot replay: filename is None')
            return False

        # Get race recording
        logger.info('Replaying file {}'.format(file_path))
            data: DataFrame = pd.read_csv(file_path, comment='#')  # skip comment lines starting with #
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error('Cannot replay: Caught {} trying to read CSV file {}'.format(e, file_path))
            return False

        # Get used car name
        s = str(pd.read_csv(file_path, skiprows=5, nrows=1))
        self.track_name = re.search('"(.*)"', s).group(1)

        # Get used track
        s = str(pd.read_csv(file_path, skiprows=6, nrows=1))
        self.car_name = re.search('"(.*)"', s).group(1)

        # print(file_path)
        # print(data.head())

        # Define car and track
        self.track_instance = track(self.track_name)
        self.car = car(name=self.car_name, our_track=self.track_instance, screen=self.screen)

        # decimate data to make it play faster
        # data = data.iloc[::4, :]

        # Run a loop to print data
        n_rows = data.shape[0]
        r = 0
        step = 1
        scale = 10
        looper = loop_timer(rate_hz=self.fps)
        while not self.exit:
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                logger.info('KeyboardInterrupt, stopping client')
                self.exit = True

            car_command, user_input = self.input.read()  # gets input from keyboard or joystick
            if self.input.exit:
                self.exit = True
            playback_speed = car_command.steering

            row = data.iloc[
                r]  # position based indexing of DataFrame https://pythonhow.com/accessing-dataframe-columns-rows-and-cells/
            # for index, row in data.iterrows():
            self.car.car_state.command.autodrive_enabled = row['cmd.auto']
            self.car.car_state.command.steering = row['cmd.steering']
            self.car.car_state.command.throttle = row['cmd.throttle']
            self.car.car_state.command.brake = row['cmd.brake']
            self.car.car_state.command.reverse = row['cmd.reverse']

            self.car.car_state.time = row['time']
            self.car.car_state.position_m = Vector2(row['pos.x'], row['pos.y'])
            self.car.car_state.velocity_m_per_sec = Vector2(row['vel.x'], row['vel.y'])
            self.car.car_state.speed_m_per_sec = row['speed']
            self.car.car_state.accel_m_per_sec_2 = Vector2(row['accel.x'], row['accel.y'])
            self.car.car_state.steering_angle_deg = row['steering_angle']
            self.car.car_state.body_angle_deg = row['body_angle']
            self.car.car_state.yaw_rate_deg_per_sec = row['yaw_rate']
            self.car.car_state.drift_angle_deg = row['drift_angle']

            # Drawing
            frac = float(r) / n_rows
            w = frac * (self.screen.get_width() - 10)
            pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, [200, 200, 200], [10, self.screen.get_height() - 20, w, 10], True)


            if user_input.quit:

            if user_input.restart_car:
                r = 0
            if playback_speed >= -0.05:  # offset from zero to handle joysticks that have negative offset
                r = r + step if r < n_rows - step else n_rows
                if r > n_rows - 1: r = n_rows - 1
                r = r - step if r > 0 else 0
            step = int(abs(playback_speed) * scale)
            step = 1 if step < 1 else step
            # speedup is factor times normal speed, limited by rendering rate
            looper.rate_hz = self.fps * (1 + abs(scale * playback_speed))
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 6
def load_data(args, filepath=None, inputs_list=None, outputs_list=None):
    Loads dataset from CSV file
        filepath: path to CSV file
        seq_len: number of samples in time input to RNN
        stride: step over data in samples between samples
        medfilt: median filter window, 0 to disable
        test_plot: test_plot.py file requires other way of loading data

        Unnormalized numpy arrays
        input_data:  indexed by [sample, sequence, # sensor inputs * cw_len]
        input dict:  dictionary of input data names with key index into sensor index value
        targets:  indexed by [sample, sequence, # output sensor values * pw_len]
        target dict:  dictionary of target data names with key index into sensor index value
        actual: raw input data indexed by [sample,sensor]
        actual dict:  dictionary of actual inputs with key index into sensor index value
        mean_features, std_features, mean_targets_data, std_targets_data: the means and stds of training and raw_targets data.
            These are vectors with length # of sensorss

        The last dimension of input_data and targets is organized by
         all sensors for sample0, all sensors for sample1, .....all sensors for sampleN, where N is the prediction length

    if filepath is None:
        filepath = args.val_file_name

    if inputs_list is None:
        inputs_list = args.inputs_list

    if outputs_list is None:
        outputs_list = args.outputs_list

    if type(filepath) == list:
        filepaths = filepath
        filepaths = [filepath]

    all_features = []
    all_targets = []

    for one_filepath in filepaths:
        # Load dataframe
        print('loading data from ' + str(one_filepath))
        df = pd.read_csv(one_filepath, comment='#')

        print('processing data to generate sequences')

        # Wrap body_angle to be in range +/- 180
        df['body_angle_deg'] = df['body_angle_deg'].apply(wrap_angle_deg)
        print('Max angle is {} and min angle is {}.'.format(
            max(df['body_angle_deg']), min(df['body_angle_deg'])))
        df['body_angle.cos'] = df['body_angle_deg'].apply(cosdg)
        df['body_angle.sin'] = df['body_angle_deg'].apply(sindg)

        if df['body_angle_deg'].equals(df.apply(SinCos2Angle_wrapper, axis=1)):
            print('Conversion of angle ideal')
            print('Angle conversion error: {}'.format(
                    abs(df['body_angle_deg'] -
                        df.apply(SinCos2Angle_wrapper, axis=1)))))

        # Calculate time difference between time steps and at it to data frame
        time = df['time'].to_numpy()
        deltaTime = np.diff(time)
        deltaTime = np.insert(deltaTime, 0, 0)
        df['dt'] = deltaTime

        if args.extend_df:
            # Calculate distance to the track edge in front of the car and add it to the data frame
            # Get used car name
            import re
            s = str(pd.read_csv(one_filepath, skiprows=5, nrows=1))
            track_name = re.search('"(.*)"', s).group(1)
            media_folder_path = '../../media/tracks/'
            my_track = track(track_name=track_name,

            def calculate_hit_distance(row):
                return my_track.get_hit_distance(angle=row['body_angle_deg'],

            df['hit_distance'] = df.apply(calculate_hit_distance, axis=1)

            def nearest_waypoint_idx(row):
                return my_track.get_nearest_waypoint_idx(x=row['position_m.x'],

            df['nearest_waypoint_idx'] = df.apply(nearest_waypoint_idx, axis=1)

            max_idx = max(df['nearest_waypoint_idx'])

            def get_nth_next_waypoint_x(row, n: int):
                return pixels2meters(
                    my_track.waypoints_x[int(row['nearest_waypoint_idx'] + n) %

            def get_nth_next_waypoint_y(row, n: int):
                return pixels2meters(
                    my_track.waypoints_y[int(row['nearest_waypoint_idx'] + n) %

            df['first_next_waypoint.x'] = df.apply(get_nth_next_waypoint_x,
                                                   args=(1, ))
            df['first_next_waypoint.y'] = df.apply(get_nth_next_waypoint_y,
                                                   args=(1, ))
            df['fifth_next_waypoint.x'] = df.apply(get_nth_next_waypoint_x,
                                                   args=(5, ))
            df['fifth_next_waypoint.y'] = df.apply(get_nth_next_waypoint_y,
                                                   args=(5, ))
            df['twentieth_next_waypoint.x'] = df.apply(get_nth_next_waypoint_x,
                                                       args=(20, ))
            df['twentieth_next_waypoint.y'] = df.apply(get_nth_next_waypoint_y,
                                                       args=(20, ))

        if not args.do_not_normalize:

            df['position_m.x'] /= normalization_distance
            df['position_m.y'] /= normalization_distance

            df['velocity_m_per_sec.x'] /= normalization_velocity
            df['velocity_m_per_sec.y'] /= normalization_velocity

            df['accel_m_per_sec_2.x'] /= normalization_acceleration
            df['accel_m_per_sec_2.y'] /= normalization_acceleration

            # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2320986/easy-way-to-keeping-angles-between-179-and-180-degrees

            # The first line is not workign for e.g. -200
            # df['body_angle_deg'] = (((df['body_angle_deg'] + 180) % 360) - 180) / normalization_angle  # Wrapping AND normalizing angle
            df['body_angle_deg'] /= normalization_angle  # normalizing angle

            # 1) You already wrapped it in the above line.
            # 2) For cos and sin you do not need to wrap the angle - they do it for you (periodic function)
            # 3) You surely shouldn't normalize angle you put into sine and cos
            # 4) Keep going. ;-)
            # I move the wrapping above and do it always. Here leve only normalization (which sin, cos do not need)
            # Wrapping due to:
            # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2320986/easy-way-to-keeping-angles-between-179-and-180-degrees
            # df['body_angle.sin'] = np.sin(((((df['body_angle_deg'] + 180) % 360) - 180)*normalization_angle + 180)*np.pi/180)
            # df['body_angle.cos'] = np.cos(((((df['body_angle_deg'] + 180) % 360) - 180)*normalization_angle + 180)*np.pi/180)

            if args.extend_df:
                df['hit_distance'] /= normalization_distance
                df['first_next_waypoint.x'] /= normalization_distance
                df['first_next_waypoint.y'] /= normalization_distance
                df['fifth_next_waypoint.x'] /= normalization_distance
                df['fifth_next_waypoint.y'] /= normalization_distance
                df['twentieth_next_waypoint.x'] /= normalization_distance
                df['twentieth_next_waypoint.y'] /= normalization_distance

        # Get Raw Data
        inputs = copy.deepcopy(df)
        outputs = copy.deepcopy(df)

        inputs.drop(inputs.tail(1).index, inplace=True)  # Drop last row
        outputs.drop(outputs.head(1).index, inplace=True)
        inputs.reset_index(inplace=True)  # Reset index

        if args.cheat_dt and ('dt' in inputs_list):
            inputs['dt'] = outputs['dt']
            print('dt cheating enabled!')

        inputs = inputs[inputs_list]
        outputs = outputs[outputs_list]

        features = np.array(inputs)
        targets = np.array(outputs)

    if type(filepath) == list:
        return all_features, all_targets
        return features, targets