Ejemplo n.º 1
def channel_delvoice(nick,host,chan,arg):
	auth = getauth(nick)
	flag = getflag(chan,auth)
	target = getauth(arg.split()[0])
	uatarget = arg.split()[0]

	if flag == "n":
		if auth != target:
			if wmatch(uatarget, "*!*@*"):
				entry = True

				for data in _chandb.execute("select flags from channel where channel='%s' and auth = '%s' and flags='v'" % (chan,uatarget)):
					entry = False

				if entry is False:
					_chandb.execute("delete from channel where channel='%s' and auth='%s' and flags='v'" % (chan,uatarget))
					put("NOTICE %s :[%s] %s has been removed from the voices list" % (nick,chan,uatarget))
					put("NOTICE %s :[%s] %s is not on the voices list" % (nick,chan,uatarget))
				entry = True

				for data in _chandb.execute("select flags from channel where channel='%s' and auth='%s' and flags='v'" % (chan,target)):
					entry = False

				if entry is False:
					_chandb.execute("delete from channel where channel='%s' and auth='%s' and flags='v'" % (chan,target))
					put("NOTICE %s :[%s] %s has been removed from the voices list" % (nick,chan,target))
					put("MODE %s -v %s" % (chan,arg.split()[0]))
					put("NOTICE %s :[%s] %s is not on the voices list" % (nick,chan,target))
			put("NOTICE %s :[%s] You cannot remove yourself!" % (nick,chan))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def channel_addvoice(nick,host,chan,arg):
	auth = getauth(nick)
	flag = getflag(chan,auth)
	target = getauth(arg.split()[0])
	uatarget = arg.split()[0]

	if flag == "n":
		if auth != target:
			if wmatch(uatarget, "*!*@*"):
				entry = False

				for data in _chandb.execute("select flags from channel where channel='%s' and auth = '%s' and flags='v'" % (chan,uatarget)):
					entry = True

				if entry is False:
					_chandb.execute("insert into channel values ('%s','%s','v')" % (chan,uatarget))
					put("NOTICE %s :[%s] %s has been added to the voices list" % (nick,chan,uatarget))
					put("NOTICE %s :[%s] %s is already on the voices list" % (nick,chan,uatarget))
				entry = False

				for data in _chandb.execute("select flags from channel where channel='%s' and auth='%s' and flags='v'" % (chan,target)):
					entry = True

				if entry is False:
					_chandb.execute("insert into channel values ('%s','%s','v')" % (chan,target))
					put("NOTICE %s :[%s] %s has been added to the voices list" % (nick,chan,target))
					put("MODE %s +v %s" % (chan,arg.split()[0]))
					put("NOTICE %s :[%s] %s is already on the voices list" % (nick,chan,target))
			put("NOTICE %s :[%s] You cannot add yourself!" % (nick,chan))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def channel_addvoice(nick, host, chan, arg):
    auth = getauth(nick)
    flag = getflag(chan, auth)
    target = getauth(arg.split()[0])
    uatarget = arg.split()[0]

    if flag == "n":
        if auth != target:
            if wmatch(uatarget, "*!*@*"):
                entry = False

                for data in _chandb.execute(
                        "select flags from channel where channel='%s' and auth = '%s' and flags='v'"
                        % (chan, uatarget)):
                    entry = True

                if entry is False:
                        "insert into channel values ('%s','%s','v')" %
                        (chan, uatarget))
                    put("NOTICE %s :[%s] %s has been added to the voices list"
                        % (nick, chan, uatarget))
                    put("NOTICE %s :[%s] %s is already on the voices list" %
                        (nick, chan, uatarget))
                entry = False

                for data in _chandb.execute(
                        "select flags from channel where channel='%s' and auth='%s' and flags='v'"
                        % (chan, target)):
                    entry = True

                if entry is False:
                        "insert into channel values ('%s','%s','v')" %
                        (chan, target))
                    put("NOTICE %s :[%s] %s has been added to the voices list"
                        % (nick, chan, target))
                    put("MODE %s +v %s" % (chan, arg.split()[0]))
                    put("NOTICE %s :[%s] %s is already on the voices list" %
                        (nick, chan, target))
            put("NOTICE %s :[%s] You cannot add yourself!" % (nick, chan))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def channel_delvoice(nick, host, chan, arg):
    auth = getauth(nick)
    flag = getflag(chan, auth)
    target = getauth(arg.split()[0])
    uatarget = arg.split()[0]

    if flag == "n":
        if auth != target:
            if wmatch(uatarget, "*!*@*"):
                entry = True

                for data in _chandb.execute(
                        "select flags from channel where channel='%s' and auth = '%s' and flags='v'"
                        % (chan, uatarget)):
                    entry = False

                if entry is False:
                        "delete from channel where channel='%s' and auth='%s' and flags='v'"
                        % (chan, uatarget))
                    put("NOTICE %s :[%s] %s has been removed from the voices list"
                        % (nick, chan, uatarget))
                    put("NOTICE %s :[%s] %s is not on the voices list" %
                        (nick, chan, uatarget))
                entry = True

                for data in _chandb.execute(
                        "select flags from channel where channel='%s' and auth='%s' and flags='v'"
                        % (chan, target)):
                    entry = False

                if entry is False:
                        "delete from channel where channel='%s' and auth='%s' and flags='v'"
                        % (chan, target))
                    put("NOTICE %s :[%s] %s has been removed from the voices list"
                        % (nick, chan, target))
                    put("MODE %s -v %s" % (chan, arg.split()[0]))
                    put("NOTICE %s :[%s] %s is not on the voices list" %
                        (nick, chan, target))
            put("NOTICE %s :[%s] You cannot remove yourself!" % (nick, chan))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def channel_modes(nick,host,chan,arg):
	auth = getauth(nick)
	hostmask = nick+"!"+host
	flag = getflag(chan,auth)
	hostflag = gethostflag(chan,hostmask)

	if flag == "n" or flag == "o" or hostflag == "o":
		_chandb.execute("update info set modes='%s' where channel='%s'" % (arg,chan))
		put("MODE %s %s" % (chan,arg))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def invite(nick,host,chan,arg):
	auth = getauth(nick)
	flag = getflag(chan,auth)
	hostmask = nick+"!"+host
	hostflag = gethostflag(chan,hostmask)

	if flag == "n" or flag == "o" or hostflag == "o":
		for user in arg.split():
			put("INVITE %s %s" % (user,chan))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def invite(nick, host, chan, arg):
    auth = getauth(nick)
    flag = getflag(chan, auth)
    hostmask = nick + "!" + host
    hostflag = gethostflag(chan, hostmask)

    if flag == "n" or flag == "o" or hostflag == "o":
        for user in arg.split():
            put("INVITE %s %s" % (user, chan))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def channel_topic(nick,host,chan,arg):
	auth = getauth(nick)
	hostmask = nick+"!"+host
	flag = getflag(chan,auth)
	hostflag = gethostflag(chan,hostmask)

	if flag == "n" or flag == "o" or hostflag == "o":
		_chandb.execute("update info set topic='%s' where channel='%s'" % (arg,chan))
		put("TOPIC %s :%s" % (chan,arg))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def exempt(nick, host, chan, arg):
    auth = getauth(nick)
    flag = getflag(chan, auth)
    hostmask = nick + "!" + host
    hostflag = gethostflag(chan, hostmask)

    if flag == "n" or flag == "o" or hostflag == "o":
        if len(arg.split()) > 0:
            target = arg.split()[0][1:]
            scut = arg.split()[0][0]

            if wmatch(target, "*!*@*"):
                if scut == "+":
                    entry = False

                    for data in _chandb.execute(
                            "select exempt from exempts where channel='%s' and exempt='%s'"
                            % (chan, target)):
                        entry = True

                    if entry is False:
                            "insert into exempts values ('%s','%s')" %
                            (chan, target))
                        put("NOTICE %s :[%s] %s has been added to the exemptlist"
                            % (nick, chan, target))
                        put("NOTICE %s :[%s] %s is already on the exemptlist" %
                            (nick, chan, target))
                elif scut == "-":
                    entry = False

                    for data in _chandb.execute(
                            "select exempt from exempts where channel='%s' and exempt='%s'"
                            % (chan, target)):
                        entry = True

                    if entry is True:
                            "delete from exempts where channel='%s' and exempt='%s'"
                            % (chan, target))
                        put("NOTICE %s :[%s] %s has been removed from the exemptlist"
                            % (nick, chan, target))
                        put("MODE %s -b %s" % (chan, target))
                        put("NOTICE %s :[%s] %s is not on the exemptlist" %
                            (nick, chan, target))
                    irc_send(nick, "$exempt +/-*!*example@*.example.com")
                irc_send(nick, "$exempt +/-*!*example@*.example.com")
            for data in _chandb.execute(
                    "select exempt from exempts where channel='%s'" % chan):
                irc_send(nick, "[%s] %s" % (chan, str(data[0])))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def channel_modes(nick, host, chan, arg):
    auth = getauth(nick)
    hostmask = nick + "!" + host
    flag = getflag(chan, auth)
    hostflag = gethostflag(chan, hostmask)

    if flag == "n" or flag == "o" or hostflag == "o":
        _chandb.execute("update info set modes='%s' where channel='%s'" %
                        (arg, chan))
        put("MODE %s %s" % (chan, arg))
Ejemplo n.º 11
def channel_register(nick,uhost,arg):
	password = arg.split()[0]
	channel = arg.split()[1]

	if password == c.get("ADMIN", "password"):
		_chandb.execute("insert into list values ('%s')" % channel)
		put("JOIN %s" % channel)
		put("NOTICE %s :%s has been added to the database ... You got owner flags" % (nick,channel))
		_chandb.execute("insert into channel values ('%s','%s','n')" % (channel,getauth(nick)))
		_chandb.execute("insert into info values ('%s','','')" % channel)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def channel_topic(nick, host, chan, arg):
    auth = getauth(nick)
    hostmask = nick + "!" + host
    flag = getflag(chan, auth)
    hostflag = gethostflag(chan, hostmask)

    if flag == "n" or flag == "o" or hostflag == "o":
        _chandb.execute("update info set topic='%s' where channel='%s'" %
                        (arg, chan))
        put("TOPIC %s :%s" % (chan, arg))
Ejemplo n.º 13
def voice(nick,host,chan,arg):
	auth = getauth(nick)
	flag = getflag(chan,auth)
	hostmask = nick+"!"+host
	hostflag = gethostflag(chan,hostmask)

	if flag == "n" or flag == "o" or hostflag == "o":
		if len(arg.split()) != 0:
			mode = "v"*len(arg.split())
			putf("MODE %s +%s %s" % (chan,mode,arg))
			putf("MODE %s +v %s" % (chan,nick))
Ejemplo n.º 14
def on_join_chan(nick,uhost,chan):
	hostmask = nick + "!" + uhost

	auth = getauth(nick)
	flag = getflag(chan,auth)
	hostflag = gethostflag(chan,hostmask)

	if flag == "n" or flag == "o" or hostflag == "o":
		putf("MODE %s +o %s" % (chan,nick))
	elif flag == "v" or hostflag == "v":
		putf("MODE %s +v %s" % (chan,nick))
Ejemplo n.º 15
def deop(nick, host, chan, arg):
    auth = getauth(nick)
    flag = getflag(chan, auth)
    hostmask = nick + "!" + host
    hostflag = gethostflag(chan, hostmask)

    if flag == "n" or flag == "o" or hostflag == "o":
        if len(arg.split()) != 0:
            mode = "o" * len(arg.split())
            putf("MODE %s -%s %s" % (chan, mode, arg))
            putf("MODE %s -o %s" % (chan, nick))
Ejemplo n.º 16
def on_join_chan(nick, uhost, chan):
    hostmask = nick + "!" + uhost

    auth = getauth(nick)
    flag = getflag(chan, auth)
    hostflag = gethostflag(chan, hostmask)

    if flag == "n" or flag == "o" or hostflag == "o":
        putf("MODE %s +o %s" % (chan, nick))
    elif flag == "v" or hostflag == "v":
        putf("MODE %s +v %s" % (chan, nick))
Ejemplo n.º 17
def channel_register(nick, uhost, arg):
    password = arg.split()[0]
    channel = arg.split()[1]

    if password == c.get("ADMIN", "password"):
        _chandb.execute("insert into list values ('%s')" % channel)
        put("JOIN %s" % channel)
        put("NOTICE %s :%s has been added to the database ... You got owner flags"
            % (nick, channel))
        _chandb.execute("insert into channel values ('%s','%s','n')" %
                        (channel, getauth(nick)))
        _chandb.execute("insert into info values ('%s','','')" % channel)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def channel_auth(nick,host,chan,arg):
	put("NOTICE %s :[%s] Trying to auth ..." % (nick,chan))
	auth = getauth(nick)
	hostmask = nick+"!"+host
	put("NOTICE %s :[%s] Getting flag for %s (%s)..." % (nick,chan,auth,hostmask))
	flag = getflag(chan,auth)
	hostflag = gethostflag(chan,hostmask)
	put("NOTICE %s :[%s] Flag: %s, Hostflag: %s" % (nick,chan,flag,hostflag))

	if flag == "n" or flag == "o" or hostflag == "o":
		putf("MODE %s +o %s" % (chan,nick))
	elif flag == "v" or hostflag == "v":
		putf("MODE %s +v %s" % (chan,nick))
Ejemplo n.º 19
def kick(nick,host,chan,arg):
	auth = getauth(nick)
	flag = getflag(chan,auth)
	hostmask = nick+"!"+host
	hostflag = gethostflag(chan,hostmask)

	if flag == "n" or flag == "o" or hostflag == "o":
		if len(arg.split()) != 0:
			target = arg.split()[0]
			reason = "Requested."

			if len(arg.split()) != 1:
				reason = ' '.join(arg.split()[1:])

			put("KICK %s %s :%s" % (chan,target,reason))
Ejemplo n.º 20
def kick(nick, host, chan, arg):
    auth = getauth(nick)
    flag = getflag(chan, auth)
    hostmask = nick + "!" + host
    hostflag = gethostflag(chan, hostmask)

    if flag == "n" or flag == "o" or hostflag == "o":
        if len(arg.split()) != 0:
            target = arg.split()[0]
            reason = "Requested."

            if len(arg.split()) != 1:
                reason = ' '.join(arg.split()[1:])

            put("KICK %s %s :%s" % (chan, target, reason))
Ejemplo n.º 21
def channel_auth(nick, host, chan, arg):
    put("NOTICE %s :[%s] Trying to auth ..." % (nick, chan))
    auth = getauth(nick)
    hostmask = nick + "!" + host
    put("NOTICE %s :[%s] Getting flag for %s (%s)..." %
        (nick, chan, auth, hostmask))
    flag = getflag(chan, auth)
    hostflag = gethostflag(chan, hostmask)
    put("NOTICE %s :[%s] Flag: %s, Hostflag: %s" %
        (nick, chan, flag, hostflag))

    if flag == "n" or flag == "o" or hostflag == "o":
        putf("MODE %s +o %s" % (chan, nick))
    elif flag == "v" or hostflag == "v":
        putf("MODE %s +v %s" % (chan, nick))
Ejemplo n.º 22
def exempt(nick,host,chan,arg):
	auth = getauth(nick)
	flag = getflag(chan,auth)
	hostmask = nick+"!"+host
	hostflag = gethostflag(chan,hostmask)

	if flag == "n" or flag == "o" or hostflag == "o":
		if len(arg.split()) > 0:
			target = arg.split()[0][1:]
			scut = arg.split()[0][0]

			if wmatch(target, "*!*@*"):
				if scut == "+":
					entry = False

					for data in _chandb.execute("select exempt from exempts where channel='%s' and exempt='%s'" % (chan,target)):
						entry = True

					if entry is False:
						_chandb.execute("insert into exempts values ('%s','%s')" % (chan,target))
						put("NOTICE %s :[%s] %s has been added to the exemptlist" % (nick,chan,target))
						put("NOTICE %s :[%s] %s is already on the exemptlist" % (nick,chan,target))
				elif scut == "-":
					entry = False

					for data in _chandb.execute("select exempt from exempts where channel='%s' and exempt='%s'" % (chan,target)):
						entry = True

					if entry is True:
						_chandb.execute("delete from exempts where channel='%s' and exempt='%s'" % (chan,target))
						put("NOTICE %s :[%s] %s has been removed from the exemptlist" % (nick,chan,target))
						put("MODE %s -b %s" % (chan,target))
						put("NOTICE %s :[%s] %s is not on the exemptlist" % (nick,chan,target))
					irc_send(nick,"$exempt +/-*!*example@*.example.com")
				irc_send(nick,"$exempt +/-*!*example@*.example.com")
			for data in _chandb.execute("select exempt from exempts where channel='%s'" % chan):
				irc_send(nick,"[%s] %s" % (chan,str(data[0])))
Ejemplo n.º 23
def channel_msg_auth(nick,host,arg):
	if len(arg) == 0:
		irc_send(nick, "no channel specified")
	elif arg.startswith("#"):
		chan = arg.split()[0]
		put("NOTICE %s :[%s] Trying to auth ..." % (nick,chan))
		auth = getauth(nick)
		hostmask = nick+"!"+host
		put("NOTICE %s :[%s] Getting flag for %s (%s)..." % (nick,chan,auth,hostmask))
		flag = getflag(chan,auth)
		hostflag = gethostflag(chan,hostmask)
		put("NOTICE %s :[%s] Flag: %s, Hostflag: %s" % (nick,chan,flag,hostflag))

		if flag == "n" or flag == "o" or hostflag == "o":
			putf("MODE %s +o %s" % (chan,nick))
		elif flag == "v" or hostflag == "v":
			putf("MODE %s +v %s" % (chan,nick))
		irc_send(nick, "invalid channel")
Ejemplo n.º 24
def channel_msg_auth(nick, host, arg):
    if len(arg) == 0:
        irc_send(nick, "no channel specified")
    elif arg.startswith("#"):
        chan = arg.split()[0]
        put("NOTICE %s :[%s] Trying to auth ..." % (nick, chan))
        auth = getauth(nick)
        hostmask = nick + "!" + host
        put("NOTICE %s :[%s] Getting flag for %s (%s)..." %
            (nick, chan, auth, hostmask))
        flag = getflag(chan, auth)
        hostflag = gethostflag(chan, hostmask)
        put("NOTICE %s :[%s] Flag: %s, Hostflag: %s" %
            (nick, chan, flag, hostflag))

        if flag == "n" or flag == "o" or hostflag == "o":
            putf("MODE %s +o %s" % (chan, nick))
        elif flag == "v" or hostflag == "v":
            putf("MODE %s +v %s" % (chan, nick))
        irc_send(nick, "invalid channel")