Ejemplo n.º 1
def generate_pdfworksheet_from_calc(calc):
        db = config.get_database()
        if calc.Entity == 'Well':
            well = db.select1('WellRoyaltyMaster', ID=calc.EntityID)
            well = None
        entity_lease_link_array = db.select('EntityLeaseLink', Entity=calc.Entity, EntityID=calc.EntityID)
        if len(entity_lease_link_array) == 0:
            raise AppError("There were no well_lease_link records for " + str(calc.WellID) + str(calc.ProdMonth))
        entity_lease_link = entity_lease_link_array[0]
        royalty = db.select1('LeaseRoyaltyMaster', ID=calc.LeaseID)
        lease = db.select1('Lease', ID=calc.LeaseID)

        history = db.select_sql("""SELECT ID, ExtractDate, BaseNetRoyaltyValue, GorrNetRoyaltyValue
                   from Calc
                   WHERE ProdMonth = "{}" and LeaseID = "{}" and Entity = "{}" and EntityID = "{}"
                   and Product = "{}" and RPBA = "{}"
                   order by ExtractDate""".format(calc.ProdMonth, calc.LeaseID, calc.Entity, calc.EntityID,
                                                  calc.Product, calc.RPBA))

        prev_BaseNetRoyaltyValue = 0.0
        prev_GorrNetRoyaltyValue = 0.0
        for h in history:
            h.BookedBaseNetRoyaltyValue = h.BaseNetRoyaltyValue - prev_BaseNetRoyaltyValue
            h.BookedGorrNetRoyaltyValue = h.GorrNetRoyaltyValue - prev_GorrNetRoyaltyValue
            h.Booked = h.BookedBaseNetRoyaltyValue + h.BookedGorrNetRoyaltyValue
            prev_BaseNetRoyaltyValue = h.BaseNetRoyaltyValue
            prev_GorrNetRoyaltyValue = h.GorrNetRoyaltyValue

        monthly_array = db.select('Monthly', ExtractDate=calc.ExtractDate, Entity=calc.Entity, EntityID=calc.EntityID,
                                  prodMonth=calc.ProdMonth, product=calc.Product, RPBA=calc.RPBA)
        if len(monthly_array) == 0:
            raise AppError("There were no monthly records for well: " + str(calc.WellID) + " ProdDate: " +
                           str(calc.ProdMonth) + " Product: " + calc.Product)
        monthly = monthly_array[0]  # if there are multiple pick the first one

        ba = db.select1('BAInfo', BAid=monthly.RPBA, BAType='RTP')

        calc_specific = DataStructure(calc.RoyaltySpecific)
        rtp_info = db.select1('RTPInfo', WellEvent=well.WellEvent, Product=calc.Product, Payer=monthly.RPBA,

        royalty.format_gorr = format_gorr(calc.Gorr)

        return render_template('worksheet/pdfcalc_worksheet.html',
                               well=well, rm=royalty, m=monthly, lease=lease,
                               calc=calc, calc_sp=calc_specific, entity_lease_link=entity_lease_link,
                               ba=ba, rtp_info=rtp_info, history=history)
    except Exception as e:
        print('views.worksheet: ***Error:', e)
        tb = traceback.format_exc()
        return "<h2>Error displaying worksheet for " + calc.Entity + " %s</h2><br>" % calc.EntityID + str(e) + \
               '<plaintext>' + tb + '</plaintext>'
    def insert_data(self, table_name, row, header_row):
        insert = 'INSERT INTO ' + table_name + ' VALUES ('
        data = ""
        i = 0

        for h in header_row:
            cell = row[i]
            if type(cell.value) is str:
                data = data + "'" + str(cell.value).replace('\'',
                                                            '\'\'') + "',"
                # data = data + "'" + cell.value + "',"
                # data = data + '"' + cell.value + '",'
            elif type(cell.value) is int:
                data = data + str(cell.value) + ','
            elif type(cell.value) is float:
                data = data + str(cell.value) + ','
            elif type(cell.value) is datetime.datetime:
                data = data + '"' + str(cell.value) + '",'
            elif cell.value is None:
                data += ' Null,'
                raise AppError('*** Not Loaded: ' + cell.value + " " +
            i += 1

        data += ')'
        data = data.replace(',)', ')')

        insert += data

        # if config.debug_sql():
        #     print('>' + str(config.debug_sql()) + insert)

Ejemplo n.º 3
 def execute(self, statement):
     if self.debug_sql:
         print('SqliteInstance.execute:', statement)
         return self.cursor.execute(statement)
     except OperationalError as e:
         raise AppError(str(e) + '--> ' + statement)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def lookup_vars(self, var_list, monthly, calc=None):
        var_values = {}
        for v in var_list:
            if v == "sales":
                var_values[v] = monthly.SalesVol
            elif v == "prod":
                var_values[v] = monthly.ProdVol
            elif v == "gj":
                var_values[v] = monthly.GJ
            elif v == "heat":
                var_values[v] = monthly.Heat
            elif v == "price":
                var_values[v] = monthly.SalesPrice
            elif v == "royalty_price":
                var_values[v] = calc.RoyaltyPrice
            elif v == "trans":
                var_values[v] = monthly.TransRate
            elif v == "processing":
                var_values[v] = monthly.ProcessingRate
            elif v == "gca":
                var_values[v] = monthly.GCARate
                if v[0:2] == 'm.':
                    # v = v[2:]
                    var_values[v] = self.lookup(v, monthly.ProdMonth)
                    var_values[v] = self.lookup(v, 0)
            if not var_values[v]:
                raise AppError(
                    "Looking up '{}' for a Formula but it was not found or it was 'None'"

        return var_values
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def select1(self, table, **kwargs):
     result = self.select(table, **kwargs)
     if len(result) == 1:
         return result[0]
         raise AppError(
             "sqlite_database.select1 should have only found 1, but we found "
             + str(len(result)) + " in table: " + table +
             ". We are only looking for " + str(kwargs))
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def select_sql(self, statement):
     if not statement.startswith('SELECT'):
         raise AppError(
             'Only SELECT statements are allowed, this is not one: "%s"' %
     result = self.dbi.cursor.fetchall()
     result = self.sql_to_object('join', result)
     return result
def volumetric_to_monthly():

    db = config.get_database()
    statement = """SELECT * from VolumetricInfo
    JOIN Well on VolumetricInfo.FromTo = Well.WellEvent
    WHERE VolumetricInfo.Activity='PROD' and VolumetricInfo.Amendment=0 """
    volumetric = db.select_sql(statement)
    updated_counter = 0
    inserted_counter = 0
    total_counter = 0

    for a in volumetric:
        total_counter += 1
        old_prod = a.ProdMonth.isoformat()[0:7]
        new_prod = old_prod.replace('-', '')

        existing = db.select('Monthly',
        if len(existing) == 1:
            print('Already in the table: ', existing)
            existing[0].ProdHours = a.Hours
            existing[0].ProdVol = a.Volume
            updated_counter += 1
        elif len(existing) == 0:
            ds = db.get_data_structure('Monthly')
            ds.ProdMonth = new_prod
            ds.WellID = a.ID

            if a.Hours == 'NULL':
                ds.ProdHours = None
                ds.ProdHours = a.Hours

            ds.Product = a.Product
            ds.AmendNo = a.Amendment
            ds.ProdVol = a.Volume
            print('Inserting ', ds.WellID)
            inserted_counter += 1

            raise AppError(
                str(len(existing)) + " records found in table Monthly for " +

    return (
        'Complete. %i records traversed, %i records inserted, %i records updated'
        % total_counter, inserted_counter, updated_counter)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def to_db_value(self, value):

        if type(value) is str:
            # return '"' + value + '"'
            return "'" + value + "'"
        elif type(value) is int or type(value) is float:
            return str(value)
        elif type(value) is bool:
            return '1' if value else '0'
        elif not value:
            return 'null'

        raise AppError(
            'sqlite_database.to_db_value can not handle update of: ' +
            str(type(value)) + ':' + str(value))
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def volume(self, start_date, prod_date, volume):
        A volume is being added or modified to the total incentive
        this will return what the total incentive volume is
        if start_date > prod_date:
            raise AppError('Incentive Start Date: ' + str(start_date) +
                           ' must be before Prod Date: ' + str(prod_date))

        if self.start_date is not start_date:
            if start_date > prod_date:
                raise AppError('Incentive Start Date: ' + str(start_date) +
                               ' must be before Prod Date: ' + str(prod_date))

        i = self.index(start_date, prod_date)
        while len(self.volume_array) <= i:

        self.volume_array[i] = volume
        if prod_date > self.last_prod_date:
            self.last_prod_date = prod_date

        return self.total()
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def update(self, ds):
        # Rule 1: all tables that can be updated must have an ID attrabute that is the primary key.
        orig_ds = self.select(ds._table_name, ID=ds.ID)
        if len(orig_ds) == 0:
            raise AppError('sqlite_database.update can not find: ' +
                           str(ds.ID) + ' to update.')

        orig_dict = orig_ds[0].__dict__
        new_dict = ds.__dict__
        to_update = ''
        for attr in orig_dict:
            if not attr.startswith('_'):
                if orig_dict[attr] != new_dict[attr]:
                    # todo: Do that audit of the records right here.
                    # print('difference:',attr,orig_dict[attr])
                    if len(to_update) > 0:
                        to_update += ','
                    to_update += attr + '=' + self.to_db_value(new_dict[attr])

        if len(to_update) > 0:
            statement = 'UPDATE ' + ds._table_name + ' SET ' + to_update + ' where ID = ' + str(
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def find_expression(s):
        a = s.find('=(')
        if a < 0:
            brace_count = 0
            # raise AppError('No formula found in string: ' + s)
            brace_count = 1
        i = 0
        for i in range(a + 2, len(s)):
            if s[i] == ')':
                brace_count -= 1
            if s[i] == '(':
                brace_count += 1
            if brace_count == 0:

        if brace_count != 0:
            raise AppError(
                'The formula was not ended. Looking for matching ending ")" in string: '
                + s)

        if a == -1:
            return 0, len(s)
        return a, i
Ejemplo n.º 12
def get_proddate_int() -> int:
        return int(request.cookies['proddate'])
        raise AppError('Proddate cookie not set for some reason')
Ejemplo n.º 13
def get_proddate():
    cookie = request.cookies['proddate']
    if not cookie:
        raise AppError('Proddate cookie not set for some reason')
    proddate = cookie[0:4] + "-" + cookie[4:6] + "-01"
    return proddate
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def raise_app_error(self):
     raise AppError("There is an apperror")
Ejemplo n.º 15
def generate_worksheet_from_calc(calc, with_js='y'):
    Generate html for the calc row that is passed
    :param calc: a full calc record
    :param with_js: default is 'y' only other option is 'n' and should only be used to work around a
                    pdf generation issue
    :return: html of the worksheet for the calc record
        db = config.get_database()
        if calc.Entity == 'Well':
            well = db.select1('WellRoyaltyMaster', ID=calc.EntityID)
            well = None
        entity_lease_link_array = db.select('EntityLeaseLink', Entity=calc.Entity, EntityID=calc.EntityID)
        if len(entity_lease_link_array) == 0:
            raise AppError("There were no well_lease_link records for " + str(calc.WellID) + str(calc.ProdMonth))
        entity_lease_link = entity_lease_link_array[0]
        royalty = db.select1('LeaseRoyaltyMaster', ID=calc.LeaseID)
        lease = db.select1('Lease', ID=calc.LeaseID)

        history = db.select_sql("""SELECT *
                   from Calc
                   WHERE ProdMonth = "{}" and LeaseID = "{}" and Entity = "{}" and EntityID = "{}"
                   and Product = "{}" and RPBA = "{}"
                   order by ExtractDate""".format(calc.ProdMonth, calc.LeaseID, calc.Entity, calc.EntityID,
                                                  calc.Product, calc.RPBA))
        # history = db.select_sql("""SELECT ID, ExtractDate, BaseNetRoyaltyValue, GorrNetRoyaltyValue
        #            from Calc
        #            WHERE ProdMonth = "{}" and LeaseID = "{}" and Entity = "{}" and EntityID = "{}"
        #            and Product = "{}" and RPBA = "{}"
        #            order by ExtractDate""".format(calc.ProdMonth, calc.LeaseID, calc.Entity, calc.EntityID,
        #                                           calc.Product, calc.RPBA))

        prev_BaseNetRoyaltyValue = 0.0
        prev_GorrNetRoyaltyValue = 0.0
        i = 0
        for h in history:
            h.BookedBaseNetRoyaltyValue = h.BaseNetRoyaltyValue - prev_BaseNetRoyaltyValue
            h.BookedGorrNetRoyaltyValue = h.GorrNetRoyaltyValue - prev_GorrNetRoyaltyValue
            h.Booked = h.BookedBaseNetRoyaltyValue + h.BookedGorrNetRoyaltyValue
            prev_BaseNetRoyaltyValue = h.BaseNetRoyaltyValue
            prev_GorrNetRoyaltyValue = h.GorrNetRoyaltyValue
            # Set the original calc record to the history record the one before this one
            if h.ExtractDate == calc.ExtractDate and i > 0:

            i += 1

        monthly_array = db.select('Monthly', ExtractDate=calc.ExtractDate, Entity=calc.Entity, EntityID=calc.EntityID,
                                  prodMonth=calc.ProdMonth, product=calc.Product, RPBA=calc.RPBA)
        if len(monthly_array) == 0:
            raise AppError("There were no monthly records for well: " + str(calc.WellID) + " ProdDate: " +
                           str(calc.ProdMonth) + " Product: " + calc.Product)
        monthly = monthly_array[0]  # if there are multiple pick the first one

        ba = db.select1('BAInfo', BAid=monthly.RPBA, BAType='RTP')

        calc_specific = DataStructure(calc.RoyaltySpecific)
        rtp_info = db.select1('RTPInfo', WellEvent=well.WellEvent, Product=calc.Product, Payer=monthly.RPBA,

        royalty.format_gorr = format_gorr(calc.Gorr)

        return render_template('worksheet/calc_worksheet.html',
                               well=well, rm=royalty, m=monthly, lease=lease,
                               calc=calc, calc_sp=calc_specific, entity_lease_link=entity_lease_link,
                               ba=ba, rtp_info=rtp_info, history=history)
    except Exception as e:
        print('views.worksheet: ***Error:', e)
        tb = traceback.format_exc()
        return "<h2>Error displaying worksheet for " + calc.Entity + " %s</h2><br>" % calc.EntityID + str(e) + \
               '<plaintext>' + tb + '</plaintext>'