Ejemplo n.º 1
    def dataGenerate(self, occupancy, lock):
        algorithm = Algorithms()
        generator = Signal()
        const = self.const
        methods = const['methods']
        iterations = const['iterations']
        b = const['b']
        e = const['e']
        h = const['h']
        H = const['H']
        A = const['A']
        B = const['B']
        fill = const['fill']
        fillAd, fillAe, fillCd, fillCe = fill
        halfA = len(fillAd)
        matrix = const['matrix']
        window = const['window']
        totalSamples = const['totalSamples']
        signalT, signalN = generator.signalGenerator(totalSamples, b, fillAd, fillAe, matrix, exp_mean=occupancy)
        signalTf, signalNf = generator.signalGenerator(totalSamples, b, fillAd, fillAe, matrix, exp_mean=occupancy)
        nnzST = np.count_nonzero(signalT)
        nzST = len(signalT) - nnzST
        pike = int(np.max(signalN) + 1)
        for method in methods:
            if 'FIR' in method:
                signalA = algorithm.FIR(26, signalNf, signalTf, signalN)
                data = generator.roc(signalA, signalT)
                data = data.rename(columns={s: 'FIR:' + str(occupancy) + ':' + s for s in list(data.columns.values)})
                with lock:
            elif 'MF' in method:
                signalMf, data = algorithm.MatchedFw_roc(signalN, h, totalSamples, b, e, fill, signalT)
                data = data.rename(columns={s: 'MF:' + str(occupancy) + ':' + s for s in list(data.columns.values)})
                with lock:
            elif 'MP' in method:
                threshold, pdr, far = 0, 5, 5
                res = []
                while (float('{:.2f}'.format(pdr)) > 0.01) or (float('{:.2f}'.format(far)) > 0.01):
                    faA, pdA = 0, 0
                    signalA = np.zeros(window * totalSamples)
                    for i in range(totalSamples):
                        step = (i * window)
                        pace = step + window
                        if (e > 6):
                            pace = pace - (e - 6)
                        signalTw = np.concatenate((fillCd, signalT[step:pace], fillCe))
                        signalSw = np.concatenate((fillCd, signalN[step:pace], fillCe))

                        step += halfA
                        pace = step + b
                        if 'LS-OMP' in method:
                            x, fa, pd = algorithm.LS_OMP_roc(threshold, signalSw, signalTw, b, H)
                        elif 'OMP' in method:
                            x, fa, pd = algorithm.OMP_roc(threshold, signalSw, signalTw, b, H)
                        elif 'MP' in method:
                            x, fa, pd = algorithm.MP_roc(threshold, signalSw, signalTw, b, H)
                        signalA[step:pace] = x
                        faA += fa
                        pdA += pd
                    far = (faA / nzST)
                    pdr = (pdA / nnzST)
                    tmp = '%d,%.6f,%.6f,%.6f' % (threshold, generator.rms(signalA - signalT), far, pdr)
                    if threshold < pike:
                        threshold += 1
                        if threshold == pike:
                            threshold = math.ceil(pike / 100) * 100
                            threshold += 100
                    res.append([float(s) for s in tmp.split(',')])
                data = panda.DataFrame(res, columns=[method + ':' + str(occupancy) + ':threshold',
                                                     method + ':' + str(occupancy) + ':RMS',
                                                     method + ':' + str(occupancy) + ':FA',
                                                     method + ':' + str(occupancy) + ':DP'])
                with lock:
                signalA = np.zeros(window * totalSamples)
                mi = 0.25
                lam = 0.0
                for i in range(totalSamples):
                    step = (i * window)
                    pace = step + window
                    if (e > 6):
                        pace = pace - (e - 6)
                    signalS = np.concatenate((fillCd, signalN[step:pace], fillCe))
                    step += halfA
                    pace = step + b
                    xAll = signalS[3:b + 3]
                    Hs = H.T.dot(signalS)

                    if 'i' in method:
                        x = B.dot(signalS)
                        x = xAll

                    for it in range(iterations):
                        if 'GD' in method:
                            x = algorithm.GD(x, Hs, A, mi)
                        elif 'SSF' in method:
                            x = algorithm.SSF(x, Hs, A, mi, lam)
                        elif 'PCD' in method:
                            x = algorithm.PCD(x, Hs, A, mi, lam)
                        elif 'TAS' in method:
                            x = algorithm.TAS(x, Hs, A, mi, lam)
                    signalA[step:pace] = x
                data = generator.roc(signalA, signalT)
                data = data.rename(columns={s: method + ':' + str(occupancy) + ':' + s for s in list(data.columns.values)})
                with lock:
Ejemplo n.º 2
def rodar(patterns, radical, sinais, occupancy, lock, metodos, load=None):
    u = Utiliters()
    info = u.setup_logger('information', radical + 'info.log')
    startedI = datetime.now()
    print('Started ROC generate for occupancy %d at  %s' %
          (occupancy, startedI.strftime("%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y")))
    info.info('Started ROC generate for occupancy %d' % (occupancy))
    algo = Algorithms()
    gerador = Signal()
    matrizes = Matrizes()
    matrix = matrizes.matrix()
    samples = 1820

    for pattern in patterns:
        if load is None:
            data = panda.DataFrame([])
            nome = radical + pattern + '_' + str(occupancy) + '.csv'
            nome = load + pattern + '_' + str(occupancy) + '.csv'
            data = panda.read_csv(nome)

        bunch = pattern.rsplit('b', 1)
        empty = bunch[1].rsplit('e', 1)
        b = int(bunch[0])
        e = int(empty[0])
        bwindow = b + 6
        window = b + e
        halfA = e - int(math.ceil(e / 2))
        halfCd = int(math.ceil((bwindow - window) / 2))
        halfCe = int(bwindow - window - halfCd)
        if halfCd > 0:
            fillCd = np.zeros(halfCd)
            fillCd = np.arange(0)
        if halfCe > 0:
            fillCe = np.zeros(halfCe)
            fillCe = np.arange(0)
        fillAd = np.zeros(halfA)
        fillAe = np.zeros(e - halfA)
        fill = [fillAd, fillAe, fillCd, fillCe]
        H, A, B = matrizes.generate(b)
        h = matrix[0:7, 5]
            signalT = np.genfromtxt(sinais + 'signalT_' + pattern + '_' +
                                    str(occupancy) + '.csv',
            signalN = np.genfromtxt(sinais + 'signalN_' + pattern + '_' +
                                    str(occupancy) + '.csv',
            signalTf = np.genfromtxt(sinais + 'fir/signalT_' + pattern + '_' +
                                     str(occupancy) + '.csv',
            signalNf = np.genfromtxt(sinais + 'fir/signalN_' + pattern + '_' +
                                     str(occupancy) + '.csv',
            print('Error get saved signals')
            signalT, signalN, signalTf, signalNf = u.sgen(
                pattern, samples, b, fillAd, fillAe, matrix, sinais)
        const = {
            'iterations': 331,
            'occupancy': occupancy,
            'pattern': pattern,
            'signalT': signalT,
            'signalN': signalN
        opt = {'samples': samples}
        nnzST = np.count_nonzero(signalT)
        nzST = len(signalT) - nnzST
        pike = int(np.max(signalN) + 1)

        if ('FDIP' in metodos) or ('MF' in metodos):
            started = datetime.now()
            print('Started ROC generate for old with occupancy %d at  %s' %
                  (occupancy, started.strftime("%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y")))
            info.info('Started ROC generate for old with occupancy %d' %
            metodo = 'FDIP'
            if metodo in metodos:
                const['metodo'] = metodo
                constf = const
                constf['signalNf'] = signalNf
                constf['signalTf'] = signalTf
                roc = gerador.roc(algo.getRMSfloat(constf)['signal'], signalT)
                roc = roc.rename(
                        s: metodo + ':' + str(occupancy) + ':' + s
                        for s in list(roc.columns.values)
                data = panda.concat([data, roc], axis=1, sort=False)
                with lock:
                    data.to_csv(nome, index=False)

            metodo = 'MF'
            if metodo in metodos:
                signalMf, roc = algo.MatchedFw_roc(signalN, h, samples, b, e,
                                                   fill, signalT)
                roc = roc.rename(
                        s: 'MF:' + str(occupancy) + ':' + s
                        for s in list(roc.columns.values)
                data = panda.concat([data, roc], axis=1, sort=False)
                with lock:
                    data.to_csv(nome, index=False)

            ended = datetime.now()
                'Ended ROC generate for old with occupancy %d at  %s after %s'
                % (occupancy, ended.strftime("%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y"),
            info.info('Ended ROC generate for old with occupancy %d after %s' %
                      (occupancy, u.totalTime(started)))

        if (' MF ' in metodos) or ('OMP ' in metodos) or ('LS-OMP' in metodos):
            started = datetime.now()
            print('Started ROC generate for Greedy with occupancy %d at  %s' %
                  (occupancy, started.strftime("%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y")))
            info.info('Started ROC generate for Greedy with occupancy %d' %

            metodo = ' MP '
            if metodo in metodos:
                threshold, pdr, far = 0, 5, 5
                res = []
                while (float('{:.2f}'.format(pdr)) > 0.01) or (float(
                        '{:.2f}'.format(far)) > 0.01):
                    faA, pdA = 0, 0
                    signalA = np.zeros(window * samples)
                    for i in range(samples):
                        step = (i * window)
                        paso = step + window
                        if (e > 6):
                            paso = paso - (e - 6)
                        signalTw = np.concatenate(
                            (fillCd, signalT[step:paso], fillCe))
                        signalSw = np.concatenate(
                            (fillCd, signalN[step:paso], fillCe))

                        step += halfA
                        paso = step + b

                        x, fa, pd = algo.MP_roc(threshold, signalSw, signalTw,
                                                b, H)
                        signalA[step:paso] = x
                        faA += fa
                        pdA += pd
                    far = (faA / nzST)
                    pdr = (pdA / nnzST)
                    tmp = '%d,%.6f,%.6f,%.6f' % (
                        threshold, gerador.rms(signalA - signalT), far, pdr)
                    if threshold < pike:
                        threshold += 1
                        if threshold == pike:
                            threshold = math.ceil(pike / 100) * 100
                            threshold += 100
                    res.append([float(s) for s in tmp.split(',')])
                roc = panda.DataFrame(
                        'MP:' + str(occupancy) + ':threshold',
                        'MP:' + str(occupancy) + ':RMS',
                        'MP:' + str(occupancy) + ':FA',
                        'MP:' + str(occupancy) + ':DP'

                data = panda.concat([data, roc], axis=1, sort=False)
                with lock:
                    data.to_csv(nome, index=False)

            metodo = 'OMP '
            if metodo in metodos:
                threshold, pdr, far = 0, 5, 5
                res = []
                while (float('{:.2f}'.format(pdr)) > 0.01) or (float(
                        '{:.2f}'.format(far)) > 0.01):
                    faA, pdA = 0, 0
                    signalA = np.zeros(window * samples)
                    for i in range(samples):
                        step = (i * window)
                        paso = step + window
                        if (e > 6):
                            paso = paso - (e - 6)
                        signalTw = np.concatenate(
                            (fillCd, signalT[step:paso], fillCe))
                        signalSw = np.concatenate(
                            (fillCd, signalN[step:paso], fillCe))

                        step += halfA
                        paso = step + b

                        x, fa, pd = algo.OMP_roc(threshold, signalSw, signalTw,
                                                 b, H)
                        signalA[step:paso] = x
                        faA += fa
                        pdA += pd
                    far = (faA / nzST)
                    pdr = (pdA / nnzST)
                    tmp = '%d,%.6f,%.6f,%.6f' % (
                        threshold, gerador.rms(signalA - signalT), far, pdr)
                    if (threshold < pike):
                        threshold += 1
                        if threshold == pike:
                            threshold = math.ceil(pike / 100) * 100
                            threshold += 100
                    res.append([float(s) for s in tmp.split(',')])
                roc = panda.DataFrame(
                        'OMP:' + str(occupancy) + ':threshold',
                        'OMP:' + str(occupancy) + ':RMS',
                        'OMP:' + str(occupancy) + ':FA',
                        'OMP:' + str(occupancy) + ':DP'

                data = panda.concat([data, roc], axis=1, sort=False)
                with lock:
                    data.to_csv(nome, index=False)

            metodo = 'LS-OMP'
            if metodo in metodos:
                threshold, pdr, far = 0, 5, 5
                res = []
                while (float('{:.2f}'.format(pdr)) > 0.01) or (float(
                        '{:.2f}'.format(far)) > 0.01):
                    faA, pdA = 0, 0
                    signalA = np.zeros(window * samples)
                    for i in range(samples):
                        step = (i * window)
                        paso = step + window
                        if (e > 6):
                            paso = paso - (e - 6)
                        signalTw = np.concatenate(
                            (fillCd, signalT[step:paso], fillCe))
                        signalSw = np.concatenate(
                            (fillCd, signalN[step:paso], fillCe))

                        step += halfA
                        paso = step + b

                        x, fa, pd = algo.LS_OMP_roc(threshold, signalSw,
                                                    signalTw, b, H)
                        signalA[step:paso] = x
                        faA += fa
                        pdA += pd
                    far = (faA / nzST)
                    pdr = (pdA / nnzST)
                    tmp = '%d,%.6f,%.6f,%.6f' % (
                        threshold, gerador.rms(signalA - signalT), far, pdr)
                    if (threshold < pike):
                        threshold += 1
                        if threshold == pike:
                            threshold = math.ceil(pike / 100) * 100
                            threshold += 100
                    res.append([float(s) for s in tmp.split(',')])
                roc = panda.DataFrame(
                        'LS-OMP:' + str(occupancy) + ':threshold',
                        'LS-OMP:' + str(occupancy) + ':RMS',
                        'LS-OMP:' + str(occupancy) + ':FA',
                        'LS-OMP:' + str(occupancy) + ':DP'
                data = panda.concat([data, roc], axis=1, sort=False)
                with lock:
                    data.to_csv(nome, index=False)

            ended = datetime.now()
                'Ended ROC generate for Greedy with occupancy %d at  %s after %s'
                % (occupancy, ended.strftime("%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y"),
                'Ended ROC generate for Greedy with occupancy %d after %s' %
                (occupancy, u.totalTime(started)))

        started = datetime.now()
        print('Started ROC generate for Shrinkage with occupancy %d at  %s' %
              (occupancy, started.strftime("%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y")))
        info.info('Started ROC generate for Shrinkage with occupancy %d' %

        metodo = 'DS'
        if metodo in metodos:
            const['metodo'] = metodo
            roc = gerador.roc(algo.getRMSfloat(const, opt)['signal'], signalT)
            roc = roc.rename(
                    s: metodo + ':' + str(occupancy) + ':' + s
                    for s in list(roc.columns.values)
            data = panda.concat([data, roc], axis=1, sort=False)
            with lock:
                data.to_csv(nome, index=False)

        metodo = 'GD '
        if metodo in metodos:
            metodo = metodo.strip()
            const['metodo'] = metodo
            roc = gerador.roc(algo.getRMSfloat(const, opt)['signal'], signalT)
            roc = roc.rename(
                    s: metodo + ':' + str(occupancy) + ':' + s
                    for s in list(roc.columns.values)
            data = panda.concat([data, roc], axis=1, sort=False)
            with lock:
                data.to_csv(nome, index=False)

        metodo = 'GDi'
        if metodo in metodos:
            metodo = metodo.strip()
            const['metodo'] = metodo
            roc = gerador.roc(algo.getRMSfloat(const, opt)['signal'], signalT)
            roc = roc.rename(
                    s: metodo + ':' + str(occupancy) + ':' + s
                    for s in list(roc.columns.values)
            data = panda.concat([data, roc], axis=1, sort=False)
            with lock:
                data.to_csv(nome, index=False)

        metodo = 'SSF '
        if metodo in metodos:
            metodo = metodo.strip()
            const['metodo'] = metodo
            opt['mi'] = .25
            roc = gerador.roc(algo.getRMSfloat(const, opt)['signal'], signalT)
            roc = roc.rename(
                    s: metodo + ':' + str(occupancy) + ':' + s
                    for s in list(roc.columns.values)
            data = panda.concat([data, roc], axis=1, sort=False)
            with lock:
                data.to_csv(nome, index=False)

        metodo = 'SSFi'
        if metodo in metodos:
            metodo = metodo.strip()
            const['metodo'] = metodo
            opt['mi'] = .25
            roc = gerador.roc(algo.getRMSfloat(const, opt)['signal'], signalT)
            roc = roc.rename(
                    s: metodo + ':' + str(occupancy) + ':' + s
                    for s in list(roc.columns.values)
            data = panda.concat([data, roc], axis=1, sort=False)
            with lock:
                data.to_csv(nome, index=False)

        metodo = 'SSFls '
        if metodo in metodos:
            metodo = metodo.strip()
            const['metodo'] = metodo
            opt['mi'] = .25
            roc = gerador.roc(algo.getRMSfloat(const, opt)['signal'], signalT)
            roc = roc.rename(
                    s: metodo + ':' + str(occupancy) + ':' + s
                    for s in list(roc.columns.values)
            data = panda.concat([data, roc], axis=1, sort=False)
            with lock:
                data.to_csv(nome, index=False)

        metodo = 'SSFlsi'
        if metodo in metodos:
            metodo = metodo.strip()
            const['metodo'] = metodo
            opt['mi'] = .25
            roc = gerador.roc(algo.getRMSfloat(const, opt)['signal'], signalT)
            roc = roc.rename(
                    s: metodo + ':' + str(occupancy) + ':' + s
                    for s in list(roc.columns.values)
            data = panda.concat([data, roc], axis=1, sort=False)
            with lock:
                data.to_csv(nome, index=False)

        metodo = 'SSFlsc '
        if metodo in metodos:
            metodo = metodo.strip()
            const['metodo'] = metodo
            opt['mi'] = .25
            roc = gerador.roc(algo.getRMSfloat(const, opt)['signal'], signalT)
            roc = roc.rename(
                    s: metodo + ':' + str(occupancy) + ':' + s
                    for s in list(roc.columns.values)
            data = panda.concat([data, roc], axis=1, sort=False)
            with lock:
                data.to_csv(nome, index=False)

        metodo = 'SSFlsci'
        if metodo in metodos:
            metodo = metodo.strip()
            const['metodo'] = metodo
            opt['mi'] = .25
            roc = gerador.roc(algo.getRMSfloat(const, opt)['signal'], signalT)
            roc = roc.rename(
                    s: metodo + ':' + str(occupancy) + ':' + s
                    for s in list(roc.columns.values)
            data = panda.concat([data, roc], axis=1, sort=False)
            with lock:
                data.to_csv(nome, index=False)

        metodo = 'PCD '
        if metodo in metodos:
            metodo = metodo.strip()
            const['metodo'] = metodo
            opt['mi'] = math.inf
            roc = gerador.roc(algo.getRMSfloat(const, opt)['signal'], signalT)
            roc = roc.rename(
                    s: metodo + ':' + str(occupancy) + ':' + s
                    for s in list(roc.columns.values)
            data = panda.concat([data, roc], axis=1, sort=False)
            with lock:
                data.to_csv(nome, index=False)

        metodo = 'PCDi'
        if metodo in metodos:
            metodo = metodo.strip()
            const['metodo'] = metodo
            opt['mi'] = math.inf
            roc = gerador.roc(algo.getRMSfloat(const, opt)['signal'], signalT)
            roc = roc.rename(
                    s: metodo + ':' + str(occupancy) + ':' + s
                    for s in list(roc.columns.values)
            data = panda.concat([data, roc], axis=1, sort=False)
            with lock:
                data.to_csv(nome, index=False)

        ended = datetime.now()
            'Ended ROC generate for Shrinkage with occupancy %d at  %s after %s'
            % (occupancy, ended.strftime("%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y"),
            'Ended ROC generate for Shrinkage with occupancy %d after %s' %
            (occupancy, u.totalTime(started)))
    ended = datetime.now()
    print('Ended ROC generate for occupancy %d at  %s after %s' %
          (occupancy, ended.strftime("%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y"),
    info.info('Ended ROC generate for occupancy %d after %s' %
              (occupancy, u.totalTime(startedI)))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    # signalT, signalN = gerador.signalGenerator(totalSamples, b, fillAd, fillAe, matrix)
    # signalTf, signalNf = gerador.signalGenerator(totalSamples, b, fillAd, fillAe, matrix)
    # np.savetxt(path + 'ttsignalT.csv', signalT, delimiter=',')
    # np.savetxt(path + 'ttsignalN.csv', signalN, delimiter=',')
    # np.savetxt(path + 'fir/ttsignalT.csv', signalTf, delimiter=',')
    # np.savetxt(path + 'fir/ttsignalN.csv', signalNf, delimiter=',')

    signalT = np.genfromtxt(path + 'vosignalT_8b4e_30.csv', delimiter=',')
    signalN = np.genfromtxt(path + 'vosignalN_8b4e_30.csv', delimiter=',')
    signalTf = np.genfromtxt(path + 'fir/vosignalT_8b4e_30.csv', delimiter=',')
    signalNf = np.genfromtxt(path + 'fir/vosignalN_8b4e_30.csv', delimiter=',')

    print('RMS without Filter =', gerador.rms(signalN - signalT))
    graphTese(signalT, signalN, signalN, 'Noise', 'v_sinal_obtido')
    signalMfw, roc = algo.MatchedFw_roc(signalN, h, totalSamples, b, e, fill,
    m_rms = np.nanmin(roc['RMS'])
    t_rms = roc.loc[roc['RMS'] == m_rms]['threshold'].tolist()[0]
    signalMf = algo.MatchedFw(signalN, h, t_rms, totalSamples, b, e, fill)
    print('RMS of Matched Filter =', gerador.rms(signalMf - signalT))
    # graphTese(signalT, signalN, signalMf, 'Noise', 'Matched Filter')
    graphTese(signalT, signalMf, signalMf, 'Matched Filter',

    signalF = algo.FIR(26, signalNf, signalTf, signalN)
    print('RMS of Fir Filter =', gerador.rms(signalF - signalT))
    # graphTese(signalT, signalMf, signalF, 'Matched Filter', 'FIR order 26')
    graphTese(signalT, signalF, signalF, 'Filter FDIP order 26',

    signalM = np.zeros(window * totalSamples)