Ejemplo n.º 1
def message_sendlater(token, channel_id, message, time_sent):
    sends a message at a given time_sent, where time_sent is a unix timestamp
    greater than the current time.
    u_id = check_token(token)
    if not is_valid_channel(channel_id):
        raise InputError(description="No channel exists with that ID")
    if not is_user_a_member(channel_id, u_id):
        raise AccessError(description='You are not a member of this channel')
    if len(message) > 1000 or len(message) < 1:
        raise InputError(
            'Your message should be less than 1000 characters and at least 1 character'
    curr_time = get_current_timestamp()
    if curr_time >= time_sent:
        raise InputError(description="You can not send a message back in time")
    delay = time_sent - curr_time
    message_id = get_num_messages()
    set_num_messages(message_id + 1)
    message_template = create_message(u_id, message_id, time_sent, message)
    timer = Timer(delay, sendlater_end, args=[channel_id, message_template])
    return {'message_id': message_id}
Ejemplo n.º 2
def message_send(token, channel_id, message):
    adds message to a channels list of messages
    expects parameter types:
        token: str
        channel_id: int
        message: str
    returns dictionary
    user_id = check_token(token)

    if len(message) > 1000 or len(message) < 1:
        raise InputError(
            'Your message should be less than 1000 characters and at least 1 character'
    if not is_valid_channel(channel_id):
        raise InputError
    if not is_user_a_member(channel_id, user_id):
        raise AccessError
    message_id = get_num_messages()
    glob_channels = get_channels()
    channel = glob_channels[channel_id]
    time_created = get_current_timestamp()

    if message.startswith('/hangman'):
        start_hangman(channel_id, user_id, time_created, message_id)
    elif message.startswith('/guess'):
        guess(message, channel_id, user_id, time_created, message_id)
            0, create_message(user_id, message_id, time_created, message))
    set_num_messages(message_id + 1)
    return {'message_id': message_id}
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_sendlater_invalid_token(inv_token, new_channel_and_user):
    test function. checks that an access error is raised when sendlater is
    given an invalid token
    channel_id = new_channel_and_user['channel_id']
    time_sent = get_current_timestamp() + 2
    with pytest.raises(AccessError):
        message_sendlater(inv_token, channel_id, 'message', time_sent)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def backup_data():
    '''Pickles slackr data with a timestamp.'''
    slackr_data = {
        'timestamp': get_current_timestamp(),
        'global_users': get_users(),
        'global_channels': get_channels(),
        'global_num_messages': get_num_messages()
    with open('slackr_data.p', 'wb') as FILE:  #pylint: disable=invalid-name
        dump(slackr_data, FILE)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_sendlater_invalid_inputs(new_channel_and_user, user_chas):
    test function.
    checks that errors are raised when sendlater is given invalid inputs
    token = new_channel_and_user['token']
    channel_id = new_channel_and_user['channel_id']
    time_sent = get_current_timestamp() + 2
    time_sent_invalid = get_current_timestamp() - 2
    with pytest.raises(InputError):
        message_sendlater(token, -1, 'message', time_sent)
    with pytest.raises(InputError):
        message_sendlater(token, channel_id, '1' * 1001, time_sent)
    with pytest.raises(InputError):
        message_sendlater(token, channel_id, '', time_sent)
    with pytest.raises(AccessError):
        message_sendlater(user_chas['token'], channel_id, 'sdd', time_sent)
    with pytest.raises(AccessError):
        message_sendlater(user_chas['token'], channel_id, 'sdd',
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_sendlater_valid_inputs(new_channel_and_user):
    checks that message is added to channels message after a delay
    token = new_channel_and_user['token']
    channel_id = new_channel_and_user['channel_id']
    time_sent = get_current_timestamp() + 2
    test_message = message_sendlater(token, channel_id, 'hi', time_sent)
    assert isinstance(test_message, dict)
    assert len(channel_messages(token, channel_id, 0)['messages']) == 0
    assert len(channel_messages(token, channel_id, 0)['messages']) == 1
Ejemplo n.º 7
def standup_start(token, channel_id, length):
    starts a standup in a given channel for length amount of time
    creates blank message with time_finish timestamp, placeholder message_id,
    and stores it in glob_standups
    u_id = check_token(token)
    check_standup_inputs(channel_id, u_id)
    if is_standup_active(channel_id):
        raise InputError(
            description='A standup is already active in this channel')

    glob_standups = get_standups()
    time_finish = get_current_timestamp(length)

    message_template = create_message(u_id, -1, time_finish, [])
    glob_standups[channel_id] = message_template

    standup = Timer(length, standup_end, args=[channel_id])

    return {'time_finish': time_finish}