def run(self, canvas_color, sidebar_color, questions, time=60): """ Inicia e constrói a parte gráfica do programa. """ # Cria a janela do programa. self.__window = Window(self.__title, self.__window_geometry, canvas_color) self.__window.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.stop) # Instância os parâmetros. self.__main_color = canvas_color self.__sidebar_color = sidebar_color self.__questions_data = questions self.__questions = list(self.__questions_data) self.__time = time self.__stop = False # Cria uma lista com a imagem de logo e a imagem do globo. images = [self.__logo_image, self.__globe_image] # Constrói a janela principal do programa. main_screen = MainScreen(self.__window), sidebar_color, self.__start_game, images) # Coloca a janela do programa em um loop infinito. self.__window.mainloop()
class Game(object): def __init__(self, engine=PyEngine()): self.running = True self._engine = engine self._window = Window(self._engine) def on_event(self): for event in self._window.on_event(event) if event.type == EVENT_TYPE['QUIT']: self.running = False def on_update(self): self._engine.screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) self._window.on_update() self._engine.display.update() def run(self): while self.running: # TODO change game loop clock system self._engine.clock.tick(10) self.on_update() self.on_event() self._engine.on_shutdown()
class Simulation: def __init__(self, world): = world self.viewer = Window() self.is_paused = False def run(self): clock = pygame.time.Clock() while True: dt = clock.tick() / 1000 # ellapsed time in seconds if not self.is_paused: events = self._handle_events() self.viewer.update(, events) def _handle_events(self): events = [] for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() events.append(event) if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_PAUSE: self.is_paused = not self.is_paused return events
def main(): checkEvn() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) window = Window() app.installEventFilter(window) sys.exit(app.exec_())
def main(): localeHandler = AppLocale(Constants.LOCALE) my_clock = pygame.time.Clock() frameCounter = 0 """ Set up the game and run the main game loop """ pygame.init() # Prepare the pygame module for use mainWindow = Window(localeHandler, Conway) mainWindow.setWindowUpdateSpeed(1000) while True: ev = pygame.event.poll() # Look for any event if ev.type == pygame.QUIT: # Window close button clicked? break # ... leave game loop keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[pygame.K_ESCAPE]: break # handle MOUSEBUTTONUP if ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if not mainWindow.isPlayPauseButtonPressed(pos): mainWindow.toggleCell(pos) if ev.type == mainWindow.WINDOW_UPDATE_ID: mainWindow.updateWindow() pygame.display.update() #force a constant frame rate of 60fps my_clock.tick(Constants.FRAME_RATE) pygame.quit() # Once we leave the loop, close the window.
class Application: def __init__(self): = QApplication(sys.argv) self.window = Window() def show_window(self): """Function shows application window.""" sys.exit( def run(self): """Function starts the application.""" self.show_window()
def play_images(bag_file: Bag, topics: list) -> None: """ Play the data in a bag file. Args: bag_file: the bag file to play topics: the list of topics to play Returns: None """ # open windows to stream the camera and a priori image data to windows = {topic: None for topic in topics} # iterate over the messages progress = tqdm(total=bag_file.get_message_count(topic_filters=topics)) for topic, msg, time in bag_file.read_messages(topics=topics): # if topic is camera, unwrap and send to the camera window if topic in topics: # update the progress bar with an iteration progress.update(1) # update the progress with a post fix progress.set_postfix(time=time) # if the camera window isn't open, open it if windows[topic] is None: title = '{} ({})'.format(bag_file.filename, topic) windows[topic] = Window(title, msg.height, msg.width) # get the pixels of the camera image and display them img = get_camera_image(, windows[topic].shape) if msg.encoding == 'bgr8': img = img[..., ::-1] windows[topic].show(img[..., :3]) # shut down the viewer windows for window in windows.values(): if window is not None: window.close()
def play_superpixel(bag_file: Bag, camera_info: str, camera: str, depth: str, segmentation: str, downscale: int) -> None: """ Play the camera data in a bag file through a super pixel algorithm. Args: bag_file: the bag file to play camera_info: the topic to use to read metadata about the camera camera: the topic to use to read compressed or raw camera data depth: the topic to use to read 32-bit floating point depth measures segmentation: the algorithm to use for segmentation downscale: the factor to downscale the image by before segmentation Returns: None """ # extract the camera dimensions from the bag dims = get_camera_dimensions(bag, camera_info) # open a window to stream the data to window = Window('{} ({})'.format(bag_file.filename, camera), *dims) # iterate over the messages for topic, msg, _ in bag.read_messages(topics=[camera, depth]): # if topic is camera, unwrap the camera data if topic == camera: camera_img = get_camera_image(, dims) # if topic is depth, unwrap and calculate the segmentation elif topic == depth: depth_img = get_depth_image(, dims) # combine the image with the depth channel (Red only) img = np.concatenate([camera_img, depth_img[..., 0:1]], axis=-1) # segment the image and get a copy of the segmented pixels img = segment(img, method=segmentation, downscale=downscale) # send the segmented image to the window # shut down the viewer windows window.close()
def main(): my_clock = pygame.time.Clock() config = Config() """ Set up the game and run the main game loop """ pygame.init() # Prepare the pygame module for use mainWindow = Window(Model(GerritRequester(config))) # you have to call this at the start, pygame.font.init() while True: try: pos = 0 ev = pygame.event.poll() # Look for any event if ev.type == pygame.QUIT: # Window close button clicked? break # ... leave game loop keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[pygame.K_ESCAPE]: break # handle MOUSEBUTTONUP if ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() mainWindow.updateWindow(pos) pygame.display.update() #force a constant frame rate of 60fps my_clock.tick(Constants.FRAME_RATE) except KeyboardInterrupt: break mainWindow.clean() pygame.quit() # Once we leave the loop, close the window.
def draw_tile(self, window: Window, inverted: bool): board_rect = [ self.position[0], self.position[1], Tile.TILE_WIDTH, Tile.TILE_HEIGHT ] rect: pygame.Surface = pygame.Surface(self.tile_size) if self.is_open != inverted: rect.set_alpha(12) rect.fill(Tile.OPEN_TILE_COLOR) window.draw_surface(rect, self.position) if self.bug != Bug.NO_BUG: if self.bug == Bug.FAKE_BUG: bug_image = pygame.image.load( 'resources/fake_bug.gif').convert() else: bug_image = pygame.image.load( 'resources/bug.gif').convert() window.draw_surface(bug_image, self.bug_position) else: tile_image = pygame.image.load('resources/tile.gif').convert() window.draw_surface(tile_image, self.position) pygame.draw.rect(window.screen, BOARD_LIMITS_COLOR, board_rect, 1)
def main(): window = Window( width=800, height=600, caption='Pyglet', resizable=True ) # Hide the mouse cursor and prevent the mouse from leaving the window. window.set_exclusive_mouse(True) setup()
from src.window import Window from AppKit import NSScreen import pyglet WIDTH = int(NSScreen.mainScreen().frame().size.width) HEIGHT = int(NSScreen.mainScreen().frame().size.height) - 100 SQUARES_SIZE = 10 config = [(100, 50), (100, 49), (100, 46), (101, 50), (101, 53), (102, 50), (102, 53), (102, 54), (103, 52), (104, 52), (104, 53), (104, 54)] window = Window(WIDTH, HEIGHT, SQUARES_SIZE, None, WIDTH, HEIGHT, "Game of Life") pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(window.update, 4)
def SigGen(gentype, f, T, fs, *arg): """Creating signal generator: Options gentype: Sine; Sawtooth; Triangle; Square PW; ... White/Pink noise; Chirp; Poly Chirp""" # import numpy as np import scipy.signal as sig sg = SigGen() f = np.array(f) if gentype == "Sine": if sg.varlist(f, 1) == (True, True): f0 = f ps = fs / f # samples per period periods = np.ceil(T * fs / ps) T = periods * ps / fs t = np.arange(0, T * fs) / fs Sig = np.sin(2 * np.pi * f0 * t) return (Sig, t) elif sg.varlist(f, 1) == (False, True): f0 = f[0] ps = fs / f # samples per period periods = np.ceil(T * fs / ps) T = periods * ps / fs t = np.arange(0, T * fs) / fs Sig = np.sin(2 * np.pi * f0 * t) return (Sig, t) else: # Sig = [] raise MeasError.EmptyError(sig, 'Nothing to return') elif gentype == "Sawtooth": if sg.varlist(f, 1) == (True, True): f0 = f ps = fs / f # samples per period periods = np.ceil(T * fs / ps) T = periods * ps / fs t = np.arange(0, T * fs) / fs Sig = sig.Sawtooth(2 * np.pi * f0 * t) return (Sig, t) elif SigGen.varlist(f, 1) == (False, True): f0 = f[0] ps = fs / f # samples per period periods = np.ceil(T * fs / ps) T = periods * ps / fs t = np.arange(0, T * fs) / fs Sig = sig.Sawtooth(2 * np.pi * f0 * t) return (Sig, t) else: # Sig = [] raise MeasError.EmptyError(sig, 'Nothing to return') elif gentype == 'Square': if sg.varlist(f, 1) == (True, True): f0 = f ps = fs / f # samples per period periods = np.ceil(T * fs / ps) T = periods * ps / fs t = np.arange(0, T * fs) / fs Sig = sig.Square(2 * np.pi * f0 * t) return (Sig, t) elif sg.varlist(f, 1) == (False, True): f0 = f[0] ps = fs / f # samples per period periods = np.ceil(T * fs / ps) T = periods * ps / fs t = np.arange(0, T * fs) / fs Sig = sig.Square(2 * np.pi * f0 * t) return (Sig, t) else: # Sig = [] raise MeasError.EmptyError(sig, 'Nothing to return') elif gentype == 'Triangle': if sg.varlist(f, 1) == (True, True): f0 = f ps = fs / f # samples per period periods = np.ceil(T * fs / ps) T = periods * ps / fs t = np.arange(0, T * fs) / fs Sig = sig.Sawtooth(2 * np.pi * f0 * t, width=0.5) return (Sig, t) elif sg.varlist(f, 1) == (False, True): f0 = f[0] ps = fs / f # samples per period periods = np.ceil(T * fs / ps) T = periods * ps / fs t = np.arange(0, T * fs) / fs Sig = sig.Sawtooth(2 * np.pi * f0 * t, width=0.5) return (Sig, t) else: # Sig = [] raise MeasError.EmptyError(sig, 'Nothing to return') elif gentype == 'ChirpLin': from src.window import Window if sg.varlist(f, 2) == (True, True): f0 = f[0] f1 = f[1] elif SigGen.varlist(f, 2) == (False, True): f0 = f[0] f1 = f[1] else: # Sig = [] raise MeasError.EmptyError(sig, 'Nothing to return') t = np.arange(0, T * fs) / fs factor_f = fs / f1 # factor fs/f1 T = T - (np.ceil(factor_f) + 1) / fs Sig_unw = sig.chirp(t, f0, T, f1, 'linear', 90) # unwindowed Signal # phi = (f0 * (f1 / f0) ** (t[-4:] / T)) % np.pi if factor_f < 2: # print error raise ValueError('variable f1 < as fs/2') elif round(factor_f, 0) < 3: wl = 2 # window length # overlap = 0.5 elif round(factor_f, 0) < 6: wl = 4 # window length # overlap = 0.5 elif round(factor_f, 0) < 13: wl = 8 # window length # overlap = 0.5 else: wl = 16 # window length # overlap = 0.5 hanwindow = window(wl) # window dummy, W = hanwindow.hanwind() dsample = len( Sig_unw) % wl # delta in samples between mod (x/windw length) dW = wl / 2 # dW = delta Window if dsample == 0: Sig = np.zeros(len(Sig_unw)) # ul = np.arange((len(Sig_unw) - (wl - 1)) / 2) * 2 else: Sig_unw = np.append(Sig_unw, np.zeros(wl - dsample)) t = np.arange(0, len(Sig_unw)) / fs Sig = np.zeros(len(Sig_unw)) ul = np.arange( (len(Sig_unw) - (wl - 1)) / dW) * dW # dW = delta Window it = np.nditer(np.int_(ul), flags=['buffered'], casting='same_kind') # , 'external_loop']) for idx in it: Sig[idx:idx + wl] += Sig_unw[idx:idx + wl] * W return (Sig, t) # elif gentype == 'ChirpLog': # from src.window import Window if sg.varlist(f, 2) == (True, True): f0 = f[0] f1 = f[1] elif SigGen.varlist(f, 2) == (False, True): f0 = f[0] f1 = f[1] else: # Sig = [] raise MeasError.EmptyError(sig, 'Nothing to return') t = np.arange(0, T * fs) / fs factor_f = fs / f1 # factor fs/f1 T = T - (np.ceil(factor_f) + 1) / fs Sig_unw = sig.chirp(t, f0, T, f1, 'linear', 90) # unwindowed Signal # phi = (f0 * (f1 / f0) ** (t[-4:] / T)) % np.pi if factor_f < 2: # print error raise ValueError('variable f1 < as fs/2') elif round(factor_f, 0) < 3: wl = 2 # window lenght # overlap = 0.5 elif round(factor_f, 0) < 6: wl = 4 # window lenght # overlap = 0.5 elif round(factor_f, 0) < 13: wl = 8 # window lenght # overlap = 0.5 else: wl = 16 # window lenght # overlap = 0.5 hanwindow = Window(wl) # window dummy, W = hanwindow.hanwind() dsample = len( Sig_unw) % wl # delta in samples between mod (x/windw length) dW = wl / 2 # dW = delta Window if dsample == 0: Sig = np.zeros(len(Sig_unw)) # ul = np.arange((len(Sig_unw) - (wl - 1)) / 2) * 2 else: Sig_unw = np.append(Sig_unw, np.zeros(wl - dsample)) t = np.arange(0, len(Sig_unw)) / fs Sig = np.zeros(len(Sig_unw)) ul = np.arange( (len(Sig_unw) - (wl - 1)) / dW) * dW # dW = delta Window it = np.nditer(np.int_(ul), flags=['buffered'], casting='same_kind') # , 'external_loop']) for idx in it: Sig[idx:idx + wl] += Sig_unw[idx:idx + wl] * W return (Sig, t) # elif gentype == 'Wnoise': # White Noise t = np.arange(0, T * fs) / fs Sig = np.random.normal(0, 1, len(t)) return (Sig, t) elif gentype == 'Pnoise': # Pink noise raise MeasError.FunctionError( 'Pnoise', 'Signal generator Not Implemented (Yet)') elif gentype == 'bnoise': # Brown noise # integral of white noise # white noise with random ofset or something like that see wikipedia raise MeasError.FunctionError( 'Bnoise', 'Signal generator Not Implemented (Yet)') elif gentype == 'multitone': # multi sine tone raise MeasError.FunctionError( 'Multitonee', 'Signal generator Not Implemented (Yet)') elif gentype == 'ChirpPoly': raise MeasError.FunctionError( 'ChirpPoly', 'Signal generator Not Implemented (Yet)') #poly= scipy.signal.sweep_poly(t, poly, phi=0)[source] # else: raise MeasError.FunctionError([], 'No Valid Signal generator')
def __init__(self, engine=PyEngine()): self.running = True self._engine = engine self._window = Window(self._engine)
class App(object): """ Classe principal. """ def __init__(self, title, window_geometry, images_path, buffer=1024): # Instância os parâmetros self.__title = title self.__window_geometry = window_geometry self.__images_path = images_path # Obtém o caminho de todas as imagens usadas. self.__coins_image = os.path.join(images_path, "coins.png") self.__globe_image = os.path.join(images_path, "globe.png") self.__logo_image = os.path.join(images_path, "logo.png") self.__nerd_image = os.path.join(images_path, "nerd.png") # Inicializa o mixer. mixer.init(buffer=buffer) def __new_question(self): """ Cria uma nova questão. """ # Obtém aleatóriamente o ID de uma questão e o remove da lista. question_id = random.choice(self.__questions) self.__questions.remove(question_id) # Obtém os dados da questão. question = self.__questions_data[question_id] # Atualiza o texto dos botões de escolhas. options = [question["op%i" % i] for i in range(1, 6)] self.__quiz_screen.update_buttons(options) # Instância a resposta da nova pergunta. self.__answer = question["answer"] # Coloca a nova pergunta no jogo. question_number = len(self.__questions_data) - len(self.__questions) self.__quiz_screen.update_question(question["question"], question_number) def __start_game(self): """ Inicia o jogo. """ def wait_while_callback(): """ Retorna um booleano verificando se o método wait_while deve continuar esperando. """ return self.__quiz_screen.is_next() or self.__stop # Cria um objeto de timer. timer = Timer(self.__window) # Constrói a janela de quiz para iniciar o jogo. self.__quiz_screen = QuizScreen(self.__window), self.__sidebar_color, self.__logo_image) # Pontuação inicial do jogador e tempo em que o jogo começou. self.__score = [0, 0] self.__time_in_game = time.time() # Executa o jogo enquanto houver questões e enquanto o usuário não pedir para fechar. while self.__questions and not self.__stop: # Toca uma música para informar que apareceu uma nova questão. play_sound("sounds/next.mp3") # Esconde o botão de next. self.__quiz_screen.hide_next_button() # Cria uma nova questão no jogo. self.__new_question() # Espera um tempo em segundos que será multiplicado por 10 para que a GUI não trave. for i in range(self.__time * 10): # Obtém a escolha do usuário. choice = self.__quiz_screen.get_choice() if choice or self.__stop: break # Mostra para o jogador o tempo restante e espera um tempo de 100ms. self.__quiz_screen.create_timer(self.__time - i // 10, self.__time) timer.wait(100) # Verifica se o usuário escolheu uma opção e depois valida a escolha. if choice: self.__validate_answer(choice) self.__quiz_screen.create_timer(-1) # Verifica se o usuário pediu para sair. elif self.__stop: break # Se o tempo tiver acabado, uma mensagem será colocada na tela. else: play_sound("sounds/fail.mp3") self.__quiz_screen.create_timer(0) # Mostra botão de next e espera até o usuário apertar este botão. self.__quiz_screen.show_next_button() timer.wait_while(wait_while_callback) # Se o usuário não tiver pedido para sair, será criada uma tela final. if not self.__stop: # Obtém as informações do jogador da sessão. total_time = time.strftime( "%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time() - self.__time_in_game)) images = [self.__logo_image, self.__nerd_image, self.__coins_image] points = self.__score[0] * 10 # Reproduz música para fim de jogo. play_sound("sounds/end.mp3") # Cria a tela final. finalscreen = FinalScreen(self.__window), points, total_time, *images) def __validate_answer(self, button): """ Método para validar a resposta. """ if button["text"] == self.__answer: button["bg"] = "green" self.__score[0] += 1 play_sound("sounds/correct.mp3") else: button["bg"] = "red" self.__score[1] += 1 play_sound("sounds/fail.mp3") def run(self, canvas_color, sidebar_color, questions, time=60): """ Inicia e constrói a parte gráfica do programa. """ # Cria a janela do programa. self.__window = Window(self.__title, self.__window_geometry, canvas_color) self.__window.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.stop) # Instância os parâmetros. self.__main_color = canvas_color self.__sidebar_color = sidebar_color self.__questions_data = questions self.__questions = list(self.__questions_data) self.__time = time self.__stop = False # Cria uma lista com a imagem de logo e a imagem do globo. images = [self.__logo_image, self.__globe_image] # Constrói a janela principal do programa. main_screen = MainScreen(self.__window), sidebar_color, self.__start_game, images) # Coloca a janela do programa em um loop infinito. self.__window.mainloop() def stop(self): """ Método para encerrar o programa. """ self.__stop = True self.__window.after(150, self.__window.destroy)
import subprocess import sys import os from PyQt4.Qt import QApplication from django.conf import settings import src.db.settings as my_settings settings.configure( DATABASE_ENGINE=my_settings.DATABASE_ENGINE, DATABASE_NAME=my_settings.DATABASE_NAME, INSTALLED_APPS=my_settings.INSTALLED_APPS ) from src.window import Window if __name__ == '__main__': dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(dirname, 'src', 'db')) manange_py = os.path.join(dirname, 'src', 'db', '') if subprocess.check_call(['python', manange_py, 'syncdb']) != 0: print "Could not create the database." sys.exit(-1) app = QApplication([]) window = Window() sys.exit(app.exec_())
Globals.debug = False for s in range(0, 1): sumA = 0.0 sumB = 0.0 sumC = 0.0 for k in range(0, times): Globals.cur_time = 0 Statistics.wait_time = 0.0 Statistics.wait_area = 0.0 Statistics.usage_time = 0.0 customers = [] windows = [] for i in range(0, Globals.window_number): # 创建窗口 windows.append(Window(id=i)) time = 0 for i in range(0, Globals.max_cus): # 创建所有顾客 start_time = time + float( np.random.poisson(Globals.mean_arrive_time * 10)) / 10 time = start_time # start_time = float(np.random.exponential(Globals.mean_arrive_time)) # duration = -Globals.mean_serve_time * np.log(float(np.random.randint(1, 11) / 10)) duration = float(np.random.exponential(Globals.mean_serve_time)) customers.append(Request(arrive_time=start_time, duration=duration)) if Globals.debug: print("准备工作完毕")
def __init__(self): = QApplication(sys.argv) self.window = Window()
def main(): window = Window()
def play_depth(bag_file: Bag, camera: str, depth: str) -> None: """ Play the ZED data in a bag file. Args: bag_file: the bag file to play camera: the topic to use to read compressed or raw camera data depth: the topic to use to read 32-bit floating point depth measures Returns: None """ # open windows to stream the camera and depth image data to camera_window = None depth_window = None # iterate over the messages for topic, msg, _ in bag.read_messages(topics=[camera, depth]): # if topic is depth, unwrap and send to the depth window if topic == depth: # if the depth window is not setup yet, open it if depth_window is None: # create a title for the window title = '{} ({})'.format(bag_file.filename, depth) # initialize the window depth_window = Window(title, msg.height, msg.width) # get a depth image from the data and dimensions img = get_depth_image(, depth_window.shape) # show the image on the depth window # if topic is camera, unwrap and send to the camera window elif topic == camera: # if the camera window is not setup yet, open it if camera_window is None: # create a title for the window title = '{} ({})'.format(bag_file.filename, camera) # initialize the window camera_window = Window(title, msg.height, msg.width) # get an image from the data and dimensions img = get_camera_image(, camera_window.shape) # show the image on the camera window # shut down the viewer windows camera_window.close() depth_window.close()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """""" from src.window import Window win = Window() win.mainloop()
def semantic_segment( metadata: str, input_bag: Bag, model: 'keras.models.Model', predict: str, output_bag: Bag = None, output_dir: str = None, base: str = None, num_samples: int = 200, encoding: str = 'rgb', ) -> None: """ Predict a stream of images from an input ROSbag. Args: metadata: the metadata about the semantic segmentations from the model input_bag: the input bag to predict targets from a topic model: the semantic segmentation model to use to make predictions predict: the topic to get a priori estimates from output_bag: the output bag to write the a priori estimates to output_dir: the output directory to write image pairs to base: the base-name for the prediction image topic num_samples: the number of image pairs to sample for output directory encoding: the encoding for the images to write Returns: None """ # create the base endpoint for the topics base = '' if base is None else '{}'.format(base) # setup the output directories if output_dir is not None: x_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'X', 'data') if not os.path.isdir(x_dir): os.makedirs(x_dir) y_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'y', 'data') if not os.path.isdir(y_dir): os.makedirs(y_dir) # read the RGB map and vectorized method from the metadata file rgb_map, unmap_rgb = read_rgb_map(metadata) # write the color map metadata to the output bag if output_bag is not None: ros_stamp = rospy.rostime.Time(input_bag.get_start_time()) msg = String(repr(rgb_map)) output_bag.write('{}/rgb_map'.format(rgb_map), msg, ros_stamp) # open a Window to play the video x_window = Window('img', model.input_shape[1], model.input_shape[2]) y_window = Window('sem-seg', model.output_shape[1], model.output_shape[2]) # create a progress bar for iterating over the messages in the bag total_messages = input_bag.get_message_count(topic_filters=predict) with tqdm(total=total_messages, unit='message') as prog: # iterate over the messages in this input bag for _, msg, time in input_bag.read_messages(topics=predict): # update the progress bar with a single iteration prog.update(1) if np.random.random() > num_samples / total_messages: continue # create a tensor from the raw pixel data pixels = get_camera_image(, (msg.height, msg.width))[..., :3] # flip the BGR image to RGB if encoding == 'bgr': pixels = pixels[..., ::-1] # resize the pixels to the shape of the model _pixels = resize( pixels, model.input_shape[1:], anti_aliasing=False, mode='symmetric', clip=False, preserve_range=True, ).astype('uint8') # pass the frame through the model y_pred = model.predict(_pixels[None, ...])[0] y_pred = np.stack(unmap_rgb(y_pred.argmax(axis=-1)), axis=-1) y_pred = y_pred.astype('uint8') # show the pixels on the windows # create an Image message and write it to the output ROSbag if output_bag is not None: msg = image_msg(y_pred, msg.header.stamp, y_pred.shape[:2], 'rgb8') output_bag.write('{}/image_raw'.format(base), msg, msg.header.stamp) # sample a number and write the image pair to disk if output_dir is not None: x_file = os.path.join(x_dir, '{}.png'.format(time)) Image.fromarray(pixels).save(x_file) y_file = os.path.join(y_dir, '{}.png'.format(time)) y_pred = resize( y_pred, pixels.shape[:2], anti_aliasing=False, mode='symmetric', clip=False, preserve_range=True, ).astype('uint8') Image.fromarray(y_pred).save(y_file)
def bug_init(board: List[Tile]) -> List[Bug]: bugs: List[Bug] = [] tiles_used: List[int] = [] for bug in range(0, 8): bugs.append(Bug(bug)) position = randrange(NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS * NUMBER_OF_ROWS) while position in tiles_used: position = randrange(NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS * NUMBER_OF_ROWS) board[position].bug = Bug(bug) tiles_used.append(position) return bugs window = Window(WIN_WIDTH, WIN_HEIGHT, 'Bugs on the desert') text_surface: pygame.Surface = window.render_text('Click on the bugs!') Tile.set_tile_size(window_size=window.size, height_offset=HEIGHT_OFFSET) playing_board: List[Tile] = board_init(HEIGHT_OFFSET) on_play_bugs: List[Bug] = bug_init(playing_board) window.background_image = pathlib.Path('resources/background.jpg') bug_found = Bug.NO_BUG event_list: List[events.Event] = { events.BugMoverEvent(5), events.BugFakerEvent(2), events.BugTileCloserEvent(5) }
def __init__(self, world): = world self.viewer = Window() self.is_paused = False