Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():

    print("        AIStocksAgents-v1       ")
    print("Select source .csv file (/full/path/to/file):")
    file = input().strip()
        "Select initial date of optimization period (same format as in .csv files):"
    initial_date = input().strip()
        "Select cut date of optimization period (same format as in .csv files):"
    cut_date = input().strip()
    print("Select end date of test period (same format as in .csv files):")
    end_date = input().strip()
    print("Select number of optimzation cycles:")
    ncycles = int(input().strip())
    print("Select foder where results will be stored (/full/path/to/folder):")
    results = input().strip()

    n = 1000  # n: Number of agents
    s = 8  # s: Number of strategies per agent
    g_a = 60  # g_a: DGA rounds length
    g_m = 0.5  # g_m: Mutation rate
    g_p = 8  # g_p: Size of the communication pool
    p_max = 10  # p_max: Max position held by agent
    max_t = 20

    df = dat.get_pandas_dataframe(file, 'Open').drop(columns=['index'])

    prices = list(df.Price.values)
    dates = list(df.Date.values)
    Mt = list(df.Mt.values)
    Dt = list(df.Dt.values)
    Yt = list(df.Yt.values)

    initial_idx = dates.index(initial_date)
    cut_idx = dates.index(cut_date)
    end_idx = dates.index(end_date)

    print('Initial date (index in series) is ' + initial_date + '(' +
          str(initial_idx) + ')')
    print('Cut date (index in series) is ' + cut_date + '(' + str(cut_idx) +
    print('End date (index in series) is ' + end_date + '(' + str(end_idx) +

    print('Lenght in timesteps of the optimization period: ' +
          str(cut_idx - initial_idx))
    print('Lenght in timesteps of the test period: ' + str(end_idx - cut_idx))

    alg = Alg.Algorithm(prices, Mt, Dt, Yt, n, s, g_a, g_m, g_p, p_max,
                        ncycles, initial_idx, cut_idx, end_idx, max_t)
    start = timer()

    print('Starting the simulation...')
    pool, all_agents, statistics_opt, avg_wealth_t_test, avg_position_t_test, max_opt, min_opt = alg.run(

    end = timer() - start

    print('Duration of the execution ', f.normalize_seconds(end))

    tmp = str(datetime.datetime.now())

    directory = results + '/' + tmp


    last_price_opt = prices[cut_idx]
    last_price_test = prices[end_idx]

                     'Number of agents by wealth - Histogram - Optimization',
                     25, directory + '/histogram-optimization-period.png')

    p.save_histogram([a.get_wealth(last_price_test) for a in pool],
                     'Number of agents by wealth - Histogram - Test', 25,
                     directory + '/histogram-test-period.png')

    # Position + Price chart

    plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (12, 8)

    fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
    color = 'black'
    ax1.plot(prices[cut_idx:end_idx], color=color)

    ax2 = ax1.twinx()

    color = 'orange'
    ax2.set_ylabel('Average Position', color=color)
    ax2.plot(avg_position_t_test, color=color, linewidth=0.8, alpha=0.7)
    ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor=color)
    plt.savefig(directory + '/position-price-test-chart.png')

    # Wealth + Price chart
    fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
    color = 'black'
    ax1.plot(prices[cut_idx:end_idx], color=color)

    ax2 = ax1.twinx()

    color = 'red'
    ax2.set_ylabel('Mean Wealth', color=color)
    ax2.plot(avg_wealth_t_test, color=color)
    ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor=color)
    plt.savefig(directory + '/wealth-price-test-chart.png')

    test_result = [agent.get_wealth(last_price_test) for agent in pool]

    file = open(directory + '/report.txt', 'w')

    p.out_report(file, alg, statistics_opt, max_opt, min_opt, test_result,
Ejemplo n.º 2
import os
from timeit import default_timer as timer
from src import Plotting as p
import pickle

n = 1000  # n: Numero de agentes
s = 8  # s: Numero de estrategias por agente
g_a = 60  # g_a: periodo de DGA
g_m = 0.5  # g_m: ratio de mutacion
g_p = 8  # g_p: tamao de la 'communication pool'
p_max = 10  # p_max: pos max de cada agente
ncycles = 100  # ncycles: Numero de ciclos en los que el algoritmo recorre el periodo de optimizacion
max_t = 20  # Valor max que pueden alcanzar los valores Tm, Td, Ty dentro de las estragias

stock = 'SP 500'
df = Data.get_pandas_dataframe(r'datasets/SP500.csv',
title = 'SP 500'

prices = list(df.Price.values)
dates = list(df.Date.values)
Mt = list(df.Mt.values)
Dt = list(df.Dt.values)
Yt = list(df.Yt.values)

initial_date = '1990-01-02'
cut_date = '2005-05-12'
end_date = '2012-02-10'

initial_idx = dates.index(initial_date)
cut_idx = dates.index(cut_date)
end_idx = dates.index(end_date)
Ejemplo n.º 3
import os
from timeit import default_timer as timer
from src import Plotting as p
import pickle

n = 1000  # n: Numero de agentes
s = 8  # s: Numero de estrategias por agente
g_a = 60  # g_a: periodo de DGA
g_m = 0.5  # g_m: ratio de mutacion
g_p = 8  # g_p: tamao de la 'communication pool'
p_max = 10  # p_max: pos max de cada agente
ncycles = 100  # ncycles: Numero de ciclos en los que el algoritmo recorre el periodo de optimizacion
max_t = 20  # Max value

stock = 'NKY 225'
df = Data.get_pandas_dataframe(r'datasets/NKY225.csv',
title = 'NKY 225'

prices = list(df.Price.values)
dates = list(df.Date.values)
Mt = list(df.Mt.values)
Dt = list(df.Dt.values)
Yt = list(df.Yt.values)

initial_date = '1993-03-17'
cut_date = '2005-05-12'
end_date = '2012-05-17'

initial_idx = dates.index(initial_date)
cut_idx = dates.index(cut_date)
end_idx = dates.index(end_date)