def main(): global opt, model opt = parser.parse_args() print(opt) cuda = opt.cuda if cuda and not torch.cuda.is_available(): raise Exception("No GPU found, please run without --cuda") opt.seed = random.randint(1, 10000) print("Random Seed: ", opt.seed) torch.manual_seed(opt.seed) if cuda: torch.cuda.manual_seed(opt.seed) cudnn.benchmark = True print("===> Loading datasets") train_set = DatasetFromHdf5("rgb_24in_96out_coco_scale4.h5") training_data_loader = DataLoader(dataset=train_set, num_workers=opt.threads, batch_size=opt.batchSize, shuffle=True) print("===> Building model") model = Net() criterion = nn.MSELoss(size_average=False) print("===> Setting GPU") if cuda: model = model.cuda() criterion = criterion.cuda() # optionally resume from a checkpoint if opt.resume: if os.path.isfile(opt.resume): print("=> loading checkpoint '{}'".format(opt.resume)) checkpoint = torch.load(opt.resume) opt.start_epoch = checkpoint["epoch"] + 1 model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["model"].state_dict()) else: print("=> no checkpoint found at '{}'".format(opt.resume)) # optionally copy weights from a checkpoint if opt.pretrained: if os.path.isfile(opt.pretrained): print("=> loading model '{}'".format(opt.pretrained)) weights = torch.load(opt.pretrained) model.load_state_dict(weights['model'].state_dict()) else: print("=> no model found at '{}'".format(opt.pretrained)) print("===> Setting Optimizer") optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), print("===> Training") for epoch in range(opt.start_epoch, opt.nEpochs + 1): train(training_data_loader, optimizer, model, criterion, epoch) save_checkpoint(model, epoch)
def main(): global opt, model, netContent opt = parser.parse_args() print(opt) gpuid = 0 cuda = True if cuda and not torch.cuda.is_available(): raise Exception("No GPU found, please run without --cuda") opt.seed = random.randint(1, 10000) print("Random Seed: ", opt.seed) torch.manual_seed(opt.seed) if cuda: torch.cuda.manual_seed(opt.seed) cudnn.benchmark = True if opt.vgg_loss: print('===> Loading VGG model') netVGG = models.vgg19() netVGG.load_state_dict( model_zoo.load_url( '')) class _content_model(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(_content_model, self).__init__() self.feature = nn.Sequential( *list(netVGG.features.children())[:-1]) def forward(self, x): out = self.feature(x) return out netContent = _content_model() print("===> Building model") #deeplab deeplab_res = Res_Deeplab(num_classes=21) saved_state_dict = torch.load('model/VOC12_scenes_20000.pth') deeplab_res.load_state_dict(saved_state_dict) deeplab_res = deeplab_res.eval() #deeplab_res.eval() mid = mid_layer() #SRResNet print("===> Building model") model = Net() finetune = True if finetune == True: model_pretrained = torch.load( 'model/model_DIV2K_noBN_96_epoch_36.pth', map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)["model"] index = 0 for (src, dst) in zip(model_pretrained.parameters(), model.parameters()): if index != 0: list(model.parameters())[index].data = index = index + 1 criterion = nn.MSELoss(size_average=False) print("===> Setting GPU") if cuda: model = model.cuda(gpuid) mid = mid.cuda(gpuid) deeplab_res = deeplab_res.cuda(gpuid) criterion = criterion.cuda(gpuid) if opt.vgg_loss: netContent = netContent.cuda(gpuid) # optionally resume from a checkpoint if opt.resume: if os.path.isfile(opt.resume): print("=> loading checkpoint '{}'".format(opt.resume)) checkpoint = torch.load(opt.resume) opt.start_epoch = checkpoint["epoch"] + 1 model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["model"].state_dict()) else: print("=> no checkpoint found at '{}'".format(opt.resume)) # optionally copy weights from a checkpoint if opt.pretrained: if os.path.isfile(opt.pretrained): print("=> loading model '{}'".format(opt.pretrained)) weights = torch.load(opt.pretrained) model.load_state_dict(weights['model'].state_dict()) else: print("=> no model found at '{}'".format(opt.pretrained)) print("===> Setting Optimizer") optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), print("===> Training1") #root_dir = '/tmp4/hang_data/DIV2K/DIV2K_train_320_HDF5' root_dir = '/tmp4/hang_data/VOCdevkit/VOC2012/VOC_train1_HDF5' files_num = len(os.listdir(root_dir)) for epoch in range(opt.start_epoch, opt.nEpochs + 1): #save_checkpoint(model, epoch) print("===> Loading datasets") x = random.sample(os.listdir(root_dir), files_num) for index in range(0, files_num): train_path = os.path.join(root_dir, x[index]) print("===> Training datasets: '{}'".format(train_path)) train_set = DatasetFromHdf5_OLD(train_path) training_data_loader = DataLoader(dataset=train_set, num_workers=opt.threads, batch_size=opt.batchSize, shuffle=True) avgloss = train(training_data_loader, optimizer, deeplab_res, model, mid, criterion, epoch, gpuid) if epoch % 2 == 0: save_checkpoint(model, epoch)
def main(): global opt, model, netContent opt = parser.parse_args() print(opt) cuda = opt.cuda if cuda and not torch.cuda.is_available(): raise Exception("No GPU found, please run without --cuda") opt.seed = random.randint(1, 10000) print("Random Seed: ", opt.seed) torch.manual_seed(opt.seed) if cuda: torch.cuda.manual_seed(opt.seed) cudnn.benchmark = True print("===> Loading datasets") train_set = DatasetFromHdf5( "/path/to/your/hdf5/data/like/rgb_srresnet_x4.h5") training_data_loader = DataLoader(dataset=train_set, num_workers=opt.threads, batch_size=opt.batchSize, shuffle=True) if opt.vgg_loss: print('===> Loading VGG model') netVGG = models.vgg19() netVGG.load_state_dict( model_zoo.load_url( '')) class _content_model(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(_content_model, self).__init__() self.feature = nn.Sequential( *list(netVGG.features.children())[:-1]) def forward(self, x): out = self.feature(x) return out netContent = _content_model() print("===> Building model") model = Net() criterion = nn.MSELoss(size_average=False) print("===> Setting GPU") if cuda: model = model.cuda() criterion = criterion.cuda() if opt.vgg_loss: netContent = netContent.cuda() # optionally resume from a checkpoint if opt.resume: if os.path.isfile(opt.resume): print("=> loading checkpoint '{}'".format(opt.resume)) checkpoint = torch.load(opt.resume) opt.start_epoch = checkpoint["epoch"] + 1 model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["model"].state_dict()) else: print("=> no checkpoint found at '{}'".format(opt.resume)) # optionally copy weights from a checkpoint if opt.pretrained: if os.path.isfile(opt.pretrained): print("=> loading model '{}'".format(opt.pretrained)) weights = torch.load(opt.pretrained) model.load_state_dict(weights['model'].state_dict()) else: print("=> no model found at '{}'".format(opt.pretrained)) print("===> Setting Optimizer") optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), print("===> Training") for epoch in range(opt.start_epoch, opt.nEpochs + 1): train(training_data_loader, optimizer, model, criterion, epoch) save_checkpoint(model, epoch)