Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_project_config_interpolation_override(greeting):
    variables = {"a": "world"}
    commands = [
        {"name": "x", "script": ["hello ${vars.a}"]},
    overrides = {"vars.a": greeting}
    project = {"commands": commands, "vars": variables}
    with make_tempdir() as d:
        srsly.write_yaml(d / "project.yml", project)
        cfg = load_project_config(d, overrides=overrides)
    assert type(cfg) == dict
    assert type(cfg["commands"]) == list
    assert cfg["commands"][0]["script"][0] == f"hello {greeting}"
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_project_config_interpolation_env():
    variables = {"a": 10}
    env_var = "SPACY_TEST_FOO"
    env_vars = {"foo": env_var}
    commands = [{"name": "x", "script": ["hello ${vars.a} ${env.foo}"]}]
    project = {"commands": commands, "vars": variables, "env": env_vars}
    with make_tempdir() as d:
        srsly.write_yaml(d / "project.yml", project)
        cfg = load_project_config(d)
    assert cfg["commands"][0]["script"][0] == "hello 10 "
    os.environ[env_var] = "123"
    with make_tempdir() as d:
        srsly.write_yaml(d / "project.yml", project)
        cfg = load_project_config(d)
    assert cfg["commands"][0]["script"][0] == "hello 10 123"
Ejemplo n.º 3
def update_lockfile(project_dir: Path, command: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
    """Update the lockfile after running a command. Will create a lockfile if
    it doesn't yet exist and will add an entry for the current command, its
    script and dependencies/outputs.

    project_dir (Path): The current project directory.
    command (Dict[str, Any]): The command, as defined in the project.yml.
    lock_path = project_dir / PROJECT_LOCK
    if not lock_path.exists():
        srsly.write_yaml(lock_path, {})
        data = {}
        data = srsly.read_yaml(lock_path)
    data[command["name"]] = get_lock_entry(project_dir, command)
    srsly.write_yaml(lock_path, data)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_project_config_interpolation(int_value):
    variables = {"a": int_value, "b": {"c": "foo", "d": True}}
    commands = [
        {"name": "x", "script": ["hello ${vars.a} ${vars.b.c}"]},
        {"name": "y", "script": ["${vars.b.c} ${vars.b.d}"]},
    project = {"commands": commands, "vars": variables}
    with make_tempdir() as d:
        srsly.write_yaml(d / "project.yml", project)
        cfg = load_project_config(d)
    assert type(cfg) == dict
    assert type(cfg["commands"]) == list
    assert cfg["commands"][0]["script"][0] == "hello 10 foo"
    assert cfg["commands"][1]["script"][0] == "foo true"
    commands = [{"name": "x", "script": ["hello ${vars.a} ${vars.b.e}"]}]
    project = {"commands": commands, "vars": variables}
    with pytest.raises(ConfigValidationError):
            "name": "delete_temporary_file",
            "help": "Print listed files (EXAMPLE)",
            "script": ["rm -f temporaryfile"],
            "deps": ["temporaryfile"],
    project_yaml["commands"] = commands

workflow_example = questionary.confirm(
    "Would you like to add a workflow example?"
if workflow_example:
    workflow = {"all": ["make_temporary_file", "delete_temporary_file"]}
    project_yaml["workflows"] = workflow

output_path = Path(project_directory) / "project.yml"
srsly.write_yaml(output_path, project_yaml)
with output_path.open("a") as output_yaml:
        "\n# This project.yml generated with https://github.com/pmbaumgartner/spacy-v3-project-startup"
        "\n# For more on spaCy projects, see: https://spacy.io/usage/projects and https://spacy.io/api/cli#project"
        "\n# And see the templates at: https://github.com/explosion/projects"
questionary.print(f"Project yml output to {output_path}.")