Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __call__(self, detections):
        batches_scores, batches_boxes = detections
        device = batches_scores.device
        batch_size = batches_scores.size(0)
        results = []
        for batch_id in range(batch_size):
            scores, boxes = batches_scores[batch_id], batches_boxes[
                batch_id]  # (N, #CLS) (N, 4)
            num_boxes = scores.shape[0]
            num_classes = scores.shape[1]

            boxes = boxes.view(num_boxes, 1, 4).expand(num_boxes, num_classes,
            labels = torch.arange(num_classes, device=device)
            labels = labels.view(1, num_classes).expand_as(scores)

            # remove predictions with the background label
            if self.cls_loss != 'FocalLoss':
                boxes = boxes[:, 1:]
                scores = scores[:, 1:]
                labels = labels[:, 1:]

            # batch everything, by making every class prediction be a separate instance
            boxes = boxes.reshape(-1, 4)
            scores = scores.reshape(-1)
            labels = labels.reshape(-1)

            # remove low scoring boxes
            indices = torch.nonzero(
                scores > self.cfg.TEST.CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD).squeeze(1)
            boxes, scores, labels = boxes[indices], scores[indices], labels[

            boxes[:, 0::2] *= self.width
            boxes[:, 1::2] *= self.height

            keep = batched_nms(boxes, scores, labels,
            # keep only topk scoring predictions
            keep = keep[:self.cfg.TEST.MAX_PER_IMAGE]

            if self.cls_loss == 'FocalLoss':
                boxes, scores, labels = boxes[keep], scores[
                    keep], labels[keep] + 1
                boxes, scores, labels = boxes[keep], scores[keep], labels[keep]

            container = Container(boxes=boxes, labels=labels, scores=scores)
            container.img_width = self.width
            container.img_height = self.height

        return results
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __call__(self, detections):

        batches_scores, batches_boxes = detections
        batchb = len(batches_boxes)
        #print("batch boxes: %d" % (batchb))
        device = batches_scores.device
        batch_size = batches_scores.size(0)
        results = []

        for batch_id in range(batch_size):
            scores, boxes = batches_scores[batch_id], batches_boxes[
                batch_id]  # (N, #CLS) (N, 4)

            num_boxes = scores.shape[0]
            num_classes = scores.shape[1]

            boxes = boxes.view(num_boxes, 1, 4).expand(num_boxes, num_classes,
            labels = torch.arange(num_classes, device=device)
            labels = labels.view(1, num_classes).expand_as(scores)

            _t = {'nms': Timer()}

            # remove predictions with the background label
            boxes = boxes[:, 1:]
            scores = scores[:, 1:]
            labels = labels[:, 1:]

            # batch everything, by making every class prediction be a separate instance
            boxes = boxes.reshape(-1, 4)
            scores = scores.reshape(-1)
            labels = labels.reshape(-1)

            # remove low scoring boxes
            indices = torch.nonzero(
                scores > self.cfg.TEST.CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD).squeeze(1)
            boxes, scores, labels = boxes[indices], scores[indices], labels[

            boxes[:, 0::2] *= self.width
            boxes[:, 1::2] *= self.height

            bb = len(boxes)
            #print("before boxes: %d" % (bb))
            keep = batched_nms(boxes, scores, labels,
            #keep = nms(boxes, scores,self.cfg.TEST.NMS_THRESHOLD)
            # keep only topk scoring predictions
            keep = keep[:self.cfg.TEST.MAX_PER_IMAGE]
            boxes, scores, labels = boxes[keep], scores[keep], labels[keep]
            ab = len(boxes)
            #print("after boxes: %d" % (ab))

            container = Container(boxes=boxes, labels=labels, scores=scores)
            container.img_width = self.width
            container.img_height = self.height
            nms_time = _t['nms'].toc()
            #print("nms time: %.2f ms" % (1000*nms_time))
            print((1000 * nms_time))

        return results