Ejemplo n.º 1
class SSDBKV(object):
    def __init__(self,
        self.host = host
        self.port = port
        self.max_connections = max_connections
        self.timeout = timeout
        pool = BlockingConnectionPool(connection_class=Connection,
        self.ssdb = SSDB(connection_pool=pool)

    def set(self, key, value):
        return self.ssdb.set(key, value)

    def get(self, key):
        return self.ssdb.get(key)

    def delete(self, key):
        return self.ssdb.delete(key)

    def keys(self, name_start=0, name_end=0xFFFFFFFF, limit=10):
        return self.ssdb.keys(name_start, name_end, limit)

    def exists(self, key):
        return self.ssdb.exists(key)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def quary():
    keyword = "weibo_拾笔不良_2017-05-08"

        client = SSDB(host='', port=8884)  #连接到服务器的SSDB数据库
        res = client.get(keyword)
    except Exception as e:
        print e.message
        results = []
        results = json.loads(res)
        print len(results)

    for block in results:
        print "++++++++++++++"
        print "name:", block['name']
        " *** 重要 *** "
        print "content:", urllib.unquote(str(
            block['content']))  #首先将结果转换为字符串,然后对字符串进行url解码
        print "point:", block['point']

        comment_list = block['comment_list']
        for comment in comment_list:
            print "comment:", comment
Ejemplo n.º 3
def getIP():
    client = SSDB(host='', port=8884)
    keyword = "proxy"
    res = client.get(keyword)

    addr_list = list()
    ip_port_list = res.split(",")[0:-2]
    for ip_port in ip_port_list:
        ip, port = re.split("\s+", ip_port)
        addr_list.append(ip + ":" + port)

    print "addr parse successful"
    return addr_list
Ejemplo n.º 4
 r = SSDB(host='',
 # r = SSDB.from_url(url='ssdb://:[email protected]:7777')
 # **Server**
 # b = r.auth('11111111111111111111111111111111')
 # b=r.info('cmd')
 # b= r.dbsize()
 # b = r.flushdb()
 # **Key Value**
 # b=r.set('aa',11)                          # 1
 # b=r.setx('aa',11,1000)                    # 1
 # b = r.setnx('bds', 11)                    # 1/0
 # b = r.expire('aaqe',1000)                 # 1/0
 # b = r.ttl('bdasd')                        # int value
 b = r.get('bdas')  # value/none
 # b = r.getset('bdadssf','22')              # value/none
 # b = r.delete('aa')                        # 1
 # b = r.incr('aaaasdfsd',2)                 # int value
 # b = r.exists('aaa')                       # true/false
 # b = r.getbit('14aaasdf',11)               # 1/0
 # b = r.setbit('asfga',11112341, 1)         # 1/0
 # b = r.bitcount('aavba', 0,1)              # 1/0
 # b = r.countbit('aa',0,-1)                 # 1/0
 # b = r.substr('bdadssf',0,-1)              # value
 # b = r.strlen('asfga')                     # int value
 # b = r.keys('','aavba',10)                 # list
 # b = r.rkeys('','',10)                     # list
 # b = r.scan('','',-1)                      # dict
 # b = r.rscan('', '', -1)                   # dict
 # kvs = {
Ejemplo n.º 5
  global ssdb
    ssdb.set(contestID, rank_list_proto_str)
def InsertUserProblemStatus(userID, problemID, status):
  #AC == 1  No_pass = 2 other = 0
  global ssdb
  value = 2
  if status == "Accepted":
    value = 1
  st = str(ssdb.get(userID + '\t' + str(problemID)))
  if st == "1":
    ssdb.set(userID + '\t' + str(problemID), value)

def GetUserProblem(userID, problemID):
  global ssdb
  st = ssdb.get(userID + '\t' + str(problemID))
  if str(st) != "1" and str(st) != "2":
    return "0"
    return str(st)

if __name__ == '__main__':
  ssdb = SSDB(host='', port=6666)
  print ssdb.get("QQ	1015")

Ejemplo n.º 6
        ssdb.set(contestID, rank_list_proto_str)

def InsertUserProblemStatus(userID, problemID, status):
    #AC == 1  No_pass = 2 other = 0
    global ssdb
    value = 2
    if status == "Accepted":
        value = 1
    st = str(ssdb.get(userID + '\t' + str(problemID)))
    if st == "1":
        ssdb.set(userID + '\t' + str(problemID), value)

def GetUserProblem(userID, problemID):
    global ssdb
    st = ssdb.get(userID + '\t' + str(problemID))
    if str(st) != "1" and str(st) != "2":
        return "0"
        return str(st)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ssdb = SSDB(host='', port=6666)
    print ssdb.get("QQ	1015")
Ejemplo n.º 7
class QueueSSDB(QueueBase.QueueBase):
    base class , only provide interface for sub class to implement
    def __init__(self, name, host='localhost', port=8888, **kwargs):
        QueueBase.QueueBase.__init__(self, name, host, port)
        self.__conn = SSDB(connection_pool=BlockingConnectionPool(host=self.host, port=self.port))

    def put(self, value, *args, **kwargs):
        put an  item in the back of a queue
        :param value:
        :param args:
        :param kwargs:
        return self.__conn.qpush_back(self.name,
                                      json.dumps(value, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') if isinstance(value, dict) or isinstance(value, list) else value)

    def save(self, value, *args, **kwargs):
        put an  item in the back of a queue
        :param value:
        :param args:
        :param kwargs:
        return self.__conn.qpush_back(self.name,
                                      json.dumps(value, ensure_ascii = False).encode('utf-8') if isinstance(value,
                                                                                                            dict) or isinstance(
                                          value, list) else value)

    def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
        get element from the from of queue
        :param args:
        :param kwargs:
        value = self.__conn.qpop_front(self.name)
        return value[0] if value else value

    def getMore(self, *args, **kwargs):
        get element from the from of queue
        :param args:
        :param kwargs:
        value = self.__conn.qpop_front(self.name, **kwargs)
        return value

    def size(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.__conn.qsize(self.name)

    def changeTable(self, name):
        change the queue name to operate
        :param name:
        self.name = name

    def select_queue(self, name):
        change the queue name to operate
        :param name:
        self.name = name

    def qclaerQueue(self):
        return self.__conn.qclear(self.name)

    def keySet(self,key,value):
        Set the value at key ``name`` to ``value`` .
        :param key:
        :param value:
        value = json.dumps(value, ensure_ascii = False).encode('utf-8') if isinstance(value,dict) or isinstance(value, list) else value
        return self.__conn.set(key,value)

    def keySetx(self,name, value, ttl=-1):
        Set the value of key ``name`` to ``value`` that expires in ``ttl``
        seconds. ``ttl`` can be represented by an integer or a Python
        timedelta object.
        :param name:
        :param value:
        :param ttl:
        return self.__conn.setx(name,value,ttl=ttl)

    def keyTtl(self,key):
        Returns the number of seconds until the key ``name`` will expire.

    def keyGet(self,key):
        Return the value at key ``name``, or ``None`` if the key doesn't exist
        :param key:
        return self.__conn.get(key)

    def keyDel(self,key):
        Delete the key specified by ``name`` .
        :param key:
        return self.__conn.delete(key)

    def keyKeys(self,key_start='',key_end=''):
        Return a list of the top ``limit`` keys between ``name_start`` and
        :param key_start:
        :param key_end:
        return self.__conn.keys(name_start=key_start,name_end=key_end,limit=100000)
    def keyexists(self,key):
        :param key:
        return self.__conn.exists(key)
    def zsetSet(self,field,score = 1):
        if field:
            if isinstance(field, dict) or isinstance(field, list):
                field = json.dumps(field)
            field = field if len(field) < 100 else field[:100]
        return self.__conn.zset(self.name, field, score)
    def zgetSet(self,key):
        return self.__conn.zget(self.name,key)
    def zexistsSet(self,name,field):
        return self.__conn.zexists(name,field)
    def zkeysSet(self):
        return self.__conn.zkeys(self.name,'','','',limit=100000000)
    def zdelSet(self,key):
        return self.__conn.zdel(self.name,key)
    def multi_zgetSet(self,*keys):
        return self.__conn.multi_zget(self.name,*keys)
    def hgetallHash(self,key):
        return self.__conn.hgetall(key)
    def hincrHash(self,name,key):
        return self.__conn.hincr(name,key,amount=1)
    def multi_hsetHash(self,name,**mapping):
        return self.__conn.multi_hset(name, **mapping)

    def hlistHash(self,start,end):
        return self.__conn.hlist(start, end, limit =  10000000)
    def hclearHash(self,key):
        return self.__conn.hclear(key)

    def hset(self, key,value):
        return self.__conn.hset(self.name, key,json.dumps(value, ensure_ascii = False).encode('utf-8')
                                if isinstance(value,dict) or isinstance(value, list) else value)

    def hsize(self):
        return self.__conn.hsize(self.name)

    def hget(self, key = None):
        if key:
            return self.__conn.hget(self.name, key)
            if self.__conn.hsize(self.name) > 0:
                keys=self.__conn.hkeys(self.name,"", "",limit=1)
                if keys:
                    v=self.__conn.hget(self.name, key)
                    self.__conn.hdel(self.name, key)
                    return v