Ejemplo n.º 1
def does_file_exist():
    """Adds localhost:8080/sftp/does_file_exist/
    Check to see if a file exists
    SFTP will throw an error if the directory doesn't exist
    So we wrap this in a try/catch block
    request_data = json.loads(request.data.decode('utf-8'))
    file = request_data.get('file')
    dir = os.dirname(file)
    ssh, sftp = initialize_ssh('gencore', 'dalma.abudhabi.nyu.edu')
    results = {}
    results['dir_exists'] = False
    files = []
        files = sftp.listdir(dir)
        results['dir_exists'] = True
    except FileNotFoundError as e:
        files = []
        results['dir_exists'] = False
        results['error'] = str(e)

    if file in files:
        results['file_exists'] = True
        results['file_exists'] = False

    return jsonify({'results': results, 'context': {'endpoint': '/sftp/does_file_exist', 'args': request_data}})
def run_demultiplex_task(ds, **kwargs):
    Run the command that demultiplexes the run dir
    :param ds:
    :param kwargs:
    ssh, sftp = initialize_ssh('gencore', 'dalma.abudhabi.nyu.edu')
    output = submit_demultiplex_job_to_slurm(ssh, sftp, kwargs['dag_run'])
    slurm_job_id = parse_slurm_submission(output)
    poll_slurm_job(ssh, slurm_job_id)

def ensure_sample_sheet_exists_and_is_valid_csv(ds, **kwargs):
    scratch_dir = kwargs['dag_run'].conf['scratch_dir']
    sample_sheet = kwargs['dag_run'].conf['sample_sheet']
    logger.info('Begin: Sample sheet check for {}'.format(scratch_dir))
    ssh, sftp = initialize_ssh('gencore', 'dalma.abudhabi.nyu.edu')

    logger.info('Beginning Sample Sheet Job')

    # This is already taken care of on the front end
    # But we should run a check to make sure,
    # incase of running directly through the REST API
    run_dir_contents = ensure_run_dir_exists(sftp, scratch_dir)
    csv_file = ensure_sample_sheet_exists_in_scratch_dir(sftp, sample_sheet)
    ensure_valid_csv_file(sftp, scratch_dir, csv_file)

    logger.info('Ending Sample Sheet Job')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_qc_stable_workflows():
    """Adds localhost:8080/qc/get_qc_stable_workflows
    This is simply a rest api that returns the workflows in /scratch/gencore/stable that match QC

    ssh, sftp = initialize_ssh('gencore', 'dalma.abudhabi.nyu.edu')
    qc_workflows = []
    dir = '/scratch/gencore/workflows/stable/'
    for filename in sftp.listdir(dir):
        if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, "*QC*yml") or fnmatch.fnmatch(
                filename, "*qc*yml"):
            qc_workflows.append('{}{}'.format(dir, filename))
    return jsonify({
        'qc_workflows': qc_workflows,
        'context': {
            'endpoint': '/qc/get_qc_stable_workflows',
            'args': {}