Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _test_scale_dependence(std_t_nd0, std_t_d0, mu0, scale0, N0, th):
        """Nondimensional: independent* -- Dimensional: std_t ~ scale.

        *Nondimensional breaks down for low scales (<~3), where freq-domain
        wavelet is trimmed (even beyond mode), deviating center frequency from
        continuous-time counterpart.

        Particularly large `th` per default `(min_decay, max_mult) = (1e6, 2)`
        in `time_resolution`, which reasonably limits the extended wavelet
        duration in time-domain in (paddded) CWT (but this limitation might be
        undue; I'm unsure. https://dsp.stackexchange.com/q/70810/50076).

        _nd here is just an extra division by 'peak' center_frequency.
        scales = 2**(np.arange(16, 81) / 8)  # [4, ..., 1024]
        errs = np.zeros((2, len(scales)))
        wavelet = Wavelet(('morlet', {'mu': mu0}))
        kw = dict(wavelet=wavelet, N=N0, force_int=False)

        for i, scale in enumerate(scales):
            std_t_nd = time_resolution(**kw, scale=scale, nondim=True)
            std_t_d  = time_resolution(**kw, scale=scale, nondim=False)

            errs[0, i] = abs(std_t_nd  - std_t_nd0)
            errs[1, i] = abs((std_t_d / std_t_d0) - (scale / scale0))

        _assert_and_viz(th, errs, 2*[np.log2(scales)], 'log2(scale)',
                        "Time resolution, morlet")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_bounds():
    wavelet = Wavelet(('morlet', {'mu': 6}))

    for N in (4096, 2048, 1024, 512, 256, 128, 64):
            cwt_scalebounds(wavelet, N=N)
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception(f"N={N} failed; errmsg:\n{e}")
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _test_N_dependence(wc0, mu0, scale0, N0, th):
        Ns = (np.array([.25, .5, 2, 4, 9]) * N0).astype('int64')
        errs = np.zeros(len(Ns))
        wavelet = Wavelet(('morlet', {'mu': mu0, 'dtype': 'float64'}))

        for i, N in enumerate(Ns):
            wc = center_frequency(wavelet, scale=scale0, N=N, kind='energy')
            errs[i] = abs(wc - wc0)

        _assert_and_viz(th, errs, Ns, 'N', "Center frequency (energy), morlet")
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _test_mu_dependence(wc0, mu0, scale0, N0, th):
        """wc ~ mu"""
        mus = np.arange(mu0 + 1, 21)
        errs = np.zeros(len(mus))

        for i, mu in enumerate(mus):
            wavelet = Wavelet(('morlet', {'mu': mu}))
            wc = center_frequency(wavelet, scale=scale0, N=N0, kind='energy')
            errs[i] = abs((wc / wc0) - (mu / mu0))

        _assert_and_viz(th, errs, mus, 'mu',
                        "Center frequency (energy), morlet")
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _test_mu_dependence(std_t_nd0, std_t_d0, mu0, scale0, N0, th):
        """Nondimensional: std_t ~ 1/mu -- Dimensional: independent"""
        mus = np.arange(mu0 + 1, 21)
        errs = np.zeros((2, len(mus)))

        for i, mu in enumerate(mus):
            wavelet = Wavelet(('morlet', {'mu': mu, 'dtype': 'float64'}))
            std_t_nd = time_resolution(wavelet, scale0, N0, nondim=True)
            std_t_d = time_resolution(wavelet, scale0, N0, nondim=False)

            errs[0, i] = abs((std_t_nd / std_t_nd0) - (mu / mu0))
            errs[1, i] = abs(std_t_d - std_t_d0)

        _assert_and_viz(th, errs, 2 * [mus], 'mu', "Time resolution, morlet")
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _test_N_dependence(std_w_nd0, std_w_d0, mu0, scale0, N0, th):
        Ns = (np.array([.25, .5, 2, 4, 9]) * N0).astype('int64')
        errs = np.zeros((2, len(Ns)))
        wavelet = Wavelet(('morlet', {'mu': mu0}))

        for i, N in enumerate(Ns):
            std_w_nd = freq_resolution(wavelet, scale0, N, nondim=True)
            std_w_d  = freq_resolution(wavelet, scale0, N, nondim=False)

            errs[0, i] = abs(std_w_nd - std_w_nd0)
            errs[1, i] = abs(std_w_d  - std_w_d0)

        _assert_and_viz(th, errs, 2*[Ns], 'N',
                        "Frequency resolution, morlet")
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _test_mu_dependence(std_w_nd0, std_w_d0, mu0, scale0, N0, th):
        """Nondimensional: std_w ~ mu -- Dimensional: independent"""
        mus = np.arange(mu0 + 1, 21)
        errs = np.zeros((2, len(mus)))

        for i, mu in enumerate(mus):
            wavelet = Wavelet(('morlet', {'mu': mu}))
            std_w_nd = freq_resolution(wavelet, scale0, N0, nondim=True)
            std_w_d  = freq_resolution(wavelet, scale0, N0, nondim=False)

            errs[0, i] = abs((std_w_nd / std_w_nd0) - (mu0 / mu))
            errs[1, i] = abs(std_w_d - std_w_d0)

        _assert_and_viz(th, errs, 2*[mus], 'mu',
                        "Frequency resolution, morlet")
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _test_scale_dependence_high(wc0, mu0, scale0, N0, th):
        """wc ~ 1/scale

        High `scale` subject to more significant discretization error in
        frequency domain.
        scales = 2**(np.arange(53, 81) / 8)  # [90.5, ..., 1024]
        errs = np.zeros(len(scales))
        wavelet = Wavelet(('morlet', {'mu': mu0}))

        for i, scale in enumerate(scales):
            wc = center_frequency(wavelet, scale=scale, N=N0, kind='energy')
            errs[i] = abs((wc / wc0) - (scale0 / scale))

        _assert_and_viz(th, errs, np.log2(scales), 'log2(scale)',
                        "Center frequency (energy), morlet | High scales")
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _test_scale_dependence(wc0, mu0, scale0, N0, th):
        """wc ~ 1/scale

        For small `scale`, the bell is trimmed and the (energy) center frequency
        is no longer at mode/peak (both of which are also trimmed), but is
        less; we don't test these to keep code clean.
        scales = 2**(np.arange(16, 53) / 8)  # [4, ..., 90.5]
        errs = np.zeros(len(scales))
        wavelet = Wavelet(('morlet', {'mu': mu0}))

        for i, scale in enumerate(scales):
            wc = center_frequency(wavelet, scale=scale, N=N0, kind='energy')
            errs[i] = abs((wc / wc0) - (scale0 / scale))

        _assert_and_viz(th, errs, np.log2(scales), 'log2(scale)',
                        "Center frequency (energy), morlet")
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def _test_N_dependence(std_t_nd0, std_t_d0, mu0, scale0, N0, th):

        `th` can be 1e-14 if dropping odd-sampled case where time-domain wavelet
        has suboptimal decay: https://github.com/jonathanlilly/jLab/issues/13
        (also dropping low-sampled case)
        Ns = (np.array([.1, 1 / 3, .5, 2, 4, 9]) * N0).astype('int64')
        errs = np.zeros((2, len(Ns)))
        wavelet = Wavelet(('morlet', {'mu': mu0, 'dtype': 'float64'}))

        for i, N in enumerate(Ns):
            std_t_nd = time_resolution(wavelet, scale0, N, nondim=True)
            std_t_d = time_resolution(wavelet, scale0, N, nondim=False)

            errs[0, i] = abs(std_t_nd - std_t_nd0)
            errs[1, i] = abs(std_t_d - std_t_d0)

        _assert_and_viz(th, errs, [Ns, Ns], 'N', "Time resolution, morlet")
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def _test_scale_dependence(std_w_nd0, std_w_d0, mu0, scale0, N0, th):
        """Nondimensional: independent* -- Dimensional: std_w ~ 1/scale

        Particularly large `th` per nontrivial discretization finite-precision
        error for large scales, with small number of samples representing
        the non-zero region. We don't "fix" this to match continuous-time
        behavior again since it's more accurate per our CWT.
        scales = 2**(np.arange(16, 81) / 8)  # [4, ..., 1024]
        errs = np.zeros((2, len(scales)))
        wavelet = Wavelet(('morlet', {'mu': mu0}))

        for i, scale in enumerate(scales):
            std_w_nd = freq_resolution(wavelet, scale, N0, nondim=True)
            std_w_d  = freq_resolution(wavelet, scale, N0, nondim=False)

            errs[0, i] = abs(std_w_nd  - std_w_nd0)
            errs[1, i]  = abs((std_w_d / std_w_d0) - (scale0 / scale))

        _assert_and_viz(th, errs, 2*[np.log2(scales)], 'log2(scale)',
                        "Frequency resolution, morlet")
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_utils():
    _ = buffer(np.random.randn(20), 4, 1)

    wavelet = Wavelet(('morlet', {'mu': 6}))
    _ = center_frequency(wavelet, viz=1)
    _ = freq_resolution(wavelet, viz=1, scale=3, force_int=0)
    _ = time_resolution(wavelet, viz=1)

    xh = np.random.randn(128)
    xhs = np.zeros(xh.size)
    _aifftshift_even(xh, xhs)
    _afftshift_even(xh, xhs)

    _ = padsignal(xh, padlength=len(xh) * 2, padtype='symmetric')
    _ = padsignal(xh, padlength=len(xh) * 2, padtype='wrap')

    g = np.ones((128, 200))
    unbuffer(g, xh, 1, n_fft=len(xh), N=None, win_exp=0)
    unbuffer(g, xh, 1, n_fft=len(xh), N=g.shape[1], win_exp=2)

    #### errors / warnings ###################################################
    _pass_on_error(find_max_scale, 1, 1, -1, -1)

    _pass_on_error(cwt_scalebounds, 1, 1, preset='etc', min_cutoff=0)
    _pass_on_error(cwt_scalebounds, 1, 1, min_cutoff=-1)
    _pass_on_error(cwt_scalebounds, 1, 1, min_cutoff=.2, max_cutoff=.1)
    _pass_on_error(cwt_scalebounds, 1, 1, cutoff=0)

    _pass_on_error(_assert_positive_integer, -1, 'w')

    _pass_on_error(_infer_scaletype, 1)
    _pass_on_error(_infer_scaletype, np.array([1]))
    _pass_on_error(_infer_scaletype, np.array([1., 2., 5.]))

    _pass_on_error(_process_fs_and_t, 1, np.array([1]), 2)
    _pass_on_error(_process_fs_and_t, 1, np.array([1., 2, 4]), 3)
    _pass_on_error(_process_fs_and_t, -1, None, 1)

    _pass_on_error(make_scales, 128, scaletype='banana')
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_energy_center_frequency():
    """If kind='energy' passes, long shot for 'peak' to fail, so just test
    former; would still be interesting to investigate 'peak' vs 'energy',
    esp. at scale extrema.
    def _test_mu_dependence(wc0, mu0, scale0, N0, th):
        """wc ~ mu"""
        mus = np.arange(mu0 + 1, 21)
        errs = np.zeros(len(mus))

        for i, mu in enumerate(mus):
            wavelet = Wavelet(('morlet', {'mu': mu}))
            wc = center_frequency(wavelet, scale=scale0, N=N0, kind='energy')
            errs[i] = abs((wc / wc0) - (mu / mu0))

        _assert_and_viz(th, errs, mus, 'mu',
                        "Center frequency (energy), morlet")

    def _test_scale_dependence(wc0, mu0, scale0, N0, th):
        """wc ~ 1/scale

        For small `scale`, the bell is trimmed and the (energy) center frequency
        is no longer at mode/peak (both of which are also trimmed), but is
        less; we don't test these to keep code clean.
        scales = 2**(np.arange(16, 53) / 8)  # [4, ..., 90.5]
        errs = np.zeros(len(scales))
        wavelet = Wavelet(('morlet', {'mu': mu0}))

        for i, scale in enumerate(scales):
            wc = center_frequency(wavelet, scale=scale, N=N0, kind='energy')
            errs[i] = abs((wc / wc0) - (scale0 / scale))

        _assert_and_viz(th, errs, np.log2(scales), 'log2(scale)',
                        "Center frequency (energy), morlet")

    def _test_scale_dependence_high(wc0, mu0, scale0, N0, th):
        """wc ~ 1/scale

        High `scale` subject to more significant discretization error in
        frequency domain.
        scales = 2**(np.arange(53, 81) / 8)  # [90.5, ..., 1024]
        errs = np.zeros(len(scales))
        wavelet = Wavelet(('morlet', {'mu': mu0}))

        for i, scale in enumerate(scales):
            wc = center_frequency(wavelet, scale=scale, N=N0, kind='energy')
            errs[i] = abs((wc / wc0) - (scale0 / scale))

        _assert_and_viz(th, errs, np.log2(scales), 'log2(scale)',
                        "Center frequency (energy), morlet | High scales")

    def _test_N_dependence(wc0, mu0, scale0, N0, th):
        Ns = (np.array([.25, .5, 2, 4, 9]) * N0).astype('int64')
        errs = np.zeros(len(Ns))
        wavelet = Wavelet(('morlet', {'mu': mu0}))

        for i, N in enumerate(Ns):
            wc = center_frequency(wavelet, scale=scale0, N=N, kind='energy')
            errs[i] = abs(wc - wc0)

        _assert_and_viz(th, errs, Ns, 'N',
                        "Center frequency (energy), morlet")

    mu0 = 5
    scale0 = 10
    N0 = 1024

    wavelet0 = Wavelet(('morlet', {'mu': mu0}))
    wc0 = center_frequency(wavelet0, scale=scale0, N=N0, kind='energy')

    args = (wc0, mu0, scale0, N0)
    _test_mu_dependence(        *args, th=1e-7)
    _test_scale_dependence(     *args, th=1e-14)
    _test_scale_dependence_high(*args, th=1e-1)
    _test_N_dependence(         *args, th=1e-14)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_anim():
    # bare minimally (still takes long, but covers many lines of code)
    wavelet = Wavelet(('morlet', {'mu': 6}))
    wavelet.viz('anim:time-frequency', N=8, scales=np.linspace(10, 20, 3))
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_time_resolution():
    """Some thresholds are quite large per center_frequency(, kind='peak') as
    opposed to 'energy', with force_int=True, especially for large scales.
    These are per great deviations from continuous-time counterparts,
    but this is simply a reflection of discretization limitations (trimmed or
    unsmooth bell) and finite precision error.
    def _test_mu_dependence(std_t_nd0, std_t_d0, mu0, scale0, N0, th):
        """Nondimensional: std_t ~ 1/mu -- Dimensional: independent"""
        mus = np.arange(mu0 + 1, 21)
        errs = np.zeros((2, len(mus)))

        for i, mu in enumerate(mus):
            wavelet = Wavelet(('morlet', {'mu': mu}))
            std_t_nd = time_resolution(wavelet, scale0, N0, nondim=True)
            std_t_d  = time_resolution(wavelet, scale0, N0, nondim=False)

            errs[0, i] = abs((std_t_nd / std_t_nd0) - (mu / mu0))
            errs[1, i] = abs(std_t_d - std_t_d0)

        _assert_and_viz(th, errs, 2*[mus], 'mu',
                        "Time resolution, morlet")

    def _test_scale_dependence(std_t_nd0, std_t_d0, mu0, scale0, N0, th):
        """Nondimensional: independent* -- Dimensional: std_t ~ scale.

        *Nondimensional breaks down for low scales (<~3), where freq-domain
        wavelet is trimmed (even beyond mode), deviating center frequency from
        continuous-time counterpart.

        Particularly large `th` per default `(min_decay, max_mult) = (1e6, 2)`
        in `time_resolution`, which reasonably limits the extended wavelet
        duration in time-domain in (paddded) CWT (but this limitation might be
        undue; I'm unsure. https://dsp.stackexchange.com/q/70810/50076).

        _nd here is just an extra division by 'peak' center_frequency.
        scales = 2**(np.arange(16, 81) / 8)  # [4, ..., 1024]
        errs = np.zeros((2, len(scales)))
        wavelet = Wavelet(('morlet', {'mu': mu0}))
        kw = dict(wavelet=wavelet, N=N0, force_int=False)

        for i, scale in enumerate(scales):
            std_t_nd = time_resolution(**kw, scale=scale, nondim=True)
            std_t_d  = time_resolution(**kw, scale=scale, nondim=False)

            errs[0, i] = abs(std_t_nd  - std_t_nd0)
            errs[1, i] = abs((std_t_d / std_t_d0) - (scale / scale0))

        _assert_and_viz(th, errs, 2*[np.log2(scales)], 'log2(scale)',
                        "Time resolution, morlet")

    def _test_N_dependence(std_t_nd0, std_t_d0, mu0, scale0, N0, th):

        `th` can be 1e-14 if dropping odd-sampled case where time-domain wavelet
        has suboptimal decay: https://github.com/jonathanlilly/jLab/issues/13
        (also dropping low-sampled case)
        Ns = (np.array([.1, 1/3, .5, 2, 4, 9]) * N0).astype('int64')
        errs = np.zeros((2, len(Ns)))
        wavelet = Wavelet(('morlet', {'mu': mu0}))

        for i, N in enumerate(Ns):
            std_t_nd = time_resolution(wavelet, scale0, N, nondim=True)
            std_t_d  = time_resolution(wavelet, scale0, N, nondim=False)

            errs[0, i] = abs(std_t_nd - std_t_nd0)
            errs[1, i] = abs(std_t_d  - std_t_d0)

        _assert_and_viz(th, errs, [Ns, Ns], 'N',
                        "Time resolution, morlet")

    mu0 = 5
    scale0 = 10
    N0 = 1024

    wavelet0 = Wavelet(('morlet', {'mu': mu0}))
    std_t_nd0 = time_resolution(wavelet0, scale0, N0, nondim=True)
    std_t_d0  = time_resolution(wavelet0, scale0, N0, nondim=False)

    args = (std_t_nd0, std_t_d0, mu0, scale0, N0)
    _test_mu_dependence(   *args, th=[1e-1, 1e-6])
    _test_scale_dependence(*args, th=[2e-0, 1e-1])
    _test_N_dependence(    *args, th=[1e-1, 1e-8])
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_freq_resolution():
    def _test_mu_dependence(std_w_nd0, std_w_d0, mu0, scale0, N0, th):
        """Nondimensional: std_w ~ mu -- Dimensional: independent"""
        mus = np.arange(mu0 + 1, 21)
        errs = np.zeros((2, len(mus)))

        for i, mu in enumerate(mus):
            wavelet = Wavelet(('morlet', {'mu': mu}))
            std_w_nd = freq_resolution(wavelet, scale0, N0, nondim=True)
            std_w_d  = freq_resolution(wavelet, scale0, N0, nondim=False)

            errs[0, i] = abs((std_w_nd / std_w_nd0) - (mu0 / mu))
            errs[1, i] = abs(std_w_d - std_w_d0)

        _assert_and_viz(th, errs, 2*[mus], 'mu',
                        "Frequency resolution, morlet")

    def _test_scale_dependence(std_w_nd0, std_w_d0, mu0, scale0, N0, th):
        """Nondimensional: independent* -- Dimensional: std_w ~ 1/scale

        Particularly large `th` per nontrivial discretization finite-precision
        error for large scales, with small number of samples representing
        the non-zero region. We don't "fix" this to match continuous-time
        behavior again since it's more accurate per our CWT.
        scales = 2**(np.arange(16, 81) / 8)  # [4, ..., 1024]
        errs = np.zeros((2, len(scales)))
        wavelet = Wavelet(('morlet', {'mu': mu0}))

        for i, scale in enumerate(scales):
            std_w_nd = freq_resolution(wavelet, scale, N0, nondim=True)
            std_w_d  = freq_resolution(wavelet, scale, N0, nondim=False)

            errs[0, i] = abs(std_w_nd  - std_w_nd0)
            errs[1, i]  = abs((std_w_d / std_w_d0) - (scale0 / scale))

        _assert_and_viz(th, errs, 2*[np.log2(scales)], 'log2(scale)',
                        "Frequency resolution, morlet")

    def _test_N_dependence(std_w_nd0, std_w_d0, mu0, scale0, N0, th):
        Ns = (np.array([.25, .5, 2, 4, 9]) * N0).astype('int64')
        errs = np.zeros((2, len(Ns)))
        wavelet = Wavelet(('morlet', {'mu': mu0}))

        for i, N in enumerate(Ns):
            std_w_nd = freq_resolution(wavelet, scale0, N, nondim=True)
            std_w_d  = freq_resolution(wavelet, scale0, N, nondim=False)

            errs[0, i] = abs(std_w_nd - std_w_nd0)
            errs[1, i] = abs(std_w_d  - std_w_d0)

        _assert_and_viz(th, errs, 2*[Ns], 'N',
                        "Frequency resolution, morlet")

    mu0 = 5
    scale0 = 10
    N0 = 1024

    wavelet0 = Wavelet(('morlet', {'mu': mu0}))
    std_w_nd0 = freq_resolution(wavelet0, scale0, N0, nondim=True)
    std_w_d0  = freq_resolution(wavelet0, scale0, N0, nondim=False)

    args = (std_w_nd0, std_w_d0, mu0, scale0, N0)
    _test_mu_dependence(   *args, th=(1e-2, 1e-6))
    _test_scale_dependence(*args, th=(6e-1, 1e-1))
    _test_N_dependence(    *args, th=(1e-2, 1e-13))
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_wavelet():
    """Test that `gmw` is a valid `Wavelet`."""
    os.environ['SSQ_GPU'] = '0'
    wavelet = Wavelet('gmw')

    wavelet = Wavelet(('gmw', {
        'gamma': 3,
        'beta': 60,
        'norm': 'energy',
        'centered_scale': True
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_wavelets():
    for wavelet in ('morlet', ('morlet', {'mu': 4}), 'bump'):
        wavelet = Wavelet(wavelet)

    wavelet = Wavelet(('morlet', {'mu': 5}))

    #### Visuals #############################################################
    for name in wavelet.VISUALS:
        if 'anim:' in name:  # heavy-duty computations, skip animating
            kw = {'testing': True}
            kw = {}
            wavelet.viz(name, N=256, **kw)
        except TypeError as e:
            if "positional argument" not in str(e):
                raise TypeError(e)
                wavelet.viz(name, scale=10, N=256, **kw)
            except TypeError as e:
                if "positional argument" not in str(e):
                    raise TypeError(e)
                wavelet.viz(name, scales='log', N=256, **kw)

    _ = cwt_scalebounds(wavelet, N=512, viz=3)

    #### misc ################################################################
    wavelet = Wavelet(lambda x: x)
    _ = _xifn(scale=10, N=128)