def test_open_file_str_pathlib(tmp_path, pathtype):
    # check that suffix isn't added because we used open_path first
    with open_path(pathtype(f"{tmp_path}/t1"), "w") as fp1:
        save_to_pkl(fp1, "foo")
    assert fp1.closed
    with pytest.warns(None) as record:
        assert load_from_pkl(pathtype(f"{tmp_path}/t1")) == "foo"
    assert not record

    # test custom suffix
    with open_path(pathtype(f"{tmp_path}/t1.custom_ext"), "w") as fp1:
        save_to_pkl(fp1, "foo")
    assert fp1.closed
    with pytest.warns(None) as record:
        assert load_from_pkl(pathtype(f"{tmp_path}/t1.custom_ext")) == "foo"
    assert not record

    # test without suffix
    with open_path(pathtype(f"{tmp_path}/t1"), "w", suffix="pkl") as fp1:
        save_to_pkl(fp1, "foo")
    assert fp1.closed
    with pytest.warns(None) as record:
        assert load_from_pkl(pathtype(f"{tmp_path}/t1.pkl")) == "foo"
    assert not record

    # test that a warning is raised when the path doesn't exist
    with open_path(pathtype(f"{tmp_path}/t2.pkl"), "w") as fp1:
        save_to_pkl(fp1, "foo")
    assert fp1.closed
    with pytest.warns(None) as record:
        assert load_from_pkl(
            open_path(pathtype(f"{tmp_path}/t2"), "r", suffix="pkl")) == "foo"
    assert len(record) == 0

    with pytest.warns(None) as record:
        assert load_from_pkl(
            open_path(pathtype(f"{tmp_path}/t2"), "r", suffix="pkl",
                      verbose=2)) == "foo"
    assert len(record) == 1

    fp = pathlib.Path(f"{tmp_path}/t2").open("w")
    # test that a warning is only raised when verbose = 0
    with pytest.warns(None) as record:
        open_path(pathtype(f"{tmp_path}/t2"), "w", suffix="pkl",
        open_path(pathtype(f"{tmp_path}/t2"), "w", suffix="pkl",
        open_path(pathtype(f"{tmp_path}/t2"), "w", suffix="pkl",
    assert len(record) == 1
    def load_replay_buffer(
        path: Union[str, pathlib.Path, io.BufferedIOBase],
        truncate_last_traj: bool = True,
    ) -> None:
        Load a replay buffer from a pickle file.

        :param path: Path to the pickled replay buffer.
        :param truncate_last_traj: When using ``HerReplayBuffer`` with online sampling:
            If set to ``True``, we assume that the last trajectory in the replay buffer was finished
            (and truncate it).
            If set to ``False``, we assume that we continue the same trajectory (same episode).
        self.replay_buffer = load_from_pkl(path, self.verbose)
        assert isinstance(self.replay_buffer, ReplayBuffer), "The replay buffer must inherit from ReplayBuffer class"

        # Backward compatibility with SB3 < 2.1.0 replay buffer
        # Keep old behavior: do not handle timeout termination separately
        if not hasattr(self.replay_buffer, "handle_timeout_termination"):  # pragma: no cover
            self.replay_buffer.handle_timeout_termination = False
            self.replay_buffer.timeouts = np.zeros_like(self.replay_buffer.dones)

        if isinstance(self.replay_buffer, HerReplayBuffer):
            assert self.env is not None, "You must pass an environment at load time when using `HerReplayBuffer`"
            if truncate_last_traj:
    def load_replay_buffer(self, path: Union[str, pathlib.Path, io.BufferedIOBase]) -> None:
        Load a replay buffer from a pickle file.

        :param path: Path to the pickled replay buffer.
        self.replay_buffer = load_from_pkl(path, self.verbose)
        assert isinstance(self.replay_buffer, ReplayBuffer), "The replay buffer must inherit from ReplayBuffer class"