Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_attr(table=None, owner=None):
	Tests the Scoping rules for attributes.  Called without
	arguments this test the global attributes.
	table = os | environment | appliance | host
	owner = osname | environmentname | appliancename | hostname

    if not table:
        table = ''
    if not owner:
        owner = ''

    attr = 'a.b.c.d'
    result = Call('remove %s attr' % table,
                  ('%s attr=%s' % (owner, attr)).split())
    assert ReturnCode() == 0 and result == []

    value = str(random.randint(0, 100))
    result = Call('set %s attr' % table,
                  ('%s attr=%s value=%s' % (owner, attr, value)).split())
    assert ReturnCode() == 0 and result == []

    result = Call('list %s attr' % table,
                  ('%s attr=%s' % (owner, attr)).split())
    assert ReturnCode() == 0 and len(result) == 1
    assert result[0]['attr'] == attr
    assert result[0]['value'] == value

    result = Call('remove %s attr' % table,
                  ('%s attr=%s' % (owner, attr)).split())
    assert ReturnCode() == 0 and result == []
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_name_does_not_exist():
    for o in [
            'appliance', 'box', 'cart', 'environment', 'host', 'network', 'os',
        result = Call('list %s' % o, [DNE], stderr=False)
        assert ReturnCode() == 255
Ejemplo n.º 3
def setup_module(module):
    Call('add environment %s' % ENVIRONMENT)
    for rack in range(1000, 1000 + NUMRACKS):
        for rank in range(0, RACKSIZE):
            host = 'backend-%d-%d' % (rack, rank)
            Call('add host %s environment=%s' % (host, ENVIRONMENT))

    Call('set environment attr %s attr=key value=value' % ENVIRONMENT)

    result = Call('list host %s' % ENVIRONMENT)
    assert ReturnCode() == 0 and len(result) == (NUMRACKS * RACKSIZE)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def setup_hosts(numHosts):
    rackSize = 40

    t0 = time.time()
    rank = rack = 999  # start at rack 1000 (yeah I know this could be smarter)
    for i in range(0, numHosts):
        if rank >= rackSize:
            rank = 0
            rack += 1
        hostname = 'backend-%d-%d' % (rack, rank)
        Call('add host %s environment=%s' % (hostname, ENVIRONMENT))
        rank += 1
    t = (time.time() - t0)
    print('add host'.ljust(32), '%.3fs' % t)

    result = Call('list host e:%s' % ENVIRONMENT)
    assert ReturnCode() == 0 and len(result) == (numHosts)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_box():
	Test list/add/remove/set box.

    # Search for a unused box name and use it for
    # the following tests.

    done = False
    while not done:
        box = 'default-%s' % str(random.randint(0, 100))
        result = Call('list box', [box], stderr=False)
        if ReturnCode() and not result:
            done = True
    assert box

    # add box

    result = Call('add box', [box])
    assert ReturnCode() == 0 and result == []

    # lookup current box for host

    result = Call('list host', ['localhost'])
    assert ReturnCode() == 0 and len(result) == 1
    prevBox = result[0]['box']

    # set box for this host

    result = Call('set host box', ['localhost', 'box=%s' % box])
    assert ReturnCode() == 0

    # verify box was set

    result = Call('list host', ['localhost'])
    assert ReturnCode() == 0 and len(result) == 1
    assert result[0]['box'] == box

    # restore prev setting

    result = Call('set host box', ['localhost', 'box=%s' % prevBox])
    assert ReturnCode() == 0

    # remove box

    result = Call('remove box', [box])
    assert ReturnCode() == 0

    # try to remove default
    #	"remove box" should protect against this

    result = Call('remove box', ['default'], stderr=False)
    assert ReturnCode() == 255

    # remove multiple boxes
    # Add the first box back

    result = Call('add box', [box])
    assert ReturnCode() == 0 and result == []

    # get a second box name
    done = False
    while not done:
        second_box = 'default-%s' % str(random.randint(0, 100))
        result = Call('list box', [second_box], stderr=False)
        if ReturnCode() and not result:
            done = True
    assert second_box

    result = Call('add box', [second_box])
    assert ReturnCode() == 0 and result == []

    # remove multiple boxes

    result = Call('remove box', [box, second_box])
    assert ReturnCode() == 0