Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: ast.py Proyecto: dirk/stalk
 def set_target(self):
     from stalk.object import SL_String, compile_signature
     scope = self.e_scope
     expr = self.e_expr
     # Leading keyword without target then it's a send
     if type(expr) == S_Keyword:
     # Peek ahead
     nexti = self.e_ec + 1
     if (nexti) < self.e_end:
         nexpr = self.expressions[nexti]
         if type(expr) == S_Identifier and type(nexpr) == S_Operator and \
            nexpr.get_value() == "=":
             self.expressions.insert(0, nexpr)
             self.e_ec += 2 # Move it to the next expr after the =
             ret = self.eval_assign()
             if self.e_target:
                     compile_signature([nexpr]), # [S_Operator(=)]
                     [SL_String(expr.get_value()), ret]
                 scope.set_local(expr.get_value(), ret)
             self.e_ec = self.e_end
     # TODO: Ensure 100% eval-availability so we can ditch this.
     #       Includes having to deal with comments.
         ev = expr.eval
     except AttributeError as e:
         raise NotImplementedError("Unknown expression: "+str(expr.__class__))
     self.e_target = ev(scope)
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: ast.py Proyecto: dirk/stalk
 def match_send(self, recv):
     from stalk.object import compile_signature
     # Reset the send data
     self.e_send_sig = None
     self.e_send_params = None
     # if self.e_target:
     #     recv = self.e_target # Receiver of the call.
     # else:
     #     recv = self.e_scope
     expr = self.e_expr
     if not expr:
         return False
     #sigs = [m.get_signature() for m in recv.methods.values()]
     sigs = recv.get_signatures()
     if expr.__class__ == S_Identifier:
         for sig in sigs:
             if len(sig) != 1:
             s0 = sig[0]
             if type(s0) == S_Identifier and s0.get_value() == expr.get_value():
                 self.e_send_sig = compile_signature(sig)
                 self.e_send_params = []
                 return True
     if expr.__class__ == S_Operator:
         nexpr = self.next()
         if not nexpr:
             raise Exception("Need expression following "+
                 expr.__repr__()+" operator")
         if nexpr.__class__ == S_Keyword:
             raise Exception("Keyword cannot follow operator")
         for sig in sigs:
             if len(sig) != 2:
             s0 = sig[0]
             #if type(s0) == S_Operator and s0.get_value() == expr.get_value():
             if s0.eq(expr):
                 self.e_send_sig = compile_signature(sig)
                 self.e_send_params = [nexpr]
                 return True
     # Filter out to just be keyword sigs now
     _sigs = []
     for sig in sigs:
         if type(sig[0]) == S_Keyword:
     sigs = _sigs
     exprs = []
     si = 0
     is_keyword = True
     prev_e_ec = self.e_ec
     while expr:
         if len(sigs) == 0:
             return False
         if is_keyword:
             if expr.__class__ != S_Keyword:
                 # TODO: Decide whether this should be greedy or not
                 #self.prev() # Rewind to before the one we just consumed
                 break # <- non-greedy
                 #raise Exception("Unexpected non-keyword: "+expr.__repr__())
             _sigs = []
             for sig in sigs:
                 if si < len(sig):
                     se = sig[si]
                     # TODO: Return to this and make it just one if (currently
                     #       the first one is just to appease PyPy).
                     #if isinstance(expr, S_Keyword) and isinstance(se, S_Keyword):
                     #    if expr.get_value() == se.get_value():
                     if expr.eq(se):
                     #if expr.get_value() != se.get_value():
             sigs = _sigs
             if expr.__class__ != S_Keyword:
                 raise Exception("Unexpected keyword: "+expr.__repr__())
         prev_e_ec = self.e_ec
         expr = self.next()
         is_keyword = not is_keyword # Flip for style!
         si += 1
     if len(sigs) > 0:
         # Sort in descending order (longest matched sig first)
         self.e_send_sig = compile_signature(sigs[0])
         self.e_send_params = exprs
         return True
     # Didn't match!
     return False