Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_env_variable_with_deep_vars_module_import_with_shortcuts(self):
        """testing if the module path has multiple shortcuts like ~ and other
        env variables
        splits = os.path.split(self.temp_config_folder)
        var1 = splits[0]
        var2 = os.path.sep.join(splits[1:])
        var3 = os.path.join("$var1", "$var2")

        os.environ["var1"] = var1
        os.environ["var2"] = var2
        os.environ["var3"] = var3
        os.environ["STALKER_PATH"] = "$var3"

        test_value = "sqlite:///.test_value.db"
        config_file = open(self.config_full_path, "w")
        config_file.writelines(["#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n",
                                'database_url = "' + test_value + '"\n'])

        # now import the config.py and see if it updates the
        # database_file_name variable
        from stalker import config
        conf = config.Config()

        self.assertEqual(test_value, conf.database_url)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_non_existing_path_in_environment_variable(self):
     """testing if the non existing path situation will be handled
     gracefully by warning the user
     os.environ["STALKER_PATH"] = "/tmp/non_existing_path"
     from stalker import config
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_syntax_error_in_settings_file(self):
        """testing if a RuntimeError will be raised when there are syntax
        errors in the config.py file
        # now create a config.py file and fill it with the desired values
        # like database_file_name = "test_value.db"
        # but do a syntax error on purpose, like forgetting the last quote sign
        test_value = ".test_value.db"
        config_file = open(self.config_full_path, "w")
            "#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n",
            'database_file_name = "' + test_value + '\n'

        # now import the config.py and see if it updates the
        # database_file_name variable
        from stalker import config
        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as cm:

            'There is a syntax error in your configuration file: EOL while '
            'scanning string literal (<string>, line 2)')
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test___delitem__is_working_properly(self):
     """testing if config.Config.__delitem__() method is working properly
     from stalker import config
     c = config.Config()
     assert c['admin_name'] is not None
     del c['admin_name']
     assert 'admin_name' not in c
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test___delitem__is_working_properly(self):
     """testing if config.Config.__delitem__() method is working properly
     from stalker import config
     c = config.Config()
     del c['admin_name']
     self.assertTrue('admin_name' not in c)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test___setitem__is_working_properly(self):
     """testing if config.Config.__setitem__() method is working properly
     from stalker import config
     c = config.Config()
     test_value = 'administrator'
     assert c['admin_name'] != test_value
     c['admin_name'] = test_value
     assert c['admin_name'] == test_value
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test___setitem__is_working_properly(self):
     """testing if config.Config.__setitem__() method is working properly
     from stalker import config
     c = config.Config()
     test_value = 'administrator'
     self.assertNotEqual(c['admin_name'], test_value)
     c['admin_name'] = test_value
     self.assertEqual(c['admin_name'], test_value)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_config_variable_does_create_new_variables_with_user_config(self):
        """testing if the config will be updated by the user config by adding
        new variables
        # now create a config.py file and fill it with the desired values
        # like database_file_name = "test_value.db"
        test_value = ".test_value.db"
        config_file = open(self.config_full_path, "w")
        config_file.writelines(["#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n",
                                'test_value = "' + test_value + '"\n'])

        # now import the config.py and see if it updates the
        # database_file_name variable
        from stalker import config
        conf = config.Config()

        assert conf.test_value == test_value
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_config_variable_updates_with_user_config(self):
        """testing if the database_file_name will be updated by the user
        # now create a config.py file and fill it with the desired values
        # like database_file_name = "test_value.db"
        test_value = ".test_value.db"
        config_file = open(self.config_full_path, "w")
            "#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n",
            'database_engine_settings = "%s"\n' % test_value

        # now import the config.py and see if it updates the
        # database_file_name variable
        from stalker import config
        conf = config.Config()

        self.assertEqual(test_value, conf.database_engine_settings)
Ejemplo n.º 10

import sys

__version__ = '0.2.21'

__string_types__ = []
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:  # Python 3
    __string_types__ = tuple([str])
else:  # Python 2
    __string_types__ = tuple([str, unicode])

# before anything about stalker create the defaults
# use this instance
from stalker import config
defaults = config.Config()

from stalker.models.auth import (Group, Permission, User, LocalSession, Role,
from stalker.models.asset import Asset
from stalker.models.budget import (Budget, BudgetEntry, Good, PriceList,
                                   Invoice, Payment)
from stalker.models.client import Client, ClientUser
from stalker.models.department import Department, DepartmentUser
from stalker.models.entity import SimpleEntity, Entity, EntityGroup
from stalker.models.format import ImageFormat
from stalker.models.link import Link
from stalker.models.message import Message
from stalker.models.mixins import (ACLMixin, AmountMixin, CodeMixin, DAGMixin,
                                   DateRangeMixin, ProjectMixin,
                                   ReferenceMixin, ScheduleMixin, StatusMixin,
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def test___contains___is_working_properly(self):
     """testing if config.Config.__contains__() method is working properly
     from stalker import config
     c = config.Config()
     assert 'admin_name' in c
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def test___getitem___is_working_properly(self):
     """testing if config.Config.__getitem__() method is working properly
     from stalker import config
     c = config.Config()
     assert c['admin_name'] == 'admin'
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def test___getattr___is_working_properly(self):
     """testing if config.Config.__getattr__() method is working properly
     from stalker import config
     c = config.Config()
     self.assertEqual(c.admin_name, 'admin')