Ejemplo n.º 1
def perlipidVro (TMP_DIR, qhull_path, CRD, sysSize):

    # write coordinates into a file
    # 1st line : dimension
    # 2nd line : number of vertex
    # rest lines: coordinates x, y, z
    stime = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f");
    rnum  = stanalyzer.rand_N_digits(5);
    #crdFile = "{0}/crd_{1}{2}.dat".format(TMP_DIR, stime, rnum);
    crdFile = "{0}/crd.dat".format(TMP_DIR);
    fcrd_id = open(crdFile, "w");
    dim = 2;                           # dimension - currently 2D only
    num_vtx = len(CRD) + 4;            # adding vertices at maximum & minimum corner
    sline = "{0}\n{1}\n".format(dim, num_vtx);

    line_cnt = 0;
    for vi in CRD:
        sline = "{0} {1}\n".format(vi[0], vi[1]);  # considering only X and Y axis

    # filling out four vertices at the minimum and maximum system box
    sysMtx = fill2d3d(sysSize);
    for bsys in sysMtx:
        lastLine = "";
        for baxi in bsys:
            tmp = abs(baxi) - 0.01;
            if baxi < 0:
                tmp = tmp * -1;
            lastLine = "{0} {1}".format(lastLine, tmp);
        lastLine = "{0}\n".format(lastLine);


    # Run qhull to get Voronoi vertices and cell region
    # qhull input file = coordinate file created above

    # qhull output file - all unique vertices for voronoi region
    stime = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f");
    rnum  = stanalyzer.rand_N_digits(5);
    #vtxFile = "{0}/vtx_{1}{2}.dat".format(TMP_DIR, stime, rnum);
    vtxFile = "{0}/vtx.dat".format(TMP_DIR);
    # qhull output file - Vertices corresponding to each voronoi region
    stime = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f");
    rnum  = stanalyzer.rand_N_digits(5);
    #rgnFile = "{0}/rgn_{1}{2}.dat".format(TMP_DIR, stime, rnum);
    rgnFile = "{0}/rgn.dat".format(TMP_DIR);
    qhull_path = stanalyzer.eval_path(qhull_path);
    # writing shell script for running qhull
    shFile = "{0}/qhull.sh".format(TMP_DIR);
    qsh_id = open(shFile, "w");
    msg = "#!/bin/bash\n{0} p < {1} > {2}\n".format(qvoronoi, crdFile, vtxFile);
    msg = "{0}{1} FN < {2} > {3}\n".format(msg, qvoronoi, crdFile, rgnFile);
    # chmode shell script
    qopt = ['chmod', '755', shFile];
    qhull = subprocess.call(qopt);
    # run shell script
    qopt= [shFile];
    qhull = subprocess.call(qopt);
    # creating voronoi region
    qstring = "p TI {0} TO {1} ".format(crdFile, vtxFile);
    qopt = [qvoronoi, qstring];
    #qhull = subprocess.Popen(qopt, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE);
    qhull = subprocess.call(qopt);
    # counting voronoi region
    qstring = "FN TI {0} TO  {1} ".format(crdFile, rgnFile);
    qopt = [qvoronoi, qstring];
    #qopt = [qvoronoi, "FN", "TI", crdFile, "TO", rgnFile];
    #qhull = subprocess.Popen(qopt, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE);
    qhull = subprocess.call(qopt);
    # Read vtxFile and rgnFile and save them in to list
    Vtex = [];          # voronoi vertices
    Refi = [];          # voronoi region reference index

    # --- read vtxFile
    # 1st line: dimension
    # 2nd line: number of vertices
    # rest    : coordinates
    fid_v = open(vtxFile, 'r');
    line_cnt = 0;
    for readLine in fid_v:
        #print readLine
        line_cnt = line_cnt + 1;
        if (line_cnt == 1):
            dim = map(int, readLine.strip().split());
            dim = dim[0];
        if (line_cnt == 2):
            num_vtx = map(int, readLine.strip().split());
            num_vtx = num_vtx[0];
        if (line_cnt > 2):
            #print readLine.strip().split()
            tmp = map(float, readLine.strip().split());
            tmp = tmp[:dim];                                # extract coordinate based one the given dimension

    # --- read rgnFile
    # 1st line: number of voronoi regions
    # rest    : references [#of vertices at this region, list of vertex1,...n]
    fid_r = open(rgnFile, 'r');
    line_cnt = 0;
    for readLine in fid_r:
        line_cnt = line_cnt + 1;
        if (line_cnt == 1):
            num_ref = map(int, readLine.strip().split());
        if (line_cnt > 1):
            tmp = map(int, readLine.strip().split());

    # Calculating the area of voronoi diagram
    #print "- Total # of voronoi vertices: {}".format(len(Vtex));
    #print "- Total # of voronoi regions: {}".format(num_ref);
    #print "filtering vertices... "

    # List after filtering vertices located outside of system boundary
    newRefi = [];

    # valid Refi row index
    # vreg = [#of vertices corresponding to this region,
    #        index of vertices corresponding to the order of coordinates in vtxFile]
    for vreg in Refi:
        vregIdx = range(1, vreg[0]+1);
        tmpR = [];
        tmpR.append(0);     # number of ref. vertices
        for vidx in vregIdx:
            # if reference index < 0 : out of voronoi region
            if (vreg[vidx]) >= 0 :
                # vertices coordinates should be located inside the maximum and minimum system boundary
                if (abs(Vtex[vreg[vidx]][0]) <= float(sysSize[0])) and (abs(Vtex[vreg[vidx]][1]) <= float(sysSize[1])) :
        # recounting the number of valid vertices for the current voronoi region
        tmpR[0] = len(tmpR)-1;
        # Collecting only valid region
        if (tmpR[0] > 0):
    #print "- The number of Voronoi region has been reduced: {0} -> {1}".format(len(Refi), len(newRefi));

    # Actual calculation of area
    Varea = 0.0;            # total area calculated by Voronoi region
    Sarea = 0.0;            # total area calculated by system size
    tmpArea = [];           # area for each Voronoi region
    for vreg in newRefi:
        vregIdx = range(1, len(vreg));
        tmp_area = 0.0;
        for vidx in vregIdx:
            if vidx < vregIdx[len(vregIdx)-1]:
                x0 = Vtex[vreg[vidx]][0];
                y0 = Vtex[vreg[vidx]][1];
                x1 = Vtex[vreg[vidx+1]][0];
                y1 = Vtex[vreg[vidx+1]][1];
                x0 = Vtex[vreg[vidx]][0];
                y0 = Vtex[vreg[vidx]][1];
                x1 = Vtex[vreg[1]][0];
                y1 = Vtex[vreg[1]][1];
            tmp_area = tmp_area + 0.5 * (x0 * y1 - y0 * x1);
        Varea = Varea + abs(tmp_area);
    Sarea = 4 * sysSize[0] * sysSize[1];
    areaDic = {
            'area'      : Varea,        # area calculated by voronoi diagram
            'system'    : Sarea,        # area calculated by system box size
            'region'    : tmpArea,      # individual voronoi regions
            'coord'     : CRD,          # coordinates of input data
            'vertex'    : Vtex,         # all vertices consisting of voronoi region
            'refidx'    : newRefi       # reference of vertex index for consisting each voronoi region
    # remove temporary files
    return areaDic;
Ejemplo n.º 2
def perlipidVro(TMP_DIR, qhull_path, CRD, sysSize):
    # write coordinates into a file
    # 1st line : dimension
    # 2nd line : number of vertex
    # rest lines: coordinates x, y, z
    stime = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f")
    rnum = stanalyzer.rand_N_digits(5)
    #crdFile = "{0}/crd_{1}{2}.dat".format(TMP_DIR, stime, rnum);
    crdFile = "{0}/crd.dat".format(TMP_DIR)

    fcrd_id = open(crdFile, "w")
    dim = 2
    # dimension - currently 2D only
    num_vtx = len(CRD) + 4
    # adding vertices at maximum & minimum corner

    sline = "{0}\n{1}\n".format(dim, num_vtx)

    line_cnt = 0
    for vi in CRD:
        sline = "{0} {1}\n".format(vi[0], vi[1])
        # considering only X and Y axis

    # filling out four vertices at the minimum and maximum system box
    sysMtx = fill2d3d(sysSize)
    for bsys in sysMtx:
        lastLine = ""
        for baxi in bsys:
            tmp = abs(baxi) - 0.01
            if baxi < 0:
                tmp = tmp * -1
            lastLine = "{0} {1}".format(lastLine, tmp)
        lastLine = "{0}\n".format(lastLine)

    # Run qhull to get Voronoi vertices and cell region
    # qhull input file = coordinate file created above

    # qhull output file - all unique vertices for voronoi region
    stime = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f")
    rnum = stanalyzer.rand_N_digits(5)
    #vtxFile = "{0}/vtx_{1}{2}.dat".format(TMP_DIR, stime, rnum);
    vtxFile = "{0}/vtx.dat".format(TMP_DIR)

    # qhull output file - Vertices corresponding to each voronoi region
    stime = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f")
    rnum = stanalyzer.rand_N_digits(5)
    #rgnFile = "{0}/rgn_{1}{2}.dat".format(TMP_DIR, stime, rnum);
    rgnFile = "{0}/rgn.dat".format(TMP_DIR)

    qhull_path = stanalyzer.eval_path(qhull_path)
    qvoronoi = "{0}qvoronoi".format(qhull_path)

    # writing shell script for running qhull
    shFile = "{0}/qhull.sh".format(TMP_DIR)
    qsh_id = open(shFile, "w")
    msg = "#!/bin/bash\n{0} p < {1} > {2}\n".format(qvoronoi, crdFile, vtxFile)
    msg = "{0}{1} FN < {2} > {3}\n".format(msg, qvoronoi, crdFile, rgnFile)

    # chmode shell script
    qopt = ['chmod', '755', shFile]
    qhull = subprocess.call(qopt)

    # run shell script
    qopt = [shFile]
    qhull = subprocess.call(qopt)
    # creating voronoi region
    qstring = "p TI {0} TO {1} ".format(crdFile, vtxFile);
    qopt = [qvoronoi, qstring];
    #qhull = subprocess.Popen(qopt, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE);
    qhull = subprocess.call(qopt);
    # counting voronoi region
    qstring = "FN TI {0} TO  {1} ".format(crdFile, rgnFile);
    qopt = [qvoronoi, qstring];
    #qopt = [qvoronoi, "FN", "TI", crdFile, "TO", rgnFile];
    #qhull = subprocess.Popen(qopt, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE);
    qhull = subprocess.call(qopt);
    # Read vtxFile and rgnFile and save them in to list
    Vtex = []
    # voronoi vertices
    Refi = []
    # voronoi region reference index

    # --- read vtxFile
    # 1st line: dimension
    # 2nd line: number of vertices
    # rest    : coordinates
    fid_v = open(vtxFile, 'r')
    line_cnt = 0
    for readLine in fid_v:
        #print readLine
        line_cnt = line_cnt + 1
        if (line_cnt == 1):
            dim = map(int,
            dim = dim[0]

        if (line_cnt == 2):
            num_vtx = map(int,
            num_vtx = num_vtx[0]

        if (line_cnt > 2):
            #print readLine.strip().split()
            tmp = map(float,
            tmp = tmp[:dim]
            # extract coordinate based one the given dimension

    # --- read rgnFile
    # 1st line: number of voronoi regions
    # rest    : references [#of vertices at this region, list of vertex1,...n]
    fid_r = open(rgnFile, 'r')
    line_cnt = 0
    for readLine in fid_r:
        line_cnt = line_cnt + 1
        if (line_cnt == 1):
            num_ref = map(int,

        if (line_cnt > 1):
            tmp = map(int,
    # Calculating the area of voronoi diagram
    #print "- Total # of voronoi vertices: {}".format(len(Vtex));
    #print "- Total # of voronoi regions: {}".format(num_ref);

    #print "filtering vertices... "

    # List after filtering vertices located outside of system boundary
    newRefi = []

    # valid Refi row index
    # vreg = [#of vertices corresponding to this region,
    #        index of vertices corresponding to the order of coordinates in vtxFile]
    for vreg in Refi:
        vregIdx = range(1, vreg[0] + 1)
        tmpR = []
        # number of ref. vertices
        for vidx in vregIdx:
            # if reference index < 0 : out of voronoi region
            if (vreg[vidx]) >= 0:
                # vertices coordinates should be located inside the maximum and minimum system boundary
                if (abs(Vtex[vreg[vidx]][0]) <= float(sysSize[0])) and (abs(
                        Vtex[vreg[vidx]][1]) <= float(sysSize[1])):

        # recounting the number of valid vertices for the current voronoi region
        tmpR[0] = len(tmpR) - 1
        # Collecting only valid region
        if (tmpR[0] > 0):
    #print "- The number of Voronoi region has been reduced: {0} -> {1}".format(len(Refi), len(newRefi));
    # Actual calculation of area
    Varea = 0.0
    # total area calculated by Voronoi region
    Sarea = 0.0
    # total area calculated by system size
    tmpArea = []
    # area for each Voronoi region

    for vreg in newRefi:
        vregIdx = range(1, len(vreg))
        tmp_area = 0.0
        for vidx in vregIdx:
            if vidx < vregIdx[len(vregIdx) - 1]:
                x0 = Vtex[vreg[vidx]][0]
                y0 = Vtex[vreg[vidx]][1]
                x1 = Vtex[vreg[vidx + 1]][0]
                y1 = Vtex[vreg[vidx + 1]][1]
                x0 = Vtex[vreg[vidx]][0]
                y0 = Vtex[vreg[vidx]][1]
                x1 = Vtex[vreg[1]][0]
                y1 = Vtex[vreg[1]][1]

            tmp_area = tmp_area + 0.5 * (x0 * y1 - y0 * x1)

        Varea = Varea + abs(tmp_area)
    Sarea = 4 * sysSize[0] * sysSize[1]

    areaDic = {
        'area': Varea,  # area calculated by voronoi diagram
        'system': Sarea,  # area calculated by system box size
        'region': tmpArea,  # individual voronoi regions
        'coord': CRD,  # coordinates of input data
        'vertex': Vtex,  # all vertices consisting of voronoi region
        newRefi  # reference of vertex index for consisting each voronoi region

    # remove temporary files

    return areaDic
Ejemplo n.º 3
def perlipidDT (TMP_DIR, qhull_path, CRD, sysSize):

    # write coordinates into a file
    # 1st line : dimension
    # 2nd line : number of vertex
    # rest lines: coordinates x, y, z
    stime = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f");
    rnum  = stanalyzer.rand_N_digits(5);
    #crdFile = "{0}/dt_crd_{1}{2}.dat".format(TMP_DIR, stime, rnum);
    crdFile = "{0}/dt_crd.dat".format(TMP_DIR);
    fcrd_id = open(crdFile, "w");
    dim = 2;                           # dimension - currently 2D only
    num_vtx = len(CRD);
    sline = "{0}\n{1}\n".format(dim, num_vtx);

    line_cnt = 0;
    for vi in CRD:
        sline = "{0} {1}\n".format(vi[0], vi[1]);  # considering only X and Y axis

    # Run qhull to get the region of Delaunay triangulation 
    # qhull input file = coordinate file created above

    # qhull output file - Vertices corresponding to each delaunay region
    stime = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f");
    rnum  = stanalyzer.rand_N_digits(5);
    #rgnFile = "{0}/dt_rgn_{1}{2}.dat".format(TMP_DIR, stime, rnum);
    rgnFile = "{0}/dt_rgn.dat".format(TMP_DIR);
    qhull_path = stanalyzer.eval_path(qhull_path);
    qdelaunay = "{0}qdelaunay".format(qhull_path);

    # writing shell script for running qhull
    shFile = "{0}/qhull_dt.sh".format(TMP_DIR);
    qsh_id = open(shFile, "w");
    msg = "#!/bin/bash\n{0} i < {1} > {2}\n".format(qdelaunay, crdFile, rgnFile);
    # chmode shell script
    qopt = ['chmod', '755', shFile];
    qhull = subprocess.call(qopt);
    # run shell script
    qopt= [shFile];
    qhull = subprocess.call(qopt);

    # counting delaunay triangulation region
    #qopt = [qdelaunay, "i", "TI", crdFile, "TO", rgnFile];

    # rgnFile and save them in to list
    Vtex = CRD;         # vertices are now same as coordinates
    Refi = [];          # delaunay triangulation region reference index

    # --- read rgnFile
    # 1st line: number of voronoi regions
    # rest    : references [#of vertices at this region, list of vertex1,...n]
    fid_r = open(rgnFile, 'r');
    line_cnt = 0;
    for readLine in fid_r:
        line_cnt = line_cnt + 1;
        if (line_cnt == 1):
            num_ref = map(int, readLine.strip().split());
        if (line_cnt > 1):
            tmp = map(int, readLine.strip().split());

    # Calculating the area of delaunay triangulation
    #print "- Total # of voronoi vertices: {}".format(len(Vtex));
    #print "- Total # of voronoi regions: {}".format(num_ref);
    Darea = 0.0;            # total area calculated by delaunay triangulation
    Sarea = 0.0;            # total area calculated by system size
    tmpArea = [];           # area for each delaunay triangulation
    for vreg in Refi:
        tmp_area = 0.0;
        for vidx in range(len(vreg)):
            if vidx < (len(vreg)-1):
                x0 = Vtex[vreg[vidx]][0];
                y0 = Vtex[vreg[vidx]][1];
                x1 = Vtex[vreg[vidx+1]][0];
                y1 = Vtex[vreg[vidx+1]][1];
                x0 = Vtex[vreg[vidx]][0];
                y0 = Vtex[vreg[vidx]][1];
                x1 = Vtex[vreg[0]][0];
                y1 = Vtex[vreg[0]][1];
            tmp_area = tmp_area + 0.5 * (x0 * y1 - y0 * x1);
        Darea = Darea + abs(tmp_area);
    Sarea = 4 * sysSize[0] * sysSize[1];
    areaDic = {
            'area'      : Darea,        # area calcualted by delaunay triangulation
            'system'    : Sarea,        # area calculated by system box size
            'region'    : tmpArea,      # individual delaunay triangle regions
            'coord'     : CRD,          # coordinates of input data
            'vertex'    : Vtex,         # all vertices consisting of delaunay triangulation region (i.e. it is equal to CRD)
            'refidx'    : Refi          # reference of vertex index for consisting each triangle region  
    # remove temporary files
    return areaDic;
Ejemplo n.º 4
def perlipidDT(TMP_DIR, qhull_path, CRD, sysSize):
    # write coordinates into a file
    # 1st line : dimension
    # 2nd line : number of vertex
    # rest lines: coordinates x, y, z
    stime = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f")
    rnum = stanalyzer.rand_N_digits(5)
    #crdFile = "{0}/dt_crd_{1}{2}.dat".format(TMP_DIR, stime, rnum);
    crdFile = "{0}/dt_crd.dat".format(TMP_DIR)

    fcrd_id = open(crdFile, "w")
    dim = 2
    # dimension - currently 2D only
    num_vtx = len(CRD)

    sline = "{0}\n{1}\n".format(dim, num_vtx)

    line_cnt = 0
    for vi in CRD:
        sline = "{0} {1}\n".format(vi[0], vi[1])
        # considering only X and Y axis

    # Run qhull to get the region of Delaunay triangulation 
    # qhull input file = coordinate file created above

    # qhull output file - Vertices corresponding to each delaunay region
    stime = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f")
    rnum = stanalyzer.rand_N_digits(5)
    #rgnFile = "{0}/dt_rgn_{1}{2}.dat".format(TMP_DIR, stime, rnum);
    rgnFile = "{0}/dt_rgn.dat".format(TMP_DIR)

    qhull_path = stanalyzer.eval_path(qhull_path)
    qdelaunay = "{0}qdelaunay".format(qhull_path)

    # writing shell script for running qhull
    shFile = "{0}/qhull_dt.sh".format(TMP_DIR)
    qsh_id = open(shFile, "w")
    msg = "#!/bin/bash\n{0} i < {1} > {2}\n".format(qdelaunay, crdFile,

    # chmode shell script
    qopt = ['chmod', '755', shFile]
    qhull = subprocess.call(qopt)

    # run shell script
    qopt = [shFile]
    qhull = subprocess.call(qopt)

    # counting delaunay triangulation region
    #qopt = [qdelaunay, "i", "TI", crdFile, "TO", rgnFile];
    # rgnFile and save them in to list
    Vtex = CRD
    # vertices are now same as coordinates
    Refi = []
    # delaunay triangulation region reference index

    # --- read rgnFile
    # 1st line: number of voronoi regions
    # rest    : references [#of vertices at this region, list of vertex1,...n]
    fid_r = open(rgnFile, 'r')
    line_cnt = 0
    for readLine in fid_r:
        line_cnt = line_cnt + 1
        if (line_cnt == 1):
            num_ref = map(int,

        if (line_cnt > 1):
            tmp = map(int,
    # Calculating the area of delaunay triangulation
    #print "- Total # of voronoi vertices: {}".format(len(Vtex));
    #print "- Total # of voronoi regions: {}".format(num_ref);

    Darea = 0.0
    # total area calculated by delaunay triangulation
    Sarea = 0.0
    # total area calculated by system size
    tmpArea = []
    # area for each delaunay triangulation

    for vreg in Refi:
        tmp_area = 0.0
        for vidx in range(len(vreg)):
            if vidx < (len(vreg) - 1):
                x0 = Vtex[vreg[vidx]][0]
                y0 = Vtex[vreg[vidx]][1]
                x1 = Vtex[vreg[vidx + 1]][0]
                y1 = Vtex[vreg[vidx + 1]][1]
                x0 = Vtex[vreg[vidx]][0]
                y0 = Vtex[vreg[vidx]][1]
                x1 = Vtex[vreg[0]][0]
                y1 = Vtex[vreg[0]][1]

            tmp_area = tmp_area + 0.5 * (x0 * y1 - y0 * x1)

        Darea = Darea + abs(tmp_area)
    Sarea = 4 * sysSize[0] * sysSize[1]

    areaDic = {
        'area': Darea,  # area calcualted by delaunay triangulation
        'system': Sarea,  # area calculated by system box size
        'region': tmpArea,  # individual delaunay triangle regions
        'coord': CRD,  # coordinates of input data
        Vtex,  # all vertices consisting of delaunay triangulation region (i.e. it is equal to CRD)
        Refi  # reference of vertex index for consisting each triangle region  

    # remove temporary files

    return areaDic