Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_taskmanager_meta_classifier(PRIVATE_TODO_FILE):
	"""Test of TaskManager when running with MetaClassifier"""

	with TaskManager(PRIVATE_TODO_FILE, overwrite=True, classes=StellarClassesLevel1) as tm:

		# Create fake results from SLOSH:
		tm.save_results({'priority': 17, 'classifier': 'slosh', 'status': STATUS.OK, 'starclass_results': {
			StellarClassesLevel1.SOLARLIKE: 0.2,
			StellarClassesLevel1.DSCT_BCEP: 0.1,
			StellarClassesLevel1.ECLIPSE: 0.7

		# Get the first task in the TODO file for the MetaClassifier:
		task1 = tm.get_task(classifier='meta')

		# It should be the only missing task with SLOSH:
		assert task1['priority'] == 17
		assert task1['classifier'] == 'meta'
		assert isinstance(task1['other_classifiers'], Table)

		tab = task1['other_classifiers']

		for row in tab:
			assert isinstance(row['class'], StellarClassesLevel1)

		assert tab[tab['class'] == StellarClassesLevel1.SOLARLIKE]['prob'] == 0.2
		assert tab[tab['class'] == StellarClassesLevel1.DSCT_BCEP]['prob'] == 0.1
		assert tab[tab['class'] == StellarClassesLevel1.ECLIPSE]['prob'] == 0.7
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_metaclassifier_load_star(PRIVATE_INPUT_DIR):

	# Use the following training set as input:
	tset = testing_tset()

	# Set a dummy features cache inside the private input dir:
	features_cache_name = 'features_cache'
	features_cache = os.path.join(PRIVATE_INPUT_DIR, features_cache_name)
	os.makedirs(features_cache, exist_ok=True)

	with TaskManager(PRIVATE_INPUT_DIR, classes=tset.StellarClasses) as tm:
		for k in range(2): # Try loading twice - second time we should load from cache
			with MetaClassifier(tset=tset, features_cache=features_cache) as cl:
				# Check that the second time there should still be nothing in the cache:
				assert len(os.listdir(features_cache)) == 0

				task = tm.get_task(priority=17, classifier='meta')
				feat = cl.load_star(task)

				# Check "transfered" features:
				assert feat['priority'] == 17
				assert feat['priority'] == task['priority']
				assert feat['starid'] == task['starid']

				# Check the complex objects:
				assert 'other_classifiers' in feat
				assert isinstance(feat['other_classifiers'], Table)

				# For the MetaClassifier these things should not be included:
				assert 'lightcurve' not in feat
				assert 'powerspectrum' not in feat
				assert 'frequencies' not in feat
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_taskmanager_switch_classifier(PRIVATE_TODO_FILE, chunk):
	"""Test of TaskManager - Automatic switching between classifiers."""

	with TaskManager(PRIVATE_TODO_FILE, overwrite=True) as tm:

		tm.cursor.execute("INSERT INTO starclass_diagnostics (priority,classifier,status) SELECT priority,'slosh',1 FROM todolist;")
		tm.cursor.execute("DELETE FROM starclass_diagnostics WHERE priority=17;")

		# Get the first task in the TODO file:
		task1 = tm.get_task(classifier='slosh', chunk=chunk)

		# It should be the only missing task with SLOSH:
		if chunk > 1:
			assert len(task1) == 1
			task1 = task1[0]
		assert task1['priority'] == 17
		assert task1['classifier'] == 'slosh'

		# Start task with priority=1:

		# Get the next task, which should be the one with priority=2:
		task2 = tm.get_task(classifier='slosh', chunk=chunk)
		if chunk > 1:
			assert len(task2) == chunk
			task2 = task2[0]

		# We should now get the highest priority target, but not with SLOSH:
		assert task2['priority'] == 17
		assert task2['classifier'] is not None and task2['classifier'] != 'slosh'
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_taskmanager_invalid():
	"""Test of TaskManager with invalid TODO-file input."""

	# Load the first image in the input directory:
	INPUT_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'input')

	with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
		TaskManager(os.path.join(INPUT_DIR, 'does-not-exists'))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_taskmanager_save_and_settings(PRIVATE_TODO_FILE):
	"""Test of TaskManager saving results and settings."""

	with TaskManager(PRIVATE_TODO_FILE, overwrite=True, classes=StellarClassesLevel1) as tm:
		# Check the settings table:
		assert tm.tset is None
		tm.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM starclass_settings;")
		settings = tm.cursor.fetchone()
		assert settings is None

		# Start a random task:
		task = tm.get_task(classifier='meta')

		# Make a fake result we can save;
		starclass_results = {
			StellarClassesLevel1.SOLARLIKE: 0.8,
			StellarClassesLevel1.APERIODIC: 0.2
		result = task.copy()
		result['tset'] = 'keplerq9v3'
		result['classifier'] = 'meta'
		result['status'] = STATUS.OK
		result['elaptime'] = 3.14
		result['worker_wait_time'] = 1.0
		result['details'] = {'errors': ['There was actually no error']}
		result['starclass_results'] = starclass_results

		# Save the result:

		# Check the setting again - it should now have changed:
		assert tm.tset == 'keplerq9v3'
		tm.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM starclass_settings;")
		settings = tm.cursor.fetchone()
		assert settings['tset'] == 'keplerq9v3'

		# Check that the additional diagnostic was saved correctly:
		tm.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM starclass_diagnostics WHERE priority=?;", [result['priority']])
		row = tm.cursor.fetchone()
		assert row['status'] == STATUS.OK.value
		assert row['classifier'] == 'meta'
		assert row['elaptime'] == 3.14
		assert row['worker_wait_time'] == 1.0
		assert row['errors'] == 'There was actually no error'

		# Check that the results were saved correctly:
		tm.cursor.execute("SELECT class,prob FROM starclass_results WHERE priority=? AND classifier=?;", [result['priority'], 'meta'])
		for row in tm.cursor.fetchall():
			assert row['prob'] == starclass_results[StellarClassesLevel1[row['class']]]

		# This should fail when we try to save it:
		result['tset'] = 'another'
		with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
		assert str(e.value) == "Attempting to mix results from multiple training sets. Previous='keplerq9v3', New='another'."
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_taskmanager_get_tasks_priority(PRIVATE_TODO_FILE):
	"""Test of TaskManager.get_tasks with priority"""

	with TaskManager(PRIVATE_TODO_FILE, overwrite=True) as tm:
		task = tm.get_task(priority=17)
		assert task['priority'] == 17

		# Call with non-existing starid:
		task = tm.get_task(priority=-1234567890)
		assert task is None
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_taskmanager_moat_create_wrong(PRIVATE_TODO_FILE):
	"""Test moat-create with wrong input"""
	with TaskManager(PRIVATE_TODO_FILE, overwrite=True, classes=StellarClassesLevel1) as tm:
		# Wrong classifier:
		with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
			tm.moat_create('nonsense', ['freq1', 'freq2'])
		assert str(e.value) == 'Invalid classifier: nonsense'

		with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
			tm.moat_create('common', [])
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_taskmanager_no_diagnostics(PRIVATE_TODO_FILE):
	"""Test of TaskManager with invalid TODO-file, missing diagnostics_corr table."""

	# Delete the table from the TODO-file:
	with closing(sqlite3.connect(PRIVATE_TODO_FILE)) as conn:
		conn.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS diagnostics_corr;')

	# The TaskManager should now throw an error:
	with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
	assert str(err.value) == "The TODO-file does not contain diagnostics_corr. Are you sure corrections have been run?"
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_taskmanager_moat_wrong_existing_table(PRIVATE_TODO_FILE):
	"""Test of TaskManager with invalid TODO-file, missing diagnostics_corr table."""

	# Add a table to the TODO-file, following the naming scheme, but from
	# a wrong (dummy) classifier:
	with closing(sqlite3.connect(PRIVATE_TODO_FILE)) as conn:
		conn.execute("""CREATE TABLE starclass_features_dummy (
			priority integer not null,
			dummy_var real

	# The TaskManager should now throw an error:
	with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
	assert str(err.value) == "Invalid classifier: dummy"
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_taskmanager_chunks(PRIVATE_TODO_FILE):
	"""Test TaskManager, getting chunks of tasks at a time"""

	# Reset the TODO-file completely, and mark the first task as STARTED:
	with TaskManager(PRIVATE_TODO_FILE) as tm:
		task1 = tm.get_task(classifier='rfgc')
		assert isinstance(task1, dict)

		task10 = tm.get_task(classifier='rfgc', chunk=10)
		assert isinstance(task10, list)
		assert len(task10) == 10
		for task in task10:
			assert isinstance(task, dict)

		tm.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM starclass_diagnostics WHERE classifier='rfgc' AND status=?;", [STATUS.STARTED.value])
		assert tm.cursor.fetchone()[0] == 10
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_taskmanager_get_tasks(PRIVATE_TODO_FILE):
	"""Test of TaskManager"""

	input_dir = os.path.dirname(PRIVATE_TODO_FILE)

	with TaskManager(PRIVATE_TODO_FILE, overwrite=True) as tm:
		# Get the number of tasks:
		with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
		#assert(numtasks == 168642)

		# In STARCLASS, we have to ask with either a priority or a classifier as input:
		with pytest.raises(ValueError):

		# Get the first task in the TODO file:
		task1 = tm.get_task(classifier='slosh')

		# Check that it contains what we know it should:
		# The first priority in the TODO file is the following:
		assert task1['priority'] == 17
		assert task1['starid'] == 29281992
		assert task1['lightcurve'] == os.path.join(input_dir, 'tess00029281992-s01-c1800-dr01-v04-tasoc-cbv_lc.fits.gz')
		assert task1['classifier'] == 'slosh'

		# Start task with priority=1:

		# Get the next task, which should be the one with priority=2:
		task2 = tm.get_task(classifier='slosh')

		assert task2['priority'] == 26
		assert task2['starid'] == 29859905
		assert task2['lightcurve'] == os.path.join(input_dir, 'ffi/00029/tess00029859905-s01-c1800-dr01-v04-tasoc-cbv_lc.fits.gz')
		assert task2['classifier'] == 'slosh'

		# Check that the status did actually change in the todolist:
		tm.cursor.execute("SELECT status FROM starclass_diagnostics WHERE priority=?;", (task1['priority'],))
		task1_status = tm.cursor.fetchone()['status']

		assert task1_status == STATUS.STARTED.value
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_baseclassifier_load_star(PRIVATE_INPUT_DIR, linfit):

	# Use the following training set as input:
	tsetclass = get_trainingset()
	tset = tsetclass(linfit=linfit)

	# Set a dummy features cache inside the private input dir:
	features_cache_name = 'features_cache'
	if linfit:
		features_cache_name += '_linfit'
	features_cache = os.path.join(PRIVATE_INPUT_DIR, features_cache_name)
	os.makedirs(features_cache, exist_ok=True)

	# The features cache should be empty to begin with:
	assert len(os.listdir(features_cache)) == 0

	with TaskManager(PRIVATE_INPUT_DIR) as tm:
		for k in range(2): # Try loading twice - second time we should load from cache
			with BaseClassifier(tset=tset, features_cache=features_cache) as cl:
				# Check that the second time there is something in the features cache:
				if k > 0:
					assert os.listdir(features_cache) == ['features-17.pickle']

				task = tm.get_task(priority=17)

				feat = cl.load_star(task)

				# Check the complex objects:
				assert isinstance(feat['lightcurve'], TessLightCurve)
				assert isinstance(feat['powerspectrum'], powerspectrum)
				assert isinstance(feat['frequencies'], Table)

				# Check "transfered" features:
				assert feat['priority'] == 17
				assert feat['priority'] == task['priority']
				assert feat['starid'] == task['starid']
				assert feat['tmag'] == task['tmag']
				assert feat['variance'] == task['variance']
				assert feat['rms_hour'] == task['rms_hour']
				assert feat['ptp'] == task['ptp']

				# Check FliPer:
				assert np.isfinite(feat['Fp07'])
				assert np.isfinite(feat['Fp7'])
				assert np.isfinite(feat['Fp20'])
				assert np.isfinite(feat['Fp50'])
				assert np.isfinite(feat['FpWhite'])
				assert np.isfinite(feat['Fphi'])
				assert np.isfinite(feat['Fplo'])

				# Check frequencies:
				freqtab = feat['frequencies']
				for k in np.unique(freqtab['num']):
					assert np.isfinite(feat['freq%d' % k]) or np.isnan(feat['freq%d' % k]), "Invalid frequency"
					assert np.isfinite(feat['amp%d' % k]) or np.isnan(feat['amp%d' % k]), "Invalid amplitude"
					assert np.isfinite(feat['phase%d' % k]) or np.isnan(feat['phase%d' % k]), "Invalid phase"

					peak = freqtab[(freqtab['num'] == k) & (freqtab['harmonic'] == 0)]
					np.testing.assert_allclose(feat['freq%d' % k], peak['frequency'])
					np.testing.assert_allclose(feat['amp%d' % k], peak['amplitude'])
					np.testing.assert_allclose(feat['phase%d' % k], peak['phase'])

				# Check details about lightkurve object:
				lc = feat['lightcurve']
				assert lc.targetid == feat['starid']
				assert lc.label == 'TIC %d' % feat['starid']
				assert lc.mission == 'TESS'
				assert lc.time_format == 'btjd'
				assert lc.time_format == 'btjd'
				assert lc.camera == 1
				assert lc.ccd == 4
				assert lc.sector == 1

				# When running with linfit enabled, the features should contain
				# an extra set of coefficients from the detrending:
				if linfit:
					assert 'detrend_coeff' in feat
					assert len(feat['detrend_coeff']) == 2
					assert np.all(np.isfinite(feat['detrend_coeff']))
					assert 'detrend_coeff' not in feat
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_taskmanager_moat(PRIVATE_TODO_FILE, classifier):

	with TaskManager(PRIVATE_TODO_FILE, overwrite=True, classes=StellarClassesLevel1) as tm:
		# Start a random task:
		task = tm.get_task(classifier=classifier)

		# Create dummy features which we will save and restore:
		features_common = {'freq1': 42.0, 'amp1': 43.0, 'phase1': 4.0}
		features = {'unique_feature': 2187.0, 'special_feature': 1234.0}

		# Make a fake result we can save;
		result = task.copy()
		result['tset'] = 'keplerq9v3'
		result['classifier'] = classifier
		result['status'] = STATUS.OK
		result['elaptime'] = 3.14
		result['starclass_results'] = {
			StellarClassesLevel1.SOLARLIKE: 0.8,
			StellarClassesLevel1.APERIODIC: 0.2
		# This is the important part in this test:
		result['features'] = features
		result['features_common'] = features_common

		# Save the result:

		# Check common features were stored in the table:
		tm.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM starclass_features_common WHERE priority=?;", [task['priority']])
		row1 = dict(tm.cursor.fetchone())
		del row1['priority']
		assert row1 == features_common

		tm.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM starclass_features_%s WHERE priority=?;" % classifier, [task['priority']])
		row2 = dict(tm.cursor.fetchone())
		del row2['priority']
		assert row2 == features

		# Try to extract the features again, they should be identical to the ones we put in:
		extracted_features = tm.moat_query('common', task['priority'])
		assert extracted_features == features_common
		extracted_features = tm.moat_query(classifier, task['priority'])
		assert extracted_features == features

		# If we ask for the exact same target, we should get another classifier,
		# but the common features should now be provided to us:
		task2 = tm.get_task(priority=task['priority'], classifier=classifier)
		print('TASK2: %s' % task2)
		assert task2['classifier'] != classifier
		assert task2['features_common'] == features_common

	# Reload the TaskManager, with overwrite, which should remove all previous results,
	# but the MOAT should still exist:
	with TaskManager(PRIVATE_TODO_FILE, overwrite=True, classes=StellarClassesLevel1) as tm:

		# If we ask for the exact same target, we should get THE SAME classifier,
		# but the common features should now be provided to us:
		task3 = tm.get_task(priority=task['priority'], classifier=classifier)
		print('TASK3: %s' % task3)
		assert task3['classifier'] == classifier
		assert task3['features_common'] == features_common
		assert task3['features'] == features

		# Clear the moat, which should delete all MOAT tables:

		# Check that there are no more MOAT tables in the todo-file:
		tm.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name LIKE 'starclass_features_%';")
		assert tm.cursor.fetchone()[0] == 0

		# Using the query should now return nothing:
		assert tm.moat_query('common', task['priority']) is None
		assert tm.moat_query(classifier, task['priority']) is None