Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _find_spots(
        data_stack: ImageStack,
        verbose: bool = False,
        n_processes: Optional[int] = None
    ) -> Dict[Tuple[int, int], np.ndarray]:
        """Find spots in all (z, y, x) volumes of an ImageStack.

        data_stack : ImageStack
            Stack containing spots to find.

        Dict[Tuple[int, int], np.ndarray]
            Dictionary mapping (round, channel) pairs to a spot table generated by skimage blob_log
            or blob_dog.

        # find spots in each (r, c) volume
        transform_results = data_stack.transform(

        # create output dictionary
        spot_results = {}
        for spot_calls, axes_dict in transform_results:
            r = axes_dict[Axes.ROUND]
            c = axes_dict[Axes.CH]
            spot_results[r, c] = spot_calls

        return spot_results
Ejemplo n.º 2
def detect_spots(data_stack: ImageStack,
                 spot_finding_method: Callable[..., SpotAttributes],
                 spot_finding_kwargs: Dict = None,
                 reference_image: Union[xr.DataArray, np.ndarray] = None,
                 reference_image_from_max_projection: bool = False,
                 measurement_function: Callable[[Sequence], Number] = np.max,
                 radius_is_gyration: bool = False) -> IntensityTable:
    """Apply a spot_finding_method to a ImageStack

    data_stack : ImageStack
        The ImageStack containing spots
    spot_finding_method : Callable[..., IntensityTable]
        The method to identify spots
    spot_finding_kwargs : Dict
        additional keyword arguments to pass to spot_finding_method
    reference_image : xr.DataArray
        (Optional) a reference image. If provided, spots will be found in this image, and then
        the locations that correspond to these spots will be measured across each channel and round,
        filling in the values in the IntensityTable
    reference_image_from_max_projection : Tuple[Indices]
        (Optional) if True, create a reference image by max-projecting the channels and imaging
        rounds found in data_image.
    measurement_function : Callable[[Sequence], Number]
        the function to apply over the spot area to extract the intensity value (default 'np.max')
    radius_is_gyration : bool
        if True, indicates that the radius corresponds to radius of gyration, which is a function of
        spot intensity, but typically is a smaller unit than the sigma generated by blob_log.
        In this case, the spot's bounding box is rounded up instead of down when measuring
        intensity. (default False)
    is_volume: bool
        If True, pass 3d volumes (x, y, z) to func, else pass 2d tiles (x, y) to func. (default

    - This class will always detect spots in 3d. If 2d spot detection is desired, the data should
      be projected down to "fake 3d" prior to submission to this function
    - If neither reference_image nor reference_from_max_projection are passed, spots will be
      detected _independently_ in each channel. This assumes a non-multiplex imaging experiment,
      as only one (ch, round) will be measured for each spot.

    IntensityTable :
        IntensityTable containing the intensity of each spot, its radius, and location in pixel


    if spot_finding_kwargs is None:
        spot_finding_kwargs = {}

    if reference_image is not None and reference_image_from_max_projection:
        raise ValueError(
            'Please pass only one of reference_image and reference_image_from_max_projection'

    if reference_image_from_max_projection:
        reference_image = data_stack.max_proj(Indices.CH, Indices.ROUND)
        reference_image = reference_image._squeezed_numpy(
            Indices.CH, Indices.ROUND)

    group_by = {Indices.ROUND, Indices.CH}

    if reference_image is not None:
        reference_spot_locations = spot_finding_method(reference_image,
        intensity_table = measure_spot_intensities(
    else:  # don't use a reference image, measure each
        spot_finding_method = partial(spot_finding_method,
        spot_attributes_list = data_stack.transform(func=spot_finding_method,
        intensity_table = concatenate_spot_attributes_to_intensities(

    return intensity_table