def run( self ): for line in sys.stdin: state = State( line ) own = [] for i in range( 0, state.R ): for j in range( 0, state.C ): if state.is_my_cell( i, j ): own.append( ( i, j ) ) possible = [] for i in range( 0, state.R ): for j in range( 0, state.C ): if not state.is_empty( i, j ): continue for p in own: if State.distance( p, ( i, j ) ) < 2: possible.append( ( i, j ) ) break xx = ( -1, -1 ) my = ( state.R, state.C ) mx = ( state.R, state.C ) for p in possible: if p[ 0 ] > xx[ 0 ]: xx = p if p[ 1 ] < my[ 1 ]: my = p if p[ 0 ] < mx[ 0 ]: mx = p Bot.send_move( [ mx, my, xx ] )
def loadState(self): try: state = State().fromFile(os.path.join(self.appdir, 'state.json')) except IOError: state = State().fromJSON(self.createDefaultState()) finally: state.load()
def test_eu_loop(): t = Transition([0], [0]) p = PetriNet([t]) s1 = State([1], p) prop = EUProposition(TrueProposition(), FalseProposition()) s1.evaluate(prop) # should terminate assert len(p._states_cache) == 1
def tone(self,who,val,unused=None,force=False): # who is 'M','A','B','C','D','TR' if force or val != self.preset.currentDict[who][1]: State.printT('TONE:\t' + str(who) +'\t' + str(val)) trVal = 'Off' toneVal = '0' if who =='TR': trVal = str(val-1) if val else 'Off' targ = 'M' toneVal = None elif who == 'M': targ = who trVal = None toneVal = str(val-1) if val else 'Off' self.mEval.set(1,val) else: targ = who trVal = '0' if val else 'Off' toneVal = str(val-1) if val else 'Off' if trVal != None: #self.outgoing.append("a.set('%s',State.ToneRange,State.l%s)"%(targ,trVal)) self.set(targ,State.ToneRange,eval('State.l%s'%trVal)) if toneVal != None: #self.outgoing.append("a.set('%s',State.Tone,State.l%s)"%(targ,toneVal)) self.set(targ,State.Tone,eval('State.l%s'%toneVal)) self.preset.currentDict[who][1] = val return True return False
def test_eg_loop(): t = Transition([0], [0]) p = PetriNet([t]) s1 = State([1], p) prop = EGProposition(TrueProposition()) assert s1.evaluate(prop) == True assert len(p._states_cache) == 1
def test_eu_proposition_1(): t = Transition([0], [1]) p = PetriNet([t]) s1 = State([0,2], p) prop = EUProposition(LessProposition(NumericExpression(0), VariableExpression(0)), EqualsProposition(VariableExpression(1), NumericExpression(3))) assert s1.evaluate(prop) == False
def test_eu_proposition_2(): t = Transition([0], [1]) p = PetriNet([t]) s1 = State([0,2], p) prop = EUProposition(LessProposition(NumericExpression(0), VariableExpression(0)), TrueProposition()) assert s1.evaluate(prop) == True
def test_dual_loop(): t1 = Transition([0], [1]) t2 = Transition([1], [0]) p = PetriNet([t1, t2]) s1 = State([0, 1], p) prop = EGProposition(TrueProposition()) assert s1.evaluate(prop) == True
def test_ex_proposition(): t1 = Transition([0], [1]) t2 = Transition([1], [2]) p = PetriNet([t1, t2]) s1 = State([1,1,0], p) prop = EXProposition(EqualsProposition(VariableExpression(0), NumericExpression(0))) assert s1.evaluate(prop) == True
def __init__(self, screen, inputManager, character): State.__init__(self, screen, inputManager) self.character = character; self.width, self.height = self.screen.get_width(), self.screen.get_height() pygame.display.set_caption("StepFight - Items Menu") #Items Box dimensions self.item_width, self.item_height = 250, 200 self.item_screen = self.item_width, self.item_height #Fonts self.font_object = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 20) self.next_state = Consts.STATE_CONTINUE #Play button self.play_button = self._createButton(self.PLAY_BUTTON, Consts.PLAY, (700,525,200,50)) self.play_button.font_object = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 35) self.play_button._setPadding(50, 10) #Buy buttons self.buy_sword_button = self._createButton(self.BUY_SWORD_BUTTON, Consts.BUY, (75, 200,100,40)) self.buy_helmet_button = self._createButton(self.BUY_HELMET_BUTTON, Consts.BUY, (525, 200,100,40)) self.buy_armor_button = self._createButton(self.BUY_ARMOR_BUTTON, Consts.BUY, (75, 450,100,40)) self.buy_spell_button = self._createButton(self.BUY_SPELL_BUTTON, Consts.BUY, (525, 450,100,40))
def install(self, target: Target, state: State, output: Output): """Installs CMake. CMake is not easily buildable on Windows so we rely on a binary distribution Parameters ---------- target: Target The target platform and architecture. state: State The state of the bootstrap build. output: Output The output helper. """ print("") output.print_step_title("Installing CMake") if state.cmake_path == "": self._install(target) print(" CMake installed successfully") else: self.path = state.cmake_path print(" Using previous installation: " + self.path) state.set_cmake_path(self.path) output.next_step()
def __init__(self, current=0): State.__init__(self) self.ui = UI(self, Jules_UIContext) self.nextState = GameStart logo_duration = 20 * 1000 scores_duration = 5 * 1000 self.displays = [(logo_duration, self.draw_logo), (scores_duration, self.draw_high_scores)] self.eventid = TimerEvents.SplashScreen self.current = current self.draw = self.displays[self.current][1] self.instructions = ['Can you think fast and react faster?', 'This game will test both.', 'Your job is to destroy the bonus blocks.', 'Sounds easy, right?... Wrong!', 'There are several problems.', 'If you destroy a penalty block you lose 200 pts.', 'If you get 3 penalties, you lose a life.', 'If you lose 3 lives, the game is over.', 'The bonus and penalty blocks', 'change colors every 5 seconds.', 'And on top of that, if you do not destroy a', 'random non-bonus, non-penalty block every', 'couple of seconds, that will give you a', 'penalty too. Think you got all that?']
def loadconfig(): state = State() data = yaml.safe_load(, 'r'))) for k in data: try: for rule in data[k]['rules']: try: source = getattr(network, rule['source']) state.add_rule(source, rule['value'], k, rule['confidence']) except TypeError: pass except TypeError: pass except KeyError: pass try: state[k].in_actions.extend(map(lambda string:getattr(actions, string), data[k]['in_actions'])) except TypeError: pass try: state[k].out_actions.extend(map(lambda string:getattr(actions, string), data[k]['out_actions'])) except TypeError: pass return state
def extend_state(self, state): if len(state) == self.d: if state.calc_info() >= self.j: self.T.append(state) return Q = [] g_i = state.most_recent_gene() for g_k in self.graph.neighbors_iter(g_i): if g_k < g_i: continue if g_k in state: continue for e in self.C: new_state = State(state.genes + [g_k], state.expr_ptn + [e], self.expression) redundant = False for g_j in state.iter_gene(): if new_state.calc_info_omit(g_j) >= new_state.calc_info(): redundant = True break if not redundant and new_state.calc_info_bound() >= self.j: Q.append(new_state) if not Q: if state.calc_info() >= self.j: self.T.append(state) return Q_b = sorted(Q, key=lambda s: - s.calc_info())[:self.b] for new_state in Q_b: self.extend_state(new_state)
def setUp(self): pygame.mixer.init() self.player = PlayerSprite() self.invScreen = InventoryScreen(self.player) self.invScreen.lines = ['Test1', 'Test2'] State.screens = [] State.push_screen(self.invScreen)
def _render(self): State._render(self) #background self.screen.fill(Consts.BLACK_COLOR) self.screen.blit(self.background, self.background.get_rect()) #buttons if(self.is_in_resolution): self.continue_button._render(self.screen) if(self.fight_ended): self.font_object = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 30) if(self.character.isDead()): self.screen.blit(self.font_object.render("YOU LOST...", False, Consts.RED_COLOR), (270,520)) else: self.screen.blit(self.font_object.render("YOU WON!!!!!", False, Consts.GOLD_COLOR), (270,520)) else: message = "You"+self.text_character_attack self.screen.blit(self.font_object.render(message, False, Consts.WHITE_COLOR), (50,510)) message = "Dragon"+self.text_dragon_attack self.screen.blit(self.font_object.render(message, False, Consts.WHITE_COLOR), (50,550)) else: self.attack_button._render(self.screen) self.defense_button._render(self.screen) self.spell_button._render(self.screen) self.charge_button._render(self.screen) self.run_button._render(self.screen) #characters self.dragon.render(self.screen) self.character.render(self.screen) self.print_level()
def _update(self): State._update(self) if(not self.fight_ended and (self.character.isDead() or self.dragon.isDead()) ): self.fight_ended = True self.enterResolutionMode() if(not self.character.isDead()): self.character.level += 1 Consts.MONEY += 150 #buttons if(self.is_in_resolution): self.continue_button._update() else: self.attack_button._update() self.defense_button._update() self.spell_button._update() self.charge_button._update() self.run_button._update() #characters self.character.update() self.dragon.update() return self.next_state
def draw_to_screen(self): State.draw_to_screen(self) screen = game.screen() for shape in self._shapes: shape.draw_to_screen(screen) self._sprites.draw(screen) return
def handle_keyboard(self, events): ''' Function to handle the keyboard events and act accordingly @param events - The list of events from the game ''' self.keyboard_input = { key: (new_val, new_val) for key, (old_val, new_val) in self.keyboard_input.items() } for event in events: if not hasattr(event, 'key'): continue if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_p: State.push_screen(PauseScreen(self.player, self.tileMap)) if event.key == K_i: State.push_screen(InventoryScreen(self.player)) if event.key in self.keyboard_input: (old_val, new_val) = self.keyboard_input[event.key] self.keyboard_input[event.key] = (new_val, event.type)
class Manuscript(object): def __init__ (self, num, acc_date = self.number = num self.state = State(acc_date) self.eng_rev = False def new_state(self, state, date = '''Indicates that the manuscript reached a new state in the publication process''' self.state.set_state(state, date) def is_revised(self): '''Returns true if the manuscript was submitted to language revision''' return self.eng_rev def set_revised(self): '''Informs that a manuscript has been submitted to language revision''' self.eng_rev = True def __str__(self): if self.is_revised(): eng_status = 'Abstract revised' else: eng_status = 'Abstract NOT revised' return ('\n%s:\n\n%s%s\n' % (self.number, self.state, eng_status))
def update(self): self._sword.y_index = self._sword_top_index + self._current_choice State.update(self) for shape in self._shapes: shape.update() self._sprites.update() return
def loadConf(self, conf): try: #res = self.doParse(conf[self.conf.vocab.configKeys[7]]) self.doParse(conf[self.conf.vocab.configKeys[7]]) """ for e in res: #print(e) self.outgoing.append(e) """ for key in self.preset.currentDict.keys(): self.preset.currentDict[key] = conf[key] except Exception as e: print (e) self.doParse(self.conf.presetConf.defaultConfDict[self.conf.vocab.configKeys[7]]) for key in self.conf.presetConf.defaultConfDict.keys(): self.preset.currentDict[key] = self.conf.presetConf.defaultConfDict[key] self.preset.currentDict[self.conf.vocab.configKeys[0]] = 'DEFAULT PRESET' self.tone('TR',self.preset.currentDict['TR'][1],force=True) for c in ['A','B','C','D','M']: self.vol(c,self.preset.currentDict[c][0],force=True) self.tone(c,self.preset.currentDict[c][1],force=True) self.lcdMgr.loadConf() self.trem(self.preset.currentDict[self.conf.vocab.configKeys[8]]) self.vib(self.preset.currentDict[self.conf.vocab.configKeys[9]]) self.tracking(self.preset.currentDict[self.conf.vocab.configKeys[10]]) State.printT(self.outgoing)
def _apply_change(self, change, remote_id): """Apply the change provided to the server state, then tell all of the remotes about it Params: change -- the Change object to apply remote_id -- the id number of the remote providing the change """ # find the source state of the change source_node = self.root.find_source_of(change, remote_id) source_operation = Operation.from_change(change, None) # transform down to the tip new_tip_operation = source_node.transform_to_tip(source_operation, remote_id) new_tip_operation.apply(self.value) new_tip = new_tip_operation.end youngest_root = State(new_tip.pos) # tell the remotes about the change for cur_remote_id, remote in self.remotes.iteritems(): if cur_remote_id == remote_id: remote.server_ack_to_client(new_tip.make_ack(cur_remote_id), new_tip.pos) else: remote.server_change_available(self.tip.make_change(cur_remote_id)) youngest_root.age_to_include(remote.last_acked_state) self.tip = new_tip # see if I can move the root to a younger node while self.root.operation is not None and \ not self.root.operation.end.pos.is_younger_than(youngest_root): self.root = self.root.operation.end
def __init__(self, surf, prev): """ :param surf: :param prev: """ State.__init__(self, surf, prev)
class Game(): def __init__(self, gru_file=None): self.compiler = Compiler() if gru_file: = self.compiler.decompile(gru_file) else: = self.compiler.compile(None) self.metadata = self.flags = Flags( self.wheel = Wheel(config) self.title = Title(config) self.inventory = Inventory(, self.flags, config) self.combiner = Combiner(, self.flags, self.inventory) = Page(config, self.flags, self.combiner, self.inventory) self.state = State(, self.flags, self.inventory, self.wheel, self.combiner, self.title, if self.metadata.has_key("start"): start = self.metadata["start"] self.state.update(start) else: self.state.update("start") def draw(self, tick): self.inventory.draw() self.wheel.draw() self.title.draw()
class Game: def __init__(self, host, port): self.gameId = 0 self.state = None = host self.port = port def init(self, nickname, level): response = self.get_post_request(, self.port, '/init/' + str(level), {'nickname': nickname, 'scaffold': 'python'}) json_root = json.loads(response) self.gameId = json_root['gameId'] self.update_board(json_root['board']) def move(self, col): response = self.get_post_request(, self.port, '/game/move/' + str(self.gameId), {'move': col}) json_root = json.loads(response) self.update_board(json_root['board']) def update_board(self, board): cols = len(board) rows = len(board[0]) self.state = State(rows, cols) for col_i, col in enumerate(board): for row_i, slot in enumerate(col): self.state.setSlot(row_i, col_i, slot) def get_post_request(self, host, port, url, params): params = urllib.urlencode(params) headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"} conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host, port) conn.request('POST', url, params, headers) return conn.getresponse().read()
class StateTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.state = State('S', ['VP', 'NP'], 0, 0, 0) def test_is_complete(self): self.assertFalse(self.state.is_complete()) = 1 self.assertFalse(self.state.is_complete()) = 2 self.assertTrue(self.state.is_complete()) = 3 self.assertFalse(self.state.is_complete()) def test_next_cat(self): self.assertEqual(self.state.next_cat(), 'VP') = 1 self.assertEqual(self.state.next_cat(), 'NP') = 2 self.assertEqual(self.state.next_cat(), None) def test_after_dot(self): self.assertEqual(self.state.after_dot(), 'VP') = 1 self.assertEqual(self.state.after_dot(), 'NP') = 2 self.assertEqual(self.state.after_dot(), None)
def update(self,name, att, state=State.connectionUpdateOnly): """ To call update(...) on name, att, state >>> update('A',State.Inverter,State.l2) To call update(...) on connections >>> update(('A',0),('B',1)) this method sets up the call to doSettingMasking which makes the member variable assignments --- Note that there is a procedural difference between updating a Vol, Tone,ToneRang, Inverter setting, and updating a connection setting. In the former case, the non-affecting attributes are maintained. In the latter case, all the connection settings are reset prior to updating. Examples: If we had 'A', Vol, l3 already, then we set 'A', Inverter, 1, then both the vol and inverter settings are maintained. But if we have some connections and we add are starting a new one then the previous ones are erased. However, if we have already started adding connections, then the previous NEW ones are maintained. """ if state == State.connectionUpdateOnly: self.doSettingMasking(connectionsDict[(name,att)],[]) else: # all states can be 'State.lOff', ie None ! onOff = not state == State.lOff (setting, masking) = BitMgr.baseFunc(onOff, name, att, state) State.printT(setting,masking) # this is ok! # for a.set('A',State.Inverter,State.l0) # ((4, 0), (4, 3)) ((4, 240),) self.doSettingMasking(setting,masking)
def pb0Func(self): if self.sequencing: State.printT('pb0Func:\tstepping the sequence...') #State.debug and input('Press Return:') return self.doNextSeq() else: return false
def sa_search(graph, budget, timer): # Might be able to simplify this. cycle = list(range(0, len(graph.nodelist))) #random.shuffle(cycle) state = State(graph, cycle, []) best = state.get_cpy() while timer.get_secs() < budget: temp = Search.schedule(timer.get_secs(), budget) if temp <= 0: break #nextop = random.choice(oplist) nextstate = state.get_cpy() nextstate.swap_nodes() deltae = state.cost - nextstate.cost if deltae > 0: state = nextstate else: if math.exp(float(deltae)/float(temp)) > random.uniform(0,1): state = nextstate if state.cost < best.cost: best = state.get_cpy() return best
def __init__(self, name): State.__init__(self, name)
def onPlayBackError(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Will be called when when playback stops due to an error""" self.reset_queue() self.api.reset_addon_data() self.state = State() # Reset state
def onPlayBackStopped(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Will be called when user stops playing a file""" self.reset_queue() self.api.reset_addon_data() self.state = State() # Reset state
def __init__(self): self.api = Api() self.state = State() self.monitor = Monitor() Player.__init__(self)
while not player_1_name: player_1_name = input('\tPlease enter Player 1\'s name: ') player_1_char = None while player_1_char not in ['X', 'O']: player_1_char = input('\tPlease enter Player 1\'s char: ') player_2_name = None while not player_2_name: player_2_name = input('\tPlease enter Player 2\'s name: ') player_2_char = 'X' if player_1_char is 'O' else 'O' print('Let\'s Begin!\n') init_state = State(' ', player_1_char, Grid(tuple([None] * 9))) init_node = GameNode(init_state) current_node = init_node while not current_node.state.is_final(): print(current_node.state) move = input("Enter move (eg. 'a1'): ") new_node = deepcopy(current_node) if move[0] == 'a': col_ix = 3 elif move[0] == 'b': col_ix = 4 elif move[0] == 'c': col_ix = 5
def main(): # Read server messages from stdin. server_messages = sys.stdin # Use stderr to print to console through server. print( f'SearchClient initializing. I am sending this using the error output stream. {}', file=sys.stderr, flush=True) # Initialize level by sending client name ClientName = f"{config.client_name}\r".encode("ascii") sys.stdout.buffer.write(ClientName) sys.stdout.flush() # TO DO: Figure out if we have an multiagent or single agent level single_agent = False if single_agent: raise Exception("Not implemented") # Read level and create the initial state of the problem. client = SearchClient(server_messages) ''' Testing assigner ''' preprocessing_current_state = State(client.initial_state) ''' Create Dijkstras mapping for all goal location For all goal_locations do Create BFS From location and ''' current_state = State(client.initial_state) current_state.dijkstras_map = create_dijkstras_map( preprocessing_current_state) # Create list of agents list_agents = [] del_agents = [] for k, v in current_state.reverse_agent_dict().items(): if k not in client.del_agents_ids: # Char int, color, connectedcomp, strategy list_agents.append( search_agent(k, v[0], v[3], v[2], StrategyBestFirst)) else: del_agents.append( search_agent(k, v[0], v[3], v[2], StrategyBestFirst)) del_locs = [] for del_id in client.del_agents_ids: for loc, agt in current_state.agents.items(): if agt[0][1] == del_id: del_locs.append(loc) for loc in del_locs: del current_state.agents[loc] list_agents_full = list_agents + del_agents list_agents_full.sort() list_agents.sort() #Creating internal id's a_inter_id = 0 for agt in list_agents: agt.agent_internal_id = a_inter_id a_inter_id += 1 b_inter_id = 0 for _k, _v in current_state.boxes.items(): _v[0][2] = b_inter_id b_inter_id += 1 for k, v in current_state.agents.items(): for agt in list_agents: if v[0][1] == agt.agent_char: current_state.agents[k][0][2] = agt.agent_internal_id # print(len(current_state.boxes),file=sys.stderr,flush=True) goal_assigner = GoalAssigner(current_state, goal_dependencies=client.goal_dependencies, list_of_agents=list_agents) goal_assigner.reassign_tasks() conflict_manager = ConflictManager(list_agents) #Fixing conflict in initial plans conflict_manager.world_state = current_state conflict_manager.blackboard_conflictSolver(list_agents) #Agent randomness execution variables agent_prev_category = [-1] * len(list_agents_full) agent_noop_counter = [0] * len(list_agents_full) include_categories = [ config.goal_assigner_box, config.goal_assigner_location, config.self_helping, config.solving_help_task ] print(f"Data loaded - While enter - time: {}", file=sys.stderr, flush=True) # Whileloop counter = 0 while True: ''' Process of control loop 1. Identify if any agents is receiving help and should No-Op this iter 2. Reassign the agents not having a task This also handels if an agent is doing a twofold assignemt: move to box -> move box to goal 3. Solve the conflicts in the prereq and effects of the agents actions 4. Extract actions and merge irellevant agents 5. Check if our offline planning is succesfull - if not then shit 6. Check if we have reached the goal sate 7. Update the world states in the different elements ''' if testing: print(f'-----------------------{counter}-----------------------', file=sys.stderr, flush=True) # TODO: Check subgoal for agents - does it need to be updated # Keeps it from getting out of hand while testing if counter == config.while_counter: exit() if testing: for e in list_agents: if len(e.plan) > 0: print(f'{e.agent_char} plan:{e.plan}', flush=True, file=sys.stderr) print( f'{e.plan[0]} {e.agent_char} before goal length: {len(e.plan)} category:{e.plan_category} help from: {e.helper_id} int well {e.in_well_await}', file=sys.stderr, flush=True) else: print( f'NoPlan for {e.agent_char} before goal length: {len(e.plan)} category:{e.plan_category} help from: {e.helper_id} int well {e.in_well_await}', file=sys.stderr, flush=True) print(f'\n', file=sys.stderr, flush=True) # Give task to unassigned agents goal_assigner.reassign_tasks() if testing: for e in list_agents: if len(e.plan) > 0: # print(f'{e.agent_char} plan:{e.plan}', flush=True, file=sys.stderr) print( f'>>{e.plan[0]} {e.agent_char} after goal length: {len(e.plan)} category:{e.plan_category} help from: {e.helper_id} int well {e.in_well_await}', file=sys.stderr, flush=True) else: print( f'>>NoPlan for {e.agent_char} after goal length: {len(e.plan)} category:{e.plan_category} help from: {e.helper_id} int well {e.in_well_await}', file=sys.stderr, flush=True) print(f'\n', file=sys.stderr, flush=True) conflict_manager.blackboard_conflictSolver(list_agents) if testing: for e in list_agents: if len(e.plan) > 0: # print(f'{e.agent_char} plan:{e.plan}', flush=True, file=sys.stderr) print( f'>>{e.plan[0]} {e.agent_char} after conflict length: {len(e.plan)} category:{e.plan_category} helping:{e.helper_agt_requester_id}, help from: {e.helper_id} int well {e.in_well_await}', file=sys.stderr, flush=True) else: print( f'>>NoPlan for {e.agent_char} after conflict length: {len(e.plan)} category:{e.plan_category}, helping:{e.helper_agt_requester_id}, help from: {e.helper_id} int well {e.in_well_await}', file=sys.stderr, flush=True) # Improve speed - find the agetns that are currently executing help tasks _helper_agents_ = [ y for y in list_agents if y.helper_agt_requester_id is not None ] # Helper agents awaiting help # TODO: Check up on nested help correctness for x in list_agents: _awaiting_done = True if x.plan_category == config.solving_help_task and x.nested_help: for y in _helper_agents_: # Very beta and f****d - should not happen if x.helper_id is None: x.agent_amnesia() break if x.helper_id[ 0] == y.helper_agt_requester_id and x.agent_char != y.agent_char: x.plan.appendleft(Action(ActionType.NoOp, None, None)) _awaiting_done = False if _awaiting_done: x.nested_help = False #TODO: Sync here with deleted agents and get their latest actions # pop latest action from the full sorted list of actions # This functions gives a noop if it does not have a plan list_of_actions = [x.get_next_action() for x in list_agents_full] if config.initiate_random_agents: #Increase counters if agent have been stalling for idx, act in enumerate(list_of_actions): if act.action_type == ActionType.NoOp: if (list_agents_full[idx].plan_category in include_categories) and ( list_agents_full[idx].plan_category == agent_prev_category[idx]): agent_noop_counter[idx] += 1 else: agent_noop_counter[idx] = 0 if max(agent_noop_counter) > config.agent_max_stall: #Create possible future state only if any value is actually above threshold temp_state = State(current_state) temp_state.world_state_update(list_of_actions, client.del_agents_ids) agentDict = current_state.reverse_agent_dict() #list of temp coordinates that are blocked along the way temp_blocked = [] #Fix random actions for idx, num in enumerate(agent_noop_counter): if num > config.agent_max_stall: #If agent have been stalling too long, push random action applicable_action = None found_action = False shuffle(MOVE_ACTIONS) for action in MOVE_ACTIONS: #get location agt_row, agt_col = [ int(x) for x in agentDict[idx][1].split(',') ] new_agt_row = agt_row + action.agent_dir.d_row new_agt_col = agt_col + action.agent_dir.d_col loc_string = f'{new_agt_row},{new_agt_col}' if current_state.random_is_free(loc_string) \ and temp_state.random_is_free(loc_string) \ and (loc_string not in temp_blocked): applicable_action = action found_action = True break if found_action and list_agents_full[ idx].plan_category != config.solving_help_task: #Ask agent to forget everything, but and then push the applicable action agent_noop_counter[idx] = 0 list_agents_full[idx].agent_amnesia() list_of_actions[idx] = applicable_action #"Apply" action temp_blocked.append(loc_string) elif found_action and list_agents_full[ idx].plan_category == config.solving_help_task: agent_noop_counter[idx] = 0 if list_agents_full[ idx].helper_agt_requester_id is not None: if list_agents_full[ idx].helper_agt_requester_id == idx: list_agents_full[ list_agents_full[idx]. helper_agt_requester_id].agent_amnesia( ) else: list_agents_full[ list_agents_full[idx]. helper_agt_requester_id].agent_amnesia( ) agent_noop_counter[list_agents_full[ idx].helper_agt_requester_id] = 0 list_agents_full[idx].agent_amnesia() list_of_actions[idx] = applicable_action # "Apply" action temp_blocked.append(loc_string) # push to server -> list of actions my_string = ';'.join(list(str(x) for x in list_of_actions)) print(my_string, flush=True) # getting the data from the client to asses validity of actions response = server_messages.readline().rstrip() if testing: print(response, file=sys.stderr, flush=True) for resp in response.split(";"): if resp == 'false': raise Exception( "[FATAL ERROR] received false response from server") current_state.world_state_update(list_of_actions, client.del_agents_ids) # print(f'- World_satate after actions: {current_state.agents}',file=sys.stderr,flush=True) # print(f'- world_state boxes after actions: {current_state.boxes}',file=sys.stderr,flush=True) if current_state.world_is_goal_state(): print( f"Done with {current_state.levelname} actions used {counter}", file=sys.stderr, flush=True) exit() # Update the states of goalassigner and conflictmanager conflict_manager.world_state = State(current_state) GoalAssigner.world_state = State(current_state) #Randomizer updating - keeping track in next iteration of the type of category for ct, agt in enumerate(list_agents_full): agent_prev_category[ct] = agt.plan_category if testing: print("\n", file=sys.stderr, flush=True) # Stop search from going out for control counter += 1
parser.add_argument("--normalize-weights", action='store_true', default=True, help="if set weights/biases are normalized like torch, with std scaled by fan in to the node") parser.add_argument("--screen-capture-freq", type=int, default=250, help="record screens for a game this often") parser.add_argument("--save-model-freq", type=int, default=10000, help="save the model once per 10000 training sessions") parser.add_argument("--observation-steps", type=int, default=50000, help="train only after this many stesp (=4 frames)") parser.add_argument("--learning-rate", type=float, default=0.00025, help="learning rate (step size for optimization algo)") parser.add_argument("--target-model-update-freq", type=int, default=10000, help="how often (in steps) to update the target model. Note nature paper says this is in 'number of parameter updates' but their code says steps. see") parser.add_argument("--model", help="tensorflow model checkpoint file to initialize from") parser.add_argument("rom", help="rom file to run") args = parser.parse_args() print 'Arguments: %s' % (args) baseOutputDir = 'game-out-' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") os.makedirs(baseOutputDir) State.setup(args) environment = AtariEnv(args, baseOutputDir) dqn = dqn.DeepQNet(environment.getNumActions(), baseOutputDir, args) replayMemory = replay.ReplayMemory(args) maxReward = 0 def runEpoch(minEpochSteps, evalWithEpsilon=None): stepStart = environment.getStepNumber() isTraining = True if evalWithEpsilon is None else False startGameNumber = environment.getGameNumber() epochTotalScore = 0
} QCheckBox::indicator { width: 20px; height: 20px; } QGraphicsView { background-color: transparent; min-height: 0; } .detector { background-color: yellow; } """) # Program state state = State() # Tray Icon tray_icon = SystemTrayIcon(state) # Start device thread device_thread = QThread() device = connect.Device() device.moveToThread(device_thread) device_thread.started.connect( # Login Window login = LoginWindow(state, device) # Calibration Window
def run_an_episode(nlu, w_in, w_s, w_i, w_sa, w_r): reward = 0 currturn = 0 maxturn = 12 system = State() #user user = RuleSimulator() print("New episode, user goal:") user.goal.dump() print('_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _') over = user.episode_over nl_input = initializer(user.goal) turn_by_turn(currturn, nl_input, 'user') while (not over): #system side slot, intent = nlu.predict(nl_input, system) system.update(slot, intent, nl_input, w_in) frame_output, sys_nl = system.reply(w_s, w_i, w_sa) #turn_by_turn(currturn+1,sys_nl,'system') #print(frame_output) a = str(frame_output['system_action'][0]) a += "(" # if frame_output['system_action'][0] == "response" or frame_output['system_action'][0] == "confirm_answer": # for i in frame_output['slot'].keys(): # a += str(i) # a += ', ' # elif frame_output['system_action'][0] == 'request': # for i in frame_output['slot']: # a += str(i) # a += ', ' a += ")\t" a += sys_nl turn_by_turn(currturn + 1, a, 'system') currturn += 2 if currturn >= maxturn: print("[DM] maxturn reached") break reward -= 2 #user side nl_input = if user.syserr == True: print("GG") system = State() user.syserr = False turn_by_turn(currturn, nl_input, 'user') over = user.episode_over if (not over): w_r.write(str(reward) + '\n') if user.success: print("Successful") reward += 2 * maxturn w_r.write(str(reward) + '\n') else: print("Failing") reward -= maxturn w_r.write(str(reward) + '\n') return reward, user.success, currturn
def mk_basic_state(alloc, header=None, env=None, executing_on_head=False): state = State(root = "6c08c2bdb7c09eb5a2524e9ed8f3dac707c7b0f6ca2116a173989a5370f77340".decode('hex'),env=environment, executing_on_head=executing_on_head) print(state.get_balance("3282791d6fd713f1e94f4bfd565eaa78b3a0599d")) if not header: header = { "number": 0, "gas_limit": environment.config['BLOCK_GAS_LIMIT'], "gas_used": 0, "timestamp": 1467446877, "difficulty": 1 } h = BlockHeader() state.prev_headers = [h] for addr, data in alloc.items(): addr = normalize_address(addr) assert len(addr) == 20 if 'balance' in data: state.set_balance(addr, parse_as_int(data['balance'])) if 'nonce' in data: state.set_nonce(addr, parse_as_int(data['nonce'])) state.block_number = header["number"] state.timestamp = header["timestamp"] state.commit() environment.db.commit() return state
def reset(self, ite=0): # Generate node transient and permanent failure events from trace if self.use_trace: for i in xrange(self.num_nodes): self.nodes[i] = Node(None, None, None, Trace(self.trace_id, i, 'p'), Trace(self.trace_id, i, 't'), Trace(self.trace_id, i, 'r')) self.state = State(self.num_disks) for disk in self.disks: disk.init_clock(0) disk.init_state() for node in self.nodes: node.init_state() for rack in self.racks: rack.init_state() self.events_queue = [] self.wait_repair_queue = [] self.delayed_repair_dict = dict() # generate disk failures and put them into events_queue for disk_id in xrange(len(self.disks)): disk_fail_time = self.disk_fail_dists.draw() if disk_fail_time <= self.mission_time: self.events_queue.append( (disk_fail_time, Disk.EVENT_DISK_FAIL, disk_id)) # generate node failures and push them into events_queue for node_id in xrange(self.num_nodes): if not self.use_trace: self.events_queue.append((self.node_fail_dists.draw(), Node.EVENT_NODE_FAIL, node_id)) if self.enable_transient_failures: self.events_queue.append( (self.node_transient_fail_dists.draw(), Node.EVENT_NODE_TRANSIENT_FAIL, node_id)) else: for node_failure_time in self.nodes[ node_id].node_fail_trace.get_trace_ls(): # push node failure event to event_queue self.events_queue.append( (node_failure_time, Node.EVENT_NODE_FAIL, node_id)) node_transient_failure_ls = self.nodes[ node_id].node_transient_fail_trace.get_trace_ls() node_transient_repair_ls = self.nodes[ node_id].node_transient_repair_trace.get_trace_ls() for ls_idx in xrange(len(node_transient_failure_ls)): node_transient_failure_time = node_transient_failure_ls[ ls_idx] node_transient_repair_time = node_transient_repair_ls[ ls_idx] self.events_queue.append( (node_transient_failure_time, Node.EVENT_NODE_TRANSIENT_FAIL, node_id)) self.events_queue.append( (node_transient_failure_time + node_transient_repair_time, Node.EVENT_NODE_TRANSIENT_REPAIR, node_id)) # generate rack failures and push them into events_queue if not self.use_power_outage and self.enable_transient_failures: for rack_id in xrange(len(self.racks)): self.events_queue.append((self.rack_fail_dists.draw(), Rack.EVENT_RACK_FAIL, rack_id)) # correlated failures caused by power outage if (not self.use_trace) and self.use_power_outage: for rack_id in xrange(self.num_racks): occur_time = float(0) + self.power_outage_dist.draw() while occur_time < self.mission_time: self.events_queue.append( (occur_time, Rack.EVENT_RACK_FAIL, rack_id)) occur_time += random.expovariate( (1 / float(self.power_outage_duration))) self.events_queue.append( (occur_time, Rack.EVENT_RACK_REPAIR, rack_id)) for i in xrange(self.nodes_per_rack): # draw a bernoulli distribution if nprandom.binomial(1, 0.01): self.events_queue.append( (occur_time, Node.EVENT_NODE_FAIL, (self.nodes_per_rack * rack_id + i))) occur_time += self.power_outage_dist.draw() heapify(self.events_queue) self.placement = Placement(self.num_racks, self.nodes_per_rack, self.disks_per_node, self.capacity_per_disk, self.num_stripes, self.chunk_size, self.code_type, self.n, self.k, self.place_type, self.chunk_rack_config, self.l) = Network(self.num_racks, self.nodes_per_rack, self.network_setting) self.num_stripes_repaired = 0 self.num_stripes_repaired_single_chunk = 0 self.num_stripes_delayed = 0
qui permettent de tester vos fonctions. Pour cela il suffit de décommenter le code de la fonction que vous souhaiter tester """ from automate import Automate from state import State from transition import Transition from parser import * #from essai import Essai #import projet print "DEBUT PROGRAMME\n" s = State(1, False, False) s2 = State(1, True, False) t = Transition(s, "a", s) t2 = Transition(s, "a", s2) s.insertPrefix(2) a = Automate([t, t2]) a.prefixStates(3)"justep") """ print "etat s " + print "s "+ str(s) print "t "+ str(t) print "a "+ str(a) """ print "s=s2? " + str(s == s2)
def test_zero_position(self): state_array = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 0], [7, 8, 6]]) state = State(state_array, None, None, (1, 2), ['U', 'L', 'D']) self.assertEqual(state.zero_position, (1, 2))
def feature_vec(state, description_output=False): angle = state.direction.angle() position = (state.position.x, state.position.y) position_feature = heinrichs_feature_vec(position) position_len = position_feature.shape[0] rotation_feature = rotation_feature_vec(angle) rotation_len = rotation_feature.shape[0] feature_vec = np.append(position_feature, rotation_feature).reshape( (1, position_len + rotation_len)) # TODO: add dictionary which includes all feature creation params # currently feature_vec is (872,) MultiBinary numpy array 864 for the field 8 for rotation feature_vec = np.transpose(feature_vec) if description_output: return feature_vec, (position_len, rotation_len) else: return feature_vec if __name__ == "__main__": from state import State print callable(feature_vec) print feature_vec(State()).shape
def solveMazeGeneral(maze, algorithm): #select the right queue for each algorithm if algorithm == "BFS": fr = Fringe("FIFO") elif algorithm == "DFS": fr = Fringe("STACK") elif algorithm == "UCS": fr = Fringe("PRIO") prioFunc = lambda state, room: state.getCost() elif algorithm == "GREEDY": fr = Fringe("PRIO") prioFunc = lambda state, room: room.getHeuristicValue() elif algorithm == "ASTAR": fr = Fringe("PRIO") prioFunc = lambda state, room: state.getCost( ) + room.getHeuristicValue() else: print("algorithm not found/implemented, exit") return room = maze.getRoom(*maze.getStart()) state = State(room, None) if algorithm == "UCS" or algorithm == "GREEDY" or algorithm == "ASTAR": state.setPrio(prioFunc(state, room)) fr.push(state) path = [] visited = set() while not fr.isEmpty(): while True: state = fr.pop() room = state.getRoom() if room not in visited: break path.append(room.getCoords()) visited.add(room) if room.isGoal(): print("solved") fr.printStats() state.printPath() maze.printMazeWithPath(state) return path # loop through every possible move for d in room.getConnections(): # get new room after move and cost to get there newRoom, cost = room.makeMove(d, state.getCost()) # if it is an unvisited room if newRoom not in visited: newState = State(newRoom, state, cost) if algorithm == "UCS" or algorithm == "GREEDY" or algorithm == "ASTAR": newState.setPrio(prioFunc(state, room)) fr.push(newState) print("not solved") fr.printStats() return path
class RegularSimulation(Simulation): ## # __init__() from Simulation # ## # Initialize the simulation # def init(self): # Initialize the state of the system self.state = State(self.num_disks) # Employ priority queue to keep all the failures and repairs # The element in the queue is (event_time, event_type, device_id) self.events_queue = [] # Keep failed disks awaiting repair self.wait_repair_queue = [] # Keep delayed stripes due to unavailable nodes # Key is the disk_idx delayed, value is the list of delayed stripes self.delayed_repair_dict = dict() self.enable_transient_failures = False self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) # self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.logger.addHandler(console) self.logger.propagate = False ## # Reset the simulation # def reset(self, ite=0): # Generate node transient and permanent failure events from trace if self.use_trace: for i in xrange(self.num_nodes): self.nodes[i] = Node(None, None, None, Trace(self.trace_id, i, 'p'), Trace(self.trace_id, i, 't'), Trace(self.trace_id, i, 'r')) self.state = State(self.num_disks) for disk in self.disks: disk.init_clock(0) disk.init_state() for node in self.nodes: node.init_state() for rack in self.racks: rack.init_state() self.events_queue = [] self.wait_repair_queue = [] self.delayed_repair_dict = dict() # generate disk failures and put them into events_queue for disk_id in xrange(len(self.disks)): disk_fail_time = self.disk_fail_dists.draw() if disk_fail_time <= self.mission_time: self.events_queue.append( (disk_fail_time, Disk.EVENT_DISK_FAIL, disk_id)) # generate node failures and push them into events_queue for node_id in xrange(self.num_nodes): if not self.use_trace: self.events_queue.append((self.node_fail_dists.draw(), Node.EVENT_NODE_FAIL, node_id)) if self.enable_transient_failures: self.events_queue.append( (self.node_transient_fail_dists.draw(), Node.EVENT_NODE_TRANSIENT_FAIL, node_id)) else: for node_failure_time in self.nodes[ node_id].node_fail_trace.get_trace_ls(): # push node failure event to event_queue self.events_queue.append( (node_failure_time, Node.EVENT_NODE_FAIL, node_id)) node_transient_failure_ls = self.nodes[ node_id].node_transient_fail_trace.get_trace_ls() node_transient_repair_ls = self.nodes[ node_id].node_transient_repair_trace.get_trace_ls() for ls_idx in xrange(len(node_transient_failure_ls)): node_transient_failure_time = node_transient_failure_ls[ ls_idx] node_transient_repair_time = node_transient_repair_ls[ ls_idx] self.events_queue.append( (node_transient_failure_time, Node.EVENT_NODE_TRANSIENT_FAIL, node_id)) self.events_queue.append( (node_transient_failure_time + node_transient_repair_time, Node.EVENT_NODE_TRANSIENT_REPAIR, node_id)) # generate rack failures and push them into events_queue if not self.use_power_outage and self.enable_transient_failures: for rack_id in xrange(len(self.racks)): self.events_queue.append((self.rack_fail_dists.draw(), Rack.EVENT_RACK_FAIL, rack_id)) # correlated failures caused by power outage if (not self.use_trace) and self.use_power_outage: for rack_id in xrange(self.num_racks): occur_time = float(0) + self.power_outage_dist.draw() while occur_time < self.mission_time: self.events_queue.append( (occur_time, Rack.EVENT_RACK_FAIL, rack_id)) occur_time += random.expovariate( (1 / float(self.power_outage_duration))) self.events_queue.append( (occur_time, Rack.EVENT_RACK_REPAIR, rack_id)) for i in xrange(self.nodes_per_rack): # draw a bernoulli distribution if nprandom.binomial(1, 0.01): self.events_queue.append( (occur_time, Node.EVENT_NODE_FAIL, (self.nodes_per_rack * rack_id + i))) occur_time += self.power_outage_dist.draw() heapify(self.events_queue) self.placement = Placement(self.num_racks, self.nodes_per_rack, self.disks_per_node, self.capacity_per_disk, self.num_stripes, self.chunk_size, self.code_type, self.n, self.k, self.place_type, self.chunk_rack_config, self.l) = Network(self.num_racks, self.nodes_per_rack, self.network_setting) self.num_stripes_repaired = 0 self.num_stripes_repaired_single_chunk = 0 self.num_stripes_delayed = 0 ## # Generate permanent disk failure event # def set_disk_fail(self, disk_idx, curr_time): heappush(self.events_queue, (self.disk_fail_dists.draw() + curr_time, Disk.EVENT_DISK_FAIL, disk_idx)) ## # Generate repair event for permanent disk failure # def set_disk_repair(self, disk_idx, curr_time): if not self.use_network: # get the repair time from a pre-defined repair distribution heappush(self.events_queue, (self.disk_repair_dists.draw() + curr_time, Disk.EVENT_DISK_REPAIR, disk_idx)) else: # repair time = cross-rack repair traffic / available cross-rack bandwidth rack_id = disk_idx / (self.nodes_per_rack * self.disks_per_node) # If there is no available bandwidth or the rack is under transient failure if == 0 or \ self.racks[rack_id].get_curr_state() != Rack.STATE_RACK_NORMAL: heappush(self.wait_repair_queue, (curr_time, disk_idx)) else: cross_rack_download = 0 stripes_to_repair = self.placement.get_stripes_to_repair( disk_idx) self.num_stripes_repaired += len(stripes_to_repair) stripes_to_delay = [] # for each stripe to repair for stripe_id in stripes_to_repair: num_failed_chunk = 0 num_alive_chunk_same_rack = 0 num_unavail_chunk = 0 idx = 0 fail_idx = 0 alive_chunk_same_rack = [] # check the status of each chunk in the stripe for disk_id in self.placement.get_stripe_location( stripe_id): # get the total number of unavailable chunk (due to permanent/transient failures) in this stripe if self.disks[disk_id].state != Disk.STATE_NORMAL: num_unavail_chunk += 1 # for RS, DRC if self.placement.code_type != Placement.CODE_TYPE_LRC: if self.disks[disk_id].get_curr_state( ) == Disk.STATE_CRASHED: num_failed_chunk += 1 elif (disk_id / (self.nodes_per_rack * self.disks_per_node)) == rack_id: num_alive_chunk_same_rack += 1 # for LRC else: if self.disks[disk_id].get_curr_state( ) == Disk.STATE_CRASHED: num_failed_chunk += 1 if disk_idx == disk_id: fail_idx = idx elif (disk_id / (self.nodes_per_rack * self.disks_per_node)) == rack_id: num_alive_chunk_same_rack += 1 alive_chunk_same_rack.append(idx) idx += 1 # this is a single-chunk repair if num_failed_chunk == 1: self.num_stripes_repaired_single_chunk += 1 # the repair for this stripe is delayed if num_unavail_chunk > (self.n - self.k): stripes_to_delay.append(stripe_id) # RS if self.placement.code_type == Placement.CODE_TYPE_RS: if num_alive_chunk_same_rack < self.k: cross_rack_download += (self.k - num_alive_chunk_same_rack) # LRC elif self.placement.code_type == Placement.CODE_TYPE_LRC: if num_failed_chunk == 1: # global parity if fail_idx in self.placement.lrc_global_parity: if num_alive_chunk_same_rack < self.k: cross_rack_download += self.k - num_alive_chunk_same_rack # data chunk or local parity else: # find which group that the failed chunk is in fail_gid = 0 for gid in xrange(self.l): if fail_idx in self.placement.lrc_data_group[gid] or \ fail_idx == self.placement.lrc_local_parity[gid]: fail_gid = gid break # find how many chunk in the same rack can be used for repair num_alive_chunk_same_rack = 0 for each in alive_chunk_same_rack: if each in self.placement.lrc_data_group[fail_gid] or \ each == self.placement.lrc_data_group[fail_gid]: num_alive_chunk_same_rack += 1 if num_alive_chunk_same_rack < self.k / self.l: cross_rack_download += self.k / self.l - num_alive_chunk_same_rack else: if num_alive_chunk_same_rack < self.k: cross_rack_download += ( self.k - num_alive_chunk_same_rack) # DRC elif self.placement.code_type == Placement.CODE_TYPE_DRC: if num_failed_chunk == 1: if self.k == 5 and self.n == 9: cross_rack_download += 1.0 elif self.k == 6 and self.n == 9: cross_rack_download += 2.0 else: print "Only support DRC - (9,6,3), (9,5,3)" else: if num_alive_chunk_same_rack < self.k: cross_rack_download += ( self.k - num_alive_chunk_same_rack) else: print "Not correct code type in set_disk_repair()!" repair_bwth = repair_time = cross_rack_download * self.chunk_size / float( repair_bwth) # seconds repair_time /= float(3600) # hours if len(stripes_to_delay) != 0: self.num_stripes_delayed += len(stripes_to_delay) self.delayed_repair_dict[disk_idx] = stripes_to_delay self.logger.debug("repair_time = %d, repair_bwth = %d" % (repair_time, repair_bwth)) heappush(self.events_queue, (repair_time + curr_time, Disk.EVENT_DISK_REPAIR, disk_idx, repair_bwth)) ## # Generate permanent node failure event # def set_node_fail(self, node_idx, curr_time): heappush(self.events_queue, (self.node_fail_dists.draw() + curr_time, Node.EVENT_NODE_FAIL, node_idx)) ## # Generate repair event for permanent node failure # The repair for the failed node is conducted by the repair for the failed disks on that node # def set_node_repair(self, node_idx, curr_time): for i in xrange(self.disks_per_node): disk_idx = node_idx * self.disks_per_node + i self.set_disk_repair(disk_idx, curr_time) ## # Generate transient node failure event # def set_node_transient_fail(self, node_idx, curr_time): heappush(self.events_queue, (self.nodes[node_idx].node_transient_fail_distr.draw() + curr_time, Node.EVENT_NODE_TRANSIENT_FAIL, node_idx)) ## # Generate repair event for transient node failure # def set_node_transient_repair(self, node_idx, curr_time): heappush(self.events_queue, (self.nodes[node_idx].node_transient_repair_distr.draw() + curr_time, Node.EVENT_NODE_TRANSIENT_REPAIR, node_idx)) ## # Generate transient rack failure # def set_rack_fail(self, rack_idx, curr_time): heappush(self.events_queue, (self.rack_fail_dists.draw() + curr_time, Rack.EVENT_RACK_FAIL, rack_idx)) ## # Generate repair for transient rack failure # def set_rack_repair(self, rack_idx, curr_time): heappush(self.events_queue, (self.rack_repair_dists.draw() + curr_time, Rack.EVENT_RACK_REPAIR, rack_idx)) ## # Get the next event from the event queue # def get_next_event(self, curr_time): self.logger.debug( "len(delayed_repair_dict) = %d, len(wait_repair_queue) = %d" % (len(self.delayed_repair_dict), len(self.wait_repair_queue))) # If there are some stripes delayed if len(self.delayed_repair_dict) != 0: items_to_remove = [] # keep the key of the items to remove for key in self.delayed_repair_dict: tmp_dict_value = [] for stripe_id in self.delayed_repair_dict[key]: repair_delay = False num_unavail_chunk = 0 for disk_idx in self.placement.get_stripe_location( stripe_id): if self.disks[disk_idx].state != Disk.STATE_NORMAL: num_unavail_chunk += 1 if num_unavail_chunk > (self.n - self.k): repair_delay = True break if repair_delay: # stripe whose repair is delayed tmp_dict_value.append(stripe_id) if len(tmp_dict_value) == 0: items_to_remove.append(key) else: self.delayed_repair_dict[key] = tmp_dict_value for key in items_to_remove: self.delayed_repair_dict.pop(key) # If there are some failed disks awaiting repair if len(self.wait_repair_queue) != 0: disk_id = self.wait_repair_queue[0][1] rack_id = disk_id / (self.nodes_per_rack * self.disks_per_node) if self.use_network and != 0 and \ != 0 and \ self.racks[rack_id].get_curr_state() == Rack.STATE_RACK_NORMAL: heappop(self.wait_repair_queue) self.set_disk_repair(disk_id, curr_time) next_event = heappop(self.events_queue) next_event_time = next_event[0] next_event_type = next_event[1] if next_event_time > self.mission_time: return (next_event_time, None, None) device_idx_set = [] device_idx_set.append(next_event[2]) repair_bwth_set = [] # If use network bandwidth to calculate repair_time if self.use_network and next_event_type == Disk.EVENT_DISK_REPAIR: repair_bwth_set.append(next_event[3]) # Gather the events with the same occurring time and event type while self.events_queue[0][0] == next_event_time and self.events_queue[ 0][1] == next_event_type: next_event = heappop(self.events_queue) device_idx_set.append(next_event[2]) if self.use_network and next_event_type == Disk.EVENT_DISK_REPAIR: repair_bwth_set.append(next_event[3]) # disk permanent failure if next_event_type == Disk.EVENT_DISK_FAIL: fail_time = next_event_time for device_idx in device_idx_set: # avoid the case that this disk is under repair if self.disks[device_idx].get_curr_state( ) != Disk.STATE_CRASHED: if self.delayed_repair_dict.has_key(device_idx): self.delayed_repair_dict.pop(device_idx) # update the state of the disk self.disks[device_idx].fail_disk(fail_time) # generate the repair event self.set_disk_repair(device_idx, fail_time) return (fail_time, Disk.EVENT_DISK_FAIL, device_idx_set) # node permanent failure elif next_event_type == Node.EVENT_NODE_FAIL: failed_disks_set = set([]) fail_time = next_event_time for device_idx in device_idx_set: # avoid the case that the node is under repair if self.nodes[device_idx].get_curr_state( ) != Node.STATE_NODE_CRASHED: # update the state of node self.nodes[device_idx].fail_node(fail_time) for i in xrange(self.disks_per_node): disk_idx = device_idx * self.disks_per_node + i failed_disks_set.add(disk_idx) # avoid the case that the disk is under repair if self.disks[disk_idx].get_curr_state( ) != Disk.STATE_CRASHED: if self.delayed_repair_dict.has_key(device_idx): self.delayed_repair_dict.pop(device_idx) # update the state of the disk self.disks[disk_idx].fail_disk(fail_time) # generate the repair event self.set_disk_repair(disk_idx, fail_time) return (fail_time, Node.EVENT_NODE_FAIL, failed_disks_set) # node transient failure elif next_event_type == Node.EVENT_NODE_TRANSIENT_FAIL: fail_time = next_event_time for device_idx in device_idx_set: if self.nodes[device_idx].get_curr_state( ) == Node.STATE_NODE_NORMAL: # update the state of node self.nodes[device_idx].offline_node() for i in xrange(self.disks_per_node): disk_id = device_idx * self.disks_per_node + i if self.disks[disk_id].get_curr_state( ) == Disk.STATE_NORMAL: # update the state of disk self.disks[disk_id].offline_disk(fail_time) # generate the repair event if not self.use_trace: self.set_node_transient_repair(device_idx, fail_time) return (fail_time, Node.EVENT_NODE_TRANSIENT_FAIL, None) # transient rack failure elif next_event_type == Rack.EVENT_RACK_FAIL: fail_time = next_event_time for device_idx in device_idx_set: if self.racks[device_idx].get_curr_state( ) == Rack.STATE_RACK_NORMAL: # update the state of the rack self.racks[device_idx].fail_rack(fail_time) for i in xrange(self.nodes_per_rack): # update the state of the node node_idx = device_idx * self.nodes_per_rack + i if self.nodes[node_idx].get_curr_state( ) == Node.STATE_NODE_NORMAL: self.nodes[node_idx].offline_node() for j in xrange(self.disks_per_node): # update the state of the disk disk_idx = node_idx * self.disks_per_node + j if self.disks[disk_idx].get_curr_state( ) == Disk.STATE_NORMAL: self.disks[disk_idx].offline_disk( fail_time) # generate the repair event if not self.use_power_outage: self.set_rack_repair(device_idx, fail_time) return (fail_time, Rack.EVENT_RACK_FAIL, None) # repair for permanent disk failure elif next_event_type == Disk.EVENT_DISK_REPAIR: repair_time = next_event_time for repair_disk_idx in device_idx_set: if self.disks[repair_disk_idx].get_curr_state( ) == Disk.STATE_CRASHED: # update the state of the disk self.disks[repair_disk_idx].repair_disk(repair_time) # generate next permanent disk failure self.set_disk_fail(repair_disk_idx, repair_time) # if the repair event is caused by permanent node failure node_idx = repair_disk_idx / self.disks_per_node if self.nodes[node_idx].get_curr_state( ) == Node.STATE_NODE_CRASHED: all_disk_ok = True for i in xrange(self.disks_per_node): disk = self.disks[node_idx * self.disks_per_node + i] if disk.get_curr_state() != disk.STATE_NORMAL: all_disk_ok = False break if all_disk_ok: # update the state of the node self.nodes[node_idx].repair_node() # generate next permanent node failure if not self.use_trace: self.set_node_fail(node_idx, repair_time) # update the network status if self.use_network: idx = 0 for repair_disk_idx in device_idx_set: repair_bwth = repair_bwth_set[idx] + repair_bwth) idx += 1 # return the set of repaired disks return (repair_time, Disk.EVENT_DISK_REPAIR, device_idx_set) # repair for node transient failure elif next_event_type == Node.EVENT_NODE_TRANSIENT_REPAIR: repair_time = next_event_time for repair_node_idx in device_idx_set: # update the state of the node if self.nodes[repair_node_idx].get_curr_state( ) == Node.STATE_NODE_UNAVAILABLE: self.nodes[repair_node_idx].online_node() # update the state of the disk for i in xrange(self.disks_per_node): disk_id = repair_node_idx * self.disks_per_node + i if self.disks[disk_id].get_curr_state( ) == Disk.STATE_UNAVAILABLE: self.disks[disk_id].online_disk(repair_time) # generate the next transient node failure if not self.use_trace: self.set_node_transient_fail(repair_node_idx, repair_time) return (repair_time, Node.EVENT_NODE_TRANSIENT_REPAIR, None) # repair for rack transient failure elif next_event_type == Rack.EVENT_RACK_REPAIR: repair_time = next_event_time for repair_rack_idx in device_idx_set: if self.racks[repair_rack_idx].get_curr_state( ) == Rack.STATE_RACK_UNAVAILABLE: # update the state of the rack self.racks[repair_rack_idx].repair_rack() for i in xrange(self.nodes_per_rack): node_idx = repair_rack_idx * self.nodes_per_rack + i # update the state of the node if self.nodes[node_idx].get_curr_state( ) == Node.STATE_NODE_UNAVAILABLE: self.nodes[node_idx].online_node() for j in xrange(self.disks_per_node): disk_idx = node_idx * self.disks_per_node + j # update the state of the disk if self.disks[disk_idx].get_curr_state( ) == Disk.STATE_UNAVAILABLE: self.disks[disk_idx].online_disk( repair_time) # generate the next transient rack failure if not self.use_power_outage: self.set_rack_fail(repair_rack_idx, repair_time) return (repair_time, Rack.EVENT_RACK_REPAIR, None) else: self.logger.error('Wrong type of next_event in get_next_event()!') return None ## # Run an iteration of the simulator # def run_iteration(self, ite=0): self.reset() curr_time = 0 "Regular Simulator: begin an iteration %d, num_failed_disks = %d, " "avail_cross_rack_bwth = %d" % (ite, len(self.state.get_failed_disks()), while True: (event_time, event_type, disk_id_set) = self.get_next_event(curr_time) curr_time = event_time if curr_time > self.mission_time: break # update the whole status if not self.state.update_state(event_type, disk_id_set): self.logger.error('update_state failed!') if event_type != None: self.logger.debug( "Time %s, Event type: %s, Number of failed disks: %s\n" % (event_time, event_type, self.state.get_num_failed_disks())) # Check durability when disk_failure/node_failure happens if event_type == Disk.EVENT_DISK_FAIL or event_type == Node.EVENT_NODE_FAIL: if ite == 1: "Time %s, Event type: %s, Number of failed disks: %s\n" % (event_time, event_type, self.state.get_num_failed_disks())) failed_disks = self.state.get_failed_disks() if self.placement.check_data_loss(failed_disks): # the number of failed stripes and the number of lost chunks (num_failed_stripes, num_lost_chunks ) = self.placement.get_num_failed_status(failed_disks) # Count in the delayed stripes if len(self.delayed_repair_dict) != 0: for key in self.delayed_repair_dict: num_failed_stripes += len( self.delayed_repair_dict[key]) num_lost_chunks += len( self.delayed_repair_dict[key]) # Calculate blocked ratio sum_unavail_time = 0 for disk_id in xrange(self.num_disks): sum_unavail_time += self.disks[disk_id].get_unavail_time(curr_time) * \ self.placement.get_num_chunks_per_disk(disk_id) blocked_ratio = sum_unavail_time / ( self.placement.num_chunks * curr_time) # Calculate the single-chunk repair ratio single_chunk_repair_ratio = 0 "num_stripes_repaired_single_chunk = %d, num_stripes_repaired = %d" % (self.num_stripes_repaired_single_chunk, self.num_stripes_repaired)) if self.num_stripes_repaired != 0: single_chunk_repair_ratio = float(self.num_stripes_repaired_single_chunk) / \ float(self.num_stripes_repaired) return (1, "(%d, %d, %f, %f)" % (num_failed_stripes, num_lost_chunks, blocked_ratio, single_chunk_repair_ratio)) # No data loss # Calculate blocked ratio sum_unavail_time = 0 for disk_id in xrange(self.num_disks): sum_unavail_time += self.disks[disk_id].get_unavail_time(self.mission_time) * \ self.placement.get_num_chunks_per_disk(disk_id) blocked_ratio = sum_unavail_time / (self.placement.num_chunks * self.mission_time) # Calculate the single-chunk repair ratio single_chunk_repair_ratio = 0 if self.num_stripes_repaired != 0: single_chunk_repair_ratio = float(self.num_stripes_repaired_single_chunk) / \ float(self.num_stripes_repaired) return (0, "(0, 0, %f, %f)" % (blocked_ratio, single_chunk_repair_ratio))
def __init__(self): self.initialState = State(0,0) self.goalState = State(0,0)
from state import State from menu import CLI import sys if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) == 2: state = State(sys.argv[1].upper()) else: state = State("B") menu = CLI(state) menu.cli_cycle()
def __init__(self, rows: int, cols: int, players: [IPlayer], fish_no: int = None) -> None: """ Initializes a referee for a game with a board of size row x col and a given (ordered) list of IPlayer objects. :param rows: row dimension of the board :param cols: column dimension of the board :param players: list of IPlayer objects sorted in increasing order of age :param fish_no: Number of fish to be placed on each tile on the board :return: None """ # Validate params if not isinstance(rows, int) or rows <= 0: raise TypeError('Expected positive int for rows!') if not isinstance(cols, int) or cols <= 0: raise TypeError('Expected positive int for cols!') if not isinstance(players, list): raise TypeError('Expected list for players!') # Make sure list consists of only IPlayer objects if not all(isinstance(x, IPlayer) for x in players): raise TypeError('All player list objects have to of type IPlayer!') # Make sure we weren't given too many players if len(players) < ct.MIN_PLAYERS or len(players) > ct.MAX_PLAYERS: raise ValueError(f'Invalid player length; length has to be between {ct.MIN_PLAYERS} and' f' {ct.MAX_PLAYERS}') # Make sure dimensions are large enough to accommodate all players if cols * rows < len(players): raise ValueError('Board dimensions are too small to accomodate all players!') # Make sure fish is between 1 and 5 or is equal to None (default value, means that the user didn't specify a # fish number. if fish_no is not None and \ (not isinstance(fish_no, int) or fish_no < ct.MIN_FISH_PER_TILE or fish_no > ct.MAX_FISH_PER_TILE): raise ValueError('Expected positive int between 1 and 5 inclusive for fish!') # Set properties self.__players: [IPlayer] = players self.__avatars_per_player = 6 - len(players) # Make up list of IPlayer holding failing players self.__failing_players: [IPlayer] = [] # Make up list of IPlayer holding cheating players self.__cheating_players: [IPlayer] = [] # Initialize game update callbacks as a list of callable items called every time # the state of the game changes self.__game_update_callbacks = [] # Initializes game over callbacks as a list of callable items called at the end # of the game together with the game report self.__game_over_callbacks = [] # Make up a board self.__board = self.__make_board(cols, rows, fish_no) # Send player's color information self.__notify_player_colors() # Make up state from board & list of PlayerEntity objects self.__state = State(self.__board, [PlayerEntity(, p.color) for p in players]) # Initialize game tree placeholder self.__game_tree = None # Make up flag to indicate whether the game has started self.__started = False # Make up flag to indicate whether the game has ended self.__game_over = False # Initialize empty game report that will be fleshed out at game end self.__report = {} # Initialize empty list of IPlayer to hold winners (player(s) with the highest score in the game) self.__winners = [] # Initialize empty list of IPlayer to hold losers self.__losers = []
def _create_state_instance(words): state = State(int(words[0]), float(words[1])) return state
from depth_first_search import depth_first_search from bfs import bfs from manhattan_a_start import Manhattan_A_Start from euclidian_a_star import Euclidian_A_Start import numpy as np def getInitailPuzzle(): print("Please enter start puzzle:") arr = list(map(int, input().split())) reshapedNumPyArray = np.array(arr).reshape(3, 3) return reshapedNumPyArray.tolist() #initialStartList = getInitailPuzzle() initialStartList = [[6, 4, 7], [8, 5, 0], [3, 2, 1]] goal_list = [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8]] start_state = State(initialStartList, 0) dfs = depth_first_search(start_state, goal_list) #dfs.get_dfs_report() bfs = bfs(start_state, goal_list) bfs.get_bfs_report() manhattan_a_star = Manhattan_A_Start(start_state, goal_list) #manhattan_a_star.get_manhattan_a_star_report() euclidian_a_star = Euclidian_A_Start(start_state, goal_list) #euclidian_a_star.get_euclidian_a_star_report()
class Referee(object): """ PURPOSE: This class implements a Referee for the game fish. It is purported to provide all the functionality required for running a game from placements to moves and game end. It reports game updates and the final report (at game end) to observers. The latter includes a list of cheating and failing players, as well as a leader board of all rule-abiding players. A cheating player is one that attempts to perform either an illegal placement (placing on an already occupied tile or outside the bounds of the board) or an illegal move (moving via a path that is unclear of holes or avatars, moving to an occupied tile, moving across corners or tiles that are not accessible in a straight line across parallel hexagon edges, moving in-place, and moving outside the bounds of the board). This determination is for placements is made using the State and whereas the one for moves (or actions) is made using the GameTree. Both State and GameTree will raise appropriate exceptions to indicate abnormal conditions should any occur. A failing player is one that fails to return either a placement or an action. More specifically, if a player returns an object of the wrong type (something that is not a Position for get_placement or something that is not an Action for get_action), it is marked as failing. Similarly, if a player takes takes more than PLAYER_TIMEOUT seconds to respond to the referee or throws any exception(s), it is marked out as failing. The referee will prompt the players for moves and placements by passing a deep copy of its game state. This means that exogenous players will not be able to affect the state maintained by the referee. The referee will remove the cheating and failing players' avatars from the game and prevent them from taking any more turns (that includes placing and moving). INTERPRETATION: The referee could best be described as the engine that runs a game of Fish. It receives a list of IPlayer objects that is sorted by age and row and column dimensions of the board from the tournament manager, sets up a homogeneous game board of the specified size and assigns each player a color. The board the referee creates is homogeneous (has the same random number of fish on each tile) and may have holes in it (see paragraph on "difficulty factor"). When signaled to kick off the game (via start()) it then prompts each player for a placement by having them return a Position object containing the row and column number they wish to place their avatar. After it finishes prompting users for placements it prompts each movable player for an Action object (made up of a Position describing the place on the board the move is made from and another describing the place the move is made to). To setup the game board, the referee applies a "difficulty factor" - a Natural number that speaks to the maximum number of Tiles the referee will try to remove. This factor is adjustable and can be leveraged to make a game more challenging or less so. The referee will randomly pick the tiles to remove and may even end up removing 0 tiles for a difficulty factor D > 0. The referee also maintains a master copy of the game State which it updates throughout the course of the game to reflect the players' positions, score etc.. Given the state's design, the current player in it will always be unstuck (stuck players are automatically skipped) unless all players are stuck, in which case the referee ends the game. It also provides functionality that external observers can employ to follow the game. An observer or tournament manager subscribe via `subscribe_game_updates` to receive an update with the latest game state every time it changes (this happens whenever a player makes a placement or move, or is kicked). They can also subscribe to an end game report via `subscribe_final_game_report` to receive a copy of the final game report. The final game report encompasses a list of the cheating players, a list of the failing players and a list of dictionary objects sorted in decreasing order of score, each object containing a rule-abiding player's name, color and score. Here's an example of what the report may look like: { 'cheating_players': [IPlayer], 'failing_players': [IPlayer], 'leaderboard': [ {'name': 'Winner', 'color': Color.BLACK, 'score': 99}, {'name': 'Runner-up', 'color': Color.WHITE, 'score': 40} ] } Upon determining that no more moves can be made (by calling can_anyone_move() on the internal state) , the referee ends the game and provides all players and subscribed observers with the final game report. At initialization, the referee is given a list of IPlayer objects with undefined colors (.color = Color.UNDEFINED). After assigning colors, the referee creates a PlayerEntity for each object, which contains the essential information needed for identification in the game (namely name, color and placements). All other information pertaining to a player is scrapped. The referee starts running the game (from the placement phase onwards) when start() is called on it (presumably the tournament manager would call it to kick off the game). Throughout the game, every time the internal game state is altered, the game tree is updated, players are synchronized (by calling sync on them with the game state) and observers are notified with a version of the latest one. This keeps all parties informed and the game tree up to date for rule-checking. DEFINITIONS: A losing player is one that does not obtain the largest number of fish in the game, or is one that cheats or fails. A winning player is one that obtains the largest number of fish in the game (and does not cheat). There can be multiple winning players if multiple players obtain the same largest number of fish in the game. """ DEBUG = False # Initialize difficulty factor DIFFICULTY_FACTOR = 2 # Initialize player timeout (number of seconds a player is allowd to take to make a move/placement) PLAYER_TIMEOUT = 1 def __init__(self, rows: int, cols: int, players: [IPlayer], fish_no: int = None) -> None: """ Initializes a referee for a game with a board of size row x col and a given (ordered) list of IPlayer objects. :param rows: row dimension of the board :param cols: column dimension of the board :param players: list of IPlayer objects sorted in increasing order of age :param fish_no: Number of fish to be placed on each tile on the board :return: None """ # Validate params if not isinstance(rows, int) or rows <= 0: raise TypeError('Expected positive int for rows!') if not isinstance(cols, int) or cols <= 0: raise TypeError('Expected positive int for cols!') if not isinstance(players, list): raise TypeError('Expected list for players!') # Make sure list consists of only IPlayer objects if not all(isinstance(x, IPlayer) for x in players): raise TypeError('All player list objects have to of type IPlayer!') # Make sure we weren't given too many players if len(players) < ct.MIN_PLAYERS or len(players) > ct.MAX_PLAYERS: raise ValueError(f'Invalid player length; length has to be between {ct.MIN_PLAYERS} and' f' {ct.MAX_PLAYERS}') # Make sure dimensions are large enough to accommodate all players if cols * rows < len(players): raise ValueError('Board dimensions are too small to accomodate all players!') # Make sure fish is between 1 and 5 or is equal to None (default value, means that the user didn't specify a # fish number. if fish_no is not None and \ (not isinstance(fish_no, int) or fish_no < ct.MIN_FISH_PER_TILE or fish_no > ct.MAX_FISH_PER_TILE): raise ValueError('Expected positive int between 1 and 5 inclusive for fish!') # Set properties self.__players: [IPlayer] = players self.__avatars_per_player = 6 - len(players) # Make up list of IPlayer holding failing players self.__failing_players: [IPlayer] = [] # Make up list of IPlayer holding cheating players self.__cheating_players: [IPlayer] = [] # Initialize game update callbacks as a list of callable items called every time # the state of the game changes self.__game_update_callbacks = [] # Initializes game over callbacks as a list of callable items called at the end # of the game together with the game report self.__game_over_callbacks = [] # Make up a board self.__board = self.__make_board(cols, rows, fish_no) # Send player's color information self.__notify_player_colors() # Make up state from board & list of PlayerEntity objects self.__state = State(self.__board, [PlayerEntity(, p.color) for p in players]) # Initialize game tree placeholder self.__game_tree = None # Make up flag to indicate whether the game has started self.__started = False # Make up flag to indicate whether the game has ended self.__game_over = False # Initialize empty game report that will be fleshed out at game end self.__report = {} # Initialize empty list of IPlayer to hold winners (player(s) with the highest score in the game) self.__winners = [] # Initialize empty list of IPlayer to hold losers self.__losers = [] @property def game_over(self) -> bool: """ Tells whether the game run by this referee has ended. """ return self.__game_over @property def game_report(self) -> dict: """ Retrieves game report for the game. """ return self.__report.copy() @property def winners(self) -> [IPlayer]: """ Retrieves the winners in this game. """ return self.__winners @property def losers(self) -> [IPlayer]: """ Retrieves the losers in this game. """ return self.__losers @property def state(self) -> State: """ Retrieves the current game state in this game. """ return self.__state def start(self) -> None: """ This method starts the game by first running a series of placement rounds and then prompting each player to make a move until game end. At game end, it provides all pertinent parties with a copy of the game report. :return: None """ # Return if we already started if self.__started: return # RUN ON A SEPARATE THREAD # Indicate that game has started self.__started = True # Run placement rounds if self.__run_placements(): # Initialize game tree for rule checking self.__game_tree = GameTree(self.__state) # Run game self.__run_game() # End game self.__fire_game_over() @property def players(self) -> [IPlayer]: """ Returns (copy) collection of players referee oversees. """ return pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(self.__players)) @property def cheating_players(self) -> [IPlayer]: """ Returns collection of IPlayer objects corresponding to cheating players. :return: resulting list of Color """ return self.__cheating_players @property def failing_players(self) -> [IPlayer]: """ Returns collection of IPlayer objects corresponding to failing players. :return: resulting list of Color """ return self.__failing_players @property def started(self) -> bool: """ Returns boolean flag indicating whether the referee has started the game. A game is started when the referee prompts the first player to make a placement. :return: boolean flag indicating the above """ return self.__started def __notify_player_colors(self): """ Assign each player the color that correspond to their position in the player list and notify each player which colors they will be playing against. If player's fail to acknowledge the color messages, their are marked as failing players. :return: None """ # Assign each player the color that correspond to their position in the player list game_colors = [] for index, p in enumerate(self.__players): ack = utils.timed_call(Referee.PLAYER_TIMEOUT, p, 'set_color', args=(Color(index),)) game_colors.append(Color(index)) # if the player doesn't ack, they are a failing player if ack is None or not ack: self.__failing_players.append(p) # Notify each player which colors they will be playing against for player in self.__players: colors = [color for color in game_colors if color != player.color] ack = utils.timed_call(Referee.PLAYER_TIMEOUT, player, 'notify_opponent_colors', args=tuple([colors])) # if the player doesn't ack, they are a failing player if ack is None or not ack: self.__failing_players.append(player) def __make_board(self, cols: int, rows: int, fish_no: int) -> Board: """ Makes a board with the given dimensions. It also applies a difficulty factor to the board by removing at most DIFFICULTY_FACTOR tiles. What and how many tiles is something determined randomly. :param cols: number of columns for the board :param rows: number of rows for the board :param fish: number of fish to be placed on each tile on the board :return: resulting Board object """ # number of fish as a range or set number fish_no = randrange(ct.MIN_FISH_PER_TILE, ct.MAX_FISH_PER_TILE) if fish_no is None else fish_no # Make up board board = Board.homogeneous(fish_no, rows, cols) # Determine number of tiles to remove given difficulty factor tiles_to_remove = min(Referee.DIFFICULTY_FACTOR, rows * cols - len(self.__players) * self.__avatars_per_player) for k in range(tiles_to_remove): # Generate random row of tile to remove random_row = randrange(0, rows - 1) # Generate random col of tile to remove random_col = randrange(0, cols - 1) # Make up location of tile to remove tile_location = Position(random_row, random_col) # If it's a hole, skip if board.get_tile(tile_location).is_hole: continue # Remove tile board.remove_tile(tile_location) # Return resulting board return board def __run_placements(self) -> bool: """ Runs placements rounds until everyone has placed their avatars. Players may get removed in the process for either failing or cheating. If all players get removed then the function returns False to indicate there is no point in pressing forward with the game. Otherwise, it returns True. :return: boolean indicating whether any players remain """ # Determine how many avatars there are to place avatars_to_place = self.__avatars_per_player * len(self.__players) # Prompt players to place until we've exhausted all avatars while avatars_to_place > 0: # Cycle over players and have them provide a Position object describing where they # wish to place their avatars for p in self.__players: # Check if player has either failed or cheated; if they have, skip 'em over if p in self.__failing_players or p in self.__cheating_players: avatars_to_place -= 1 continue # Get placement for player using a deep copy of state placement = utils.timed_call(Referee.PLAYER_TIMEOUT, p, 'get_placement', args=(self.__state.deepcopy(),)) # Validate placement received if not isinstance(placement, Position): # If it's not a Position, mark out player as failing & remove player from # state self.__kick_player(p, PlayerKickReason.FAILING) # Decrement avatars needed to be placed avatars_to_place -= 1 continue try: # Try to place on board self.__state.place_avatar(p.color, placement) except InvalidPositionException: # Position is out-of-bounds, already occupied or a hole. Mark player # as cheating & remove player from state. self.__kick_player(p, PlayerKickReason.CHEATING) # Decrement avatars needed to be placed avatars_to_place -= 1 continue if Referee.DEBUG: print(f'got placement of {placement} from player {p.color}') self.__fire_game_state_changed() # Decrement avatars needed to be placed avatars_to_place -= 1 # Check if any players remain after placement (everyone might have gotten kicked) return self.__state.players_no != 0 def __kick_player(self, player_obj: IPlayer, reason: PlayerKickReason): """ Kicks provided Player from the game. :param player_obj: IPlayer object to kick :param reason: reason (str) they're being kicked """ # Validate params if not isinstance(player_obj, IPlayer): raise TypeError('Expected IPlayer object for player_obj!') if not isinstance(reason, PlayerKickReason): raise TypeError('Expected PlayerKickReason for reason!') if Referee.DEBUG: print(f'Kicking {player_obj.color} for reason {reason}') if reason == PlayerKickReason.CHEATING: self.__cheating_players.append(player_obj) else: self.__failing_players.append(player_obj) # Notify player WHY they're being kicked player_obj.kick( # Remove player from state self.__state.remove_player(player_obj.color) # Trigger event self.__fire_game_state_changed() def __run_game(self) -> None: """ This method runs the game after placement by prompting each active player for an action. A player is active if they can move and have not been removed from the game. :return: None """ # Run game by prompting players for actions until nobody can move while self.__state.can_anyone_move(): self.__run_turn() def __run_turn(self): """ This method runs a single turn by prompting the current player in the internal state to make a move. """ current_player_obj = self.__get_player_by_color(self.__state.current_player) try: # Get action from player using a deep copy of state action = utils.timed_call(Referee.PLAYER_TIMEOUT, current_player_obj, 'get_action', args=(self.__state.deepcopy(),)) # If call was not successful or anything but an Action object was returned, the player failed if not isinstance(action, Action): self.__kick_player(current_player_obj, PlayerKickReason.FAILING) else: # Use game tree to validate action (will throw InvalidPositionException if # action is illegal) self.__state = self.__game_tree.try_action(action) if Referee.DEBUG: print(f'{current_player_obj.color} just moved from {action.src} to {action.dst}') self.__fire_game_state_changed() except AssertionError as e: # Raise assertion errors are these are used for testing raise e except InvalidActionException: self.__kick_player(current_player_obj, PlayerKickReason.CHEATING) def __get_player_by_color(self, color: Color) -> IPlayer: """ Retrieves IPlayer object with provided color. :param color: Color of player to retrieve :return: associated IPlayer object """ # Validate params if not isinstance(color, Color): raise TypeError('Expected Color for color!') for p in self.__players: if p.color == color: return p raise NonExistentPlayerException() def __fire_game_state_changed(self): """ Signals that the game state has changed and it is time to update the game tree, sync all the players and notify all subscribed observers about the new state. It notifies observers so by calling their provided callbacks on a copy of the latest game state. """ # Update game tree self.__game_tree = GameTree(self.__state) # Notify all parties subscribed for game updates state_to_broadcast = self.__state.deepcopy() # Cycle over players and sync them for p in self.__players: p.sync(state_to_broadcast) # Cycle over game update callbacks and call each one # with a copy of the latest state for callback in self.__game_update_callbacks: try: callback(state_to_broadcast) except AssertionError as e: # Raise assertion exceptions are these are used for testing raise e except Exception as e: print(f'Exception occurred, removing observer: {e}') def __get_game_report(self) -> dict: """ Retrieves the final game report. It encompasses a list of the cheating players' colors, a list of the failing players' colors and a list of dictionary objects sorted in decreasing order of score, each object containing the respective player's name, color and score. Here's an example of what the report may look like: { 'cheating_players': [Color.BROWN], 'failing_players': [Color.RED], 'leaderboard': [ {'name': 'Winner', 'color': Color.BLACK, 'score': 99}, {'name': 'Runner-up', 'color': Color.WHITE, 'score': 40} ] } :return: resulting dict object """ # Make up array to hold leaderboard leaderboard = [] # Cycle over rule-abiding players and collect their name, color & score for p in self.__state.players: # Only add player to leaderboard if they were rule-abiding if p not in self.__failing_players and p not in self.__cheating_players: leaderboard.append({'name':, 'color': p.color, 'score': p.score}) # Sort leader board in decreasing order of score leaderboard.sort(key=operator.itemgetter('score'), reverse=True) # Return report return { 'cheating_players': self.__cheating_players, 'failing_players': self.__failing_players, 'leaderboard': leaderboard } def __get_player_by_name(self, name: str) -> IPlayer: for p in self.__players: if == name: return p def __fire_game_over(self) -> None: """ Signals the game is over and dispatches the final game report to all subscribed observers. """ # Retrieve report self.__report = self.__get_game_report() # Set flag self.__game_over = True # Determine highest score in the game max_score = max([p['score'] for p in self.__report['leaderboard']]) \ if len(self.__report['leaderboard']) > 0 else 0 # Determine names of winners winner_names = [p['name'] for p in self.__report['leaderboard'] if p['score'] == max_score] loser_names = [p['name'] for p in self.__report['leaderboard'] if p['score'] < max_score] # Determine winners with the highest scores by name self.__winners = [self.__get_player_by_name(name) for name in winner_names] # Determine losers by adding players with scores < highest_score, failing & cheating players self.__losers = [self.__get_player_by_name(name) for name in loser_names] self.__losers.extend(self.__report['failing_players']) self.__losers.extend(self.__report['cheating_players']) if Referee.DEBUG: print(f'Game over report: {self.__report}') # Give each player a copy of the report for player in self.__players: player.game_over(self.__report['leaderboard'], self.__report['cheating_players'], self.__report['failing_players']) # Cycle over game update callbacks and call each observer with the report for callback in self.__game_over_callbacks: try: callback(self.__report) except AssertionError as e: # Raise assertion exceptions are these are used for testing raise e except Exception as e: # Callback has failed if Referee.DEBUG: print(f'Game over callback has failed: {e}') def subscribe_game_updates(self, callback: 'Callable') -> None: """ Subscribes caller for game state updates by way of a callable object that is called with a copy of the internal game state every time said game state changes. i.e. callback(state) :param callback: callback function call state on :return: None """ # Validate params if not callable(callback): raise TypeError('Expected callable for callback!') # Add to list of callbacks self.__game_update_callbacks.append(callback) def subscribe_final_game_report(self, callback: 'Callable'): """ Subscribes observers for the final game report by way of a callable object that is called with a copy of the final game report when the game ends. i.e. callback(report). :param callback: callback function call report on :return: None """ # Validate params if not callable(callback): raise TypeError('Expected callable for callback!') # Add to list of callbacks self.__game_over_callbacks.append(callback)
def isEmpty(self): return len(self.fnodes) == 0 def check(self, n): return n in self.fnodes def print(self): print("<Frontier>") for n in self.fnodes: n.print() print("</Frontier>") if __name__ == "__main__": f = Frontier() goalA = State(3, [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8]]) n = Node(None, goalA, 1, 5) # n.print() f.add(n) # f.print() f.add(Node(None, goalA, 1, 3)) # f.print() f.add(Node(None, goalA, 1, 7)) # f.print() f.add(Node(None, goalA, 1, 4)) f.add(Node(None, goalA, 1, 6)) f.print() print(f.check(n))
import statistics as stats import numpy as np # If the disks are in different pins, we name the state first with where the big one is statesString = ["b1s1", "b1s2", "b1s3", "s2b2", "s3b3", "b3s2", "b2s3", "b3s3", "b2s2", "b3s1", "b2s1", "s1b1"] obeyProb = 0.9 moves = ["s1","s2","s3", "b1", "b2","b3"] GAMMA = 0.9 # Creation of every state object states = [] statesTable = {} q_table = {} q_table_all_values = {} times_action_executed = {} for state in statesString: new_state = State(state, obeyProb) states.append(new_state) statesTable[] = new_state q_table[state] = [-9999 for x in range(0, len(moves))] q_table_all_values[state] = [[] for x in range(0, len(moves))] times_action_executed[state] = [1 for x in range(0, len(moves))] state_to_action = { states[0].name: ["s2", "s3"], states[1].name: ["s1", "s3", "b2", "b3"], states[2].name: ["s1", "s2", "b2", "b3"], states[3].name: ["b1", "b3"], states[4].name: ["b1", "b2"], states[5].name: ["s1", "s3", "b1", "b2"], states[6].name: ["s1", "s2", "b1", "b3"], states[7].name: ["s3"],
def __init__(self, embs, data, stage, model_dir = None): if model_dir is not None: self._classify = Classify(model_dir) self._labels = [item.strip() for item in open(model_dir + "/relations.txt").read().splitlines()] else: self._labels = None if stage == "ORACLETEST": assert(len(data) == 4) hooks = False tokens, dependencies, relations, alignments = data lemmas = None relations2 = [] = relations for r in relations: if r[1].startswith(":snt"): r2 = (Node(True),":top",r[2]) else: r2 = (r[0],r[1],r[2]) if (r2[0].token is not None or r2[1] == ":top") and r2[2].token is not None: relations2.append(r2) oracle = Oracle(relations2) self.variables = Variables() elif stage == "TRAIN" or stage == "COLLECT": assert(len(data) == 4) hooks = False tokens, dependencies, relations, alignments = data lemmas = None relations2 = [] for r in relations: if r[1].startswith(":snt"): r2 = (Node(True),":top",r[2]) else: r2 = (r[0],r[1],r[2]) if (r2[0].token is not None or r2[1] == ":top") and r2[2].token is not None: relations2.append(r2) oracle = Oracle(relations2) self.variables = None else: #PARSING assert(len(data) == 2) hooks = True tokens, dependencies = data relations2 = None alignments = None oracle = None self.variables = Variables() self.state = State(embs, relations2, tokens, dependencies, alignments, oracle, hooks, self.variables, stage, Rules(self._labels)) self.history = History() while self.state.isTerminal() == False: #print self.state tok = copy.deepcopy(self.state.buffer.peek()) if oracle is not None: action = oracle.valid_actions(self.state) else: action = self.classifier() #print action #raw_input() if action is not None: f_rel = [] f_lab = [] f_reentr = [] if stage == "TRAIN": f_rel = self.state.rel_features() if "larc" or == "rarc": f_lab = self.state.lab_features() if == "reduce": f_reentr = self.state.reentr_features() self.state.apply(action) self.history.add((f_rel, f_lab, f_reentr), action, tok) else: break assert (self.state.stack.isEmpty() == True and self.state.buffer.isEmpty() == True)
RESIGN = np.zeros(shape=226, dtype=np.float32) RESIGN[-1] = 1 def one_hot(action): h = np.zeros(shape=226, dtype=np.float32) h[np.ravel_multi_index(action, dims=(15, 15))] = 1.0 return h for name in os.listdir("minimax"): if os.path.isfile("minimax/" + name) and name.endswith(".pkl"): with open("minimax/" + name, "rb") as f: obj = pickle.load(f) moves = obj["history"] winner = obj["winner"] s = State() for i, move in enumerate(moves): X.append(s.featurize()) if i == len(moves) - 2 and winner != 0: Y.append(RESIGN) else: Y.append(one_hot(move)) V.append(winner) s.move(*move) stat[winner] += 1 print("processed " + name) savemat("dual_minimax", {"X": X, "Y": Y, "V": V}, do_compression=True) print("black win %d white win %d even %d" % (stat[1], stat[-1], stat[0]))
def transition(self): TimerEvents().stop(self.eventid) State.transition(self)
def __init__(self, models, alphabet, seqlen): self.alphabet = alphabet self.modelchain = [ State(models[i], 0 if i == len(models)-1 else 1/seqlen, 0.1, self.alphabet) for i in range(len(models)) ] self.seqlen = seqlen self.states = [ [ markovState() for _ in range(len(models))] for _ in range(seqlen)]
def start(self): if self.replace == None: TimerEvents().start(self.eventid, self.countdown) State.start(self)
class TransitionSystem: def __init__(self, embs, data, stage, model_dir = None): if model_dir is not None: self._classify = Classify(model_dir) self._labels = [item.strip() for item in open(model_dir + "/relations.txt").read().splitlines()] else: self._labels = None if stage == "ORACLETEST": assert(len(data) == 4) hooks = False tokens, dependencies, relations, alignments = data lemmas = None relations2 = [] = relations for r in relations: if r[1].startswith(":snt"): r2 = (Node(True),":top",r[2]) else: r2 = (r[0],r[1],r[2]) if (r2[0].token is not None or r2[1] == ":top") and r2[2].token is not None: relations2.append(r2) oracle = Oracle(relations2) self.variables = Variables() elif stage == "TRAIN" or stage == "COLLECT": assert(len(data) == 4) hooks = False tokens, dependencies, relations, alignments = data lemmas = None relations2 = [] for r in relations: if r[1].startswith(":snt"): r2 = (Node(True),":top",r[2]) else: r2 = (r[0],r[1],r[2]) if (r2[0].token is not None or r2[1] == ":top") and r2[2].token is not None: relations2.append(r2) oracle = Oracle(relations2) self.variables = None else: #PARSING assert(len(data) == 2) hooks = True tokens, dependencies = data relations2 = None alignments = None oracle = None self.variables = Variables() self.state = State(embs, relations2, tokens, dependencies, alignments, oracle, hooks, self.variables, stage, Rules(self._labels)) self.history = History() while self.state.isTerminal() == False: #print self.state tok = copy.deepcopy(self.state.buffer.peek()) if oracle is not None: action = oracle.valid_actions(self.state) else: action = self.classifier() #print action #raw_input() if action is not None: f_rel = [] f_lab = [] f_reentr = [] if stage == "TRAIN": f_rel = self.state.rel_features() if "larc" or == "rarc": f_lab = self.state.lab_features() if == "reduce": f_reentr = self.state.reentr_features() self.state.apply(action) self.history.add((f_rel, f_lab, f_reentr), action, tok) else: break assert (self.state.stack.isEmpty() == True and self.state.buffer.isEmpty() == True) def classifier(self): digits, words, pos, deps = self.state.rel_features() constr = self.state.legal_actions() acttype = int(self._classify.action(digits, words, pos, deps, constr)) assert(acttype > 0 and acttype < 5) if acttype == 1: sg = self.state.nextSubgraph() return Action("shift", sg) if acttype == 2: reentr_features = self.state.reentr_features() siblings = [item[0] for p in self.state.stack.relations.parents[] for item in self.state.stack.relations.children[p[0]] if item[0] !=] for s, feats in zip(siblings,reentr_features): words, pos, deps = feats pred = int(self._classify.reentrancy(words, pos, deps)) if pred == 1: arg0_idx = 9 if self.state.legal_rel_labels("reent", (, s))[arg0_idx] == 1: return Action("reduce", (s, ":ARG0", None)) break return Action("reduce", None) if acttype == 3: rel = "larc" elif acttype == 4: rel = "rarc" constr = self.state.legal_rel_labels(rel, 1) digits, words, pos, deps = self.state.lab_features() pred = int(self._classify.label(digits, words, pos, deps, constr)) return Action(rel,self._labels[pred - 1]) def statesactions(self): return self.history.statesactions() def relations(self): return self.state.stack.relations.triples() def alignments(self): return self.history.alignments