Ejemplo n.º 1
def createObjects(workingPack, objMapping):
    """Returns <objects> element for NT State file.

    Arguments: workingPack -  Path to pack user is working with
               objMapping -- dictionary containing (coord,list of Objects). An
                   Object is defined in the objbar file, and a coord is a
                   coordinate on the map in the form of a string like '3,5'
                   or '23,2'

    Returns: An Element instance from ElementTree for <objects>

    root = ElementTree.Element('objects')

    # Reverse mapping to get (Object path, coords/object animation strip)
    invMapping = defaultdict(list)
    for coord, objects in objMapping.iteritems():
        for obj in objects:
            invMapping[obj.getPath()].append([coord, str(obj.getAnimNum())])

    for objPath, instances in invMapping.iteritems():
        relPath = relPathToPack(workingPack, objPath)
        objElem = ElementTree.Element('object', {'path':relPath})

        for inst in instances:
            splitCoords = inst[0].split(',')
            instElem = ElementTree.Element('inst',
                {'x':splitCoords[0], 'y':splitCoords[1],


    return root
Ejemplo n.º 2
def createPathName(workingPack, pathNameDict, parentStr, subElemStr):
    """Used for music, portals, and fonts part of State file.

    Since the other elements all have the same basic structure, just with
    different names, this function allows one to retrieve the parent element
    for this structure while specifying the name of the parent and the name
    of the sub elements in the parent. For example one may call this function
    like... "createPathName(someDict, 'music', 'song')".

               workingPack -- path to Pack user is working on
               pathNameDict -- dictionary of (path, name) for data.
               parentStr -- name of parent element
               subElemStr -- what sub elements will be named.

    Returns: Element instance of ElementTree for <parentStr>

    root = ElementTree.Element(parentStr)

    for path, name in pathNameDict.iteritems():
        relPath = relPathToPack(workingPack, path)
        subElem = ElementTree.Element(subElemStr,
            {'path':relPath, 'name':name})

    return root
Ejemplo n.º 3
def createTiles(workingPack, size, path, mapWidth, mapHeight, tileMapping):
    """Returns <tiles> element for NT State file.

    Arguments: workingPack -- Path to pack user is working with
               size -- size of a tile in pixels (i.e. 48 would be 48x48)
               path -- path to animation file for tiles, can be None
               mapWidth -- width of map in tiles
               mapHeight -- height of map in tiles
               tileMapping -- dictionary containing (coord,Tile) pairs. A Tile
                   is defined in the tilebar file, and a coord is a coordinate
                   on the map in the form of a string like '3,5' or '23,2'

    Returns: An Element instance from ElementTree for <tiles>

    root = ElementTree.Element("tiles")

    sz = ElementTree.SubElement(root, "size", {'px':str(size)})

    # Won't necessarily be a path to tile animation file
    relPath = ''
    if path:
        relPath = relPathToPack(workingPack, path)

    anim = ElementTree.SubElement(root, "animation", {'path':relPath})

    layout = ElementTree.SubElement(root, "layout",
        {'width':str(mapWidth), 'height':str(mapHeight)})
    layoutText = []
    hasTiles = False

    # output by row
    for y in range(0, mapHeight):
        for x in range(0, mapWidth):
            key = str(x) + "," + str(y)
            tile = tileMapping.get(key)
            if not tile:
                hasTiles = True

    # Don't bother outputting a layout unless there is at least one tile
    if hasTiles:
        layout.text = ' '.join(layoutText)

    return root