def calculate_trends(): output = {'case7': {}, 'death': {}, 'case10': {}} si = state_info() print("Average case doubling time in days for past 7 days of data") for state in si.get_states(): data = state_historic_data(state) latest_data = data.get_latest_n(7) fit = case_growth_rate(latest_data) output['case7'][str(state)] = str(doubling_time(fit)) print(state + "," + str(doubling_time(fit))) print("Average death doubling time in days for past 7 days of data") for state in si.get_states(): data = state_historic_data(state) latest_data = data.get_latest_n(7) fit = death_growth_rate(latest_data) output["death"][str(state)] = str(doubling_time(fit)) print(state + "," + str(doubling_time(fit))) print("Average case doubling time in days since 10th confirmed case") for state in si.get_states(): data = state_historic_data(state) latest_data = data.get_after_n_cases(10) fit = death_growth_rate(latest_data) output["case10"][str(state)] = str(doubling_time(fit)) print(state + "," + str(doubling_time(fit))) return output
def plot_states_growth(states, data_name="positive", logarithmic=True, threshold=100, filename=None): index = 0 si = state_info() max_days = 0 max_data = 0 for state in states: data_handle = state_historic_data(state) data_points = data_handle.get_after_n_cases(threshold) dates = range(len(data_points)) data = list(map(lambda x: x[data_name], data_points)) if max_days < len(data_points): max_days = len(data_points) if max_data < max(data): max_data = max(data) plt.plot(dates, data, "C" + str(index) + ".-", label=si.get_name(state)) index += 1 for double_time in [1, 2, 3, 5, 10]: d = max_days c = threshold * (2**(max_days / double_time)) if c > max_data: c = max_data d = (numpy.log(c / threshold) / numpy.log(2)) * double_time plt.plot([0, d], [threshold, c], color='#bbbbbb', linestyle="--") if logarithmic: ax = plt.gca() ax.set_yscale("log") plt.legend() plt.title( "Growth Rate Since 100th Case\n(dotted lines represent doubling every 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10 days)" ) plt.ylabel("Cases") plt.xlabel("Days Since 100th Case") fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(10, 7) plt.grid(b=True) if filename is None: else: fig.savefig("output/" + filename, dpi=100)
def plot_mortality_rate(states, threshold=2.5, filename=None, days=0): index = 0 si = state_info() for state in states: data_handle = state_historic_data(state) if days == 0: data_points = else: data_points = data_handle.get_latest_n(days) dates = list( map(lambda x: datetime.strptime(str(x['date']), "%Y%m%d").date(), data_points)) death = numpy.array( list((map( lambda x: 0 if ('death' not in x or x['death'] is None) else x['death'], data_points)))) positive = numpy.array( list((map( lambda x: 1 if ('positive' not in x or x['positive'] is None) else x['positive'], data_points)))) mortality_rate = death / positive * 100 plt.plot(dates, mortality_rate, "C" + str(index) + ".-", label=si.get_name(state)) index += 1 plt.legend() plt.title("Mortality Rate Trend by State") plt.ylabel("% of positive cases resulting in death") plt.axhline(y=threshold, color='r', linestyle='--') fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(10, 7) plt.grid(b=True, which="both") if filename is None: else: fig.savefig("output/" + filename, dpi=100)
str(social_distancing_factor * 100) + "% social distancing", plot_color="C0") mpl.title( "KY Predicted infections over time based on death count, assuming %.1f%% mortality\nUsing SIR model, β=%0.2f, γ=0.15" % (mortality_rate * 100, b)) mpl.grid(b=True) if logarithmic: mpl.gca().set_yscale("log") mpl.close() if __name__ == "__main__": state = "KY" si = state_info() pop = si.get_population(state) data = state_historic_data(state).get_latest_n(45) bootstrap_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(data[0]['date']), '%Y%m%d').date() positive = list( map( lambda x: 0 if 'positive' not in x or x['positive'] is None else x['positive'], data)) death = list( map( lambda x: 0 if 'death' not in x or x['death'] is None else x['death'], data)) recovered = list( map(
def plot_states_trend(states, data_name='positive', trendline=True, logarithmic=True, pop_adjusted=False, days=0, filename=None): index = 0 si = state_info() for state in states: data_handle = state_historic_data(state) if days > 0: data_points = data_handle.get_latest_n(days) else: data_points = data_handle.get_after_n_cases(1) dates = list( map(lambda x: datetime.strptime(str(x['date']), "%Y%m%d").date(), data_points)) cases = list( map( lambda x: x[data_name] if data_name in x and x[data_name] is not None else 0, data_points)) if pop_adjusted: population = si.get_population(state) cases = list(map(lambda x: x / population * 10000, cases)) (r, a) = calculate_trends.weighted_exponential_fit( numpy.arange(len(cases)), cases) if trendline: fit_y = numpy.exp(a) * numpy.exp(r * numpy.arange(len(cases))) plt.plot(dates, fit_y, "C" + str(index) + "--") plt.plot(dates, cases, "C" + str(index) + "o", label=si.get_name(state) + " (rate=%0.4f)" % r) else: plt.plot(dates, cases, "C" + str(index) + ".-", label=si.get_name(state) + " (rate=%0.4f)" % r) index += 1 if logarithmic: ax = plt.gca() ax.set_yscale("log") plt.legend() title = "Trend in " + data_name.capitalize() + " Count by State, " if days == 0: title += "All Days" else: title += "Last " + str(days) + " Days" if pop_adjusted: title += " (population adjusted)" plt.title(title) ylabel = data_name + " count" if pop_adjusted: ylabel += " per 10,000 people" plt.ylabel(ylabel) fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(10, 7) plt.grid(b=True) if filename is None: else: fig.savefig("output/" + filename, dpi=100)
def update_data(): si = state_info() for state in si.get_states(): data = get_state_historic(state) save_data(state + "_historic", data)